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This chapter shows the results and discussion of the data gathered for survey
conducted the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data pertinent to the study
on Product Development of “Cucurbita Maxima” Squash main ingredients as Atsara,
Embutido and Kikiam.

Table1. Profile of the Respondents


10 %
10 %
10 %
10 %
10 %
TOTAL 50 100%

Table 1 shows the profile of the respondents as the evaluator of the product
development of Cucurbita Maxima as main ingredients to Atsara, Embutido. It
was revealed that the respondents comprises of 10 , 10 the Faculty, 10 the
Students, 10 the Native kakanin vendors and 10 the House wife respectively,
and a total number of 50 respondents.

Table 2 Level of Acceptability of Squash Atsara in terms of Taste

Squash Atsara Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Trial 1 3.4 Good
Trial 2 3.66 Very Good
Trial 3 4.12 Very Good

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Excellent; 3.41- 4.20 Very Good; 2.61-3.40 Good; 1.81-2.60 Fair; 1.00-1.81
Table 2.0 revealed that trial 3 has a weighted mean of 4.12 with verbal
interpretation of very good, or addition trial 2 has 3.66 weighted mean with verbal
interpretation of very good, meanwhile trial 1 has 3.4 weighted mean with a verbal
interpretation of good.

Table 2.1 Level of Acceptability of Squash Atsara in terms of Texture

Squash Atsara Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Trial 1 2.96 Moderately Acceptable
Trial 2 3.08 Moderately Acceptable
Trial 3 3.44 Acceptable

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Highly Acceptable3.41- 4.20 Acceptable; 2.61-3.40 Moderately Acceptable;
1.81-2.60 Unacceptable; 1.00-1.81 Poor

Table 2.1 shows the level of acceptability of Atsara in terms of texture. Where
in trial 3 has a weighted mean of 3.44 with a verbal interpretation of acceptable.
Meanwhile, trial 2 has a weighted mean of 3.08 with a verbal interpretation of
moderately acceptable. Then trial 1 the weighted mean is 2.96 with a verbal
interpretation of moderately acceptable.

Table 2.2 Level of Acceptability of Squash Atsara in terms of aroma

Squash Atsara Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Trial 1 3.26 Moderately Desirable
Trial 2 3.76 Desirable
Trial 3 4 Desirable

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 highly Desirable; 3.41- 4.20 Desirable; 2.61-3.40 Moderately Desirable; 1.81-
2.60 Slightly Desirable; 1.00-1.81 Undesirable

The table 2.2 shows the level of acceptability Atsara in terms of aroma. Where
in trial 3 has a weighted mean of 4 with a verbal interpretation of desirable. While
trial 2 has weighted mean is 3.76 the verbal interpretation of desirable. Then trial 1
has a weighted mean of 3.26 also as verbal interpretation of moderately desirable.
Table 2.3 Level of Acceptability of Squash Atsara in terms of appearance

Squash Atsara Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Trial 1 4.46 Highly Acceptability
Trial 2 4.56 Highly Acceptability
Trial 3 3.9 Acceptability

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Highly Acceptability; 3.41- 4.20 Acceptability; 2.61-3.40 Fairly Acceptability;
1.81-2.60 Moderately Acceptability; 1.00-1.81 Unacceptability

Table 2.3 revealed that Trial 3 has a weighted mean of 3.9 with a verbal
interpretation which is acceptability of Atsara in terms of apperance . In addition trial
2 has a weighted mean of 4.56 also with a verbal interpretation of highly
acceptability. Meanwhile, the trial 1 has a weighted mean of 4.46 with a verbal
interpretation of highly acceptability.

Table 3. Level of Acceptability of Squash Embutido in terms of Taste

Squash Embutido Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Trial 1 3.78 Good
Trial 2 4.02 Good
Trial 3 3.3 Good

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Excellent; 3.41- 4.20 Very Good; 2.61-3.40 Good; 1.81-2.60 Fair; 1.00-1.81

Table 3 shows the level of acceptability of Embutido in term of taste. Where in

trial 3 has a weighted mean of 3.3 with a verbal interpretation of good. Also the trial 2
has a weighted mean of 4.02 with interpretation of good. While trial 1 has a weighted
mean of 3.78 which is also verbal interpretation of having good.

