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Protecting your patients’ health
information is more difficult
and more important than ever.
The author’s strategy will help
you meet this month’s deadline.

David C. Kibbe, MD, MBA

The final rule adopting HIPAA standards for the security of electronic health information was published in the Feder-
al Register on Feb. 20, 2003 [and goes into effect April 21, 2005]. This final rule specifies a series of administrative,
technical and physical security procedures for covered entities to use to assure the confidentiality of electronic protected
health information. The standards are delineated into either required or addressable implementation specifications.
– Statement on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Web site
regarding the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 1

s family physician Dan Brewer, MD, once wrote and the costs or hassles associated with inadequate
on an e-mail discussion list, “I believe I would protection than you realize.
rather eat live cockroaches than learn about Consider these examples:
HIPAA security.” Nothing, it seems, could • Have you ever been the victim of a computer virus,
be more boring and less related to the practice of family or do you know someone who has?
medicine than computer security. • Are you concerned about what would happen if
But don’t be fooled into complacency. You and your the computer hard disk storing your patients’ medical

patients are probably more familiar with security risks information failed?

Dr. Kibbe is director of the AAFP’s Center for Health Information Technology (CHiT). He thanks Steven E. Waldren, MD, CHiT’s assistant director, for his
assistance on this article. Conflicts of interest: none reported.

April 2005 ■ /fpm ■ FA M I LY P R A C T I C E M A N A G E M E N T ■ 43

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Family Physicians. For the private, noncommercial use of one individual user of the Web site. All other rights reserved.
SPEEDBAR ® • Do you worry that someone might eaves- KEY POINTS
drop on your wireless communications?
• Were you concerned when a major phar- • Practices will need to ensure that their current
➤➤ maceutical company unintentionally distribut- computer security complies with the HIPAA
ed the e-mail addresses of hundreds of patients standards that take effect April 21.
You are probably more
taking an antidepressant medication?2
familiar with security • Physicians should take responsibility for under-
In addition to helping raise your aware-
risks than you think. standing how health information technology is
ness of what’s at stake, this article will make
used in their practice
computer security more understandable and
relevant to your practice, and put you on • By taking a proactive approach to your computer
the path toward complying with the HIPAA security now, you will be able to detect and
➤➤ security standards. prevent trouble later.
After reading through these 10 steps,
To learn whether your • There is no one-size-fits-all approach for
you should be able to compare your office’s
computer security computer security.
current computer security, or lack thereof,
meets HIPAA require-
with that required by HIPAA. This type of
ment, you should per-
comparison is known as a “gap analysis” and ware and networks to exchange digitized
form a “gap analysis”
is an important component of meeting the data creates new vulnerabilities. It also
of your current setup.
HIPAA requirements. reveals new dimensions to old risks. Much
Also be aware that HIPAA security com- of the problem with computer security is of
pliance is like a clinical encounter: If it’s not our own making, the result of our love of
documented, then it didn’t happen. There- convenience and our drive to be more effi-
➤➤ fore, document everything and make it part cient. Computers automate routine, mun-
of a security manual. dane tasks. By storing compacted, bite-sized
As you move toward
information inside machines, we are able to
HIPAA compliance,
it is important to
1 Understand why computer security collect data more easily and cut down on
is important. If you need a simple answer storage costs.
document the entire
to the question, “Why is computer security But computer storage devices can be
necessary and important?” the answer is broken or damaged, and the information
“because everyone cares about the privacy in them can be erased or corrupted, expos-
and integrity of their health information.” ing the data to unexpected change or loss.
In most cases, the point of computer securi- It is possible to steal thousands of medical
➤➤ ty is to prevent personal health information records by downloading them onto a small
from falling into the wrong hands or being storage device, which can easily be hidden
The goal of computer
inadvertently altered or destroyed. in a pocket.
security in most cases
The HIPAA security standards apply to Similarly, we find networks of computers
is to prevent personal
protected health information (PHI) that is wonderfully convenient for sending mes-
health information
either stored or transmitted electronically. sages across any distance at almost the speed
from being stolen,
PHI is health information in any form that of light. We delight in e-mail, file downloads
altered or destroyed.
personally identifies a patient. (For more on and instant messaging. But the Internet has
PHI, see an earlier security article I wrote no borders or natural boundaries, making it
for FPM: “A Problem-Oriented Approach easy for attackers to strike from a distance
to the HIPAA Security Standards,” July/ and to hide their whereabouts. Any time we
August 2001, page 37.) connect our computers to the Internet, we
These security standards will apply to instantly become vulnerable to new kinds of
you on April 21 if any of these situations attacks, such as viruses and worms that can
exist in your practice: literally get inside our computers and alter,
• You use computers in the office to destroy or release confidential information.
store and manage administrative or clinical One problem merits special mention.
information; Computers have made the issue of identity
• You have a computer or network much more problematic. People have always
connected to the Internet; been able to use someone else’s identity for
• You use e-mail or other forms of criminal purposes, but the problem is exac-
electronic messaging inside and outside erbated when we can’t use a person’s face,
the practice. signature or other physical means to confirm
The widespread use of computers, soft- their identity. How do you know the person
44 ■ FA M I LY P R A C T I C E M A N A G E M E N T ■ /fpm ■ April 2005

