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Cement & Concrete Composites 16 (1994) 273-277

O 1994 Elsevier Science Limited

Printed in Great Britain. All fights reserved

Properties of Hardened Concrete Containing Treated

Expanded Polystyrene Beads
R. Sri Ravindrarajah & A. J. Tuck
School of Civil Engineering, University of Technology, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

(Received 4 October 1993; accepted 4 July 1994)

Abstract sub-base material 3 for a pavement, as the material

of construction for floating marine structures. 4
This paper reports the results of an experimental Bischoff et al.5 suggested that an overlaying layer
investigation into the properties of hardened con- of polystyrene concrete could provide protection
crete containing chemically treated expanded poly- to structures against impact loading.
styrene beads. The results showed that the strength, In the past, the use of polystyrene beads in
stiffness and chemical resistance of polystyrene concrete produced segregation due to extreme
aggregate concrete of a constant density were lightness and hydrophobic nature of the untreated
affected by the water to cement ratio. Drying beads. C o o k 6 reported the use of bonding ad-
shrinkage after 84 days of drying for polystyrene mixture to improve the stability of concrete mixes,
concretes, having 10 mm coarse aggregate and a incorporating the beads. On the other hand,
nominal density of 1300 kg/m 3, were 730 and 655 chemically treated expanded polystyrene beads,
microstrains. Empirical equations were developed which are commercially available as BST aggre-
to relate the strength and pulse velocity and to gate in Australia, are capable of preventing the
predict the modulus of elasticity from its strength. segregation in the concrete mixes. This paper
reports the results of an investigation into the
Keywords: Lightweight concrete, polystyrene properties of polystyrene aggregate concrete with
beads, compressive strength, tensile strength, this type of beads.
drying shrinkage, modulus of elasticity, pulse
velocity, chemical resistance.

Type GP Portland cement, conforming to AS
Expanded polystyrene is a stable low density 3972, and silica fume from Tasmania were used
foam and consists of discrete air voids in a poly- as cementitious materials in the concrete mixes.
mer matrix. The polystyrene beads can be easily Fine sand from Kurnell and coarse Nepean river
incoporated in mortar or concrete to produce sand were used in equal weight proportions. For
lightweight concrete with a wide range of density. the fine and coarse sands, the percentages passing
Applications of polystyrene concrete were on 600/~m standard sieve were 87% and 57%,
reviewed by Cook ~ and they include curtain walls, respectively. In some mixes, 10 mm crushed
cladding panels, tilt-up panels and composite basalt was used as coarse aggregate. Commer-
flooring systems. Polystyrene concrete was used to cially available spherical-shaped polystyrene
produce load-bearing concrete blocks, 2 as the beads with hydrophilic type chemical coating,
274 R. Sri Ravindrarajah, A. J. Tuck

known as BST aggregate, were used in this study. Casting, curing and testing of concrete specimens
The sieve analysis on the beads showed that the A number of standard test specimens, long cylin-
beads completely passed through a 4.75 m m sieve ders having the dimensions of 100 mm diameter
and 90% was retained on a 2.36 m m sieve. The by 200 m m for compressive and in-direct tensile
particle and bulk densities of the beads are strengths tests, 150 m m diameter by 300 mm long
measured as 67 and 35 kg/m 3, respectively. cylinders for static modulus of elasticity tests,
100 mm cubes for compressive strength and
Compositions of polystyrene aggregate concrete chemical resistance tests and 100 nun by 100 mm
mixes by 380 m m prisms for pulse velocity and drying
In the first part of the study, the effects of the shrinkage tests were cast. The specimens were
water to cement ratio on the properties of poly- demoulded after 24 h and stored in water. The
styrene aggregate concrete having a nominal cylinders and cubes were kept in water for either
density of 1300 kg/m 3 were studied. The cement 3 days (mixes 1-4) or 28 days (mixes 5 and 6).
content was kept at 400 kg/m 3 for the mixes Following this period, the specimens were placed
(mixes 1-4). The water to cement ratio by weight in a curing room, having the mean temperature
was varied between 0.35 and 0"60. In the second and humidity of 22°C and 90% RH, respectively.
part of the study, silica fume was used as an addi- The concrete prisms were placed in the labora-
tion or replacement material to cement. The silica tory conditions of 22_+3°C and 65_+5% RH,
fume content in the mixes (mixes 5 and 6) was after the initial water curing period of 7 days. The
kept at 10% of cement weight. The water to concrete cubes were stored in several chemical
cement plus silica fume ratio was kept at 0.40 and solutions at room temperature. The solutions
the beads content was targeted to 40% by volume. used were saturated calcium hydroxide, 5°/;
The mix details of the polystyrene aggregate hydrochloric acid, 10% sodium sulphate and 10%
concrete are given in Table 1 including the bulk ammonium sulphate. The cube specimens were
volume of the BST aggregate used. taken out at different time intervals and changes
in appearance and weight were monitored.
Production of polystyrene aggregate concrete
The coarse sand, fine sand, cement and 10 mm
basalt (mixes 5 and 6) were first dry-mixed in a RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
pan-type mixer. The mixing water was then gradu-
ally added while the mixing was in progress and Properties of fresh polystyrene aggregate
the mixing was continued until uniformity in the concrete
mix was achieved. Finally, the beads were gradu- The fresh polystyrene concrete mixes were lumpy,
ally added and the mixing was continued for at stiff and rubbery and caused some difficulties
least 3 min to achieve proper distribution of the during the mixing of concrete and casting of the
beads. Superplasticizer was used in some mixes to specimens. Table 2 shows the measured wet
increase their workability. For each mix, the wet density, entrapped air content and the particle
density of concrete was determined and necessary volume of BST aggregate for the mixes. The
adjustment to the beads content was made to entrapped air content for a mix was calculated
achieve the desired density. from a knowledge of the expected theoretical
density of the mix based on the batch weights and
particle densities of the mix components and the
measured wet density.
Table 1. Mix c o m p o s i t i o n s ( k g / m 3) o f p o l y s t y r e n e aggregate
concrete Table 2. P r o p e r t i e s of f r e s h p o l y s t y r e n e aggregate c o n c r e t e

