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The Story of Weyard


Character Sheet

Character Creation


Attributes and Skills










Movement Phase

Action Phase

Bonus Action




Plot Items


Consumable Items

Imbued Items

Additional Resources
The Story of Weyard

The world of Weyard is built upon the four fundamental elements. Earth represented
by Venus; Fire represented by Mars; Wind represented by Jupiter; Water represented
by Mercury. Ages ago, or so the stories tell, the power of Alchemy ruled over the
world of Weyard. Alchemy wrought the base elements of humanity into thriving
civilisations, like lead into gold. But in time, man’s dreams gave birth to untold strife.
Dreams of endless riches, of eternal life, of dominion over all that lived… Dreams of
conquest and of war. These dreams would have torn the world apart if not for a few
brave and wise souls, who sealed away the power of Alchemy deep in Mt. Aleph’s Sol
Sanctum. It is rumoured that the Lemurians, who had seen the coming danger,
locked themselves away in an impenetrable fog that slowed the progress of time, but
they have not been seen for generations and have faded into myth and legend. The
town of Vale, situated at the base of Mt. Aleph, has guarded the secret for

The world was made from alchemy and it could not all be sealed away however.
Adepts can wield a diluted type of alchemy called Psynergy based around willpower.
Each adept is attuned to an element and can access Psynergy of that nature. Many
will travel to Vale, known for its Psynergy users, to train at the base of the sacred
mountain. Much of the knowledge of this ancient past has been lost. Many believe it
to be nothing more that legend; that power on that scale is not possible. That is until
recently when the Sol Sanctum was attacked and raided. The two adepts managed to
breach the inner sanctum and steal the four elemental stars. These stars were they
keys used to seal alchemy long ago. The four elemental lighthouses still stand eerily
across the land, dark and dormant. Their beacons wait silently to be unlocked and let
the light of alchemy shine once more.
Character Name
Class - ________________________________
Hometown - ____________________________ Initiative

Element - _______________________
Player Name - ___________________

Skills HP ATK
o ___ Dexterity (END)
o ___ Psynergy (WIL)
o ___ Athletics (STR)
o ___ Deception (WIS)
o ___ Diplomacy (CHA) PP
o ___ Lore (WIS)
o ___ Intimidation (STR)
o ___ Deduction (PER)
o ___ Nature (WIS) Distance
o ___ Stealth (PER)
o ___ Healing (WIL)
o ___ Seafaring (STR)
Perception o ___ Sleight of Hand (PER) Psynergy
Name PP Influence
o ___ Survival (END)
o ___ Improvisation (CHA)




Class Lineage
Character Creation

It is important for your character to have a backstory. This can be almost anything you want it to
be that will fit in the world. You can’t have your character be a Robot or something out of place.
But be creative. Use the provided map file to find a hometown. The DM will give you some basic
information on your hometown, but it can be customised to how you want your backstory to go.
Your hometown and backstory should come up in the story at some point. Included in the
backstory is your personality. This is something you can choose to role play in the sessions. You
don’t have to explicitly say what your personality is when you meet the other players but acting in
that manner will be much more immersive. You can also draw or design your character in any way
you choose. Your backstory should include your elemental affiliation and you reason for traveling
away from your homeland.

Attributes and Skills

Your attribute and skill scores are one of the core aspects of the game. They govern how well or
how poorly you can carry out certain actions. The values for your attributes will be based on this
standard stats array or you can chance your own stats with the dice. You get a 16, 14, 12, 10, 10 and
an 8 to assign to the attributes. Each number is to only be used once. If you want to have a score
lower than 8 for a specific personality trait, feel free. Each attribute score has a modifier (see Score
Modifier Chart below) that you will write below your score on the character sheet. For your
attribute affinities, rolls for those have advantage.

These are your attributes:

❖ Wisdom (WIS) – A measure of wit and common sense.

❖ Willpower (WIL) – A measure of mental fortitude.
❖ Perception (PER) – A measure of alertness and attention to detail.
❖ Strength (STR) – A measure of physical strength.
❖ Endurance (END) – A measure of sturdiness and durability.
❖ Charisma (CHA) – A measure of tact and diplomacy.
Score Modifier Chart

Score Modifier
1 -5
2-3 -4
4-5 -3
6-7 -2
8-9 -1
10-11 +0
12-13 +1
14-15 +2
16-17 +3
18-19 +4
20 +5

Hit Points

Once you have assigned your attribute points, you will calculate your HP. Each class will have a
hit dice type. Check the class to see what it is. Your starting HP will be the highest roll of that hit
dice (i.e. the highest roll for 1d4 is 4) and then add your Endurance modifier. For each level up in
the class lineage, roll another hit dice and add it to your max HP. Also add your Endurance
modifier again. This will happen for each level up. You can choose not to roll the hit dice and just
take the average number the dice (i.e. the average for 1d4 would be 2).

Psyngergy Points

Similar to the hit dice, each class will have a Psynergy dice. You will take the highest roll of it and
add your Willpower modifier for your max PP. Leveling up will work the same as the hit dice as

Now to calculate your skill scores. Throughout the game, you will roll for various actions based on
these skills. Skill you are proficient in will give you a roll bonus. While one class may be good with
certain skills, it may be bad at others. Each skill stems from one of the 6 main attributes. You will
apply the appropriate corresponding modifier to each skill. Every class gets two skills it is
proficient in. This will come in the form of a +2 proficiency bonus to that skill in addition to its
base modifier (derived from its parent attribute).

This is a list of skills in the game:

❖ Dexterity - END
❖ Psynergy - WIL
❖ Athletics - STR
❖ Deception - WIS
❖ Diplomacy - CHA
❖ Lore - WIS
❖ Intimidation - STR
❖ Deduction - PER
❖ Nature - WIS
❖ Stealth - PER
❖ Healing - WIL
❖ Seafaring - STR
❖ Sleight of Hand - PER
❖ Survival - END
❖ Improvisation - CHA


Your characters stats for the game (ATK, DEF) are calculated using the following incredibly
complex statistics algorithm:
Base Stats + Djinn Bonuses

Once you’ve understood that, you can quickly count on your fingers for your character’s current
stats. This will need to be recalculated each time you Set a djinn, put a djinn on Standby, or equip
new armour and other items, so keep a pencil and eraser handy.

