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Effective Use of Word Order for Text Categorization

with Convolutional Neural Networks

Rie Johnson Tong Zhang

RJ Research Consulting Rutgers University
Tarrytown, NY, USA Piscataway, NJ, USA
arXiv:1412.1058v1 [cs.CL] 1 Dec 2014

Abstract It has been noted that loss of word order caused

by bag-of-word vectors (bow vectors) is particularly
Convolutional neural network (CNN) is a neu- problematic on sentiment classification. A simple
ral network that can make use of the inter- remedy is to use word bi-grams in addition to uni-
nal structure of data such as the 2D struc- grams (Blitzer et al., 2007; Glorot et al., 2011; Wang
ture of image data. This paper studies CNN
on text categorization to exploit the 1D struc-
and Manning, 2012). However, use of word n-grams
ture (namely, word order) of text data for ac- with n > 1 on text categorization in general is not
curate prediction. We directly apply CNN to always effective; e.g., Wang and Manning (2012) re-
high-dimensional text data, instead of low- port that use of tri-grams on sentiment classification
dimensional word vectors as is often done. slightly hurt performance; on topic categorization,
Two types of CNN are studied: a straightfor- simply adding phrases or n-grams is not effective
ward adaptation of CNN from image to text, (see, e.g., references in (Tan et al., 2002)).
and a simple but new variation which em-
To benefit from word order on text categoriza-
ploys bag-of-word conversion in the convolu-
tion layer. The experiments demonstrate the tion, we take a different approach, which employs
effectiveness of our approach in comparison convolutional neural networks (CNN) (LeCun et al.,
with state-of-the-art methods, as well as pre- 1986). CNN is a neural network that can make use
vious CNN models for text, which are more of the internal structure of data such as the 2D struc-
complex and expensive to train. ture of image data through convolution layers, where
each computation unit responds to a small region of
input data (e.g., a small square of a large image).
1 Introduction
We apply CNN to text categorization to make use of
Text categorization is the task of automatically as- the 1D structure (word order) of document data so
signing pre-defined categories to documents writ- that each unit in the convolution layer responds to a
ten in natural languages. Several types of text cat- small region of a document (a sequence of words).
egorization have been studied, each of which deals CNN has been very successful on image clas-
with different types of documents and categories, sification; see e.g., the winning solutions of Im-
such as topic categorization to detect discussed top- ageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge
ics (e.g., sports, politics), spam detection (Sahami et (Krizhevsky et al., 2012; Zeiler and Fergus, 2013;
al., 1998), and sentiment classification (Pang et al., Szegedy et al., 2014; Russakovsky et al., 2014).
2002; Pang and Lee, 2008; Maas et al., 2011) to de- On text, since the work on token-level applica-
termine the sentiment typically in product or movie tions (e.g., POS tagging) by Collobert et al. (2011),
reviews. A standard approach to text categorization CNN has been used in systems for entity search, sen-
is to represent documents by bag-of-word vectors, tence modeling, word embedding learning, product
namely, vectors that indicate which words appear in feature mining, and so on (Gao et al., 2014; Shen et
the documents but do not preserve word order, and al., 2014; Kalchbrenner et al., 2014; Xu et al., 2014;
use classification models such as SVM. Tang et al., 2014; Weston et al., 2014; Kim, 2014).
Notably, in many of these CNN studies on text, the Output [0010000000]
first layer of the network converts words in sentences Output layer
(Linear classifier)
to word vectors by table lookup. The word vectors
Pooling layer
are either trained as part of CNN training, or fixed to
those learned by some other method (e.g., word2vec Convolution
(Mikolov et al., 2013)) from an additional large cor-
pus. The latter is a form of semi-supervised learning, Pooling layer

