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AriaMinaei Improve docs language

c98c850 on Dec 22, 2015

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Installing Griddify manually

Some users have been having trouble installing Griddify on Photoshop CC. So here is an
alternative way to install the panel on CC which should hopefully work for everyone.

Here goes:

First, there is this thing in CC apps called the "debug mode" that you need to enable, so it'll
let you manually install extensions:

In Windows:
i. Choose Run from the Windows Start menu, and enter regedit to open the
registry editor.
ii. Find this key: - For CC 2014: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\CSXS.5 - For CC
2015: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\CSXS.6
iii. Choose Edit > New > String Value. Enter PlayerDebugMode as the Name, and set
Data to 1 .
iv. Close the registry editor.
i. Find this folder ~/Library/Preferences
ii. Find this file: - For CC 2014: com.adobe.CSXS.5.plist - For CC 2015:

iii. Open the file using an application that can edit Plist files. You can use the XCode
Property List editor, or the PlistBuddy command-line tool.
iv. Change the value of the key PlayerDebugMode to 1 to enable debug mode save
the file.
If this file is read-only, you must add write permission for the user before you
can update it. To do this, right click on the file and select Get Info > Sharing
& Permissions .

In OSX 10.9 Apple introduced a caching mechanism for property list files. This
means that property modifications do not take effect immediately. To force
you modification to take effect, open the Terminal application and enter this
command: sudo killall cfprefsd

Now that you've enabled "debug mode," you can install Griddify by manually copying it to
the place where Adobe extensions are stored:

1. Find the extensions folder:

In Windows:
In Windows 64: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\
In Windows 32: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\
In older versions of CC, this folder will be in

In OSX: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/

Note: The CEP folder might be called CEPServiceManager4 or something similar
in older CC versions.
Noted 2: If you can find the CEP folder, but there is no extensions folder inside
it, just create it yourself.
2. Download the latest version of Griddify for Photoshop CC from here. Unzip the zip file,
and from its contents, find the folder named 'Griddify'. Copay that folder to the
extensions folder you located above. In the end, you should be able to see a file named
panel.html when you navigate to ... CEP/extensions/Griddify .

3. Restart Photoshop CC. If all has gone well, you will be able to find the panel in
"Window -> Extensions -> Griddify".

I know this is an obnoxiously complicated way to install a Photosop extension. So if you're

having trouble following these steps, leave a comment or open an issue.

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