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Element Ball/Baby Book project

Student Name______________________________________ Period________

Project due ___________
**Will drop one letter grade each day it is late**

The purpose of this project is to examine ONE element from the Periodic Table more closely. You will research its origin, structure,
properties, and traits. You will have two options for this assignment. You will either construct an element ball OR create a baby


PART ONE: The following information MUST be included on ALL projects; however, the manner that it is expressed may be different.
Place a check mark next to each item once you have written the information on your research sheet

1. ______ Your name and class period (Ball: this will be the side that is hole punched with a string)
2. ______ Element name
3. ______ Element symbol
4. ______ Where does name come from? ex: Latin, location, person, etc
5. ______ Atomic number
6. ______ Atomic mass
7. ______ Number of protons, neutrons, & electrons
8. ______ Drawing of the Bohr model with correct particles in the nucleus and the correct electron orbitals
9. ______ Discovery: when, where, & who
10. ______ Group and period number
11. ______ Family/Group name (Ex: Halogen, alkali metal, transition metal, etc)
12. ______ Atomic numbers that are before and after your element
13. ______ Boiling and melting points in degrees Celsius (°C)
14. ______ Density in grams per cubic centimeters (g/cm3)
15. ______ Classification of the element (i.e. metal, nonmetal, metalloid)
16. ______ Physical state/phase at room temperature
17. ______ Use # 1 of the element or compounds/formulas
18. ______ Use # 2 of the element or compounds/formulas
19. ______ Use # 3 of the element or compounds/formulas
20. ______ Health or safety hazards of the element
Element Research
Name of element:__________________________________________________ Circle one: Element ball / Baby Book
Where is name derived?_____________________________________________
Symbol:___________Atomic number:__________ Atomic mass:____________
# protons:___________ # neutrons:_____________# electrons:___________
Date of discovery:_____________________ (Unknown or Antiquity is “Ancient Times”)
Discoverer name & country:____________________________________________
Boiling Point:___________ °C Melting Point:____________ °C
State at room temp:__________________ Density: _________________ g/cm3
Group name: _______________________ Group #: _______ Period #: ________
Element with Atomic # BEFORE:__________________________ AFTER:____________________________
Classification of element (i.e. metal, nonmetal, metalloid): ___________________________
AT LEAST THREE uses for element (or as a compound):
Profile Picture: You will need to DRAW your Atomic Structure. (It may NOT be printed from a website) It must have the correct
number of protons, neutrons, and electrons. The energy levels must be correct.

Interesting/unique element traits:


Sources of Information:
BLEND has interactive Periodic Tables and TedTalk videos for each element
Periodic table in your folder
Teacher-approved websites:


Final Project Due: _____________- Drops one letter grade each day it is late.

In this project you will choose (or be assigned) an element from the periodic table and construct a 20-
sided figure that displays its unique traits. You must submit an acrostic poem with this project as

The Element Ball is 20-sided shape with information about a specific element on each side/face. Each
side of your project should contain the following information:
1. Your name and class period (Ball: this will be the side that is hole punched with a string)
2. Element name
3. Element symbol
4. Where does name come from? ex: Latin, location, person, etc
5. Atomic number
6. Atomic mass
7. Number of protons, neutrons, & electrons
8. Drawing of the Bohr model with correct particles in the nucleus and the correct electron orbitals
9. Discovery: when, where, & who
10. Group and period number
11. Family/Group name (Ex: Halogen, alkali metal, transition metal, etc)
12. Atomic numbers that are before and after your element
13. Boiling and melting points in degrees Celsius (°C)
14. Density in grams per cubic centimeters (g/cm3)
15. Classification of the element (i.e. metal, nonmetal, metalloid)
16. Physical state/phase at room temperature
17. Use # 1 of the element or compounds/formulas
18. Use # 2 of the element or compounds/formulas
19. Use # 3 of the element or compounds/formulas
20. Health or safety hazards of the element


● Select 5 (five) triangles and glue, tape, or staple them together in a pie shaped pentagon to make the top of the element
ball. The folded parts of the circle go inside the element ball. They are adhered together within so that no tape, glue, etc is
showing on the outside. These 5 will meet in a point in the middle.
● Repeat this process with another 5 (five) triangles to make the bottom of the element ball.
● Take the remaining 10 triangles and glue, tape, or staple them together (on the inside folds) in a LONG strip.
● Glue, tape, or staple the ends together to form a ring. This will form the equator of the element ball.
● So, now you have three parts of your structure: two ends and the middle equator piece. Secure one of the pentagon ends
to the top of the ring.
● Finally, turn over and secure the other pentagon to form the complete element ball. (This step usually requires at least
three hands, so ask someone to help.)
Grading Rubric

Completed research sheet: 60pts

Is all of the research complete?
Is it accurate?
Did you cite your sources?
Construction of ball (Finished product) 25pts
All 20 sides fit together neatly
Correctly assembled
Careful, neat presentation: minimal glue, tape, or staples visible
Faces are not crumbled or folded
Spelling and Grammar 10pts
Spelling and grammar are correct throughout the project
Sources 5pts
At least three sources are listed on the project
Element Ball Total 100pts
Final Project Due: ________________ - Drops one letter grade each day it is late.

In this project you will “adopt” an element from the periodic table. As a proud parent of your element you will create a baby book
to remember each stage of your element’s life. You will apply your knowledge of the periodic table to one specific element.

**You may create your book using Google Slides if you prefer. You may use scrapbooking materials, construction paper, etc to
construct a neat and colorful final product.

Grading Rubric

Cover page 5pts

Name of element and your name
Decorative cover
Page 1 – Birth Facts 20pts
Neatly display the following information. Be sure to use colors!
Name of element (Optional: Give your element a first name like Billy Boron)
Nickname of element (Symbol)
Name is derived from (Latin, location, person, etc)
Birth date (year element was discovered)
Birth weight (atomic mass)
Birth height (atomic number)
Race (type of element- metal, nonmetal, or metalloid)
Attending physician (Discoverer)
Gender (state of matter at room temperature)
Place of birth (country of discovery)
Personality (boiling point and melting point in Celsius & density in g/cm 3)
Page 2 – Birth Certificate 10pts
Fill out birth certifiate and have parent (your) signature
Should include information such as name, birth date, weight, height, race, physician, and gender in
birth certificate format
Page 3 - Drawn atomic structure 10pts
Hand drawn picture of element’s atomic structure WITH A KEY
Must be drawn by you! No printing from websites.
Show all protons, neutrons, and electrons
Energy levels/orbitals must be correct
Page 5 - Family 5pts
Group number and period number
Family name (halogens, alkali metals, noble gases, etc)
Siblings (name two elements with atomic number before and after on periodic table)
Page 6 - Career 5pts
Careers of element (different uses for your element) with pictures. Must show at least THREE
future careers.
Page 7 – Sources 5pts
Must have at least three sources
Spelling and grammar 10pts
Spelling and grammar are correct throughout the project
Finished product 30pts
Creativity, neatness
Baby book total 100pts

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