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Muhamad Amar Jadid 13.2.2.

13 Lab - Incident Handling

Lab - Incident Handling

Scenario 1: Worm and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Agent Infestation

I will scan all types of malware and scan the IP address to ensure that other PCs are clean,
prepare trusted anti-virus, document every change, and I will also do a lot of research on current
worms to learn how it works etc.

Detection And Analysis

My first step for detection and analysis is to run anti-virus to detect viruses and check all the
software whether it has been updated. after that, I will scan the IP address to find the next target.
Adjacent IP addresses can be a good place to detect if a host is infected with a worm. In general,
every legitimate program runs in a certain location on the network. Worms, on the other hand,
need to find a target. If we monitor the number of IP addresses scanned by the host, and if it
exceeds a certain limit, we can safely assume that the worm has been detected.

Containment, Eradication, and Recovery

I will aggressively quarantine any process that shows erratic behaviour. After isolating the
process, it must be monitored for a period time that matches the erratic behaviour indicated by
the process. If the process does not show deviant behaviour during monitoring, the process can
be released. If it shows the same behavior over and over again, it is quarantined and labelled as a

Post-Incident Activity
The system log file must be reviewed to determine if any sensitive information has been
compromised. I must immediately notify the customer to detect the virus. hosts that are not
currently on the network must be identified and scanned before being allowed to connect to the
Muhamad Amar Jadid Lab - Incident Handling

Scenario 2: Unauthorized Access to Payroll Records

I will check what tools are installed on the system, such as security cameras, etc.

Detection And Analysis

I will try to get into the system access control and security camera, to have evidence if there is an

Containment, Eradication, and Recovery

I looked for evidence and told who was involved, and the impact after it happened. take action to
minimize the impact, and educate the relevant department and save evidence if needed.

Post-Incident Activity
I will provide learning to people who handle organizational information for similar incidents so
that they do not occur in the future and suggest having more personal security and having better
access control

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