which we study elsewhere. We are interested in the Convolution

effectiveness of CNN itself without aid of additional layer

resources; therefore, word vectors should be trained Input

as part of network training if word vector lookup is Figure 1: Convolutional neural network.
to be done.
A question arises, however, whether word vector
lookup in a purely-supervised setting is really useful
for text categorization. The essence of convolution
layers is to convert text regions of a fixed size (e.g., Figure 2: Convolution layer for image. Each computation
“am so happy” with size 3) to feature vectors, as unit (oval) computes a non-linear function σ(W · r` (x) + b) of
a small region r` (x) of input image x, where weight matrix W
described later. In that sense, a word vector learn-
and bias vector b are shared by all the units in the same layer.
ing layer is a special (and unusual) case of convolu-
tion layer with region size one. Why is size one ap- outperform the conventional bag-of-n-gram vector-
propriate if bi-grams are more discriminating than based methods, as well as previous CNN models for
uni-grams? Hence, we take a different approach. text, which are more complex and more expensive to
We directly apply CNN to high-dimensional one hot train. In particular, to our knowledge, this is the first
vectors. This approach is made possible by solving work that has successfully used word order to sig-
the computational issue1 through efficient handling nificantly improve topic classification performance.
of high-dimensional sparse data on GPU, and it Through empirical analysis, we will show that CNN
turned out to have the merits of improving accuracy, can make more effective use of high-order n-grams
simplifying the system (fewer hyper-parameters to than the conventional methods.
tune), and speeding up training/prediction signifi-
cantly. Speed up is due to the fact that convolution 2 CNN for document classification
over high-dimensional one-hot vectors is much less
expensive than convolution over dense word vec- We first review CNN applied to image data and then
tors, when sparse data is handled efficiently. This discuss application of CNN to document classifica-
high-speed CNN code for text will be made publicly tion tasks to introduce seq-CNN and bow-CNN.
2.1 Preliminary: CNN for image
We study the effectiveness of CNN on text cate-
gorization and explain why CNN is suitable for the CNN is a feed-forward neural network with convo-
task. Two types of CNN are tested: seq-CNN is a lution layers interleaved with pooling layers, as il-
straightforward adaptation of CNN from image to lustrated in Figure 1, where the top layer performs
text, and bow-CNN is a simple but new variation of classification using the features generated by the lay-
CNN that employs bag-of-word conversion in the ers below. A convolution layer consists of several
convolution layer. The experiments show that seq- computation units, each of which takes as input a
CNN outperforms bow-CNN on sentiment classifi- region vector that represents a small region of the
cation, vice versa on topic classification, and both input image and applies a non-linear function to it.
Typically, the region vector is a concatenation of
CNN implemented for image would not handle sparse data
efficiently, and without efficient handling of sparse data, convo-
pixels in the region, which would be, for example,
lution over high-dimensional one-hot vectors would be compu- 75-dimensional if the region is 5 × 5 and the number
tationally infeasible. of channels is three (red, green, and blue). Concep-
tually, computation units are placed over the input (i.e., each word) as a |V |-dimensional one-hot vec-
image so that the entire image is collectively cov- tor2 . As a running toy example, suppose that vocab-
ered, as illustrated in Figure 2. The region stride ulary V = { “don’t”, “hate”, “I”, “it”, “love” } and
(distance between the region centers) is often set to we associate the words with dimensions of vector
a small value such as 1 so that regions overlap with in alphabetical order (as shown), and that document
each other, though the stride in Figure 2 is set larger D=“I love it”. Then, we have a document vector:
than the region size for illustration. x = [ 0 0 1 0 0 | 0 0 0 0 1 | 0 0 0 1 0 ]> .
A distinguishing feature of convolution layers
is weight sharing. Given input x, a unit associ- 2.2.1 seq-CNN for text
ated with the `-th region computes σ(W · r` (x) + As in the convolution layer for image, we repre-
b), where r` (x) is a region vector representing sent each region (which each computation unit re-
the region of x at location `, and σ is a pre- sponds to) by a concatenation of the pixels, which
defined component-wise non-linear activation func- makes p|V |-dimensional region vectors where p is
tion, (e.g., applying σ(x) = max(x, 0) to each vec- the region size fixed in advance. For example, on
tor component). The matrix of weights W and the the example document vector x above, with p = 2
vector of biases b are learned through training, and and stride 1, we would have two regions “I love” and
they are shared by the computation units in the same “love it” represented by the following vectors:
layer. This weight sharing enables learning useful   0   0
0 don t 0 don t
features irrespective of their location, while preserv-  0  hate  0  hate
ing the location where the useful features appeared. 
 1  I
 