Your base stats can be found under your class lineage in the Classes section below. The Djinn
Bonuses are in a table in the Djinn section. Any equipment bonus is item specific and will be
brought up on an as needed basis. Item details are in the Item section if you want to have
something in mind to keep an eye out for.

Your armour is calculated using this formula:

Armour = Endurance roll + DEF + Equipment modifiers

Initiative is rolled for using 1d20 dice. For further explanation, see Combat.


Your character in this world will be put through many trials. Choosing the right path will be up to
you. The classes in this world work on a tier system. You will choose your starting class and
progress with it throughout the game. The elemental djinn will be your companions as well as
your strength. To level up to the next tier in your class lineage, all you need is to apply the right
combination of djinn to your character. Later, in the djinn section, you can find a chart of the
progressions and their respective djinn requirements. Each class gets a +2 bonus to any skills they
are proficient in. For a Psynergy Series containing 3 Psynergies, the bottom tier in the class
lineage gets the first level Psynergy in the series. The next level is acquired at the 3rd class tier. The
final level Psynergy is learned at the top tier. For a Psynergy Series containing 2 Psynergies, the
first level is acquired at the 2nd class tier. The second level is learned at the 4th class tier. You
should get new Psynergies every class tier. If there is a fourth level in a Psynergy Series, it is
learned concurrently with the third level at the top class tier.

Below is a list of class lineages and base stats:

Paladin Lineage - Venus

Venus Class Base ATK Base DEF
Squire +1 +0
Knight +1 +1
Gallant +2 +1
Templar +3 +2
Paladin +4 +3
Attribute Affinities: Endurance, Willpower, Charisma

Skill Proficiencies: Seafaring, Athletics, Dexterity, Survival

Hit Dice: 1d12

Psynergy Dice: 1d8

Distance: 6

Battle Psynergy
Quake Psynergy Series Catch
Rockfall Psynergy Series Carry
Spire Psynergy Series Scoop
Gaia Psynergy Series Tremor
Ragnarok and Odyssey Grind
Cure Psynergy Series Sand

Chaos Lord Lineage - Mars

Mars Class Base ATK Base DEF
Ruffian +1 +0
Savage +2 +0
Barbarian +2 +1
Berserker +3 +2
Chaos Lord +4 +3
Attribute Affinities: Strength, Endurance, Willpower

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Deception, Sleight of Hand, Survival

Hit Dice: 1d10

Psynergy Dice: 1d10

Distance: 7

Battle Psynergy
Blast Psynergy Series Guard Psynergy Series
Nova Psynergy Series Move
Volcano Psynergy Series Pound
Planet Diver Series Burst
Impair Psynergy Series Blaze

Warlock Lineage - Jupiter

Jupiter Class Base ATK Base DEF
Apprentice +0 -1
Illusionist +1 +0
Enchanter +1 +1
Conjurer +2 +2
Warlock +2 +3
Attribute Affinities: Wisdom, Charisma, Perception

Skill Proficiencies: Psynergy, Sleight of Hand, Deception, Improvisation

Hit Dice: 1d6

Psynergy Dice: 1d12

Distance: 9

Battle Psynergy
Slash Psynergy Series Bind
Plasma Psynergy Series Mist
Bolt Psynergy Series Reveal
Impact Psynergy Series Halt
Ward Psynergy Series Lash
Dull Psynergy Series Hover

Luminier Lineage - Mercury

Mercury Class Base ATK Base DEF
Swordsman +0 +1
Cavalier +1 +2
Protector +1 +2
Guardian +2 +3
Luminier +3 +4
Attribute Affinities: Perception, Charisma, Strength

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Diplomacy, Dexterity, Seafaring

Hit Dice: 1d10

Psynergy Dice: 1d8

Distance: 7

Battle Psynergy
Frost Psynergy Series Cure Poison
Cool Psynergy Series Restore
Froth Psynergy Series Break
Diamond Psynergy Series Lift
Ply Psynergy Series Cloak
Ward Psynergy Series Parch

War Lord Lineage - Mars

Mars Class Base ATK Base DEF
Guard +1 +1
Soldier +2 +1
Warrior +2 +2
Champion +3 +2
War Lord +4 +3
Attribute Affinities: Strength, Endurance, Perception

Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Deduction, Stealth, Lore

Hit Dice: 1d12

Psynergy Dice: 1d6

Distance: 6

Battle Psynergy
Lava Psynergy Series Guard Psynergy Series
Bomb Psynergy Series Move
Beam Psynergy Series Pound
Fume Psynergy Series Burst
Impair Psynergy Series Blaze

Druid Lineage - Jupiter

Jupiter Class Base ATK Base DEF
Page +0 -1
Magician +1 +0
Sorcerer +2 +0
Mage +2 +1
Druid +3 +2
Attribute Affinities: Wisdom, Perception, Strength

Skill Proficiencies: Psynergy, Athletics, Nature, Improvisations

Hit Dice: 1d8

Psynergy Dice: 1d10

Distance: 8

Battle Psynergy
Gale Psynergy Series Bind
Ray Psynergy Series Mist
Thunder Psynergy Series Reveal
Impact Psynergy Series Halt
Ward Psynergy Series Lash
Dull Psynergy Series Hover

Sage Lineage - Jupiter

Jupiter Class Base ATK Base DEF
Hermit +0 +1
Elder +0 +2
Scholar +1 +2
Savant +1 +3
Sage +2 +3
Attribute Affinities: Wisdom, Perception, Willpower

Skill Proficiencies: Psynergy, Diplomacy, Lore, Healing

Hit Dice: 1d6

Psynergy Dice: 1d12

Distance: 9

Battle Psynergy
Whirlwind Psynergy Series Bind
Astral Psynergy Series Mist
Slash Psynergy Series Reveal
Impact Psynergy Series Halt
Ward Psynergy Series Lash
Dull Psynergy Series Hover

