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If you're making a personal injury claim after any kind of accident, looking at

a sample demand letter is a great way to put together your own initial
demand to the at-fault party (or the other side's insurance company).
Below you'll find several variations of demand letters covering the most
common types of personal injury cases. These letters will give you an
idea of how to effectively frame some common legal issues, best capture
your "damages" (losses attributable to the accident), and strengthen your
side of the case so that you are in the best position to negotiate a fair
personal injury settlement.
These sample letters are not a replacement for
qualified legal advice - they are for illustrative
purposes only. Always talk to a lawyer before making
any written statements following an accident.

Car Accidents

Demand Letter for Car Accident Claim -- Less Serious Injury

 Medical Bills Around $1,000

 Some Missed Work
 Minor Lingering Pain

Demand Letter for Car Accident Claim -- More Serious Injury

 Medical Bills Over $3,000

 Lost Income
 Long-Term Pain
 Emotional Injury/Trauma
Personal Injury Demand Letter - Bicycle-Car Accident

This sample demand letter covers key common legal issues and types of
damages when a vehicle driver causes an accident with a bicyclist.

Other Common Kinds of Personal Injury Cases

Personal Injury Demand Letter - Slip and Fall on Commercial Property

This sample demand letter can give you a starting point for making a
personal injury demand after a slip and fall occurrs on a business's
private property.

Personal Injury Demand Letter - Slip and Fall Stair Accident

This sample demand letter provides a template to follow when you're

making an injury claim after a fall on poorly maintained/constructed
stairs (including liability issues involving potential building code

Personal Injury Demand Letter - Accident Caused by Employees

This sample personal injury demand letter covers common legal issues
when an employee causes an injury, and the business itself may be on
the legal hook.

Next Steps

Once you've sent your demand letter, settlement negotiations will begin
in earnest. See the following articles to learn how the settlement "dance"
works, and how to advocate for the best outcome to your personal injury
The Personal Injury Settlement Negotiation Process
How to Settle a Car Accident Claim
Tips for Getting the Best Injury Claim Settlement

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