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Table of Content
1. Description
2. Indexing
3. Focus and Scope
4. Editorial Board
5. Author Guidelines
6. Title Page
7. Manuscript Template

IJNHS – International Journal of Nursing and Health Services referred international
publication to provide up date information regarding nursing development and health
science. This journal is a scientific peer-reviewed nursing and health science journal, which is
published semi-annually at March, June, September and December and facilitated by
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services

To fulfill the standard of rigorous journal, International Journal of Nursing and Health
Services has been indexed by
 Google Scholar
 Garuda (Garda Rujukan Digital)
 Copernicus International
 ROAD (Directory of Open access Scholarly Resources)
 Neliti (Indonesia’s Research Repository)
 One Search Repository
 BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine)


The scope of this International Journal of Nursing and Health Services as following, however
this is not limited to the research results of:
 Management in Nursing
 Medical-surgical Nursing
 Critical Care Nursing
 Community Health Nursing
 Mental Health Nursing

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) September, 2018

 Geriatric Nursing
 Family Health and Family Health Nursing
 Maternity Nursing
 Women's Health
 Pediatric Nursing
 Education in Nursing
 Nursing Policies
 Public Health Nursing
 Public Health
 Family Health and Reproductive Health
 Global of Health


Editorial in Chief
Suhartini Ismail, S.Kp.MNS.Ph.D. Departement of Nursing, Faculty Of Medicine Diponegoro
University, Indonesia

Journal Manager
Rian Adi Pamungkas, S.Kep. Ns., MNS., Dr. PH (c)

1. Prof. Dr. Kanittha Chamroonsawasdi, Ph.D., Mahidol University, Thailand
2. Prof. Dr. Paranee Vatanasomboon. Mahidol University, Thailand
3. Prof. Dr. Niza Samsuddin, MBBS., MPH., Ph.D. International Islamic University (IIUM) Malaysia
4. Prof. Achir Yani S. Hamid, MN DNSC. University of Indonesia
5. Prof. Dra. Elly Nurachmah, M.App.Sc., DNSc. University of Indonesia
6. Dr. PH. Huynh Ho Ngoc Quynh, MPH. Ho Chi Minh City University, Vietnam
7. Dr. PH. Naruemol Kingkaew, MPH. Sirindorn College Public Health, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
8. Nguyen Ngan Giang, B.Sc., M.Sc. Department of Plastic-Reconstructive and Maxillofacial Surgery,
Germany Hospital, Vietnam
9. Kondwani Joseph Banda, B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. (c). Department of Surgery, Kamuzu Central Hospital
Lilongwe, Malawi, Afrika
10. Agussalim, S.Kp., MSN, MST, DNS. Pliteknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jayapura, Indonesia
11. Bayu Anggileo Pramesona, Ph.D. Scopus ID: 57201555135 Mayjen HM. Ryacudu General Hospital,
North Lampung Indonesia
12. Megah Andriany, M.Kep., Sp. Kom., Ph.D. Department of Nursing, Faculty Of Medicine Diponegoro
University, Indonesia
13. Desmawati, M.Kep., Sp. Mat., Ph.D., Universitas Pembangunan Nasional, Jakarta. Indonesia
14. Rian Adi Pamungkas, S.Kep. Ns., MNS., Dr.PH, Mahidol University, Thailand
15. Jenny Marlindawani, S.Kp., MNS., PhD, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
16. Widaningsih, S.Kp., M.Kep, Esa Unggul University, Indonesia
17. Rr. Tutik Sri Hariyati, S.Kp., MARS. University of Indonesia
18. Dr. Astuti Yuni Nursasi., S.Kp., MN. University of Indonesia
19. Sri Wahyuni, M.Kep., Sp. Kep. J., Ph.D. Universitas Riau, Indonesia
20. Bayhakki, M.Kep., Sp.KMB., Ph.D. Universitas Riau, Indonesia
21. Dayan Hisni, S.Kep. Ns., MNS. Faculty of Health Science, Nasional University. Indonesia
22. Anita Sukarno, S.Kep. Ns., MSN. Faculty of Health Science, Esa Unggul University. Indonesia

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) September, 2018

Technical Editor
1. Fahrianto, S. Kep. Ns
2. Andi Mayasari Usman, S. Kep. Ns., M.Kep,
3. Muh. Syikir, S.Kep. Ns., M.Kep

Section Editor
1. Moh Heri Kurniawan, S.Kep. Ns., M.Kep
2. Bantiar, S.Kep. Ns, M.Kep
3. Nur Akbar, S.Kep. Ns, M.Kep

1. Baharuddin, S.Pd., M.Pd
2. Nor Islafatun, S.S., M.Hum

Main office of IJNHS:

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services
Jl. Pemuda, Kec. Wonomulyo; Kab. Polewali Mandar; Prov. Sulawesi Barat; Indonesia
HP: +6282188493519

Branch editorial office of IJNHS

Jl. Duku, Pondok Cina, Beji, Kota Depok, West Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

Manuscripts should be submitted online and then are automatically acknowledged by e-mail,
which mentions tracking article ID for future reference. In case you do not receive
acknowledging e-mail, please resubmit the article (or check spam). Do not send articles by
e-mail or post. Authors can subsequently track the progress of a manuscript through the
editorial process on the web site.