Oracle Lineage - Venus

Venus Class Base ATK Base DEF
Seer -1 +1
Medium +0 +1
Diviner +1 +2
Shaman +1 +3
Oracle +2 +3
Attribute Affinities: Perception, Charisma, Wisdom

Skill Proficiencies: Lore, Deduction, Nature, Healing

Hit Dice: 1d8

Psynergy Dice: 1d10

Distance: 8

Battle Psynergy
Growth Psynergy Series Catch
Thorn Psynergy Series Carry
Punji Psynergy Series Scoop
Demon Night Series Tremor
Splitter Psynergy Series Grind
Cure Psynergy Series Sand

Guru Lineage - Mars

Mars Class Base ATK Base DEF
Gypsy +1 +0
Wanderer +2 +0
Pilgrim +2 +1
Monk +3 +2
Guru +4 +3
Attribute Affinities: Wisdom, Perception, Endurance

Skill Proficiencies: Stealth, Dexterity, Survival, Athletics

Hit Dice: 1d10

Psynergy Dice: 1d8

Distance: 7

Battle Psynergy
Flare Psynergy Series Aura Psynergy Series
Fire Psynergy Series Move
Dragon Cloud Series Pound
Heatwave Series Burst
Guard Psynergy Series Blaze

Angel Lineage - Mercury

Mercury Class Base ATK Base DEF
Scribe +0 +0
Healer +1 +1
Cleric +1 +2
Paragon +2 +2
Angel +2 +3
Attribute Affinities: Endurance, Charisma, Wisdom

Skill Proficiencies: Psynergy, Healing, Nature, Diplomacy

Hit Dice: 1d10

Psynergy Dice: 1d10

Distance: 7

Battle Psynergy
Douse Psynergy Series Cure Poison
Ice Psynergy Series Restore
Prism Psynergy Series Break
Edge Psynergy Series Lift
Ply Psynergy Series Cloak
Wish Psynergy Series Parch


The four elements: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water. These are the building blocks of the world. They
weave through all the flora, fauna, and folk. Each tribe descended from the Ancients aligns with
one of the elements. These traits come through in skills, temperament, personality, Psynergy, and
all aspects of life. Some elements work better together while others can produce unpredictable
results. When choosing which element to align with, keep this in mind. Below is an elemental
affinity chart relating the four with one another. Note that being opposite is not necessarily a
negative quality.
Base Affinity Opposite Neutral
Earth Fire Wind Water
Fire Earth Water Wind
Wind Water Earth Fire
Water Wind Fire Earth

When the Alchemy Seal was broken, creatures aligned with each element known as Djinn were
unbound and set free in the world. The Venus Djinn, earth elementals, spread through the forests
and caves. Anywhere with heat attracted the Mars Djinn. Aloft on the wind, Jupiter Djinn roam
far following the breath of the land. The Mercury Djinn were drawn to the wellsprings of the
world. Along your travels, you may encounter their kind. Eager to once again feel the power of the
ancients, they are attracted to adepts. Upon encountering a Djinn, it will test your skill in battle
before joining your party as companion to whichever party member wants them. It may forgo the
battle if it deems you worthy for actions it witnessed. They have three states: Set, Standby, and

A Djinn that is Set to a character boosts their stats in accordance with the elemental modifier
chart below. The Djinn can be used to bolster an attack in battle or aid party members with
various buffs. Once finished, they enter Standby at which point they can be used in tandem with
other Djinn for Elemental Summons (see Summons). After a summon, all djinn that participated
are in Recovery for 2 turns before returning to the Set state for their character.

A party member can only have up to 7 Djinn set to them at any given time. You can change a
Djinn’s state outside battle from Set to Standby and back. When in Standby, any elemental
modifiers are not counted. Thus, a character that does not want to affect their class, but needs to
carry a Djinn other than their Base or Affinity (see Elements) can do so. However, if that Djinn is
used for a summon in battle, after Recovery it will be Set to the character and any modifiers, good
or bad, are applied.

These are the Djinn you may encounter on your travels:

Venus (Earth)
Campaign 1 Campaign 2
Strike a blow that can cleave Attack with a double strike.
Flint 2d4 Echo 2d4
Granite Create a mighty earthen barrier. --- Iron Bolster the party’s defense. ---
Quartz Revive a downed ally. --- Steel Siphon a foe’s HP with a kiss. 1d6
Vine Tangle foes to drop agility. 1d4 Mud Slow a foe with sticky mud. ---
Sap Attack a foe and steal HP. 1d6 Flower Refresh allies and restore HP. 2d4
Ground Use gravity to hold a foe. --- Meld Launch a powerful team strike. 2d6
Bane Attack with nature’s venom. 1d6 Petra Turn a foe to stone. ---
Strike a foe with enduring Restore allies’ status to normal.
Mold 2d6 Salt ---
Crystal Restore HP to all allies. 1d4 Geode Strike with a large boulder. 3d4
Mars (Fire)
Campaign 1 Campaign 2
Forge Boost party attack with flame’s fury. --- Cannon Strike with the power of Mars. 1d6
Wrap a foe in feverish delusion. Revive an ally with cheers of
Fever --- Spark ---
Boost party defense with a heat Increase all allies’ attack.
Corona --- Kindle ---
Stun a foe with a blast attack. Paralyze foes with a strong
Scorch 1d6 Char 1d6
Restore party PP with passion’s Rally your allies to boost
Ember 2d4 Coal ---
flames. agility.
Block damage to party with a Counter an enemy’s attack.
Flash --- Reflux 2d4
Penetrate defense with a melting Strike through an enemy’s
Torch 3d4 Core 2d6
blast. defense.
Shine Dazzle foes and strike decisively. 2d6 Tinder Revive a downed ally. ---
Call forth wandering souls to attack. Fatigue your foes to drop their
Fury 2d6 Fugue 2d4
Jupiter (Wind)
Campaign 1 Campaign 2
Gust Attack with mighty wind gusts. 1d6 Breath Restore HP quickly. 2d4
Breeze Boost party defense. --- Blitz Numb a foe with a lighting strike. 1d6
Zephyr Boost agility with swift wind. 1d4 Ether Focus will to restore PP. 2d4
Smog Veil a foe’s vision in smoke. --- Waft Calm a foe with soothing scents. ---
Kite Attack twice next round. --- Haze Hide away to avoid damage. ---
Squall Paralyze a foe with a storm. 2d4 Wheeze Poison a foe as you strike. 1d6
Luff Seal a foe’s Psynergy. --- Aroma Restore everyone’s PP. 2d4
Lull Negotiate a temporary cease-fire. --- Whorl Take a deep breath, and strike. 2d6
Call the Grim Reaper on your Blast enemies with a wind strike.
Gasp 1d20 Gale 3d4
Mercury (Water)
Campaign 1 Campaign 2
Fizz Restore HP with calming water. 2d4 Fog Blind an enemy with fog. 2d4
Sleet Drench a foe to drop its attack. 1d4 Sour Reduce a foe’s defense. 1d4
Mist Lull a foe into deep sleep. --- Spring Restore HP with healing herbs. 2d6
Spritz Restore party HP with soothing mist. 1d6 Shade Create a watery shield. ---
Hail Freeze a foe to drop its defense. 1d4 Chill Strike to reduce a foe’s defense. 1d4
Heal all party ailments. Increase all allies’ elemental
Tonic --- Steam ---
Dew Revive a downed ally. --- Rime Seal a foe’s Psynergy. ---
Speed up Djinn recovery time by 1 Weaken a foe’s attack.
Eddy --- Gel 1d4
Serac Strike a chilling finishing blow. 3d4 Balm Revive all downed allies. ---
Each djinn adds a modifier to your character’s class stats. The modifiers are as follows:

Class Lineage ATK DEF Earth Fire Wind Water

Paladin +1 +0 1-2 --- --- ---
+1 +1 3 --- --- ---
+2 +1 4-5 --- --- ---
+3 +2 6 --- --- ---
+4 +2 7 --- --- ---

Chaos Lord +1 +0 --- 1 --- ---

+2 +0 1 1 --- ---
+2 +1 2 2 --- ---
+3 +2 2 3 --- ---
+4 +3 3 4 --- ---

Warlock +1 +0 --- 1 ---

+1 +0 1 1 ---
+1 +1 2 2 ---
+2 +2 2 3 ---
+2 +2 3 4 ---

Luminier +0 +1 --- 1
+1 +2 1 1
+1 +2 2 2
+2 +3 2 3
+3 +4 3 4

War Lord +1 +1 --- 1-2 --- ---

+2 +1 --- 3 --- ---
+2 +2 --- 4-5 --- ---
+3 +2 --- 6 --- ---
+4 +2 --- 7 --- ---

Druid +1 +0 --- --- 1-2 ---

+1 +0 --- --- 3 ---
+2 +0 --- --- 4-5 ---
+2 +1 --- --- 6 ---
+3 +1 --- --- 7 ---

Sage +0 +1 1 ---
+0 +2 1 1
+1 +2 2 2
+1 +3 3 2
+2 +4 4 3

Oracle +0 +1 1 ---
+0 +1 1 1
+1 +2 2 2
+1 +3 3 2
+2 +3 4 3

Guru +1 +0 --- 1
+2 +0 1 1
+2 +1 2 2
+3 +2 2 3
+4 +2 3 4

Angel +0 +1 --- --- --- 1-2

+1 +1 --- --- --- 3
+1 +2 --- --- --- 4-5
+2 +2 --- --- --- 6
+2 +3 --- --- --- 7


Summon Damage = 1d10 x number of djinn used

All djinn in standby in combat can be used by any member of the party with the Djinn master’s
permission. Damage done by a summon is always affiliated with its native element.

Here is a list of the Summons for this campaign. It will be expanded in the next campaign.
Venus Summons

Venus - A Venus 1 Earth:

Djinn appears and
bombards enemies 2d4
with boulders

Ramses - A Sphinx 2 Earth:

creates Tremors
with a massive fist 3d4

Cybele - A Earth 4 Earth:

guardian rapidly
grows a mess of 3d6
thorny vines
around enemies

Judgement – The 6 Earth:

god of salvation
and damnation 6d6
cleanses the
Mars Summons

Mars - A Mars Djinn 1 Mars:

appears and scorches
enemies with ground 2d4

Kirin - A flaming half 2 Mars:

lion, half stag is
ridden through 3d4
battle, leaving a trail
of flame and death

Tiamat - A chaos 4 Mars:

dragon melts
enemies with 3d6
devastating fire

Meteor - You 6 Mars:

summon a meteor to
hit the battlefield; it’s 6d6
pretty brutal.
Jupiter Summons

Jupiter - A Jupiter 1 Jupiter:

Djinn appears and
scatters enemies 2d4
with an aeolian

Atlanta - The archer 2 Jupiter:

Atlanta unleashes a
volley of arrows on 3d4
the enemies

Procne - A bird 4 Jupiter:

goddess creates a
whirlwind with her 3d6
wings creating a
vacuum around the

Thor - Thor himself 6 Jupiter:

lands with a roll of
thunder and a strike 6d6
of godly lightning
on your enemy
Mercury Summons

Mercury - A 1 Mercury:
Mercury Djinn
appears and 2d4
inundates the
enemy with a
deluge of water

Nereid - A sea 2 Mercury:

nymph rides a
turtle and brings a 3d4
tidal wave crashing
down on enemies

Neptune - A 4 Mercury:
titanic, tusked
whale surfaces and 3d6
blasts enemies with
high pressure
streams of water

Boreas - The god of 6 Mercury:

the north wind
creates a glacier 6d6
and shatters it on
the enemies


To quickly go over dice use, players will need the following dice:

1d20 1d12

1d10 1d4


Two terms to know are rolling with Advantage and Disadvantage. For both of these, the player
will roll twice. Advantage lets you take the higher of the two rolls. Disadvantage forces you to take
the lower of the two rolls.