 0  I

We regard the output of a convolution layer as an 
 0  it

 0  it

‘image’ so that the output of each computation unit 
 0  love

 1  love

is considered to be a ‘pixel’ of m channels where r0 (x) = 
 — 
 0 r1 (x) = 
 — 
 0
m is the number of weight vectors (i.e., the number  0 don t  0 don t
   
of rows of W) or the number of neurons. In other  0  hate  0  hate
0  I 0  I
   
words, a convolution layer converts image regions  
 0  it  1  it
to m-dim vectors, and the locations of the regions 1 love 0 love
are inherited through this conversion.
The output image of the convolution layer is The rest is the same as image, i.e., the text regions
passed to a pooling layer, which essentially shrinks are converted to feature vectors. We call a neu-
the image by merging neighboring pixels, so that ral network with a convolution layer with this re-
higher layers can deal with more abstract/global in- gion representation seq-CNN (‘seq’ for keeping se-
formation. A pooling layer consists of pooling units, quences of words) to distinguish it from bow-CNN
each of which is associated with a small region described next.
of the image. Commonly-used merging methods
are average-pooling and max-pooling, which respec- 2.2.2 bow-CNN for text
tively compute the channel-wise average/maximum A potential problem of seq-CNN however, is that
of each region. unlike image data with 3 RGB channels, the number
of ‘channels’ |V | (size of vocabulary) may be very
2.2 CNN for text large (e.g., 100K), which could make each region
Now we consider application of CNN to text data. vector r` (x) very high-dimensional if the region size
Suppose that we are given a document D = p is large. Since the dimensionality of region vec-
(w1 , w2 , . . .) with vocabulary V . CNN requires vec- tors determines the dimensionality of weight vec-
tor representation of data that preserves internal lo- tors, having high-dimensional region vectors means
cations (word order in this case) as input. A straight- more parameters to learn. If p|V | is too large, the
forward representation would be to treat each word 2
Alternatively, one could use bag-of-letter-n-gram vectors
as a pixel, treat D as if it were an image of |D| × 1 as in (Shen et al., 2014; Gao et al., 2014) to cope with out-of-
pixels with |V | channels, and to represent each pixel vocabulary words and typos.
model becomes too complex (w.r.t. the amount of
training data available) and/or training becomes un- I love it This isn’t what I expected !
affordably expensive even with efficient handling of
(a) (b)
sparse data; therefore, one has to lower the dimen- Figure 3: Convolution layer for variable-sized text.
sionality by lowering the vocabulary size |V | and/or
the region size p, which may or may not be desir- but it is again over the entire data, and the operation
able, depending on the nature of the task. is limited to max-pooling. Our pooling differs in that
An alternative we provide is to perform bag- it is a natural extension of standard pooling for im-
of-word conversion to make region vectors |V |- age, in which not only max-pooling but other types
dimensional instead of p|V |-dimensional; e.g., the can be applied. With multiple pooling units associ-
example region vectors above would be converted ated with different regions, the top layer can receive
to:   0
0 don t
  0
0 don t locational information (e.g., if there are two pooling
 0  hate  0  hate units, the features from the first half and last half of
r0 (x) =  1  I r1 (x) =  0  I a document are distinguished). This turned out to be
   