sending you e-mail is truly the person he or a computer or monitor and see what’s on the SPEEDBAR ®
she claims to be? How do you know the per- screen. Do you want everyone in the office,
son whose name is attached to an electronic including patients, family members or your
health record (EHR) entry really made it? cleaning crew to be able see what is dis- ➤➤
It’s difficult. Hackers use computer viruses played on a computer screen? Of course not.
In addition to protect-
to get into e-mail programs and propagate But you probably work in a busy, sometimes
ing important data,
their nastiness by sending new e-mails that hectic, environment that makes it difficult
computer security is
appear to come from a friend. As the public to closely monitor the flow of people and
also needed to protect
does more online shopping, identity theft information at all times.
you and your practice
using computers has become a common way This means two things. First, you
from the risk of legal
for criminals to steal money and goods. should carefully consider the location and
The bottom line is this: Computer secu- design of display devices in your office.
rity is a requirement for any sound business, Don’t place monitors in busy corridors, and
including your medical practice. Computer ensure that the display image has a 30-sec-
security is needed to protect the privacy of ond time-out feature. Second, employees
those whose information you store and man- and staff must have a heightened awareness ➤➤
age. It is also needed to protect you and your regarding access to computers, monitors,
Most computer secu-
practice from the risk of penalty and legal printers, fax machines and other display
rity breaches occur
liability if private information is used or devices. They should strive to avoid creat-
when insiders exercise
released by your practice. ing insecure situations.
bad judgment or fail
You have two choices: Either delay learn- Password management is another area
to follow established
ing about computer security and risk playing that requires staff to be security conscious.
catch-up when an attack or accident causes Passwords and IDs allow computers to
harm to a patient or your practice, or be control access to personal health informa-
proactive and begin to install protections tion based on a person’s role, authority or
that will allow you to detect and prevent need to know. They identify or authenticate
trouble down the road. a computer user via a secret password. ➤➤
Obviously, passwords should be kept secret
2 Make certain your colleagues and to avoid unauthorized access to or manipu-
Monitors should not
be placed in high
staff take security as seriously as you do. lation of protected information. But pass-
traffic areas, and
The HIPAA security standards require your words are clumsy to use and difficult to
time-out features
practice to have written security policies remember, especially as they become more
should be used.
and procedures, including those that cover complicated (thus increasing their secrecy).
personnel training and sanctions for security It’s tempting for users in small offices to
policy violations. Your office staff and col- share passwords or keep them written on a
leagues must truly understand basic secu- piece of paper tucked into the top drawer ➤➤
rity logic and take their role in protecting next to the computer station. I’ve even
Computer passwords
should never be
shared or kept near

Your computer security is only as good as the computer, even in

small offices.
the weakest human link in your office.