On your character sheet, you will fill in your initiative box each time combat begins. The DM will
indicate when to do this. Initiative will determine the order of turns of the players and enemies in
combat. Each turn is broken down into 3 phases. You have a movement phase, an action phase,
and a bonus action. Each one will be covered below.

Movement Phase

Your Distance modifier, calculated in character creation, can range from -3 to +6. This modifier
will be added to whichever movement type you choose to use on your movement phase.

Movement Types:

❖ Move Short Distance

• Move 10 meters + Distance modifier
• Can be done again for a bonus action
❖ Move Medium Distance
• Move 20 meters + Distance modifier
❖ Move Far Distance
• Move 30 meters + Distance modifier
At the end of this section is an example of a map and how the grid will be laid out. The maps
themselves in game will not have grids. The DM will know how far distances are relative to map
layout and size.

Action Phase

The Action Phase is the point in battle when you can attack, defend, use djinn, use summons, or
use Psynergy. You can choose to do one of the following actions for your action phase.


You use your weapon to attack one enemy. Roll 1d20 to see if it hits. The DM will let you
know. If it succeeds, roll 1d12 and add your ATK. If you roll a 9-12, you unleash any special effects
your weapon has and roll an addition 1d4 for damage. If you rolled a 20, it is a critical hit. For
critical hits, double your dice.


If you use your action to defend, you will prepare for an enemies attack. The next attack
you receive from an enemy has reduced damage. Subtract DEF+END.


During your action phase you can use any Psynergy you have enough PP for. PP stands for
Psynergy Points. When you stay at an Inn or sleep for the night, you will recover full PP and full
HP. You can also use Djinn or Consumable Items to refill your PP. The Psynergy section below
lists what classes can use which Psynergy. This breakdown is also in the Classes section. Influence
is how many enemies you can attack at once. They must be relatively close together. The larger
the influence, the more enemies you can hit and the more spread out they can be. When you use
a Psynergy, you will deduct the PP Cost from your total PP. You will learn new moves in a
Psynergy series as you level up. Git gud.


You can also use your action to use your djinn. This included changing them from Standby
to Set, using their ability and switching them to Standby, or just switching them to standby
without using their ability. If a Djinn is in Recovery, it stay that way for 2 turns. At that point it is
automatically Set to the character and will take another turn to switch them to Standby again.


Calling on a Summon will change all required Djinn to Standby. Any player can use any
Djinn in the party that is on Standby, but only with that Djinn master’s permission. Those Djinn
will be in Recovery for 2 turns, at which point they will automatically be Set to their respective


One item can be used for your action phase. It can be used on any player within reach.
Remember you can use your movement to get to them. If you move a short distance, you can use
an item and then move a short distance again to go somewhere else for your Bonus Action.
Bonus Action

Your bonus action can be take at any point in your turn. If you only move a short distance in your
Movement Phase, you can move another short distance for your bonus action. You can also
switch a Djinn to Standby without using their ability. Therefore on your turn you can technically
change 2 Djinn to Standby and one of them can use their ability during the Action Phase. You are
also allowed to use an item for your bonus action, meaning you can use two items in your turn.
(Possibly one on you and one on another player.) Depending on your class lineage, you may be
allowed to Attack again or Defend as your bonus action. This will be on a class by class basis. You
cannot use Psynergy, Summons, or Djinn.

Venus Set Psynergy Description Roll Influence
Quake Psynergy series Quake Attack with a powerful quake 1d6 2
Earthquake Attack with a mighty tremor 3d4 4
Quake Sphere Attack with a massive quake 4d6 6
Growth Psynergy series Growth Attack with wild plants 1d6 2
Mad Growth Attack with ferocious plants 3d4 4
Wild Growth Attack with giant plants 4d6 6
Rockfall Psynergy series Rockfall Attack with a blast of rocks 1d6 2
Rockslide Attack with a blast of rocks 3d4 4
Avalanche Attack with a blast of rocks 4d6 6
Thorn Psynergy series Thorn Attack with stabbing thorns 1d6 2
Briar Attack with sharpened briars 3d4 4
Nettle Attack with stinging nettles 4d6 6
Spire Psynergy series Spire Attack with an earthen spire 1d6 2
Clay Spire Attack with an earthen spire 3d4 4
Stone Spire Attack with an earthen spire 4d6 6
Gaia Psynergy series Gaia Attack with the earth's might 1d6 2
Mother Gaia Attack with the earth's might 3d4 4
Grand Gaia Attack with the earth's might 4d6 6
Punji Psynergy series Punji Attack with a bamboo weapon 1d6 2
Punji Trap Attack with a bamboo weapon 3d4 4
Punji Strike Attack with a bamboo weapon 4d6 6
Demon Night Series Demon Night Strike with a myriad of monsters 2d4 3
Thorny Grave Summon a loathsome fiend 4d4 5
Splitter Psynergy Series Helm Splitter Paralyze a foe with a mighty blow 2d4 3

Skull Splitter Pulverize a foe’s skull 4d4 5

Sword Summon Series Ragnarok Strike with a massive sword 2d4 3
Odyssey Pierce a foe with a colossal sword 4d4 5
Cure Psynergy series Cure Restore 70 HP 1d4 2
Cure Well Restore 150 HP 3d4 4
Potent Cure Restore 300 HP 5d4 6
Revive Revive a downed ally --- 8
Catch Catch Grab light objects from afar --- --- 0
Carry Carry Lift and move light objects --- --- 0
Scoop Scoop Dig in soft ground --- --- 0
Tremor Tremor Shake objects left and right --- --- 0
Grind Grind Pulverise large objects --- --- 0
Sand Sand Melt into sand --- --- 0

