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Chem. Rev.

1999, 99, 1787−1799 1787

Nanotubes from Carbon

P. M. Ajayan
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York 12180-3590

Received June 29, 1998 (Revised Manuscript Received March 4, 1999)

I. Nanotubular Carbon 1787
II. Assembly in Carbon Soot 1790
III. Distinguishing Properties 1793
IV. Nanotubes for the Marketplace 1795
V. Conclusions 1797
VI. Acknowledgments 1798
VII. References 1798

I. Nanotubular Carbon
It is the chemical genius of carbon that it can bond
in different ways to create structures with entirely
different properties. Graphite and diamond, the two
bulk solid phases of pure carbon, bear testimony to Professor Ajayan received his Ph.D. in materials science and engineering
this. The mystery lies in the different hybridization from Northwestern University in 1989. He spend three years of post-
that carbon atoms can assume. The four valence doctoral research at the fundamental research laboratory of NEC
electrons in carbon, when shared equally (sp3 hybrid- Corporation in Tsukuba (Japan), working with Dr. Sumio Iijima who is
ized), create isotropically strong diamond. But when credited with the discovery of carbon nanotubes. Prof. Ajayan was involved
in some of the seminal works on nanotubes and has continued his work
only three are shared covalently between neighbors in this field ever since. After NEC, he spent two years at the universite
in a plane and the fourth is allowed to be delocalized Paris-sud (Orsay) and a year and half at the Max-Planck-Institut für
among all atoms, the resulting material is graphite. Metallforschung at Stuttgart as an Alexander von Humboldt fellow.
The latter (sp2) type of bonding builds a layered Currently he is Assistant Professor at the Department of Materials Science
structure with strong in-plane bonds and weak out- and Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York. His
of-plane bonding of the van der Waals type. Graphite, main research interest concerns structure−property correlation in nano-
structures and nanocomposite systems.
hence, is weak normal to its planes and is considered
as a soft material due to its ability to slide along the
planes. The story of fullerenes and nanotubes1 be- To form curved structures (such as the fullerenes)
longs to the architecture of sp2 bonded carbon and from a planar fragment of hexagonal graphite lattice,
the subtlety of a certain group of topological defects certain topological defects have to be included in the
that can create unique, closed shell structures out of structure. To produce a convex structure, positive
planar graphite sheets. curvature has to be introduced into the planar
Graphite is the thermodynamically stable bulk hexagonal graphite lattice. This is done by creating
phase of carbon up to very high temperatures under pentagons. It is a curious consequence of the Euler’s
normal ranges of pressure (diamond is only kineti- principle that one needs exactly 12 pentagons to
cally stable). It is now well known that this is not provide the topological curvature necessary to com-
the case when there are only a finite number of pletely close the hexagonal lattice; hence, in C60 and
carbon atoms. Simply speaking, this has to do with all the other fullerenes (C2n has (n-10) hexagons)
the high density of dangling bond atoms when the there are many hexagons but only 12 pentagons. The
size of the graphite crystallites becomes small (say, rule of pentagon numbers will hold, however big the
nanosize). At small sizes, the structure does well closed structure may be created out of hexagons and
energetically by closing onto itself and removing all pentagons. One can thus imagine that a greatly
the dangling bonds. Preliminary experiments done elongated fullerene can be produced with exactly 12
in the mid 1980s,2 which served as the precursor to pentagons and millions of hexagons.4 This would
the fullerene discovery,3 suggested that when the correspond to a carbon nanotube,1,4-8 as the geometry
number of carbon atoms is smaller than a few of the structure in Figure 1A reflects: a long cylinder
hundred, the structures formed correspond to linear made of the hexagonal honeycomb lattice of carbon,
chains, rings, and closed shells. The latter, called bound by two pieces of fullerenes at the ends (Figure
fullerenes, are closed shell all carbon molecules with 1B). The diameter of the tube will depend on the size
an even number of atoms (starting at C28, which has of the semi-fullerene that the end is made of (e.g., a
been observed by mass spectrometers in carbon soot) nanotube based on C240 as in Figure 1B will have a
and nominal sp2 bonding between adjacent atoms. diameter of around 1.2 nm).
10.1021/cr970102g CCC: $35.00 © 1999 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 05/01/1999
1788 Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 7 Ajayan

