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(A Classroom Action Research at VII Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah
28 Bekasi on The Second Semester In the Academic year od 2019/2020)


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the

Completion for Strata One Degree in English Education

Study Program : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Student Register Number : 20168100042




Pembimbing I Pembimbing II

Nur Hasanah Halim, M.Pd .........................................

Tanggal : Tanggal :
Nama Tanda Tangan Tanggal

Drs. Herinto ......................... ........................


Dr. H. Kusrin, M.Pd ......................... ........................


Drs. H. Romdani, M.Pd ......................... ........................


Danti Pudjiati, S.Pd, M.Hum ......................... ........................


Dra. Hj. Titik Nurmanik, M.Pd ......................... ........................


Drs. Tatang G. Sutarlan, MM ......................... ........................

Tanggal Lulus :
NPM : 2016810042
Classroom Action Research at VII Grade of SMP
Muhammadiyah 28 Bekasi on The Second
Semester In the Academic year od 2019/2020)


In the name of Allah SWT, the most Gracious, the most Merciful all

praise is to Allah who has gives us his blessing guidance. The God

created the human as the noble creature in this world by giving us the

brain to think and hand to hold and everything to do in good away.

Therefore, the researcher expresses a great gratitude to Allah who has

strength and capability to the research in order to complete this thesis.

In this writing, the researcher also realized that this thesis cannot be

completed without to help of kindness person who support the

researcher. In this opportunity, the researcher would like to express

her deepest gratitude and appreciation to :

1. Dr. Herinto

2. Dr. H. Kusrin, M.Pd

3. Drs. H. Romdani, M.Pd

4. Nurhasanah Halim, M.Pd

5. ....

6. Chelvi , Mr Ali and all lectures and staff of English Department

STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta.

7. The Headmaster and all teacher of SMP Muhammadiyah 28


8. My parents, my brothers and sisters who always give me the

supports, motivaiton, great love and pray to finished this thesis.

9. And also many thanks to everyone who i cannot mention one by


To Allah only, the researcher prays for them in order Allah

always gives them happines, prosperity, and peace in this world.

and the finally the writer realized that this thesis is far from

being perfect and really welcomes critics and suggestions to

make this thesis perfect, and hope that this thesis will be useful

for all of us especially for the writer. Aamiin.

Bekasi, March 2020

The Writer







A. Background of the study

Language is an important tool in communication, language is the speaker's

expression when communicating. Without communicating it will be difficult for

us to live in this world. because, Humans are social creatures whose lives depend

on others. ordinary people communicate with each other be it individuals with

individuals, individuals with groups, or groups with groups using language that

must be equally able to respond well

Now we have entered the era of globalization. Communication is very fast

and easy to do. People around the world can communicate with each other even

though they are separated by great distances. English is one language that is

widely used in supporting communication in the world and many aspects that

must be known in English.

In education as we already know, there are many lessons that students

must learn in school. There is social education, science, mathematics, religion,

English and so on. In English lessons all students must be able to master all the

existing English skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening

is one of the most important things that students must first teach. Especially in

schools that lead to international school programs students must be able to

actively speak English. But they must be accustomed to listening and knowing

English which English is a foreign language in Indonesia.

In the teaching process, teaching listening does not always run smoothly.

There are many problems encountered in teaching English. First, the lack of

media in teaching, usually the teacher only uses his voice in mentioning the

sentence in teaching and ends up not optimal in listening activities. Teacher's

pronunciation is definitely different from native speaker Teachers sometimes only

use ordinary media in teaching listening.

Sometimes students do not pay attention to what the teacher has said or to

the usual media in teaching listening. So the teacher needs to repeat the material

more than 2 times. Therefore the researcher wants to make a research to develop

students' listening skills using interactive media which is expected that students

will focus on the material and be more accustomed to teaching listening.

The researcher will conduct research at SMP Muhammadiyah 28 Bekasi.

Researchers will determine what media is right to improve students' listening

skills at the first level with Interactive Multimedia.

B. Identification of the Study

From the above problem, there are some problems in learning speaking

skill through interactive multimedia that can be stated as follow:

1. How to implement Interactive Multimedia in teaching listening skill?

2. Is the implementation Interactive Multimedia effective for developing

3. How to improve the students listening skill through Interactive


4. How do the student response to Interactive Multimedia?

5. How to teach English speaking skill trough Interactive Multimedia?

C. Limitation of The Study

Based on the identification of problem mention above, the researcher

limits this research on "improving students' listening skill through Interactive

Multimedia at seventh grade (VII) of SMP Muhammadiyah 28 Bekasi.

D. Formulation of the problem

Based one the background of the problem, identification and limitation of

the problem above, the following is statement of the problem "how does the

teacher improve students' listening skill through Interactive Multimedia at grade

VII of SMP Muhammadiyah 28 Bekasi?"

E. Benefit of the Study

It is expected that result of the research can be an input for teaching

english in general and can motivate student to get listening skill. The writer hopes

that this research can contribute some benefits for the following :

1. Student

To increase students 'motivation and familiarize listening activities

to improve students' listening skills

2. Teacher

To give contribution an becom an indicator of how well they teach

listening English in an enjoyable manner.

