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BSBWOR502 – Lead and manage team effectiveness

Part 1- Written Knowledge questions

Question 1:

To obtain a quality outcome every team member has to understand about roles and responsibilities
as well as need to work on a common purpose of achieving goals within their team environment.
Clear focus or a purpose is more important as it will connect to the company mission, values and
also to strategies.

Every member of a team also has their own skill sets, knowledge and abilities which are commonly
useful in various stages of overall team performances. Under the guidance of a team leader those
abilities will be manipulated and apply whenever needed. In most cases it is important that every
team member feels that, their ideas, knowledge as well as efforts has been valued by their leaders in
order to improve performances as well as to increase the level of satisfaction of employee.

There are several ways that every member of a team can put together for consultation process to
discuss about roles, responsibilities as well as goals and objectives of company mission.

- Meetings – gathering of team members to discuss and share ideas, tasks distributions and
also to get better understanding of roles and responsibilities.
- Interviews – interview would help team leaders to understand skills of individual team
members and also their understanding about tasks, goals and attributes.
- Brainstorming sessions – in brainstorming sessions it will consider possible perspectives to
gain a successful outcome as a team. Every team member has to show their commitment,
contribution as well as cooperation to get success in these sessions.
- Emails, newsletters – effective communication is vital in team tasks and various technologies
and methods can be useful in different scenarios to get the team together.

Question 2:

Develop a performance plan is important when measuring outcomes. By measuring team KPI and
assigning specific goals to be achieved by each team members, and the action to achieve the goals
explaining required time schedule, and what methods would use to monitor evaluate and reward
performance. This also refer to agreed,

- Allocate work to right person and rotating work roles

- Improve both individual and team performance and responsibilities
- Improve systems or operations which associated with team goals
- Measure efficiency or effectiveness of services
- Targeting for productivity improvements, training and development

Once performance outcomes are agreed with team targets, all team members including managers
will see a clear picture of outcomes and objectives of team outputs. In addition, it is important to
keep a comprehensive record of any change process to provide information on the decision making
and consultation process as well as the final outcome.

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBWOR502 – Lead and manage team effectiveness

Question 3:

Team leader has to make sure that all members are following orders and seeking directions in order
to produce successful outcomes. Thus, team leader has to monitor team performances as well as
need to provide individual attention to each case of their team members in a systematic manner
such as case by case approach. During monitoring progress, it is also a team leader responsibility to
find solutions to problems when it needed.

There are some important strategies which are useful when meeting performance outcomes

- Making sure everyone understand on teams goals, purpose and their limitation
- Provide constant feedback at every possible stages of process
- Encourage team members to take challenges by building their confidence
- Identify the opportunities and Provide education, training and development opportunities
- Remove barriers that impact team performance by providing coaching
- Manage communication and relationship between rest of the organization and stakeholders

Question 4:

 Induction with Team chatter document

 Electronic communication
 Schedule planning meetings
 Establish monitoring and Brainstorming
 Training and development opportunities
 Coaching and workshops

Develop a team chatter – it is a written document which provide information on role and
responsibilities, company mission and purpose, vision and goals, relevant experience Mandatory
paperwork, Overview of benefit plans, Administrative procedures which is useful when team
planning and decision making to follow the direction and its limitations.

Develop electronic communication method- Such as newsletters Emails, Video calls and
conferencing these methods can be useful to distribute latest updates about policy changes,
introducing new product line or any other internal purposes and send within the company
employees and addressing individuals as well as groups together to inform about particular topics
specific to company needs and receive information and feedbacks.

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBWOR502 – Lead and manage team effectiveness

Question 5:

Support and commitment from each team member is crucial for overall performance and it is not
easy to achieve in many cases. Therefore, establishing team ground rules are important in every
aspect and it will develop positive culture with in the team.

Those rules can be consist with set of standards and address team communication, member
participation and cooperation as well as team behaviour such as collaborating duties, treat and
respect each other in a group.

In addition, company policies and procedures have to be followed by both employers and employees
for better understanding of work environment. This will enable all workers and managers to clarify
their roles and responsibilities for their own duties.

Furthermore, when policies and procedures are clearly defined, it will improve the collaboration and
team performance. Without having proper policies and procedures, there is a high chance of
occurring conflicts among members about their roles and responsibilities rather than focusing on
their duties or tasks.

Question 6:

Team leaders and managers are responsible on providing ongoing feedbacks for their team
members and it will help to create job satisfaction of employee, increase moral as well as to improve
performance of every team member.

However, giving feedback on time is more important because, team members who perform above
average or in high standards need on time feedback as they do not have to wait months or weeks to
get appreciate their efforts. On the other hand, waiting for a long period to get the feedback from
managers or team leaders will reduce their moral and job satisfaction. Thus, providing on time
feedback is essential for continues and constant performance of any team member.

It is also important to provide both positive and negative feedback in a proper manner. The right
way to do this is to place negative comments in-between positive comments also call a ‘sandwich’
method. In this method negative feedback is place between staring and end positive feedbacks in a

Finally, it is also vital to provide feedback based on observable behaviour rather depending on
feelings and it also have to be directed towards changeable behaviours that the team member can
be change after receiving feedback from the team leader.