Figure 2. Indexing scheme that shows the folding proce-

dure to create nanotube cylinders from planar graphene
sheets. a1 and a2 are the primitive lattice vectors of the
hexagonal lattice. The position and length of the vector,
R, connecting an origin to the lattice point that defines the
nanotube index, determine the helicity and diameter of the
tube. All the (n, n) type nanotubes form armchair tubes
and all (n, 0) tubes are zigzag tubes. (Reprinted with
permission from ref 6. Copyright 1997 Institute of Physics.)

sets of nanotubes will have the three equivalent

helical operations. The (n, 0) type of nanotubes are
in general called zigzag nanotubes where as the (n,
Figure 1. (A) Schematic of the basic unit of a carbon n) types are called armchair nanotubes; all others will
nanotube. The cylindrical structure is built from hexagonal be helical.
honeycomb lattice of sp2 bonded carbon with no dangling The helicity in nanotubes was the most revealing
bonds. (Reprinted with permission from ref 6. Copyright
1997 Institute of Physics.) (B) Shows the schematic of a discovery that emerged out of the first papers by
closed fullerene tubule (Courtesy, Dr. J.-C. Charlier). Note Iijima.11,12 Electron diffraction taken from individual
that in panel A the lattice is wound helically around the nanotubes showed that the orientation of the top and
tube axis but in panel B there is no helicity. The ends of bottom portions of the individual nanotube cylinders
the tubule in panel B are made of hemispherical domes (with respect to the tube axis) can be different,
that are pieces of a fullerene. indicating helicity in the lattice. Recently, clear
One could start with a sheet of graphene (single images (by scanning tunneling microscopy, STM) of
layer of graphite) and fold it into a cylinder such that atomically resolved structures of the nanotube sur-
the open edges match perfectly to form a seamless faces have verified the helical structure.13-15 This
structure. This operation will result in an open ended subtle variation in the structure has great relevance
tube. The tubes have to be closed at both ends, which since early theoretical modeling showed that nano-
means that at some stage in the growth process tube properties change as a function of helicity and
pentagons are nucleated to initiate the closure mech- tube diameter.
anism. The rolling up of graphene sheets into cylin- Nanotubes form in two categories. The first, called
ders does not describe the structural subtlety of the multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) were the
nanotubes completely. The rolling can be done in first to be discovered. These are close to hollow
several ways, still satisfying the criterion that the graphite fibers,16 except that these have a much
dangling bonds present at both edges are matched. higher degree of structural perfection. They are made
Any translational shift along the edges before fitting of concentric cylinders placed around a common
the dangling bonds will lead to a different orientation central hollow, with a spacing between the layers
of the lattice with respect to an arbitrary tube axis. close to that of the interlayer distance in graphite
Thus, in a general nanotube structure, on the curved (0.34 nm) (Figure 3A). This interlayer spacing in
surface of the tube the hexagonal arrays of carbon MWNT is slightly larger than the single-crystal
atoms wind around in a helical fashion, introducing graphite value (0.335 nm) since in these tubes there
helicity to the structure. is a severe geometrical constraint when forming the
In the mapping of a graphene plane into a cylinder, concentric seamless cylinders while maintaining the
the boundary conditions around the cylinder can be graphite spacing between them. The three-dimen-
satisfied only if one of the Bravais lattice vectors sional structural correlation that prevails in single-
(defined in terms of the two primitive lattice vectors crystal graphite (ABAB stacking) is lost in the
and a pair of integer indices (n1, n2)) of the graphene nanotubes, and the layers are rotationally disordered
sheet maps to a whole circumference of the cylin- with respect to each other. The second variety is close
der9,10 (Figure 2). This scheme is very important in to an ideal fullerene fiber; in size they are close to
characterizing the properties of individual nanotubes fullerenes and have single-layer cylinders extending
as they provide the essential symmetry to the nano- from end to end.12,17 These are called the single-
tube structure. Nanotubes made from lattice trans- walled nanotubes (SWNT) and possess good unifor-
lational indices of the form (n, 0) or (n, n) will have mity in diameter (1-2 nm) (Figure 3B). When
two helical symmetry operations where as all other produced in the vapor phase, the SWNT self-as-
Nanotubes from Carbon Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 7 1789