 0  it  1  it
useful (along with average-pooling) on topic classi-
1 love 1 love fication, as shown later.
With this representation, we have fewer param-
eters to learn. Essentially, the expressiveness 2.3 CNN vs. bag-of-n-grams
of bow-convolution (which loses word order only
within small regions) is somewhere between seq- Traditional methods represent each document en-
convolution and bow vectors. tirely with one bag-of-n-gram vector and then ap-
ply a classifier model such as SVM. However, high-
2.2.3 Pooling for text order n-grams are susceptible to the data sparsity
Whereas the size of images is fixed in image ap- problem, and to counteract it, it is necessary to in-
plications, documents are naturally variable-sized, clude not only high-order n-grams but also lower-
and therefore, with a fixed stride, the output of a con- order n-grams in the vocabulary set; otherwise,
volution layer is also variable-sized as shown in Fig- performance would be rather degraded. This im-
ure 3. Given the variable-sized output of the convo- plies that the discriminating power of high-order
lution layer, standard pooling for image (which uses n-grams, which is obvious to humans, cannot be
a fixed pooling region size and a fixed stride) would fully exploited by the conventional methods based
produce variable-sized output, which can be passed on bag-of-n-gram vectors.
to another convolution layer. To produce fixed-sized By contrast, CNN for text introduced above is
output, which is required by the fully-connected top more robust in this regard. This is because instead
layer3 , we fix the number of pooling units and dy- of learning how to weight n-grams, it learns how to
namically determine the pooling region size on each weight individual words in the sequence of a fixed
data point so that the entire data is covered without size, in order to produce useful features for the in-
overlapping. tended task. As a result, e.g., a neuron trained to
In the previous CNN work on text, pooling is assign a large value to “I love” (and a small value to
typically max-pooling over the entire data (i.e., one “I hate”) is likely to assign a large value to “we love”
pooling unit associated with the whole text). The dy- (and a small value to “we hate”) as well, even though
namic k-max pooling of (Kalchbrenner et al., 2014) “we love” was never seen during training. We will
for sentence modeling extends it to take the k largest confirm this point empirically in Section 3.5.
values where k is a function of the sentence length,
In this work, the top layer is fully-connected (i.e., each 3 Experiments
neuron responds to the entire data) as in CNN for image. Al-
ternatively, the top layer could be convolutional so that it can
receive variable-sized input, but such CNN would be more com- We experimented with CNN on two tasks, topic clas-
plex. sification and sentiment classification.
3.1 Experimental framework tion of the training data), and using the chosen
CNN To experiment with CNN, we fixed the acti- hyper-parameters, the models were re-trained using
vation function to rectifier σ(x) = max(x, 0) and all the training data.
minimized square loss with L2 regularization by Implementation We used SVM-light5 for the
stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Our experiments SVM experiments. Our CNN code on GPU and de-
focused on network architectures with one pair of tailed information for reproducing the results will be
convolution and pooling layers. However, note that available through the internet.
it is possible to have more than one convolution-
pooling layer and/or to have fully-connected hid- 3.2 Data, tasks, and data preprocessing
den layers above the convolution-pooling layer. We IMDB: movie reviews The IMDB dataset (Maas
tested several region sizes, pooling types, and the et al., 2011) is a benchmark dataset for sentiment
numbers of pooling units. Out-of-vocabulary words classification. The task is to determine if the movie
(e.g., stopwords) were represented by a zero vec- reviews are positive or negative. Both the training
tor. On bow-CNN, to speed up computation, we and test sets consist of 25K reviews. For preprocess-
used variable region stride so that a larger stride was ing, we tokenized the text so that emoticons such
taken where repetition4 of the same region vectors as “:-)” are treated as tokens and converted all the
can be avoided by doing so. Padding size was fixed characters to lower case. We used 30K words (and
to p − 1 where p is the region size. n-grams for bow2 or bow3) that appeared most fre-
quently in the training set.
Baseline methods For comparison, we tested
SVM with the linear kernel and fully-connected neu- Elec: electronics product reviews Elec consists
ral networks (see e.g., Bishop (1995)) with bag-of- of electronic product reviews. It is part of a large
n-gram vectors as input. To experiment with fully- Amazon review dataset (McAuley and Leskovec,
connected neural nets, as in CNN, we minimized 2013). We chose electronics as it seemed to be very
square loss with L2 regularization by SGD, and ac- different from movies. Following the generation of
tivation was fixed to rectifier. The bag-of-n-gram IMDB (Maas et al., 2011), we chose the training set
vectors were generated by first setting each compo- and the test set so that one half of each set consists
nent to log(x + 1) where x is the word frequency of positive reviews and the other half is negative, re-
in the document and then scaling to unit vectors, garding rating 1 and 2 as positive and 4 and 5 as
which we found always significantly improved per- negative, and that the reviewed products are disjoint