3. School

To give contributions to the school especially in teaching learning

process development

4. University/STKIP Kusuma Negara

To get knowledge as a beginner in research, besides to

requirements to get S-1 degree in education department and as a tool train

the skill in analyzing the problem of education




A. Theoretical Description

1. The Essence of Listening

a. Definition of Listening

b. How to Teach Listening

c. Asessing Listening

Assessing Types of Listening and Micro and Macroskills

We have considered the micro and macro skills of listening, from

processing tiny bits and pieces of language to strategic, interactive

and complex skills of extended discourse. These two related

taxonomies are indispensible to valid, reliable assessment of

student’s listening comprehension ability. The more closely we can

pinpoint exactly what we want to assess, the more reliably will we

draw our conclusions.

What assessment method (tasks, item formats) are

commonly used at the various level? Consider the following list of

sample tasks:

1. Intensive listening tasks

 Distinguishing phonemic pairs

Ex. Grass – glass; leave – live

 Distinguishing morphological pairs Ex. Miss – missed;

 Distinguishing stress patterns

Ex. I can go; I can’t go

 Paraphrase recognition

Ex. I come from Taiwan; I’m Taiwanese

 Repetition (s repeat a word)

2. Responsive listening tasks

 Question Ex. What time is it? – Multiple choice responses

 Question Ex. What time is it? – open ended response

 Simple discourse sequences Ex. Hello, nice weather. Tough test

3. Selective listening tasks

 Listening cloze (students fill in the blanks)

 Verbal information transfer (students give MC verbal response)

 Picture cued information transfer (students choose a picture)

 Chart completion (students feel in a grid)

 Sentence repetition (students repeat stimulus sentence)

4. Extensive listening tasks

 Dictation (students listen (usually 3 times) and write a paragraph)

 Dialogue (students hear dialogue

– MC comprehension questions)

 Dialogue (students hear dialogue – open – ended response)

 Lecture (students take notes, summarize, list main points, etc)

 Interpretive tasks (students hear a poem – interpret meaning)

 Stories, narrative (students retell a story)

2. The Essence of Media in English Language Teaching (ELT)

a. Definition of Media in English Language Teaching (ELT)

Interactive media is a method of communication in which

the program's outputs depend on the user's inputs, and the user's

inputs, in turn, affect the program's outputs. Simply put, it refers to

the different ways in which people process and share information,

or how they communicate with one another. Interactive media

allows people to connect with others – whether that's people or

organizations – making them active participants in the media they


The purpose of interactive media is to engage the user and

interact with him or her in a way non-interactive media do not.

Traditional forms of media, such as television and radio, originally

required no active participation. These forms of media made

consumers more passive, giving them – no real way to navigate

through their experiences – except for the ability to change the


But with the advent of the internet in the 1990s, that began

to change. As technology developed, consumers were given

different tools through which interactive media was presented.

Access to the internet went from an expensive utility once available

only through dial-up to a wireless tool accessible by the touch of a

finger. Computers and laptops became a household item and a

necessity in the workplace, and mobile devices began making

interacting media easy and convenient.

Elements of Interactive Media

Unlike traditional media, interactive media is meant to

enhance a user's experience. In order to do so, an interactive

medium will require one more of the following elements:

 Moving images and graphics

 Animation

 Digital Text

 Video

 Audio

A user can participate by manipulating one or more of these

elements during his or her experience, something traditional media

does not offer.

Examples of Interactive Media

In today's digital era, people are surrounded by interactive

media. Everywhere you look, you will find an example of this form

of communication. Social networking websites such as Facebook,

Twitter and Instagram are examples of interactive media. These

sites use graphics and text to allow users to share photos and

information about themselves, chat and play games. Video games

are another type of interactive media. Players use controllers to

respond to visual and sound cues on the screen that are generated

by a computer program.

If you have a mobile device like a smartphone – and

chances are you do – you use apps or applications. These forms of

interactive media can help you figure out the weather, direct you to

the desired location, choose and respond to news stories in which

you are interested, and allow you to shop. The possibilities are

endless. Another form of interactive media is virtual reality or VR.

VR gives users a completely immersive experience, allowing them

to delve into a world that an almost carbon copy of reality. The

only difference is that this world is digital.

The Influences of Interactive Media

Interactive media has a very important role in today's

world. Not only does it make people more active, but also it gives

them the power to communicate with others (people, companies,

organizations) with whom they would normally have no contact. It

also allows the free-flow and exchange of ideas and information.

Interactive media also has an educational component, making it a

very powerful learning tool. It allows (and encourages) people –

especially students – to become more active in their learning

experience, more collaborative and to be more in control of what

they're learning.

b. The Kinds of Media in English Language Teaching

In listening activities there are various kinds of media that we can

use for learning activities using interactive multimedia, namely:

1. Hello English

2. EIC Summit

3. Memrise

4. Schoology

5. Edmodo

6. Quizziz

c. Schoology

Schoology is a social networking service and virtual

learning environment for K-12 school and higher education

institutions that allows users to create, manage, and share academic

content. Also known as a learning management system (LMS) or

course management system (CMS), the cloud-based platform

provides tools needed to manage an online classroom. Schoology

can help teachers contact students with homework and more. They

can post daily reminders or updates. They can message students,

manage the assignment calendar and put new assignments.