Figure 3. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy images of typical SWNT (A) and MWNT (B). Closed nanotube
tips are also shown in panel C (MWNT tips) and panel D (SWNT tip, shown by arrows). The inner space corresponds to
the diameter of the inner hollow in the tube. The separation between the closely spaced fringes in the MWNT (B, C) is
0.34 nm, close to the spacing between graphite planes. The diameter of the SWNT (A, D) is ∼1.2 nm. Every layer in the
image (fringe) corresponds to the edges of each cylinder in the nanotube assembly.

semble into larger bundles (ropes) that consist of electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning tunneling
several tens of nanotubes.5,18,19 The tubes assemble microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) have provided
into a one-dimensional triangular lattice structure simultaneous information of the atomic and elec-
with a lattice constant of 1.7 nm and tube-tube tronic structure of nanotubes, thereby verifying that
separation of 0.315 nm.19 This organization of nano- the electronic properties of nanotubes depend on the
tube units into a crystal structure was predicted diameter and helicity. The most conclusive evidence
earlier by theory.20 Both varieties of nanotubes can has been recent STM/STS studies which have shown
be regarded as aggregates of nanotube units (cylin- atomically resolved lattices of nanotubes (Figure 4)
ders), the MWNT consisting of concentric assembly
and SWNT ropes of close packed nanotube units. The
aspect ratios of both MWNT and SWNT are large
since their lengths are in the range of several
micrometers. MWNT form in a range of diameters,
typically from 2 to 25 nm.
The structure of nanotubes remains distinct from
all previously known carbon fibers and filaments.
Most importantly, nanotubes for the first time rep-
resent a carbon fiber, the structure of which is Figure 4. High-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy
entirely known, to the atomic level. Carbon fibers (STM) image showing the lattice structure of a helical
semiconducting SWNT. The helical lattice is clearly re-
made using traditional methods of extrusion from vealed (Courtesy, Dr. C. Dekker). The figure is reproduced
polymer slurries and from catalytic chemical vapor with permission from Wildöer, J. W. G.; et al. Nature 1998,
deposition vary in morphology and structure from 391, 59. Copyright 1998 Macmillan Magazines Ltd.
fiber to fiber and from area to area on each fiber.
Nanotubes can be regarded as a true macromolecular and the corresponding electronic structure of both
system with a known architecturesthat of ideal metallic and semiconducting tubes.14,15 In addition,
graphene sheets. They can be considered as whiskers and in contrast to graphite, well-spaced and sym-
constructed from ideal in-plane graphite architecture. metric structures called Van Hove singularities ap-
Since the atomic positions in the structure are known pear in the local density of states of nanotubes due
precisely, theoretical modeling can be used to predict to the one-dimensional nature of the conduction
the properties of nanotubes. It is this predictability electron states in nanotubes.
that mainly distinguishes nanotubes from other Calculations have predicted that all the armchair
carbon fibers and associates them with molecular tubes are metallic whereas the zigzag and helical
fullerene species. tubes are either metallic or semiconducting.1,7-8 The
After the discovery of nanotubes, initial efforts electronic conduction process in nanotubes is unique
were mainly geared toward characterizing these since in the radial direction the electrons are confined
structures. Although several methods were used to in the singular plane of the graphene sheet. The
obtain structural information from nanotubes, mi- conduction occurs in the armchair (metallic) tubes
croscopy and local spectroscopy techniques have through gapless modes as the valence and conduction
dominated the field since the spatial resolution bands always cross each other at the Fermi energy.
obtainable through these techniques is compatible In most helical tubes, which contain large numbers
with the dimensions of nanotubes. Both transmission of atoms in their unit cell, the one-dimensional band
1790 Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 7 Ajayan