formance over raw frequency. We tested three types between the training set and test set. Note that to
of bag-of-n-gram: bow1 with n ∈ {1}, bow2 with extract text from the original data, we only used the
n ∈ {1, 2}, and bow3 with n ∈ {1, 2, 3}; that is, text section, and we did not use the summary sec-
bow1 is the traditional bow vectors, and with bow3, tion. This way, we obtained a test set of 25K re-
each component of the vectors corresponds to either views (same as IMDB) and training sets of various
uni-gram, bi-gram, or tri-gram of words. To test sizes. The training and test set information will be
the fully-connected neural networks, we tried sev- available through the internet. Data preprocessing
eral configurations in terms of the number of hid- was the same as IMDB.
den layers and the number of weight vectors in each
layer and performed model selection. RCV1: topic categorization RCV1 is a corpus
of Reuters news articles as described in LYRL04
Model selection Importantly, for all the methods, (Lewis et al., 2004). RCV1 has 103 topic categories
the hyper-parameters such as net configurations and in a hierarchy, and one document may be associated
regularization parameters were chosen based on the with more than one topic. Performance on this task
performance on the development data (held-out por- (multi-label categorization) is known to be sensitive
to thresholding strategies, which are algorithms ad-
For example, if we slide a window of size 3 over “* * ditional to the models we would like to test. There-
foo * *” where “*” is out of vocabulary, a bag of “foo” will be
repeated three times with stride fixed to 1.
label #train #test #class methods Error rate
Table 2 single 15,564 49,838 55 linear model [MDPHNP11] 11.77
Fig. 4 (b) single varies 49,838 55 SVM uni- & bi-grams [WM12] 10.84
Table 4 multi 23,149 781,265 103 WRRBM+bow [DAL12] 10.77
Table 1: RCV1 data summary. The exact training/test seq-CNN 8.74
split will be available through the internet. Table 3: Comparison with previous best methods
(single-classifier supervised methods only) on IMDB.
methods IMDB Elec RCV1
SVM bow1 11.31 11.38 10.83 models micro-F macro-F
SVM bow2 10.17 9.30 10.62 LYRL04’s best SVM 81.6 60.7
SVM bow3 10.38 9.32 10.68 bow-CNN 84.0 64.8
NN bow1 11.05 11.06 11.24 Table 4: RCV1 micro-averaged and macro-averaged F-
NN bow2 9.92 8.90 11.13 measure results on multi-label task with LYRL04 split.
NN bow3 9.69 8.76 10.94
bow-CNN 8.97 8.42 9.33
ment classification.
seq-CNN 8.74 7.78 9.96
By contrast, on topic categorization (RCV1), the
Table 2: Comparison with standard methods. Error rates
configuration chosen for bow-CNN by model selec-
(%). Sentiment classification on IMDB and Elec (25K
training documents) and 55-way topic categorization on tion was: region size 20, variable-stride≥2, average-
RCV1 (16K training documents). pooling with 10 pooling units, and 1000 weight vec-
tors, which is very different from sentiment classifi-
fore, we also experimented with single-label cate- cation. This is presumably because on topic clas-
gorization to assign one of 55 second-level topics sification, a larger context would be more predic-
to each document to directly evaluate models. For tive than short fragments (→ larger region size),
this task, we used the documents from a one-month the entire document matters (→ the effectiveness of
period as the test set and generated various sizes of average-pooling), and the location of predictive text
training sets from the documents with earlier dates. also matters (→ multiple pooling units). The last
Data sizes are shown in Table 1. Data preprocessing point may be because news documents tend to have
was the same as IMDB except that we used the stop- crucial sentences at the beginning. On this task,
word list provided by LYRL04 and regarded num- bow-CNN outperforms seq-CNN, which indicates
bers as stopwords. that in this setting the merit of having fewer param-
eters is larger than the benefit of keeping word order
3.3 Performance results in each region.
Comparing the baseline methods with each other,
Table 2 shows the error rates of CNN in compari- on sentiment classification, error rates were signif-
son with the baseline methods on all three datasets. icantly reduced by addition of bi-grams but fur-
Both types of CNN outperform the baseline methods ther adding tri-grams did not improve performance
on all the datasets, and seq-CNN outperforms bow- much. On topic categorization, bi-grams only
CNN on sentiment classification whereas bow-CNN slightly improved accuracy. These are consistent
outperforms seq-CNN on topic classification. with the previous studies.
On sentiment classification (IMDB and Elec), the
configuration chosen by model selection (using the Comparison with state-of-the-art results The
development set) was: region size 3, stride 1, 1000 previous best supervised single-classifier result6 on
weight vectors, and max-pooling with one pooling IMDB is 10.77 achieved by word representation Re-
unit, for both types of CNN. Note that with a small stricted Boltzmann Machine (WRRBM) combined
region size and max-pooling, if a review contains a with bow vectors (Dahl et al., 2012), as shown in
short phrase that conveys strong sentiment (e.g., “A 6
We exclude semi-supervised learning results (Le and
great movie!”), the review could receive a high score Mikolov, 2014) and classifier combination results (Wang and
irrespective of the rest of the review. It is sensible Manning, 2012) as they are not directly comparable with our
that this type of configuration is effective on senti- results.
10.5 IMDB 9 Elec 11 RCV1
Table 3. Our CNN results outperform WRRBM by