The service includes attendance records, online gradebook,

tests and quizzes, and homework dropboxes. The social media

features facilitate collaboration among a class, a group, or a school.

The system can be integrated with existing school reporting and

information systems and also provides the security, filters and

support that school districts require.

The basic product is offered to individuals, schools and

districts free of charge. Revenue comes from premium add-ons

such as customized branding, support packages, increased storage,

single sign on, and data integration with existing student

information systems (SIS).

Schoology has partnered with other learning services such

as McGraw-Hill Education and National Geographic Society


d. Advantage of Schoology

e. Disadvantage of Schoology



A. Objective of the Research

The purpose of the research is to improve students’ listening skill through

interactive multimedia at SMP Muhammadiyah 28 Bekasi. Here, the researcher

teach in the classroom and observes directly.

B. Place and Time of research

1. Place

The place of the research is in SMP Muhammadiyah 28 Bekasi

2. Time

The research is conducted for three months. It was started on January 2020

and finish on March 2020

C. Method of the Research

In the research, the researcher uses the qualitative paradigm with classroom

action research. The qualitative method is the kinds of the data are the descriptive

data. From getting the data, the researcher wants to describe and explain the

problem that chosen in this searching.

D. Steps of the Research

1. Planning

a. Making prepare those are action plan, syllabus, calendar, speaking test and

interview of the students.

b. Making observation and reflection sheet to see and the identify problem

finding fact that happen in the class.

c. Designing evaluate instrument to looking weather speaking through

dialogue can improve students’ speaking ability.

2. Action execution

Researching acting the lesson plan to the teaching and learning process to the

student’s action which have prepared. It is because to know how the students’

ability in speaking.

a. Opening

First the writer explained to the students the objective of the lesson is

dialogue technique. Its advantage, weakness and implementation of the technique.

Its advantage, weakness and implementation of the technique. The second, the

writer introduced herself to the student in the class and explain the purpose of her

coming to the class. After that the writer follows the lesson that has been made.

b. Main activity

To get the students capability of speaking skill, the writer distributes some

paper to the students to conduct the pretest at beginning. Score of pretest would be

basic information for the writer to get some improvement through dialogue

technique for speaking skill. After pretest the writer began by explaining about the


c. Closing

The last, the writer review the lesson asking some questions, and the students

answer the question through examination provided by the teacher and the last the

writer give a conclusion.

3. Observation

In this stage, there were several point had been taken by the writer and


a. The enthusiastic, interesting and enjoyable study through dialogue technique.

b. The students easier to understand the answer of the question that given in the

pretest and post test

c. The student more responsive to study through dialogue technique.

d. The result of the students who can pass the score of minimal mastery level


4. Reflecting

Finding at the steps of activity and observation then give a point for the

students by reflective for what have been reached whether from the reflective.

There are improving their ability.

E. Source of the Data

They were two kinds of the data collect in this research are qualitative and

quantitative data. In this research, qualitative data was the result of observation

concerning the researcher planned; the assessment processed which include the

activities of both teacher and students, and evaluation. Quantitative data was

related to the students' score in writing test.

The sources of data of this study were test, the students' questionnaires,

field notes, interview, and documentation. Field notes was the description of what

was been heard, seen, experienced and thought in the course of collected and

reflected on the data.

F. Technique of Data Collection

G. Technique of Data Analysis

In qualitative research the technique of data analysis is often done together with

the technique of data collecting.

1. Data reduction

Data reduction is used for collecting data from test and interview. Data reduction,

the researcher summarized and focused on the important data that could case the

researcher in collecting the next data.

2. Data display

In data display, the researcher analyzed the result from observation, interview, and

documentation. Then the data in organize and arrange in pattern, so that they will

be understand.

3. Data verification

The qualitative data’s that derived from students’ pre-test and post test result are

classified based on students’ speaking score per meeting or action within the

cycle, so researcher would probably know the improvement from cycle to cycle.

To make it easier to analyze, the researcher make criteria that would be the

guideline in scoring the test.

H. Validity of Data

To validate the data of the classroom action research, the researcher will use

triangulation. It means that the researcher will compare all the collected data that

are taken from data sources, thay are:

1. The result of pre-test to cycle 3

2. The result of observation which consists of teeacher’s observation sheet and

student’s observation sheet

3. And the last is from the interview both teacher and students.

I. Criteria of Succesful Research

Classroom Action Research (CAR) can be called fail if it cannot exceed the

criteria which have been determined and can be called successful if it can be

exceed the criteria has been determined. According to the teacher the researcher

could be called success if there is 100% of the students should achieve the target

score of KKM 75 (Seventy Five) of speaking test.



A. Research Finding

1. Pre-action Description

2. Action Description

a. Cycle 1

b. Cycle 2

c. Cycle 3

d. ....

B. Discussion



A. Conclusion

B. Sugestion




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