structure shows an opening of the gap at the Fermi II. Assembly in Carbon Soot
energy, and this leads to semiconducting properties.
This unique electronic behavior only occurs for small In his first experimental report, Iijima showed
nanotubes. As the diameter of the tubes increases, MWNT sticking to the ends of graphite electrodes
the band gap (which varies inversely with the tube that were used in the production of fullerenes.
diameter) tends to zero, yielding a zero-gap semicon- Fullerenes are formed in vapor, in the carbon soot
ductor electronically equivalent to the planar graphene formed by the evaporation of graphite electrodes.
sheet. In a MWNT, the electronic structure of the MWNT are formed on the cathode surfaces used in
smallest inner tubes are superimposed by the outer, such soot generation. A year after the discovery of
larger planar graphene-like tubes. This has been MWNT, it was found that if conditions are right the
substantiated by experiments21,22 where the band evaporated carbon can be directed to condense con-
structure obtained from individual MWNT resembles tinuously on the cathode surface into a cigar-like
that of graphite. Experiments have indicated that the deposit, which builds up into a few centimeter long
pentagonal defects present at the tips can induce boule made of a graphite shell packed with nanotubes
metallic character by introducing sharp resonances and closed graphite nanoparticles.27 The technique
in the local density of states near the Fermi energy.22 is similar to what Roger Bacon had used almost three
Similar metallization of the nanotubes is also found decades ago28 to generate large (micrometer size) arc-
to occur through substitutional doping of the nano- grown carbon whiskers, although he used very dif-
tube lattice with impurities such as boron and ferent conditions in his experiment. The method also
nitrogen.23 derives from the Kratschmer-Huffman method of
The vibrational modes (phonons) in carbon nano- generating fullerenes.29 To generate MWNT, a dc arc
tubes are extremely interesting since the spectrum is usually used (with a modest voltage of 20 V and
varies as a function of nanotube diameter, due to currents of <100 A) in an inert atmosphere of 500
changes of the unit cell and the number of atoms in Torr of helium. It is quite amazing that such highly
the unit cell with size. Some of the vibrational modes ordered nanotubular structures self-assemble in the
in nanotubes (as in graphite) can be excited by plasma created in the interelectrode region, where
Raman spectroscopy (Figure 5). Using the right temperature is close to 3500 °C. The time scale of
formation of these nanostructures is extremely small;
a 5 nm MWNT of 1000 µm length grows in 10-4 s.30
The inside of the deposit formed in the electric arc
discharge contains a highly porous network of ran-
domly oriented MWNT structures (Figure 6) which

Figure 5. Experimental Raman spectra (using 514.5 nm

wavelength laser probe) from nearly pure SWNT samples
showing several peaks, some of which are structure sensi- Figure 6. SEM image of multiwalled nanotubes grown
tive and some structure insensitive (Courtesy, Dr. P. in the electric arc. Both nanotubes and polyhedral nano-
Eklund). The four bottom panels are calculations of Raman particles are seen.
modes from nanotubes of helicity shown in brackets.
Arrows show positions of weak Raman peaks. The figure
is reproduced with permission from Rao, A. M.; et al. are organized on a macroscopic scale into pencil-like
Science 1997, 275, 187. Copyright 1997 American Associa- columns aligned in the axial direction of the deposit.
tion for the Advancement of Science. The electric arc method produces the stiff, near-
perfect, and whiskerlike MWNT (suggesting superior
energy (frequency) of the Raman probe (laser light), properties compared to catalytically grown16 carbon
phonons can be excited in SWNT of specific diam- nanofibers) although some reports suggest that the
eters.24 The position of breathing modes in the high temperature of the arc could produce sintering
Raman spectra shifts with the diameter of the tubes, and cross-linking between tubes.31 However, the arc
and this can be used to determine which diameter is technique suffers from drawbacks. Being a batch
in resonance with the laser frequency. Such resonant process, the amount of material that can be produced
Raman scattering has become a powerful tool in is limited and the material that is formed in the
mapping the distribution of nanotube diameters in deposit contains substantial amounts of nanopar-
bulk samples,25,26 a task that is almost impossible ticles which have polyhedral shapes and are low in
with local imaging techniques. aspect ratio. There have been several attempts, in
Nanotubes from Carbon Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 7 1791