Error rate

Error rate

Error rate
10 8.5 10.5
a relatively large margin. 9.5 10
9 8 9.5
We tested bow-CNN on the multi-label topic 8.5 7.5 9
0 20 40 60 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
categorization task on RCV1 to compare with Training time (m) Training time (m) Training time (m)
LYRL04. We used the same thresholding strategy as Figure 5: Performance dependency on training time (min-
LYRL04. As shown in Table 4, bow-CNN outper- utes). The horizontal broken lines are the error rates of the best-
forms LYRL04’s best results even though our data performing baseline.
preprocessing is much simpler (no stemming and no
tf-idf weighting). 3.4 Performance dependency analysis
The results with training sets of various sizes are
shown in Figure 4 (a) (Elec) and (b) (RCV1). On
Previous CNN We focus on the sentence classi- both, CNN consistently outperforms the baseline
fication studies due to its relation to text catego- methods. The performance gains of CNN in com-
rization. Kim (2014) studied fine-tuning of pre- parison with the baseline methods tend to be larger
trained word vectors to produce input to one-layer when the size of training data is larger.
CNN with one-unit max-pooling. He reported that Figure 4 (c) plots performance dependency on the
performance was poor when word vectors were number of weight vectors (or neurons) in the convo-
trained as part of CNN training (i.e., no additional lution layer on RCV1. The results indicate that it is
method/corpus). On our tasks, this type of model important to have sufficient number of weight vec-
also underperformed the baseline while training was tors. Since the task is 55-way classification, having
3–5 times slower (using our code7 ) than our models. fewer neurons than 55 degrades performance.
As mentioned earlier, the word vector learning layer Figure 5 shows error rates in relation to the time
in this setting can be viewed as a special case of con- spent for training on Tesla K20. Error rates become
volution layer with region size one, and region size better than the best-performing baseline within 3–15
one is apparently not suitable for these tasks. minutes and reach nearly the best in 20–50 minutes.
Kalchbrenner et al. (2014) proposed complex
modifications of CNN for sentence modeling. No- 3.5 Why is CNN effective?
tably, given word vectors ∈ Rd , their convolution In this section we explain the effectiveness of CNN
with m feature maps produces for each region a through looking into what it learns from training.
matrix ∈ Rd×m (instead of a vector ∈ Rm as in First, for comparison, we show the n-grams that
standard CNN). Using the provided code, we found SVM with bow3 found to be the most predictive;
that their model is too resource-demanding for our i.e., the following n-grams were assigned the 10
tasks. On IMDB and Elec8 the best error rates we largest weights by SVM on Elec (#train=25K), for
obtained by training with various configurations that the negative and positive class, respectively:
fit in memory for 24 hours each on GPU (cf. Fig 5)
were 10.13 and 9.37, respectively, which are only as • useless, poor, returned, worse, return, not worth,
good as SVM bow2. Since excellent performances disappointing, horrible, terrible, disappointed
were reported on short sentence classification, we • excellent, great, amazing, perfect, awesome, love,
presume that their model is optimized for short sen- no problems, easy, perfectly, my only
tences, but not for text categorization in general.
Note that, even though SVM was also given bi- and
Thus, on text categorization, the CNN models we tri-grams, the top 10 features chosen by SVM are
propose have an advantage of higher accuracy, sim- mostly uni-grams; furthermore, the top 100 features
plicity, and faster training. (50 for each class) include 26 bi-grams but only
four tri-grams. This means that, with the given size
K14’s code did not scale to our tasks.
of training data, SVM still heavily counts on uni-
We could not train adequate models on RCV1 on either grams, which could be ambiguous, and cannot fully
Tesla K20 or M2070 due to memory shortage. take advantage of higher-order n-grams.
16 Electronics 17 RCV1 second-level
second topics 17 RCV1 2nd-level topics
SVM bow1 bow2,3 are not
15 NN bow1 16 16
15 shown as they

