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Chapter 10 Review


1. The word meaning circle around due to gravity

A// Orbit
2. The planets in order from the sun
A// Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
3. The planet called the morning star and evening star
A// Venus
4. The only planet suitable for life
A// Earth
5. The distance between the earth and sun
A// 93,000,000
6. Two moons of Mars
A// Phobos and Deimos
7. The largest planet in the solar system
A// Jupiter
8. Four Galilean satellites of Jupiter
A// Ganymede, Callisto, Io, Europa
9. The planet discovered mathematically before it was seen
A// Neptune
10. The first asteroid discovered
11. Four main groups of asteroids
12. Three main parts of a comet
A// nucleus, coma, and tail
13. The name of the North Star
A// Polaris
14. The region of the sky where the moon and planets appear
A// Zodiac
15. The constellation containing the Big Dipper
A// Ursa Major
16. Three brightest stars of Orion
A// Riel, Betelgeuse, Bellatrix
17. The layers of the sun’s atmosphere from lowest to highest
A//chromosphere, transition layer, corona
18. Three largest galaxies of the Local Group
A//Milky Way, Andromeda galaxy, Triangulum galaxy
19. Four main shapes of galaxies
A//spiral, elliptical, lenticular, irregular

1. What object does the solar system include?

A// sun and all natural objects
2. What does the law of universal gravitation state?
A//That the strength of the gravitational force between two objects depends on their
masses and the distance between them
3. What is the speediest planet
A// Mercury
4. List and describe the moon’s phases, starting with new moon.
A// new moon: is when the sunlit side of the moon is turned away from the earth and
completely hidden from view, waxing crescent is when the moon’s sunlit side becomes
visible from Earth and waxes, first-quarter moon is when the half of the moon is visible,
waxing gibbous is when the sunlit portion of the moon continues to wax, full moon is
when the entire face of the moon is illuminated, waning gibbous is when the sunlit portion
of the moon wanes, third-quarter moon is when the half of the moon is seen again, and
waning crescent is when the moon continues to wane
5. What is the largest known mountain in the solar system? On which planet is it located?
A// Olympus Mons
6. On which planet is the Great Red Spot
A// Mars
7. On which planet is distinguished by its large ring system
A// Saturn
8. What was the first planet discovered that was not known in ancient times
A// Uranus
9. List and describe three features of the photosphere
A// granule, sunspots, and chromosphere
10. Describe the main factors affecting a star’s color and absolute magnitude
A// surface and temperature
11. In which category of stars is the sun
A// in the middle of the main sequence
12. Contrast novae and supernovae
A// nova is a star that suddenly flares up to many times its original brightness; star returns
to normal after nova and a supernova is the explosion of a star; leaves the hot, dense core
of the star surrounded by an expanding nebula.
13. What galaxy do we live in? What is its probable shape
A// Milky Way, Barred spiral

1. Compare and contrast Ptolemy’s Copernicus, and Kepler’s views of the solar system’s
2. Explain Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion
3. Contrast the nebular hypothesis with what the Bible teaches about the origin of the solar
A// that nebular hypothesis states that the solar system formed from a massive cloud of
gas and dust that collapsed and rotated inward, most material became the sun, while the
rest formed the protoplanetary disk, clumps of material in the proto-planetary dis grew
through accretion, forming the planets and large moons, remaining material of
protoplanetary disk became asteroids, smaller moons, and comets while the Biblical
teachings tells us that God created the solar system and for me is the real and perfect one.
4. Explain the differences between a constellation and an asterism
A// that a constellation is one of the 88 zones into which astronomers divide the celestial
sphere and asterism is a small group of stars used to form a picture or represent an object
5. Describe how an astronomer would use parallax to measure the distance to a star in
6. A// Astronomers would use parallax to measure the distance to a star in parsecs. First the
parsec is defined as the distance of an object with a stellar parallax of 1 second of arc.
Then one parsec is equal to 3.26 light years, or 19.2 trillion miles. The after mentioning the
information above tto find the distance to a star in parsec, just divide the number 1 by the
stellar parallax in seconds of arc.

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