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European Explorers

John Cabot Vasco Núñez Juan Ponce de Christopher Henry Hudson Jacques Cartier
Balboa León Columbus

Nationality Italian Spanish Spanish Italian English French

Dates of 1497 1501, 1513 1513 1492-1504 1609 1534 - 1536

Exploration 1610

Sponsor England Spain Spain Spain Netherlands France


Reasons for Wanted to reach Wanted to To search for Wanted to reach Looking for the Looking for the
exploration Asia by sailing explore America. gold. Asia by sailing Northwest Northwest
across the Looking for To discover the west. Passage Passage.
Atlantic. gold. fountain of

SS4H2 a. Describe the reasons for, obstacles to, and accomplishments of the Spanish, French, and English Explorations.

Obstacles faced Cold weather, Had to leave his Native No money for the Harsh
harsh conditions ships to cross Americans. trip. No maps or conditions,
mountains. Fatally knowledge of the Trouble with
Native wounded. new area. crew
Accomplishments Reached present Discovered an Discovered Successfully made Discovered Discovered the
day Canada. ocean that is Florida. it across the Hudson River St. Lawrence
Discovered rich later named the Atlantic to the and the Hudson River
fishing area. Pacific Carribbean. Bay. Fur Trading

SS4H2 a. Describe the reasons for, obstacles to, and accomplishments of the Spanish, French, and English Explorations.

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