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Rite of Dark Godhood:

Once you are firmly ensconced inside the Abyss, it is time to awaken the
God within. See around you endless night, and a vast array of stars. You are
timeless, ageless, without limit. Feel your Power growing. In the windswept
vista before you, breathe the living darkness in. Let it merge with and further
ignite the black flame at your core, spreading outward through your being. At
first attempt, it may feel like a cloak you wear, but in time it emerges from the
Trust that however you perceive yourself as a creature of beauty and power
is realized in that moment. Call forth the higher template from your own
Akashic Record and invoke your own godhood into yourself, to merge with the
manifestation of yourself in this life and plane.
The deeper truth and pattern of who you are will emerge and reveal itself to
you. Hold that vision, see it clearly, see it enter you as you step into it. On a
cellular level you will merge and become one with that part of yourself on a
higher level. This Being has no limits. It is hardwired with infinite knowledge
and power.
When you feel this to be your absolute truth and highest manifestation,
speak out-loud with conviction, and decree into the Darkness these words,
which are the Creed of the Dark Throne:

Creed of the Dark Throne:

“Superseding all else, to evolve my consciousness, body and being, to carve a

path of dark knowledge and understanding. In every way, through strength
and endurance, adjust myself to all conditions faced within this life.”

“I control my thoughts, honor my emotions; choosing my words and actions

with mindfulness. With assertive calmness, iron will and focus, I leverage
reality; doing all that I am capable of without constraint. I recognize my
achievements and celebrate my victories. I understand that growth comes from
both success and temporary setbacks, so I may learn from things I choose to
adjust, in order to rise again, and do better.”

“Should I choose to deal harshly with those who would stand against me or my
brethren; those I hold most dear, or my kingdom and guiding principles, I bend
the knee to NO ONE, regardless of the apparent size, appearance or attitude of
my opponent. My force proceeds me like a tornado, my magickal skill wielded
like a sword, and my black flame of focused intent burns a path before me,
removing all obstacles.”

“As a Dark God/Goddess by my own authority, I make confidence and boldness

my companions, and power my essence. In navigating life, death and my fellow
man, I consider the thirteen precepts of Kingship and the Abyss:”

“Learn to recognize synchronicities. Face the storm. Wait for or create
opportunity and consider logistics. Do more than deliberate: Reflect and act.”

~Honest Desire~
“Come forward in the work knowing intent. Assess hidden motivations, and
fully commit to the moment. Do more than touch fire: Truly feel and
appreciate it.”

~Be the Crucible~

“Focus, hone, transform and refine the True Will. Do more than sharpen:
Make the cut.”
~Love, Loyalty, Friendship~
“First to the self, then those chosen to be kept close. Do more than relate:
Authentically connect.”
“Go deep or go home. No Permission Needed. Do more than ask: Decide.”

~Become the Dark~

“In the silent Void you find yourself. Wear it like armor and it can never be
used against you. Do more than maintain it: Use it.”

“Write the cosmic symphony of self-determination and composition. Do more
than converse and harmonize: Play the countermeasures as well.”

~Keep the Territory~

“One’s word is Law. Maintain decorum and keep moving forward. Do more
than build strongholds: Invite others in.”

~Dark Illumination~
“Ignition of self and others. Keep the flame lit. Do more than exist: Live.”

~Create Sanctuary~
“Energetic structures in space and time where worlds are made. Places of
destruction and resurrection. Do more than rest: Introspect and trust your
“Erase doubt. Go for it. Be victorious. Do more than rise: Evolve.”

“Expand consciousness exponentially. Do more than perceive: Truly observe
and see.”

~Kingship Mentality~
“Confident power strategically applied. Do more than rule: Decree and call
forth the spiritual gold and greatness in others; for being royal, divine and
infernal is something that you are and willing to help others discover, step into
and succeed.”

As you are simultaneously a human as well, operating in various realms at
once, you may better access yourself. The higher resonance and template will
activate things within you that you will become more aware of after this ritual.
Pay particular attention to your thought patterns and synchronicities around
You may experience heightened sensory perception immediately following
for a time, that will then be tempered so you can function in the “normal”
world and not be overwhelmed by seeing, knowing and experiencing
everything all at once.
Feel yourself as you truly are, in this moment. Hold that feeling and vision,
solidifying it. You are all powerful, all knowing and everywhere at once.
THIS IS YOU. Remember that. All past, present and future comes together
and on some level, you retain it. Know that while you go back, the truth and
beauty of you is there, you just have to look within the dark mirror of your own
As you fully embrace your Destiny, you may at first experience an intense
rush and power-high. Enjoy it! Ride the wave and DO ritual, now is the time
to take action. After a period of time, which differs for everyone, you may feel
a nostalgia or even melancholy creep in slightly. This can manifest in varying
degrees and forms. It may be a discontent with daily mundane life, job or
people. You may feel disconnected and alienated from those around you.
Some would caution you to not make major life changes during such a time,
but that is not my counsel to you. I say go for it! Remove the obstacles holding
you back and make the changes necessary and desired from which to move
forward firmly and with purpose.

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