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A solution-focused model and

inpatient secure settings
Ernest Gralton
Victor Udu
Shan Ranasinghe

There has been a significant

expansion of secure
psychiatric service provision in
the UK, but little discussion The problems
about the most appropriate Secure and forensic services present a number of unique problems
principles on which to base that can test the models of mental health care provided by staff to
these services. There is patients. The nature of the risks they pose means that these patients
can spend comparatively long periods of time in secure settings. They
longstanding tension between
tend to be complex individuals with a variety of needs, and treatment
security and treatment that can can be lengthy (Badger et al, 1999). Improvements can be slow and
be difficult to resolve. Solution- erratic, with intermittent relapses. There are ethical issues for staff
focused ideas may provide a who look after these patients, particularly to do with the balance
between care and control (Kaye & Franey, 1998). It can mean that
bridge between these two
staff groups can be artificially split into two main camps: those who
issues, by improving multi-
are predominantly delivering therapy and those whose main role is to
disciplinary working and maintain security (Clarke, 1996; Durrant, 1993; McCann et al,
providing an appropriate 2000). These divisions can significantly accentuate the tensions
relationship style that between professional groups, and rank as the highest source of stress
for staff working in secure settings (Whyte & Brooker, 2001).
optimises the delivery of care
Forensic patients have typically had very negative relationships
to forensic patients. with parental and authority figures (McCann, 2000). Disorders of
attachment are prevalent, particularly in patients with personality
disorders (Frodi et al, 2001). Offending and antisocial behaviour can
place additional stress on these already strained family relationships
(Tsang et al, 2002). Levels of self-efficacy and self-esteem among these
patients can be very poor (Rask & Hallberg, 2000).
Impaired social ability may play a more significant role in
offending than factors like intellectual ability (Kearns & O’Connor,
1988). Treatments targeting relational abilities have been shown to be
effective (Goodness & Renfro, 2002).
The adversarial nature of the criminal justice process can promote

The British Journal of Forensic Practice • VOLUME 8 • ISSUE 1 • FEBRUARY 2006
© Pavilion Publishing Brighton Ltd
A solution-focused model and inpatient secure settings

an authoritarian style of therapeutic interaction. In examination of past offences. Any treatment

patients who spend long periods in secure settings programme, therefore, needs to have a balance
it can be easy to recreate an authoritarian style of between examining past-related risk issues and
relationship via the process of transference activities that are more positive and future-focused.
(Felthous, 1984). Patients perceive that a significant
proportion of aggressive incidents are precipitated Treatment model or treatment philosophy?
by interpersonal stressors between themselves and
staff (Ellen et al, 2003). Open communication and Many health services say they have a model or
avoiding confrontation are key recommendations philosophy that underpins the delivery of care.
in relation to prevention of violence in inpatient However, there does not appear to be a clear
settings (Royal College of Psychiatrists, 1998). distinction between a treatment philosophy and a
However, a high degree of interpersonal skill is model in psychiatric health care provision, and the
required to manage aggressive behaviour terms are often used interchangeably. A philosophy
(Crowhurst & Bowers, 2002). Unfortunately, a can be defined as a system of theories on the nature of
confrontational style of interaction in some forensic things or conduct, whereas a model describes a
settings is common (Kaye & Franey, 1998; Rask & repeated pattern or a standard of excellence. For the
Levander, 2001). purpose of this paper we have defined both the
The perception of emotional interactions in the philosophy and the model in mental health care as the
environment significantly affects brain function, via set of principles that underlie the consistent
the amygdala in the limbic circuit which controls delivery of treatment and guide the wider
anger arousal (Phillips, 2003). Confrontational therapeutic interactions between staff and patients.
relationships can be associated with very high levels It may be important to have an underlying
of arousal and the re-experience of unpleasant model or treatment philosophy in order to ensure
emotions. These relationships can therefore reduce consistency of approach. Philosophical ideas are
the patient’s capacity for logical and sensible useful in guiding the formation of appropriate
thinking and increase the risk of aggressive relationships between patients and staff in health
behaviour (Whittington & Wykes, 1996). In settings (Halpern, 1993). There is concern about
forensic populations there are also elevated levels of the lack of evidence on models for inpatient secure
PTSD (Timmerman et al, 2001), often related to services (Crowhurst & Bowers, 2002). A multi-
histories of physical and sexual abuse. They can disciplinary team will come from a variety of
further complicate patient/staff relationships, backgrounds, often with contrasting models of care
particularly when safe patient restraint needs to be and differing views on how they are best
used. implemented (Mason et al, 2002). Improved
The problems of staff ‘burn-out’ are well communication between staff and the opportunity
recognised in secure settings (Beer et al, 1997). to develop new working methods are associated
Staff may fall into a degree of therapeutic nihilism with positive working relationships (Molyneux,
when faced with the prospect of a long period of 2001). A ‘skill share’ model has been recommended
coping with a very disturbed and needy individual for effective team management of difficult
whose prognosis is perceived as poor. Patients, too, psychiatric patients (Tyrer, 2000). A shared model
can easily become demoralised, feeling that they are is likely to improve the cohesiveness, morale and
making little progress towards living in the multi-disciplinary working of the team. Models
community. Forensic psychiatric patients are more that explicitly guide staff in both planned and
difficult to engage in group therapies and tend not spontaneous interaction with patients improve the
to develop cohesive group dynamics (Stein & perceptions of an inpatient setting for both patients
Brown, 1991). and staff (Furst et al, 1993).
Delivery of some treatments (such as sex Effective team working has been identified as
offender or arson treatment) can be additionally important, particularly in forensic settings with
hampered by a patient’s inability to tolerate the patients with personality disorder. Patients with
negative cognitions and emotions associated with personality disorder, in particular, identify

