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Greek Gods, Heroes, and Men

Caroline H. Harding, Samuel B. Harding

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Greek Gods, Heroes, and Men
Caroline H. Harding, Samuel B. Harding

Greek Gods, Heroes, and Men Caroline H. Harding, Samuel B. Harding

Originally published in 1897, this primer of the mythology and history of the Greeks for young readers
includes stories of the Greek gods, stories of Greek Heroes, and stories from Greek history.

From the book’s preface: “The value of the old Greek stories as material for the cultivation of the child’s
imagination has long been admitted. Both of the authors have had practical experience in the use of such
stories in primary classes.”


Part I: Stories of the Gods

The Greeks
Zeus, the King of the Gods
Poseidon, the God of the Sea
Hades, the King of the Dead
Hera, the Queen of the Gods
Apollo, the God of Light
Artemis, the Huntress-Goddess
Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom
Hephaestus, the Smith-God
Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty
Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods
Ares, the God of War
Demeter, the Earth-Goddess
Hestia, the Goddess of the Hearth
Dionysus, the God of Wine-Making
Pan, the God of Shepherds
Helios, the Sun-God
The Elder Gods
Prometheus, the Fire-Giver
Proteus, the Old Man of the Sea
Eros, the Love-God

Part II: Stories of the Heroes

The Labors of Heracles

Theseus and the Minotaur
Perseus and the Medusa
Jason and the Quest of the Golden Fleece
Achilles and the War about Troy
The Wanderings of Odysseus
Part III: Stories from Greek History

What Lycurgus Did for Sparta

What Solon Did for Athens
How the Athenians Fought the Persians
How King Xerxes Marched against the Greeks
How the Spartans Fought at Thermopylae
How Themistocles Saved Greece
Aristides the Just
How Pericles Made Athens Beautiful
Alcibiades, and the War between Athens and Sparta
Socrates, the Philosopher
How Epaminondas Made Thebes Free
King Philip and Demosthenes
Alexander the Great

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