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A persuasive leadership style is a passive/aggressive leadership style.

This type of leader has a knack for

convincing others to follow her because she is eIn my opinion the best persuasive leadership style is the
one where you don't have to persuade anyone.

Persuasion suggests that people need to be convinced, sometimes reluctantly. It is much more powerful,
useful and positive if you can inspire them instead.

Convincing someone of doing something is way less efficient than inspiring them. When you inspire
people, they actually believe in your cause and they make it their own.

There are multiple roles in leadership, but this one is the Figurehead. By becoming the human
representation of an organization, a cause, a movement, you inspire others to make your cause their
own and do what's necessary to work towards this cause.

You can achieve this by really mastering the art of the “why”. You can read the book Start With Why by
Simon Sinek for this. You can also find videos online : Start with why -- how great leaders inspire action |
Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound.

If you want to know more about other leadership roles, I suggest this article: Of the 3 Leader Roles,
Which One Are You Perfect For? – Primos Populi

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Deepa Susheel
Deepa Susheel, studied at Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore
Answered Jun 14, 2017
“Persuasive leadership style” is a style where you persuade or influence others to do something. To give
you more clarity let me illustrate an example of an NGO named Prayaas Corps, Jaipur, India.

It was an organisation formed by students of Amity University in 2013, with an objective of serving the
society. It’s been 4 and a half years ,since then, this NGO has been inspiring thousands of students to
come out and work for the society. It has influenced the perception of students,with its initiative, that
age is no limit to undertake something and has been motivating thousands of students across the

Now this can be the best example of persuasive leadership style where one shoulders the responsibility
and actuate others to do the same.ntertaining or likable.
An authoritative leadership style is best used in situations when a company seems to be drifting. ...
Those who are working under an authoritative leader understand the importance of what they do and
why. They also clearly know the standards and rewards for success.Hun 24, 2015
Authoritative leaders are most effective in vision casting, as well as providing clarity for the vision. Such
leaders know how to motivate people by showing how their work fits into the company’s bigger vision.
They also know how to maximize the commitment of their people to the goals and strategy of the

Authoritative leadership is one of the first six leadership styles introduced by psychologist Daniel
Goleman in his theory of emotional intelligence. Authoritative leaders, according to Goleman, are those
who can articulate a vision, and mobilize people toward that vision.

Those who are working under an authoritative leader understand the importance of what they do and
why. They also clearly know the standards and rewards for success.

Free-rein leadership, also called Laissez-Faire, is a type of leadership style in which leaders are hands-off
and allow group members to make the decisions. Mangers set objectives and employees are free to do
whatever is appropriate to accomplish those objectives.

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