The British Journal of Forensic Practice • VOLUME 8 • ISSUE 1 • FEBRUARY 2006
© Pavilion Publishing Brighton Ltd
A solution-focused model and inpatient secure settings

dismissive or pessimistic attitudes among treating consistency of approach are important (Hall,
staff as unhelpful, and therapeutic optimism and 1989).
emphasis on skill-building and using the patient’s It is a flexible approach, and appears to be an
own expertise as particularly important in service effective therapeutic intervention for a range of
delivery (DoH, 2003). presentations including inpatient psychiatric
There are treatment models that have been used settings, residential treatment for adolescents,
recently to underpin the philosophy of secure young offenders institutions and adult prison
inpatient care. The most notable has been populations (Durrant, 1993; Gingerich, 2000;
dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT). It was Hagen & Mitchell, 2001; Iveson, 2002). Solution-
originally devised for borderline personality focused work does not require the understanding of
disorder, but has also been applied as a treatment abstract ideas or sophisticated concepts. It can be
modality for patients in forensic mental health delivered to people of more limited cognitive
services (McCann et al, 2000). This model is ability, including children, adolescents and patients
promising, but the training is expensive and with mild and moderate learning disability. It is
prolonged and it requires strong leadership to also suitable for patients who have had cognitive
maintain (Wix, 2003). decline associated with severe mental illness and
The tidal model, based partly on the ideas of active psychotic symptoms (Hagen & Mitchell,
Hildegard Peplau, has been developed and 2001).
implemented in some secure inpatient psychiatric Some attributes of solution-focused therapy
services in Newcastle upon Tyne. This is a multi- may be useful in the strategy for preventing and
dimensional humanist model with particular managing malignant alienation. This could be in
emphasis on empathic understanding (Barker, the form of equating challenging behaviour with
2001). The approach is seen as a nursing rather inability to seek help in other ways. Patients
than a multi-disciplinary model, and is critical of involved in this process may have longstanding
medical models of psychiatric care. Concern has problems in communicating their needs effectively,
been expressed that it does not give sufficient attempting instead to have their care needs met in
emphasis to the organic aetiology of many less appropriate ways (Watts & Morgan, 1994).
psychiatric disorders (Noak, 2001). Solution-focused interventions are felt to
increase cohesiveness between staff, assist
Solution-focused therapy staff/patient interaction and help set goals and
improve outcomes when introduced into
Solution-focused therapy comes from a different psychiatric inpatient settings (Mason et al, 1994).
tradition from that of many psychotherapies They have also been used as a model for
practised in forensic settings. It is not so interested supervision of staff working in mental health
in ‘insight’, more interested in disrupting the services (Triantafillou, 1997). A solution-focused
‘problem pattern’ that has proved ineffective and model shares some features with DBT and the tidal
harmful. model, but may be less complex to deliver.
Solution-focused brief therapy was developed in
the US in the 1980s from research into disordered Some of the key concepts
communication patterns in patients and families Preferred future
with schizophrenia. It is an approach based on A ‘preferred future’ for patients in a secure forensic
building solutions by exploring the patient’s own setting almost invariable involves moving on into a
resources and developing realistic future goals. less secure setting and having more access to the
The key is creating a climate where there is an community. It is therefore a key goal shared
expectation of change, and the solutions lie in between patient and staff. However, this goal may
changing interactions in the context of the unique need to be broken down into smaller stages. The
constraints that surround the person (DeShazer et stages need to be realistic, concrete, observable and
al, 1986). Typically, chronic patients take a long significant to the patient. Achievement is
time to respond to programmes, so stability and recognised as a beginning rather than an ending.