Mix Cement Silica 10 mm Sand Water BST 141/ Mix Wet density BST Entrapped
no. (C) fume basalt (W) aggregate [C + SF] no. (kg/m ~) aggregate air
(SF) (I/m-') (% by vol.) (% by vol.)
1 400 -- -- 753 140 690 0"35 1 1325 36'3 8'10
2 400 -- -- 713 160 775 0-40 2 1230 36"3 13-8
3 400 -- -- 673 200 710 0"50 3 1220 34"9 10"4
4 400 -- -- 633 240 775 0"60 4 1165 36"4 9"30
5 400 40 250 507 176 675 0"40 5 1305 33"0 10"3
6 360 40 250 563 160 675 0-40 6 1350 34'2 8"00
Properties of hardened concrete containing treated expanded polystyrene beads 275

It was apparent that full compaction was diffi- concrete at the ages of 7 and 28 days. A reduction
cult to achieve with the polystyrene concrete in the water to cement ratio from 0.60 to 0"35
mixes. A maximum air content of 13.8% was resulted in the 28-day compressive strength of
observed for mix 2. Visual examination of the polystyrene concrete increasing from 5.6 MPa to
concrete slices has indicated that the beads are 11.9 MPa. No attempt was made to isolate the
uniformly distributed in a concrete matrix. The effect of the entrapped air content on the
absence of segregation of beads in concrete is measured strength. It is evident the water to
partly due to the presence of chemical coating on cement ratio of polystyrene concrete should be
the beads. Quantitative evaluation on several kept as low as possible to achieve the highest
concrete slices within and among the specimens strength. Low values for the water to cement ratio
indicated that the variation in the bead content may increase the entrapped air content due to
was within + 2% of the mean value. incomplete compaction and this can be overcome
Figure 1 shows the effect of the water to to some extent by using water reducing admix-
cement ratio on the density of fresh concrete and tures or superplasticizer.
the density of concrete which was dried for 90
days in air. As expected, both densities decreased Development of compressive strength with age
with an increase in the water to cement ratio. The Figure 3 shows the development of compressive
density variations are partly due to the variations strength with age for polystyrene concrete. Gener-
in the entrapped air content among the mixes as ally, the compressive strength increased with age
shown in Table 2. The differences between the at a decreasing rate. Although the water curing
wet and dry densities are small in mixes 1, 2 and was only for 3 days, the compressive strength
3, probably due to the presence of discrete non- showed a continuous increase with age. At the age
absorbent polystyrene beads. of 7 days, the concrete with the water to cement
ratio of 0.35 developed 85% of its 28-day
Effect of water to cement ratio on compressive strength. The compressive strength ratio of 7-day
strength to 28-day decreased with an increase in the water
Figure 2 shows the effect of the water to cement to cement ratio, and was equal to 63% for the
ratio on the compressive strengths of polystyrene polystyrene concrete with a water to cement ratio
of 0"60. Comparison of the strengths at 28 and 90
1400 days indicated that all mixes, except mix 4,
13oo showed improvement in compressive strength
with age. Mix 1 showed a maximum strength
increase of 12% whereas surprisingly mix 4
O Wet Density
showed a strength decrease of 25%.
Q 1000
. .
(~) Dry density