patients’ privacy very, very seriously. Most found passwords on sticky notes attached
security breeches occur when insiders – peo- to computer monitors!
ple working for the organization – exercise These actions completely undermine the
faulty judgment or fail to follow protocols in security system. Why pay for a software
which they’ve been trained. system that uses passwords if you don’t take
Consider two highly people-dependent the protection they provide seriously?
areas of computer security: physical access So while it does make sense to worry
and password management. about hackers and intrusions from outside
Physical access to computers and software your office walls, remember that your
is a foundation of computer security. Physi- co-workers pose the most likely security
cal access means that someone can approach risk. Your computer security is only as
April 2005 ■ /fpm ■ FA M I LY P R A C T I C E M A N A G E M E N T ■ 45
SPEEDBAR ® good as the weakest human link in and procedures on this analysis, which must
your office. be specific to your practice. Second, it’s the
only reasonable way to assess your risk of
➤➤ 3 Catalog all the information system security breeches in your current systems
components that interact with protected and protocols. Finally, this exercise can be
HIPAA requirements
health information in your office. To valuable in the acquisition and use of EHR
include a detailed
assess your office’s current security risk, systems if your practice is moving in that
description of how
you have to know, in detail, the capabili- direction.
your hardware, soft-
ties and weaknesses of your information The HIPAA security standards require
ware and network
systems. No two medical practices have your practice to appoint someone as the
components collect,
exactly the same information system com- security manager, so you might want to
access, store and
ponents, nor do they manage the flow of assign these tasks to that person. However,
transmit patient
information precisely the same way. Some I can’t stress enough the need for physicians
health information.
practices still manage most information on to take responsibility for understanding how
paper and have a single computer for billing health information technology is used in
and accounting purposes. However, most their practice, especially small and indepen-
practices, even small ones, have complicated dently owned ones.
information technology environments that
The HIPAA security
include multiple components. These might 4 Prepare for disaster before it occurs.
include the following: An important aspect of computer security
standards also require
• Hardware – Computer workstations involves protecting electronic data from loss
your practice to
in the front office, tablet computers in the or corruption – that is, ensuring its integrity.
appoint a security
clinical areas, printers in the back office, Although there are many ways data integ-
server in the computer closet, personal digi- rity can be affected, the most common is
tal assistants, scanning devices and modems loss of data from some sort of emergency or
used to connect to the Internet. disaster, including human error, mechanical
• Software – Operating systems, billing hard disk failure, equipment damage due to
➤➤ software, practice management software, flooding, or computer virus infection.
browsers, e-mail client software, EHR soft- A solid computer-system contingency
Even if someone else is
ware, and database and office productivity plan is composed of a number of steps,
named as the security
software. including performing backups, preparing for
manager, physicians
• Network components – Routers and continued operations in an emergency and
need to understand
hubs, dedicated phone or cable lines, wire- recovering from a disaster.
completely how health
less systems, firewall software and firewall The most important part of a contin-
information technol-
hardware. gency plan is having a backup system. A
ogy is used in their
You should make a detailed list of all of backup system is a combination of hardware
the components that play a role in either and software that lets you retrieve exact cop-

The most important part of a contingency plan

The most important
is having a backup system.
part of preparing for
a disaster is having
storing patient health information or trans- ies of information if the originals become
a backup system in
mitting it within the practice or to outside lost or damaged. There are several kinds of
settings. You then need to create either a flow commonly used backup systems, including
diagram or a detailed description of how this those that store data to tapes, compact discs
collection of hardware, software and network or off-site devices. The equipment and ser-
components collects, accesses, stores and vice can cost from hundreds to thousands of
transmits patient health information. dollars, and the best method for your prac-
This detailed examination of your entire tice can only be determined after you know
system is an important step for three rea- how much data needs to be backed up. Your
sons. First, it’s required. HIPAA requires choice also will be influenced by cost, conve-
you to carry out such a risk analysis and nience and ease of use.
base your new computer security policies At a minimum, your practice’s backup
46 ■ FA M I LY P R A C T I C E M A N A G E M E N T ■ /fpm ■ April 2005

system should store all of the critical data and Web browsing. In terms of risk to your SPEEDBAR ®
needed to run the practice in the event of a computer’s data, connecting to the Internet
disaster. Practices should conduct an analy- is the most dangerous activity in which you
sis to identify these critical data. can engage. ➤➤
Malicious software, sometimes called
5 Make sure your network and com- malware, has become a familiar form of
If your computer is
attached to a network,
munications safeguards are intact and computer attack. Viruses, worms and “Tro-
you need to make sure
robust. It is increasingly difficult to find a jan horses” are among the most common
that network is pro-
computer that is not attached to some sort forms of malware that your computer secu-
tected by a firewall.
of network. Most computers in your practice rity must protect against.