Table 3.1 Level of Acceptability of Squash Embutido in terms of Texture

Squash Embutido Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Trial 1 3.8 Acceptable
Trial 2 3.62 Acceptable
Trial 3 3.74 Acceptable

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Very Acceptable; 3.41- 4.20 Acceptable; 2.61-3.40 Moderately Acceptable;
1.81-2.60 Unacceptable; 1.00-1.81 Poor
Table 3.1 shows the level of acceptability of Embutido in terms of texture. The
trial 3 has a weighted mean of 3.74 with verbal interpretation of acceptable.
Meanwhile, trial 2 has a weighted mean of 3.62 with a verbal interpretation of
acceptable. Then trial 1 has a weighted mean of 3.8 and verbal interpretation of

Table 3.2 Level of Acceptability of Squash Embutido in terms of aroma

Squash Embutido Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Trial 1 4.02 Desirable
Trial 2 4.06 Desirable
Trial 3 4.02 Desirable

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Highly Desirable; 3.41- 4.20 Desirable; 2.61-3.40 Moderately Desirable; 1.81-
2.60 Slightly Desirable; 1.00-1.81 Undesirable

Table 3.2 shows the level of acceptability of Embutido in term of aroma.

Where in trial 3 has a weighted mean of 4.02 with verbal interpretation of desirable,
meanwhile, trial 2 which has also weighted mean 4.06 with verbal interpretation of
having desirable, then trial 1 also has a weighted mean of 4.02 the verbal
interpretation of desirable.

Table 3.3 Level of Acceptability of Squash Embutido in in terms of appearance

Squash Embutido Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Trial 1 3.74 Acceptability
Trial 2 3.84 Acceptability
Trial 3 3.82 Acceptability

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Highly Acceptability; 3.41- 4.20 Acceptability; 2.61-3.40 Fairly Acceptability;
1.81-2.60 Moderately Acceptability; 1.00-1.81 Unacceptability

Table 3.3 showed that the acceptability of Embutido in terms of appearance.

Trial 3 has a weighted mean 3.82 with a verbal interpretation of acceptability, while
trial 2 has a weighted mean of 3.84 with verbal interpretation of brown acceptability.
Meanwhile trial 1 has a weighted mean of 3.74 with verbal interpretation of
Table 4 Level of Acceptability of Squash Kikiam in terms of Taste

Squash Kikiam Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Trial 1 3.88 Very good
Trial 2 4.3 Excellent
Trial 3 4.14 Very good

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Excellent; 3.41- 4.20 Very Good; 2.61-3.40 Good; 1.81-2.60 Fair; 1.00-1.81

The table 4 shows the level of acceptability of Kikiam in terms of taste. Where
in trial 3 has a weighted mean of 4.14 with verbal interpretation of very good, and
trial 2 has a weighted mean 4.3 with the highest of verbal interpretation of excellent.
Then trial 1 has a weighted mean of 3.88 verbal interpretation of very good.

Table 4.1 Level of Acceptability of Squash Kikiam in terms of Texture

Squash Kikiam Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Trial 1 3.14 Moderately Acceptable
Trial 2 3.34 Moderately Acceptable
Trial 3 3.04 Moderately Acceptable

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Very Acceptable; 3.41- 4.20 Acceptable; 2.61-3.40 Moderately Acceptable;
1.81-2.60 Unacceptable; 1.00-1.81 Poor

Table 4.1 shows the acceptability of Kikiam in terms of texture. Where in trial
3 has a weighted mean of 3.04 with a verbal interpretation of moderately acceptable,
meanwhile the trial 2 has a weighted mean of 3.34 with verbal interpretation of
moderately acceptable. Then trial 1 has a weighted mean of 3.14 also with verbal
interpretation of moderately acceptable.

Table 4.2 Level of Acceptability of Squash Kikiam in terms of aroma

Squash Kikiam Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Trial 1 3.76 Desirable
Trial 2 3.84 Desirable
Trial 3 4.08 Desirable

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Highly Desirable; 3.41- 4.20 Desirable; 2.61-3.40 Moderately Desirable; 1.81-
2.60 Slightly Desirable; 1.00-1.81 Undesirable
Table 4.2 shows the level of acceptability of Kikiam in terms of aroma. Trial 3
has a weighted mean of 4.08 which is verbal interpretation of desirable. Where in
trial 2 has a weighted mean of 3.84 with verbal interpretation of desirable.
Meanwhile, trial 1 has a weighted mean of 3.76 and also the verbal interpretation of