. I . . . . i . . . . i . .
Indirect tensile strength
0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 Table 3 summarizes the properties of hardened
polystyrene aggregate concrete. The tensile
Fig. 1. Effect of water to c e m e n t ratio on density of
strength of polystyrene aggregate concrete, which
polystyrene concrete. ranged from 13"6% to 15.3% of the correspond-

~" 16
r~ 7 days
12 m 28 days
1 [] 90 days

o 0
, 4Iii
. .
0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.35 0.4 0.5 0.6


Fig. 2. Effect of water to c e m e n t ratio o n compressive Fig. 3. Effect of water to c e m e n t ratio and age o n com-
strength. pressive strength.
276 R. Sri Ravindrarajah, A. J. Tuck

Table 3. Strengthsat 28 daysand modulus of elasticityat 90 days for polystyreneaggregateconcrete

Mix Water/ Compressive Tensile Modulus of 1"ensih,/
no. cement strength strength elasticity compressive
ratio (MPa) (MPa) (GPa) strength

1 0'35 11'9 1'70 11'8 14'3

2 0'40 9"80 1'50 8"70 15"3
3 0'50 8'70 1"20 8"40 13'8
4 0'60 5'60 0"80 5"40 14"3
5 0'40 11 '8 1'60 11 '6 l 3'6
6 0'40 10'9 1"50 11"9 13'8

ing compressive strength, decreased with an A 14

n f = 0.12 * e^(1,36 V) /
increase in the water to cement ratio. For the 12

cellular concrete the strength ration, in the ranges -1-


of 11-12% and 7-12%, were reported, 7.~ respect- o


ively. The results showed that the influence of 'rr"


water to cement ratio on both the compressive V) 4

and tensile strength are nearly the same for poly- n. 2

styrene concrete. Sri Ravindrarajah et al. 9 and o 0 . , i , , , i , , , i , . , ] = t =1 .= ,

o 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6

Johnston ~° reported that for normal weight con-
crete any change in the water to cement ratio had PULSE VELOCITY (km/s)

more influence on compressive strength than on Fig. 4. Relationship between compressive strength and
tensile strength. pulse velocity.

Static modulus of elasticity

The polystyrene concrete with the lowest water to Equation (3) was found to fit the relationship with
cement ratio of 0"35 produced the highest static a correlation coefficient of 0"96.
modulus of elasticity of 11.9 GPa. Equation ( 1 ) is
f=0"12e 136v (3)
adopted by AS 3600 ~ to predict the modulus of
elasticity of lightweight concrete from its strength
and density. Modifications to eqn (1) were pro-
Drying shrinkage
posed by others 12,~3 for polystyrene aggregate
Figure 5 shows the development of shrinkage with
concrete and they were found to underestimate
the modulus of elasticity.~4 time for polystyrene concrete with 10 mm basalt
and silica fume. The concrete having the silica
E = 0"043D I-5fo.5o (1) fume addition (mix 5) showed a shrinkage of 730
E = 1.146D Hfo-5o (2) microstrains at 84 days compared with 655
microstrains for the concrete with the silica fume
where E is the modulus of elasticity (MPa), D is as cement replacement (mix 6). The shrinkage of
the air-dried density (kg/m 3) and f is the compres- polystyrene concrete is expected to be higher than
sive cylinder strength (MPa). An empirical equa- that for normal weight concrete due to the low
tion given by eqn (2) is found to fit the measured stiffness of the polystyrene beads, which provide
values for cylinder strength and modulus of elas- very little restraint to the shrinkage of cement
ticity for polystyrene aggregate concrete. paste.

Ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive Resistance to chemical attack

strength relationship Visual assessment and weight measurements at
At the age of 28 days, the pulse velocities of poly- periodic intervals for the 5 weeks duration
styrene concrete with water to cement ratios of showed that polystyrene concrete was unaffacted
0.35 and 0.60 are 3"35 km/s and 2.68 km/s, by calcium hydroxide and sulphate solutions. The
respectively. The relationship between the com- mortar matrix suffered noticeable attack by
pressive cylinder strength (f) and pulse velocity hydrochloric acid. The weight losses were 7.8%,
(V) for polystyrene concrete is shown in Fig. 4. 12"4% and 14.3% for the polystyrene concretes
Properties of hardened concrete containing treated expanded polystyrene beads 2 77


The authors wish to thank BST (Australia) Ltd

MIX6 and BHP Minerals: Electro-Metallurgical Co.,

K r Tasmania for their support for this project.

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