The British Journal of Forensic Practice • VOLUME 8 • ISSUE 1 • FEBRUARY 2006
© Pavilion Publishing Brighton Ltd
A solution-focused model and inpatient secure settings

Problem-free talk Applying a solution-focused model

This indicates an interest in the person rather than The current framework for delivering psychiatric
the problem, and involves initial discourse with the care, including forensic or secure services, is the
patient on subjects other than the problem area. It care programme approach (CPA). Any model must
can help break out of a cycle in which the patient therefore be compatible with CPA. A core
presents with a ‘problem’ as the key to interacting component of the process of CPA is assessment of
with staff. Some patients can find their personal ‘need’ and planning undertaken to meet these
identity substantially defined by their problem. needs. However, the needs of forensic patients are
This can make them reluctant to seek solutions and often extensive and can seem overwhelming.
can therefore complicate attempts at treatment. Some of the needs, particularly to do with issues
external to the person (such as disrupted family
Exceptions relationships), may be insoluble, even with infinite
A solution-focused approach recognises that many resources. Recurrently discussing ‘needs’ for which
patients are already ‘doing’ at least a component of there are no realistic solutions can be
the solution to a problem. There may have been counterproductive to treatment. A solution-focused
times when a patient has been faced with a approach would always seek to make goals
particular trigger or situation of increased risk and achievable and the ‘needs’ relevant to the patient.
has maintained safe behaviour. It is important that So, rather than trying to arrange repeated
patients are reminded of these times, particularly interventions to meet the needs of an intractable
when these triggers occur. Their capacity to external problem, a solution-focused approach
maintain safe behaviour is acknowledged, and would seek to help the individual patient use and
when these strategies are successful it can give develop the mature coping strategies they already
patients a sense of mastery. have for dealing with the distress that these
problems cause.
Noticing suggestions Staff dealing with these patients (especially
Solution-focused therapy seeks to identify small nurses) need a framework to deal with the
positive changes. It is important that these ‘noticing multiplicity of situations that can arise when other
suggestions’ are regularly observed and staff are unavailable. There may be concern that ad
communicated to the patient. Nothing is too small hoc interventions may interfere or not be
to be remarked on, as small changes can herald the compatible with work that is being undertaken by
onset of larger ones. It is unlikely that many of others.
these complex patients are going to make An advantage of the solution-focused model is
substantial improvements in short periods of time. that it remains neutral with respect to therapeutic
However, incremental improvements in a number interventions, particularly those that focus on
of areas can cumulatively, over time, produce a examining past events. An entire programme
meaningful transformation. Such improvements including other psychotherapeutic or group
can make the difference between continued secure interventions can be incorporated into a solution-
inpatient care and living in a supported community focused model, all working towards an appropriate
setting. preferred future. Brief informal interactions are as
important as formal psychotherapeutic
Resources interventions.
Solution-focused methods are always looking for Solution-focused interventions are flexible
‘resources’ (skills and abilities that the patient enough to be delivered in very short timescales.
already has). Even the most disturbed and damaged Meaningful work can sometimes be done in just a
individuals have some resources that can be usefully few minutes. The principles of the approach can be
engaged. The goal is to use these resources as a devolved to staff who have had little experience in
foundation, and seek to generalise solution-focused delivering more formal therapeutic interventions.
behaviour into other areas. Staff often find that much of what they do that is
helpful is already ‘solution-focused’ in nature.