Table 4.3 Level of Acceptability of Squash Kikiam in terms of Appearance

Squash Kikiam Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Trial 1 4.5 Highly Acceptability
Trial 2 4.7 Highly Acceptability
Trial 3 4.7 Highly Acceptability

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Highly Acceptability3.41- 4.20 Acceptability; 2.61-3.40 Fairly Acceptability;
1.81-2.60 Moderately Acceptability; 1.00-1.81 Unacceptability

The table 4.3 above shows the acceptability of Kikiam in terms of

appearance. As revealed in the trial 3 has a weighted mean of 4.7 with verbal
interpretation of highly acceptability. Where in trial 2 has a weighted mean of 4.7 with
verbal interpretation of highly acceptability and trial 1 has a weighted mean of 4.5
with a verbal interpretation of highly acceptability.

Table 4.4 Overall Level of Acceptability of Atsara, Embutido and Kikiam.

Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Table 5 Overall Quality Level of Acceptability of Atsara

Treatments Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Taste 4.64 Highly Acceptability
Texture 4.46 Highly Acceptability
Aroma 4.56 Highly Acceptability
Appearance 4.6 Highly Acceptability

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Highly Acceptability3.41- 4.20 Acceptability; 2.61-3.40 Fairly Acceptability;
1.81-2.60 Moderately Acceptability; 1.00-1.81 Unacceptability

Table 5 presents the overall quality level of acceptability of Atsara in terms of

different attributes like taste, texture, aroma and appearance but among them, the
weighted mean of 4.6, 4.56, 4.46 and 4.64 with a verbal interpretation of highly

Table 6 Overall Quality Level of Acceptability of Embutido

Treatments Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Taste 4.44 Highly Acceptability
Texture 4.22 Highly Acceptability
Aroma 4.24 Highly Acceptability
Appearance 5 Highly Acceptability

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Highly Acceptability3.41- 4.20 Acceptability; 2.61-3.40 Fairly Acceptability;
1.81-2.60 Moderately Acceptability; 1.00-1.81 Unacceptability

Table 6 presents the overall quality level of acceptability of Embutido in terms

of taste, texture, aroma and appearance. It was shown that weighted mean of 5,
4.24, 4.22, and 4.44 with a verbal interpretation of highly acceptability.
Table 7 Overall Quality Level of Acceptability of Kikiam

Treatments Weighted mean Verbal Interpretation

Taste 4.64 Highly Acceptability
Texture 4.46 Highly Acceptability
Aroma 4.56 Highly Acceptability
Appearance 4.6 Highly Acceptability

Rating Scale: 4.21-5.00 Highly Acceptability3.41- 4.20 Acceptability; 2.61-3.40 Fairly Acceptability;
1.81-2.60 Moderately Acceptability; 1.00-1.81 Unacceptability

Table 7 presents the overall quality level of acceptability of kikiam in terms of

taste, texture, aroma and appearance. It also showed that weighted mean of 4.6,
4.56, 4.46 and 4.64 respectively or highly acceptability also as verbal interpretation.

Table 8 Level of Acceptability of Leaflets

Weighted Verbal
mean Interpretation
How often do you use or read leaflets? 3.16 Sometimes

Appropriateness of the display of information in 3.9 Good

the leaflets
Catchy 3.86 Better
Informative 3.84 Better

Grammatically correct 3.64 Better

Easy to understand 3,84 Better
Appropriateness of the layout of the leaflet 4.08 Excellent
Creativity 4.14 Excellent
Blending of colors 4.18 Excellent

Resolution 3.8 Better

Visual graphic representation 4 Better
Rating scales: 4.05-5.00 Excellent; 3.21-4.04 Better; 2.11-3.20 Good; 1.82-2.10 Needs Improvement;
1.00-1.81 Poor
Table 8 shows the acceptability of leaflets. It is found out that the respondents

are sometimes often to read or use the leaflets with the weighted mean of 3.16.

Meanwhile, it is good for the respondents that the appropriateness of the display of

information in the leaflets with the weighted mean of 3.9. Both Catchy, Informative,

Grammatically correct, Easy to understand , Resolution and Visual graphic

representation is better to the respondents and it is Excellent or highly acceptable by

the respondents when it comes to the appropriateness of the layout of the leaflets,

creativity and blending of colors.

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