Mars Set Psynergy Description Roll Influence
Flare Psynergy series Flare Attack with flaring flames 1d6 2
Flare Wall Attack with searing flames 3d4 4
Flare Storm Attack with incinerating flames 4d6 6
Blast Psynergy series Blast Attack with an explosive blast 1d6 2
Mad Blast Attack with an explosive blast 3d4 4
Fiery Blast Attack with an explosive blast 4d6 6
Lava Psynergy series Lava Shower Attack with a volcano's might 1d6 2
Molten Bath Attack with a volcano's might 3d4 4
Magma Storm Attack with a volcano's might 4d6 6
Bomb Psynergy series Fire Bomb Attack with a bomb blast 1d6 2
Cluster Bomb Attack with a bomb blast 3d4 4
Carpet Bomb Attack with a bomb blast 4d6 6
Fire Psynergy series Fire Attack with a scorching fireball 1d6 2
Fireball Attack with a scorching fireball 3d4 4
Inferno Attack with a scorching fireball 4d6 6
Nova Psynergy series Blast Attack with a massive explosion 1d6 2
Nova Attack with a massive explosion 3d4 4
Supernova Attack with a massive explosion 4d6 6
Beam Psynergy series Beam Attack with a searing heat beam 1d6 2

Cycle Beam Attack with a searing heat beam 3d4 4

Searing Beam Attack with a massive explosion 4d6 6

Volcano Psynergy series Volcano Attack with volcanic might 1d6 2
Eruption Attack with volcanic might 3d4 4
Pyroclasm Attack with volcanic might 4d6 6
Fume Psynergy series Fume Attack with a plume of flames 1d6 2

Serpent Fume Attack with a plume of flames 3d4 4

Dragon Fume Attack with a plume of flames 4d6 6

Dragon Cloud Series Dragon Cloud Strike an enemy with dragon cloud 2d4 3
Epicenter Strike an enemy with dragon cloud 4d4 5
Heatwave Series Heatwave Attack with fiery bolts 2d4 3
Liquefier Seize an enemy with fires of truth 4d4 5
Meteorite Series Meteorite Create a flurry of sharp meteorites 2d4 3
Meteor Blow A crashing blow from a meteor 4d4 5
Planet Diver Series Planet Diver Leap skyward and lunge onto a foe 1d6 2
Planetary Strike a foe with heavenly fire 3d4 4

Rising Dragon Conjure a flaming dragon 4d6 6

Aura Psynergy series Aura Restore 50 HP to the whole party 1d4 2

Healing Aura Restore 100 HP to the whole party 3d4 4

Cool Aura Restore 200 HP to the whole party 5d4 6

Impair Psynergy series Impair Drop enemy's Defence --- 3
Debilitate Drop enemy party's Defence --- 5
Guard Psynergy series Guard Boost ally's Defence --- 3
Protect Boost party's Defence --- 5
Move Move Move an object on the ground --- --- 0
Pound Pound Drive objects into the ground --- --- 0
Burst Burst Break cracked objects --- --- 0
Blaze Blaze Manipulate flames --- --- 0

Jupiter Set Psynergy Description Roll Influence
Gale Psynergy series Gale Attack with the wind's might 1d6 2
Typhoon Attack with the wind's might 3d4 4
Hurricane Attack with the wind's might 4d6 6
Bolt Psynergy series Bolt Attack with a lightning bolt 1d6 2
Flash Bolt Attack with a lightning bolt 3d4 4
Blue Bolt Attack with a lightning bolt 4d6 6
Whirlwind Psynergy series Whirlwind Attack with a swirling tornado 1d6 2
Tornado Attack with a mighty tornado 3d4 4
Tempest Attack with a fearsome windstorm 4d6 6
Slash Psynergy series Slash Attack with a blade of focused air 1d6 2
Wind Slash Attack with a blade of focused air 3d4 4
Sonic Slash Attack with a blade of focused air 4d6 6
Ray Psynergy series Ray Attack with a magnetic storm 1d6 2
Storm Ray Attack with a magnetic storm 3d4 4
Destruct Ray Attack with a magnetic storm 4d6 6
Plasma Psynergy series Plasma Attack with a barrage of bolts 1d6 2
Shine Plasma Attack with a barrage of bolts 3d4 4
Spark Plasma Attack with a barrage of bolts 4d6 6
Thunder Psynergy series Thunderclap Attack with the storm's fury 1d6 2
Thunderbolt Attack with the storm's fury 3d4 4
Thunderstorm Attack with the storm's fury 4d6 6
Astral Psynergy Series Astral Blast Attack with celestial force 2d4 3

Thunder Mine Attack with ball lightning 4d4 5

Impact Psynergy series Impact Boost [an] ally's Attack --- 3
High Impact Boost [the] party's Attack --- 5
Ward Psynergy series Ward Boost Defense --- 3
Resist Boost Defense --- 5
Dull Psynergy series Dull Drop enemy Attack --- 3
Blunt Drop enemy Attack --- 5
Bind Bind Block a foe's Psynergy --- 3
Mist Mist Wrap a foe in a cloud of delusion --- 0
Reveal Reveal Perceive hidden truths --- --- 0
Halt Halt Stop a moving object --- --- 0
Lash Lash Lift and move very light objects --- --- 0
Cyclone Cyclone Conjure wind to scatter weeds --- --- 0
Hover Hover Hover in the air --- --- 0

Mercury Set Psynergy Description Roll Influence
Frost Psynergy series Frost Attack with frigid blasts 1d6 2
Tundra Attack with frigid blasts 3d4 4
Glacier Attack with frigid blasts 4d6 6
Douse Psynergy series Douse Attack with a surge of water 1d6 2
Drench Attack with a torrent of water 3d4 4
Deluge Attack with a deadly flood 4d6 6
Froth Psynergy series Froth Attack with frothing bubbles 1d6 2
Froth Sphere Attack with frenzied bubbles 3d4 4
Froth Spiral Attack with a bubble vortex 4d6 6
Ice Psynergy series Ice Attack with spikes of ice 1d6 2
Ice Horn Attack with spikes of ice 3d4 4
Ice Missile Attack with spikes of ice 4d6 6
Cool Psynergy series Cool Attack with freezing cold 1d6 2