There is no single solution to the problem of

computer viruses. Vigilance is essential. Firewalls are hardware
and software devices
that protect an organi-
are connected to the Internet, a particular Viruses can attach themselves to e-mails,
zation’s network from
kind of public network that has its special program files and data files. They can
unauthorized users.
risks. Although network security is a com- infect all your hard disks and change or
plex subdomain of computer security, the erase data while spreading to floppy disks
basic threats and protective devices are not and e-mails to infect other machines.
difficult to understand. Worms are self-replicating programs that
Networks work by routing packets of attack networked computers. The now ➤➤
information among and between users at infamous Nimda virus was a worm spread
Even if you are in a
various computers. Generally, networks use via e-mail attachments named README.
solo practice and don’t
devices known as routers to send the packets EXE. It affected a wide variety of operating
require a network fire-
to correct addresses. Therefore, networks systems, including several versions of
wall, you most likely
need to defend themselves against attacks Windows. Nimda was responsible for tens
still need to install
from unauthorized users and from infiltra- of millions of “denial of service” events
anti-virus software.
tion of unauthorized information packets throughout the Internet, in large part
through the routers. because it was able to attack key Web
Firewalls are hardware and software servers that direct traffic across the Internet.
devices that protect an organization’s net- It is estimated that worms like the Nimda
work from intruders, such as hackers or cost U.S. companies billions of dollars each ➤➤
data thieves. Think of firewalls as sentries year in repairs and lost productivity.
Anti-virus software
at the boundaries of private networks and The solution to malware is installing and
needs to be updated
the public networks they are connected to: updating anti-virus software, available from
They check credentials, permit passage of specialized software companies, on all of
authorized parties and communications, your computers. Anti-virus software works
and keep a record of what crosses the by scanning digital data, such as incoming
boundary. Firewalls deny access to unau- e-mails, files, hard disks and CDs, and then
thorized users and applications, and they automatically deleting or isolating viruses.
create audit trails or logs that identify who Anti-virus software programs are great at
accessed the network and when. Firewalls detecting known viruses but not so good at
may also issue alarms when abnormal activ- detecting new ones. New malware appears
ity occurs, such as a repeated unsuccessful all the time, so anti-virus software needs to
attempt to enter the network. be updated frequently.
Viruses, especially e-mail worms, are the
6 Be certain that you have anti-virus price we pay for universal connectivity and
software and keep it up to date. Even if communications over open networks, espe-
you are in solo practice and use only one cially over the Internet. There is no single
laptop computer for all your data capture, solution to the problem of computer viruses,
storage and transmission – and therefore and the problem seems to be getting worse
may not require a network firewall – you as more information is delivered over the
probably connect to the Internet for e-mail Internet all the time. Vigilance is essential.
April 2005 ■ /fpm ■ FA M I LY P R A C T I C E M A N A G E M E N T ■ 47
SPEEDBAR ® 7 Understand what encryption will mon. Many patients enjoy direct online
do and when it is necessary. Contrary to communications with their physicians via e-
what many people are saying, the HIPAA mail. The problem, of course, is that e-mail
➤➤ security standards do not require e-mails, is the digital equivalent of a postcard. Any-
or any other transmission from a doctor’s one handling the message can easily read its
The HIPAA standards
office, to be encrypted. The standards do contents. It doesn’t even have an envelope!
do not require e-mails
require your practice to assess whether its And e-mails are susceptible to forgery. How
to be encrypted.
unencrypted transmissions of health infor- do you know for sure that the person listed
mation are at risk of being accessed by in the “from” field of an e-mail is the person
unauthorized entities. If they are, you who actually mailed the message?
should consider some form of encryption. The problem with encrypting e-mail is
➤➤ The basic idea behind cryptography, that both parties of the e-mail exchange
of which electronic data encryption is a need to be using compatible e-mail encryp-
However, the stan-
branch, is that a group needs to keep a tion products. This is clumsy and, so far,
dards do require you
message secret from everyone else and rarely used. More commonly, encrypted
to assess whether your
therefore encrypts it. Encryption is the e-mail message exchanges occur when both
practice’s unencrypted
transformation of a message from plain parties agree to use a secure server or por-
transmissions of
text into nonsensical cipher text before tal system that requires both parties to use
health information
the message is sent. Anyone who steals passwords and IDs to log on. The AAFP has
are at risk.
the cipher text message will not be able to a partnership with Medfusion that permits
understand it. Only those who have the AAFP members free use of such a secure
code used to encrypt the message can con- portal system for messaging with patients.
vert it back from cipher to plain text and For more information, see http://www.aafp.
➤➤ reveal its meaning. org/x23273.xml.
For several reasons, encryption is gener-
Encrypting e-mail can
be tricky because both
ally not employed for information stored on 8 Consider chains of trust and your
a computer’s hard disk or transferred within business relationships. Your practice
parties of the e-mail
an office’s local area network. First, the risk shares security concerns with any businesses
exchange need to
of disclosure to unauthorized parties is small that are involved in the electronic transmis-
be using compatible
in the closed environment. Second, encrypt- sion of your patients’ information. In effect,
encryption products.
ing data is costly. Third, encryption general- the security capability of insurance com-
ly slows down the movement of information panies, transcription and billing services,
within software applications and databases. hospitals, labs and Internet service providers
Here is a list of electronic data transfers is your concern.
➤➤ and communications commonly used in “Chain of trust” is a concept used in the
a medical office that could be considered computer security field to describe the con-
The HIPAA standards
for encryption: tractual agreements made between parties to
require your practice
• Patient billing and administrative assure that the confidential information they
to obtain assurances
information exchanged with payers and share remains secure throughout its journey.
from business associ-
health plans; There is no standard set of obligations for
ates that they will
• Utilization and case management data, chain-of-trust agreements. However, such
secure the electronic
including authorizations and referrals that agreements obligate both parties to adopt a
health information
are exchanged with payers, hospitals and form of strong authentication such that data
they create, maintain
utilization management organizations; transmissions are attributable and nondeni-
or transmit on behalf
• Patient health information gathered able. (Otherwise, one party or the other
of your practice.
from or displayed on a Web site or portal; could claim not to have received an impor-
• Lab and other clinical data electroni- tant piece of information sent electronically.)
cally sent to and received from outside labs; The HIPAA security standards require
• Word-processing files used in transcrip- your practice to obtain assurances from
tion and other kinds of patient reports that business associates that they will implement
are transferred electronically; the necessary safeguards to protect
• E-mails between physicians and the confidentiality, integrity and availability
patients, and between attending and refer- of the electronic health information they
ring physicians and their offices. create, maintain or transmit on behalf
Encryption of e-mail messages merits of the practice.
special attention because e-mail is so com- The important issue here is to “know thy
48 ■ FA M I LY P R A C T I C E M A N A G E M E N T ■ /fpm ■ April 2005