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBWOR502 – Lead and manage team effectiveness

Question 7:

Feedback is one of best way that creates constant attention on team performances. The main idea
of providing feedback is to improve performance while encouraging team members to take
responsibility of their own roles and duties. Team leader need to measure whether or not that is
happening and then make adjustments as you go. Be sure to document every conversation and
discuss what is working and what needs to be modified.

Manager should make sure that both know what needs to be done to improve the situation. The
main message should be that you care and want to help the person grow and develop. Set goals and
make plans to monitor and evaluate his progress.

Awarding individual and team effort and contribution is another important way that can develop
encouragement and positive outcomes from your team. It also helps to increase motivation of
employee and employee feels more secure about their role and willing to develop skills and
knowledge to contribute more in the future. Awarding employee is not only limited to positive
feedback but also include salary increments, bones as well as constant appreciation from the

Question 8:

Identifying and resolving performance problems are highly important in team working environment
and it will help managers to acquire positive end results from their teams. In some situations
conducting a brainstorming session by involving all participants is help to resolving work performing

On the other hand, another effective way to do this is through individual discussions. It is important
to discuss some issues of employee is in private on an individual basis as an informal discussion. In
above both ways managers can resolve conflicts, misunderstanding or misleading facts as well as can
develop positive relationship among team members.

In addition, providing employees with training and development sessions will also assist in mitigating
performance problems in a work environment. This can be include, mentoring and coaching, stress
and time management as well as different communication styles to build team together. Finally,
team leader must ensure that all team members have knowledge and skill to resolve issues as soon
as it’s arrives to avoid any conflicts or barrier for performances.

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBWOR502 – Lead and manage team effectiveness

Question 9:

A role model is always a leader who can positively influence others in a team working environment
and also enhance company image. To become a role model for you team managers has to gain trust
from others, need to be confident about what they’re doing as well as need to be cooperative at all
the time.

In addition there are some other important qualities of a role model which can effect on building
strong and positive work environment including,

- Being punctual at every possible stages

- Should have a sense of humour to understand others
- Should respect diversity
- Has to provide equal opportunities
- Apologises and admit mistakes when its occurred
- Has to use best and most suitable methods and techniques resolving issues
- Involve others in decision making
- Sharing credits with their teams.

Question 10:

Communication with stakeholders can be done in both formal and informal ways within the
organisation. Communication method can be varying depending on the size of the company and the
urgency of the issue. Employees will react differently to various methods thus, it is important that
their reactions (be they positive or negative) are recognised and addressed appropriately.

Formal channel communication is networks that, share future plans of the company, discuss ideas
and discussion about policy changes with managers and directors of the company. On the other
hand, informal channel communication is more often used outside to official channel discussions
and taken placed address project outcomes, barriers as well as meeting deadlines.

Informal communication also can be a discussion that may have not entirely related to work matters
and it can be socializing with other companies or can be a platform for an external networking.

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBWOR502 – Lead and manage team effectiveness

Question 11:

Communication methods or tool can be varying with the size of an organization as well as the
purpose. There are some popular tools which can be used to communicate when the management
need to address their employees as follows.

- E-newsletters – This tool can be useful to distribute latest updates about policy changes,
introducing new product line or any other internal purposes and send within the company
employees. This can be done weekly, monthly or quarterly depending on the purpose and
employee will get constant update about company environment.
- Email – This method is most commonly used in many organizations around the world. Emails
are better with addressing individuals as well as groups to inform about particular topics
specific to company needs.
- Video calls or conference calls – Videos conferencing or podcasts are widely used to
communicate among different locations. If you have to conduct a discussion among
managers in various locations at ones, this tool is more suitable.
- Meetings – Conducting table meeting in every department by involve all employees is useful
in many different ways to the company. It also important that managers should visit their
branches in various locations and conduct face to face meeting with each stakeholders.

Question 12:

Top to bottom or bottom to approach Make sure register Page 86-87

Some issues arise during work cannot be solve within the team framework and has to be transmitted
to the senior management. This can occur when team members having conflict on agreeing
something, issue with listening to others or due to attitude disputes. Therefore, be a good listener is
very important in team environment and there are few behaviours such as be attentive, repeat
information and revise question if you not understand it is really important to avoid such situations.

Furthermore, upward communication is also used in many companies as a powerful tool to resolve
complex issues. Any un-urgent matters or complex problems should be transmitted into the top
management by team leader and waiting for their decision to take action. However, if there’s a
urgent matter team leader have a power to make a decision according to his or her experiences by
using expertise.

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management
BSBWOR502 – Lead and manage team effectiveness

Question 13:

As a team leader it’s your responsibility to take necessary actions if there is an issue arise within or
outside your team. However, before taking an action there are certain steps that you can carry out
as initial steps. Firstly, figure out the scope of an issue by not taking any rush and then find out facts
and opinions and then decide whether you can solve the issue or transferring it into a next level of

Technique such as 8D reactive problem-solving process is important in such situations.

- Define concern, organise and plan to identify issue

- Describe the opportunity or problem
- Contain the problem
- Identify and verify the base or a root of the issue
- Develop a corrective action plan to tackle the issue
- Implement and verify the action that you came up with
- Prevent recurrence or fix it permanently
- Celebrate and communicate success with your team.

Your action plan is important step by step process and it will solve most of unresolved issues arise in
team working environments.

BSB51915 Diploma of Leadership and Management

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