Supercool Attack with freezing cold 3d4 4

Megacool Attack with freezing cold 4d6 6

Prism Psynergy series Prism Attack with ice crystals 1d6 2
Hail Prism Attack with ice crystals 3d4 4
Freeze Prism Attack with ice crystals 4d6 6
Edge Psynergy series Cutting Edge Inflict damage with a shock wave 2d4 3
Plume Edge Attack with a foaming geyser 4d4 5
Diamond Psynergy series Diamond Dust Attack with crystalline ice 2d4 3

Diamond Berg Freeze and Crush a foe 4d4 5

Ply Psynergy series Ply Recover 100 HP with faith's power 1d4 2
Ply Well Recover 200 HP with faith's power 3d4 4
Earnest Ply Recover 500 HP with faith’s power 5d4 6
Pure Ply Recover 1000 HP with faith's power 7d4 8
Wish Psynergy series Wish Restore 80 HP to the whole party 1d4 2
Wish Well Restore 160 HP to the whole party 3d4 4
Pure Wish Restore 400 HP to the whole party 5d4 6
Cure Poison Cure Poison Cleanse the body of poison --- 3
Restore Restore Remove sleep, stun, and delusion --- 3
Break Break Eliminate an enemy's bonuses --- 3
Lift Lift Lift an object vertically --- --- 0
Cloak Cloak Hide away in shadows --- --- 0
Parch Parch Evaporate standing water --- --- 0


During the course of your travels and battles, you can be inflicted with a variety of ailments.
Below will detail what each ailment is and how it affects your character. You can use Psynergy or
Consumable items to cure ailments. All Ailments except Poison and Downed wear off after the
conclusion of a battle.


When an enemy or player is inflicted with poison, they will take 1d4 times the
inflicting/inflicted player’s class tier damage per turn. Poison lasts until it is removed. No turn
limit. This will continue after the battle as well. The player will take additional damage every 5

Damage = 1d4 x player class tier


Sleep essentially functions as loose a turn. The player or enemy will stay asleep for 2 turns
unless affected by an ally. No damage is taken, but there is no movement or interaction for the 2


Stunning an enemy or player also causes them to not move or interact for 2 turns, but they
are actively aware of what is happening. Allies can remove the stun before the 2 turns are up. On
each turn the stunned individual will roll for Willpower to recover from the stun. They must roll
higher than the original roll that caused the Stun to break from it.


Delusion allows the player to still move and interact but all rolls for 2 turns are with


When a party member hits 0 HP, they are downed and cannot move or interact with any
of their surroundings. They will stay in this downed state for 3 turns before dying. If they take an
additional half of their max HP in damage before this, they will also die. However, enemies will
preferentially attack the living unless there is no other target for attack. When a player is downed,
Psynergy and Items that restore HP will have no effect. Only Psynergy and Items that revive
downed players will have an effect. Most only bring the player back to 1 HP and still require
additional aid. When a battle ends, players will have to carry their downed party member until
they can revive them.

You will have 20 item slots on your person. Certain items, like herbs, can be stacked. The DM will
let you know which items can be stacked. You can fill in the bubbles in the inventory section of
your character sheet to keep track of which armour is equipped to add the right bonuses. Any
weapon in your inventory can be used in battle. Items can be sold in towns and cities. Feel free to
haggle. You can also purchase items in towns and cities. Sometimes shopkeeps will have special
inventories not open to general buyers. Keep this in mind and perhaps inquire about it.
Throughout the world are chests with various loot. Note that this is not skyrim; there is no
hoarding unless there is good reason.

Plot Items

These items will be discovered throughout the course of the game and are necessary to the plot.
These items cannot be sold or dropped. Since they are required, they will not take up one of your
item slots either. They will be expanded upon in game.


Equipment in this game will fall under 2 categories: Armour and Weapons. Now pretty much
anything CAN be used as a weapon. Whether it should be is up to you. Armour will be equipped
at the player’s discretion. If a piece of armour or a weapon is cursed, the curse will be immediately
applied upon equipping, unless removed before hand. The DM will not allow you to equip
ridiculous amounts of armour. For example, you cannot wear six helmets. Armour should be
practical. But if you want to try something, go ahead and see what happens.

Consumable Items

Herb: Restores 1d6HP

Nut: Restores 2d6HP
Vial: Restores 4d6HP
Potion: Restores all HP to one party member
Mist Potion: Restores 3d6HP to all party members
Psy Crystal: Fully restore on party member’s PP
Antidote: Cures Poison
Elixir: Cures Sleep, Stun, and Delusion
Water of Live: Revives a Downed ally to full health

Imbued Items

On your travels, you may come across an imbued item. These items are remnants of powerful
ancient civilisations. They each add a new class lineage into the game with powerful, new
Mysterious Card: Changes class to Pierrot Lineage

Pierrot Lineage
Classes HP PP Earth Fire Wind Water
Pierrot +0 +1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1
Harlequin +0 +2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
Aerialist +1 +2 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5
Acrobat +1 +3 6 6 6 6
Funambulist +2 +4 7 7 7 7

Class Base ATK Base DEF

Pierrot +1 +0
Harlequin +1 +1
Aerialist +2 +1
Acrobat +2 +2
Funambulist +3 +3
Attribute Affinities: Charisma, Perception, Endurance

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Improvisation, Sleight of Hand, Deception

Psynergy Description Class Roll Influence
Baffle Card Envelop foes in an illusion Pierrot ---

Juggle Skillfully toss balls of flame Pierrot 1d10

Sword Card Attack with dancing blades Pierrot 1d10

Sabre Dance Reduce a foe’s attack Pierrot 1d4

Flame Card Throw a card of the Flame suit Harlequin 1d10

Sleep Card Put a foe to sleep Harlequin ---

Heat Juggle Skillfully toss balls of flame Harlequin 1d10

Fire Breath Attack with a sheet of flames Aerialist 1d12

Thunder Card Throw a card of the Thunder suit Aerialist 1d12

Death Card Call the Reaper to claim your foes Acrobat ---
Attack a foe from behind
Backstab Acrobat 1d12
Instant critical hit
Bramble Card Throw a card of the Thorn suit Funambulist 1d20