General Format of Manuscript

 Title of the manuscript
 Names (spelled out in full) of all the authors* follow by the institution or organization
which they are affiliated
 Corresponding author’s (name, email address)
 Abstract
 Main text manuscript (introduction, objective, method, result, discussion, conclusion)
 Declaration of conflict of interest
 Acknowledgement
 Funding sources (if any)
 References

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) September, 2018


a. Original articles
Original articles should an original clinical studies or research that not previously
published for publication elsewhere. The text should 3500 until 5000 words, including a
list of authors and affiliations, corresponding author, abstract of a maximum 350 words,
acknowledgements and figure with list of a minimum of 25 references. The result should
be presented in table/figure followed by explanation.

b. Systematic Review
Systematic review should be carried out from previous evidence with rigorous design.
The method should follow by PRISMA format and the text not exceed of 7000 words.

c. Meta Analysis
Meta-analysis is a statistical analysis that combines the results of multiple scientific
studies to pool the outcomes estimation. In the method of this meta-analysis was
required the PRISMA format with process of journal appraisal. The study should have a
good quality and low possibility of bias.

d. Concept analysis
Concept analysis is usually a measurable variable in an hypothesis, assumption, or
proposition. This is to convey meaning, understanding or feelings between or among
issues. The words should not more than 5000 words.

e. Letter to editor
This letter to editor paper should be short and decisive observations. They should
preferably be related to articles previously published in the Journal or views expressed in
the journal. The maximum word count should not exceed 1000 words. No abstract is

Title and Authorship

 The title should describe the summary of the research (concise, informative, no
abbreviations, and a maximum of 12 words)
 The authorship of articles should be limited to those who have contributed
sufficiently in that manuscript. Full names of authors (without academic title);
author’s affiliation [name(s) of department(s) and institution(s).
 The corresponding author’s name, mailing address, telephone, and fax numbers, and
e-mail address. The corresponding author is the person responsible for any
correspondence during the publication process and post-publication.
Abstract is limited not more than 350 words and should not include references and
abbreviation. Abstract should be concise and accurate.
 Introduction: One or two sentences on the background and purpose of the study. 

 Method: Describe the research design, settings, Participants (details of how the study
population was selected). 

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) September, 2018

 Results: Report the main outcome(s)/findings including (where relevant) levels of
statistical significance and confidence intervals.

 Conclusions: Should relate to the study aims and hypotheses. 

 Keyword: Provide between three and five keywords in alphabetical order, which
identify the paper's subject


TITLE (Times New Roman 18)

The title of manuscript should be concise, avoid abbreviation, and describing the content of the

Abstract (Times New Roman 11)

Abstract consists of 350 words maximum and follows the structure of research articles including

Keywords: Keywords should not more than 5 words

Introduction (Cambria 12)

This part you have to explain the reason why you this study (GAP) should be conducted. Explain
to others why your work is important by being able to recount the bigger picture

Objectives (Cambria 12)

State the purpose of the study clearly
1.To compare ………………………………………………………………………
2.To compare ………………………………………………………………………

Methods (Cambria 12)

Explain in detail about the research design, setting, variables, samples, sampling technique,
instruments, data analysis, and ethical consideration

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) September, 2018


Results (Cambria 12)

The results should be presented in the detail follow the objectives. Summarizing of the results may
present in table, diagram, or graphic

State how your results extend the findings of previous studies. Compare your results with those
from other studies: Are they consistent? If not, discuss possible reasons for the difference

State your main conclusions clearly and provide recommendation for further researcher related to
your study.

The references style follows the Vancouver style

West F, Sanders MR, Cleghorn GJ, Davies PS. Randomised clinical trial of a family-based
lifestyle intervention for childhood obesity involving parents as the exclusive agents of change.
Behaviour research and therapy. 2010;48(12):1170-9.


International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) September, 2018

Ignatavicius, Workman, & Mcleod ME. (2010). Medical Surgical Nursing; Patient-Centered
Collaborative Care (6th ed). Saunders, (2010), chapter 67, pp. 1465-1521.

Unpublished thesis
Pamungkas RA. Effect of family-based dietary self management support program on dietary
behaviors in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Indonesia. (2015). Unpublished master’s
thesis of Faculty of Nursing, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand

World Health Organization. Global Health Observatory (GHO) Data. 2017.

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services charge authors for a publication
(350,000 IDR for each manuscript published in the journal)

International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) September, 2018

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