Error rate (%)

14 SVM bow2 15 NN bow1

Error rate (%)

Error rate (%)

13 NN bow2 14 almost overlap bow-CNN
12 13 with bow1. # of topics
12 13
11 12
10 10 11
9 bow3 is not 9 10
SVM bow1
8 shown as it 8 NN bow1 9
7 almost overlaps 7 bow-CNN 10 100 1000
6 with bow2. 6
1000 10000 100000 1000 10000 100000 # of weight vectors in
Traning data size (log-scale) Training data size (log-scale)
(log hidden layers
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4: Performance dependency on: (a) and (b) training data size and (c) the number of neurons.

N1 completely useless ., return policy . were unacceptably bad, is abysmally bad, were uni-
N2 it won’t even, but doesn’t work versally poor, was hugely disappointed, was enor-
N3 product is defective, very disappointing ! mously disappointed, is monumentally frustrating,
N4 is totally unacceptable, is so bad are endlessly frustrating
N5 was very poor, it has failed best concept ever, best ideas ever, best hub ever,
P1 works perfectly !, love this product am wholly satisfied, am entirely satisfied, am in-
P2 very pleased !, super easy to, i am pleased credicbly satisfied, ’m overall impressed, am aw-
P3 ’m so happy, it works perfect, is awesome ! fully pleased, am exceptionally pleased, ’m entirely
P4 highly recommend it, highly recommended ! happy, are acoustically good, is blindingly fast,
P5 am extremely satisfied, is super fast Table 6: Examples of text regions that highly activate
Table 5: Examples of training text regions that highly seq-CNN’s neurons trained on Elec. They are from the
activate seq-CNN’s convolution-layer neurons on Elec. test set, and they did not appear in the training set, either
entirely or partially as bi-grams.
In Table 5, we show some of text regions learned
by seq-CNN to be predictive on Elec. The net con- of size n) can contribute to accurate prediction even
figuration is the one from Table 2, which has 1000 if they did not appear in the training data, as long
neurons (weight vectors) in the convolution layer. as (some of) their constituent words did. This is
Recall that the output/activation of the 1000 neurons because vector representation of each text region is
(after pooling) serve as features in the top layer, and based on their constituent words (see Section 2.2.1).
the top layer assigns weights to the features. In the
table, Ni/Pi indicates the neuron whose output re- To see this point, in Table 6 we show the text re-
ceived the i-th highest weight in the top layer for gions from the test set, which did not appear in the
the negative/positive class, respectively. The table training data, either entirely or partially as bi-grams,
shows the text regions that appear in the training set and yet highly activate heavily-weighted (predictive)
and highly activate the corresponding neurons. Note neurons thus contributing to the prediction. There
that, e.g., “is so bad” cannot be shorter for detection are many more of these, and we only show a small
of the negative sentiment since “so bad” could be a part of them that fit certain patterns. One notice-
part of “not so bad”; thus, tri-gram is indeed helpful able pattern is (be-verb, adverb, sentiment adjective)
for accurate prediction. such as “am entirely satisfied” and “’m overall im-
pressed”. These adjectives alone could be ambigu-
As is mentioned in Section 2.3, the methods that ous as they may be negated. To know that the writer
rely on bag of high-order n-grams tend to suffer is indeed “satisfied”, we need to see the sequence
from data sparsity. This is because with conven- “am satisfied”, but the insertion of adverb such as
tional methods, only the n-grams that appear in the “entirely” is very common. “best X ever’ is another
training data can participate in prediction, and the pattern that a discriminating pair of words are not
vocabulary overlap between training data and test adjacent to each other. These patterns require tri-
data rapidly decreases as n increases. By contrast, grams for disambiguation, and seq-CNN success-
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