Fiery Juggle Skillfully toss balls of flame Funambulist 1d20

Frost Card Throw a card of the Frost suit Funambulist 1d20

Tomegathericon: Changes class to Occultist Lineage

Occultist Lineage
Classes HP PP Earth Fire Wind Water
Occultist +1 +1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1
Dark Mage +2 +2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
Necrolyte +2 +2 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5
Crypt Lord +3 +3 6 6 6 6
Necromancer +4 +4 7 7 7 7

Class Base ATK Base DEF

Occultist +0 +1
Dark Mage +1 +2
Necrolyte +1 +3
Crypt Lord +2 +3
Necromancer +3 +4
Attribute Affinities: Wisdom, Willpower, Perception

Skill Proficiencies: Lore, Healing, Psynergy, Stealth

Psynergy Description Class Roll Influence
Call Zombie Command a zombie to strike a foe Occultist 1d10

Raging Heat Call forth the fires of the pit Occultist 1d10
Haunt Haunt a foe with an evil spirit Occultist ---
Revive Revive a downed ally Occultist ---
Fire Puppet Paralyze your foes with fear Dark Mage ---

Fiery Abyss Call forth the fires of the pit Dark Mage 1d10
Curse Draw the Spirit of Death to a foe Necrolyte ---
Call Demon Strike with a demon's fury Necrolyte 1d12
Condemn Disable your enemy with evil power Necrolyte ---
Drain Drain a foe’s HP Crypt Lord 1d12
Poison Flow Conjure a blast of poisoned wind Crypt Lord ---
Psy Drain Drain a foe’s PP Necromancer 1d20
Call Dullahan Strike with Dullahan’s might Necromancer 1d20

Dire Inferno Call forth the fires of the pit Necromancer 1d20
Trainer’s Whip: Changes class to Tamer Lineage

This item is unique in that each class tier gets an entirely new set of Psynergy and cannot access
the previous ones until Beast Lord, which can access any of the previous lineage Psynergies.

Tamer Lineage
Classes HP PP Earth Fire Wind Water
Tamer +1 +0 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1
Trainer +2 +1 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
Animal Handler +2 +1 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5
Beastkeeper +3 +2 6 6 6 6
Beast Lord +4 +2 7 7 7 7

Class Base ATK Base DEF

Tamer +1 +1
Trainer +2 +1
Animal Handler +3 +2
Beastkeeper +3 +2
Beast Lord +4 +3
Attribute Affinities: Willpower, Strength, Endurance

Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival, Intimidation, Deduction

Psynergy Description Class Roll Influence
Wild Wolf Attack with the ferocity of a wolf Tamer 1d10

Cure Poison Cleanse the body of poison Tamer ---

Impact Boost an ally’s Attack Tamer 1d4

Whiplash Attack with a whip Tamer 1d10

Salamander Call forth a fiery reptile’s breath Tamer 1d10

Restore Remove sleep, stun, and delusion Tamer ---

Emu Call a giant bird to claw a foe Tamer 1d10

High Impact Boost the party’s Attack Tamer 2d4

Roc Attack with a flurry of wing beats Tamer 1d10


Orc Perform a heavy blow Trainer 1d10

Cure Poison Cleanse the body of poison Trainer ---

Impact Boost an ally’s Attack Trainer 1d4

Pixie Conjure pixies to restore HP Trainer 1d10

Whiplash Attack with a whip Trainer 1d10

Cerberus Attack with the soul’s fire Trainer 1d10

Restore Remove sleep, stun, and delusion Trainer ---

Harpy Attack with boosted morale Trainer 1d12

High Impact Boost the party’s Attack Trainer 2d4

Wyvern Attack foes with fiery breath Trainer 1d12

Grand Golem Attack with a fist of stone Trainer 1d12


Dinox Attack with sharpened fangs Animal Handler 1d12

Cure Poison Cleanse the body of poison Animal Handler ---

Impact Boost an ally’s Attack Animal Handler 1d4

Faery Conjure faeries to restore HP Animal Handler 1d12

Whiplash Attack with a whip Animal Handler 1d10

Chimera Attack a foe with a fiery blast Animal Handler 1d12

Restore Remove sleep, stun, and delusion Animal Handler ---

Elder Wood Restore HP to all allies Animal Handler 1d12

Gryphon Attack with a razor-sharp beak Animal Handler 1d20

High Impact Boost the party’s Attack Animal Handler 2d4

Lich Revive an ally with the undead’s aid Animal Handler ---

Blue Dragon Attack with an icy blast Animal Handler 1d20

Living Armour Attack with an axe. A big one. Animal Handler 1d20

Troll Attack with fiendish might Beastkeeper 1d20

Cure Poison Cleanse the body of poison Beastkeeper ---
Impact Boost an ally’s Attack Beastkeeper 1d4
Weird Nymph Conjure nymphs to restore HP Beastkeeper 1d20

Whiplash Attack with a whip Beastkeeper 1d10

Macetail Attack foes with a fiery blast Beastkeeper 1d20

Restore Remove sleep, stun, and delusion Beastkeeper ---
Estre Wood Restore HP to all allies Beastkeeper 1d20

Minotaur Attack with a mighty axe Beastkeeper 1d20

High Impact Boost the party’s Attack Beastkeeper 2d4
Succubus Conjure a succubus to restore HP Beastkeeper 1d20

Phoenix Revive an ally with the phoenix’s fire Beastkeeper ---

Fire Dragon Attack foes with a fiery blast Beastkeeper 1d20

Manticore Restore HP with cleansing flame to allies Beastkeeper 2d20

Ghost Soldier Attack with phantom javelins Beastkeeper 1d20

Additional Resources

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