The British Journal of Forensic Practice • VOLUME 8 • ISSUE 1 • FEBRUARY 2006
© Pavilion Publishing Brighton Ltd
A solution-focused model and inpatient secure settings

A solution-focused approach is particularly behaviours which cumulatively could herald the

helpful for redefining the nature of the relationship onset of larger ones.
between staff and patients. It ‘steps sideways’ out of CB is clearly not going to provide his mother
an authoritarian and potentially confrontational with high levels of care. It would be unrealistic to
relationship with a patient, and enters a more expect large changes, but there is a need always to
collaborative one. Instead of saying ‘You should do look for evidence of small improvements. A
this because I/we think you need to’, staff say ‘You guiding comment could be ‘You have been safe
need to do this because it will get you where you since…’ or ‘You are coping with things really well’.
want to be’. The goal of a solution-focused model Such guidance should be aimed at eliciting
would be to have as many staff as possible positives from CB himself. It is important to make
interacting in this way with patients as often as guiding comments on maintaining and sustaining
possible. Even a small improvement such as the achievement he has listed. It is also important
reduction in struggling during safe patient restraint not to ignore and wait for unsafe behaviour. As CB
can be helpfully fed back to the patient in a is currently safe, one could ask him ‘What has been
solution-focused way. helping you get by?’ or ‘How have you been
An illustrative case is shown in Box 1, below. stopping things getting worse?’.

BOX 1 An illustrative case Problem-free talk

This case is that of a patient, CB, aged 18 years, in a low When using the solution-focused approach it is
secure unit. CB has a dysfunctional family relationship. essential to approach DC initially with problem-
He has a strong attachment to his mother and likes to free talk – to engage in conversation or discussion,
have frequent visits. Unfortunately, these visits are often
cancelled unexpectedly, and this would usually trigger for example on a shared interest, that is not related
aggressive and unsafe behaviours. CB’s preferred future is to the problem. This is so that DC does not
to settle close to home on discharge. develop a personal identity that is bound up with
the problem and does not use the problem as a
He reacts to setbacks by deliberate-self harm, which
invariably affects his observation levels and reinforces his ticket to engage.
feeling of inadequacy, and this feeds into low self-
esteem and alienation. Exceptions
DC’s attention is drawn to exceptions, since he will
CB’s mother suffers from depression, and he rates his
mother’s needs higher than his. He is often embroiled in not be able to resolve his problem by emphasising
intra-familial disputes during phone conversations home deficits. DC is invited to think about or discuss the
and he feels the need to protect his mother who is in an times when he has behaved or reacted appropriately
abusive relationship.
and engaged in solutions; he needs to be reminded
of these times and to reflect on the resources that

• When are the times it does not happen to you?

Preferred future he already has. Exception questions include:
This should be something that CB wants, not
something imposed on him. In this vignette it • When do you resist the urge to?
would include his desire to leave hospital and move • When are the times it bothers you least?
closer home. In order to achieve this, CB will be
expected to achieve successfully smaller goals such
as maintaining safe behaviours, attending his
sessions and engaging with his treatment The last five years have seen a significant expansion
programme. in secure psychiatric services. These services posed
particular challenges in rehabilitating a group of
Noticing suggestions complex and difficult patients. Solution-focused
Staff should comment on positive changes by CB, ideas deserve consideration in relation to the
no matter how small. He should be given regular development of the underlying philosophy or
feedback and praised for his achievements. This models of these services.
may have the effect of reinforcing desirable

The British Journal of Forensic Practice • VOLUME 8 • ISSUE 1 • FEBRUARY 2006
© Pavilion Publishing Brighton Ltd
A solution-focused model and inpatient secure settings

Address for correspondence Furst DW, Boever W, Cohen J et al (1993)

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Hospital and Community Psychiatry 44 (9) 863–8.
NN1 5DG. E-mail:
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© Pavilion Publishing Brighton Ltd
A solution-focused model and inpatient secure settings

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The British Journal of Forensic Practice • VOLUME 8 • ISSUE 1 • FEBRUARY 2006
© Pavilion Publishing Brighton Ltd

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