business partner.” Every entity with which work more closely with the vendor to ensure SPEEDBAR ®
you share information electronically is an that all the facets of your computer system
extension of your practice, whether you satisfy your practice’s HIPAA security plan.
want them to be or not. Some EHR vendors will even help you do a ➤➤
gap analysis as part of their purchase
9 Demand that your vendors fully program. But because most EHR vendors
The integration
offered by some EHRs
understand the HIPAA security stan- don’t install the hardware and networking
can simplify your
dards. As you become better informed components, your choice of a local contrac-
practice’s effort to
about computer security and the HIPAA tor for these services should be made with
comply with the HIPAA
security standards, you will realize the HIPAA in mind. Be certain that your local
security standards.
extent to which compliance makes you contractor is fully aware of the HIPAA
dependent on hardware, software, network security standards and is willing to assist
and other information technology (IT) you before you proceed.
vendors. Their products and services,
whether out-of-the-box computer hardware 10 Start with a plan – and the end – ➤➤
or hands-on-in-the-office IT services, will in mind. My hope is that after reading to
Some EHR vendors
enable you to meet many of the security this point you have a much better idea of
will help you do a gap
standards – or not. the breadth and scope of the HIPAA secu-
A good example is the requirement for rity standards, and that you are better pre-
audit controls. Audit controls that permit pared to tackle the task of assessing your
you to record and examine activity in infor- practice’s current state of computer security.
mation systems can require a combination There are some excellent tools that can assist
of hardware, software, network and proce- you in performing a gap analysis for this ➤➤
dural mechanisms to act in concert. If these purpose without having to hire a consultant.
If you are thinking
components have been purchased from sepa- (One place to start is the Needs Assessment
about converting to
rate vendors, it might be necessary to coor- page on the CHiT Web site, available at
an EHR, be sure that
dinate their setup and configuration to meet
your hardware and
the audit control requirement of the HIPAA Remember that there is no cookbook
networking contractor
security standards. Who will perform this or one-size-fits-all approach for computer
is aware of the HIPAA
coordination in your office? security. What counts is being “reasonable
standards before

It might be a fortunate coincidence that the

HIPAA security standards have been mandated just
as many family physicians are acquiring EHRs. There is no one-size-
fits-all plan for com-
puter security.
It might be a fortunate coincidence that and appropriate” when matching security
the HIPAA security standards have been measures with the level of risk that pertains
mandated just as many family physicians to your situation. These 10 steps should
are acquiring EHRs for their practices. help you recognize a number of places
Many are choosing integrated EHR systems where your organization’s computer security
– that is, products that include billing, could be improved and where some deficien-
scheduling and clinical information soft- cies might be easily addressed.
ware from the same vendor. This integration
can greatly simplify meeting the HIPAA Send comments to
security challenge – if you select the right
EHR vendor. (To see EHR reviews by your
colleagues, check out the AAFP’s Center
for Health Information Technology (CHiT) 1. Available at:
Web site at hipaa2/regulations/security/default.asp. Accessed
x290.xml.) March 4, 2005.
A single-vendor solution for small and 2. O’Harrow R Jr. Prozac maker reveals patient
medium medical practices allows you to e-mail addresses. Washington Post. July 4, 2001:E1.
April 2005 ■ /fpm ■ FA M I LY P R A C T I C E M A N A G E M E N T ■ 49

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