ment chemical vapor deposition37 in conjunction with

plasma-assisted modification of the catalyst surface
(such as Ni deposited on Si). Large scale arrays of
vertically aligned (to the substrate) nanotubes have
been fabricated by this method.
Single-walled nanotubes are made using a combi-
nation of catalyst and dense carbon vapor. Both are
simultaneously introduced into an inert atmosphere
by either an electric arc17,19 or through laser abla-
tion.18 In the former, the setup is similar to that used
for MWNT synthesis, but a hole is drilled in the
anode and packed with a mixture of the metal
catalyst and graphite powder. Several metals and
combinations of metals have been tried to obtain good
yield of nanotubes, and the best so far is for a mixture
of Ni and Y with graphite in a 15:5:80 weight ratio.
Figure 7. SEM image showing multiwalled carbon nanofi- When the electric arc is struck with such a modified
bers made by pyrolisis of triazine precursors on laser etched electrode, spectacular growth occurs in the reaction
Co catalyst particle arrays. Notice the uniformity in vessel which gets decorated with a network of web-
diameter of the fibers and good alignment between the like growth that contain SWNT. On a closer look the
fibers (Courtesy, Dr. M. Terrones). The figure is reproduced webs contain ropes of nanotubes that consist of tens
with permission from Terrones, M.; et al. Nature 1997, 388,
52. Copyright 1997 Macmillan Magazines Ltd.
of SWNT (Figure 8). The maximum density of nano-
tubes is seen in the growth product that forms around
parallel, to make nanotubes through catalytic vapor the cathode like a collar, and this material consists
deposition, which overcomes some of the problems of of >50 wt % nanotubes. The rest of the carbon soot
the arc process. In general, catalytic metal particles contains fullerenes, partially graphitized carbon
are exposed to a medium containing hydrocarbon (glassy carbon), amorphous carbon, and finely dis-
gaseous species, and the formation of nanofibrils tributed catalyst particles. In the laser ablation
(twisted hollow fibers) is catalyzed.32,33 One good technique,18,43 a metal (Ni-Co) containing (small
example is the Hyperion fibers, which have been in percentage, <1 wt %) graphite target placed in an
commercial use33 for at least a few years. During oven is ablated with a strong laser pulse under inert
growth, good uniformity in size of the fibers is atmosphere. A felt of nanotube material that is
achieved (controlled by the size of the seeded catalyst generated is collected onto a water-cooled target
particles), and the process can be easily scaled up to using forced gas flow. The use of two coordinated
produce large amounts of material. In some cases, laser pulses breaks down the carbon formation better,
when the catalysts are prefabricated into patterned producing a very high yield of nanotubes (∼60-80%).
arrays, well-aligned nanotube assemblies are pro- Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods have been
duced (Figure 7).34,35 Similarly, template based ap- also tried for growing SWNT. Disproportionation of
proaches are also in use, where the aligned pores of CO over size-selected Mo catalysts was shown38 to
a nanoporous membrane (such as electrodeposited produce fibrillar structures made of single graphene
porous alumina) are filled with carbon species through walls. More recently, there has been a growing
vapor deposition and later graphitized to produce interest in exploring the possibility of tailoring
nanotubes and then the template membrane is catalyst surfaces using conventional thin-film tech-
removed to obtain aligned, nanotube arrays.36 An- niques (sputter deposition, selective etching) and
other approach that has been recently successfully then using these substrates to grow nanotubes. Kong
demonstrated is the use of plasma-assisted hot fila- et al.39 have shown that catalyst islands fabricated

Figure 8. (A) HRTEM image of ropes of SWNT produced in the arc using Ni-Y catalyst. (B) Cross-sectional view of a
SWNT rope that shows the crystal lattice of the organized nanotubes.
1792 Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 7 Ajayan

on Si wafers using electron beam lithography can be The idea of cutting nanotubes by ultrasound was first
used to grow (by CVD) SWNT oriented in the plane demonstrated for MWNT.46 The resulting pieces of
of the substrate. broken SWNT (open pipes that are typically a few
It is clear that the nanotube containing raw mate- hundred nanometers in length) form a colloid sus-
rial (prepared by the electric arc or laser ablation) is pension in solvents which can be deposited on sub-
not useful for any bulk measurements, since the strates or further manipulated in solution and func-
impurity content is high. The same is true for tionalized at the ends. Such segments can perhaps
fullerene soot. Fullerenes which form at very low be joined using the right chemical bridges to make
yield in the soot are purified by dissolution in organic long nanotube chains resembling polymers. A whole
solvents followed by liquid chromatography. The gamut of possible chemistry based on nanotubes is
problem with nanotubes is that they are insoluble just beginning to unfold. It has been recently shown47
in most solvents, and hence all the purification that functionalized nanotubes (derivatized with thiony-
procedures follow filtration-based techniques. This chloride and octadecylamine) can be dissolved in
means that the purified nanotube products are never organic solvents. Extensions of this technique may
as pure as fullerenes. All purification procedures in the future be used to separate nanotubes using
follow certain essential steps; preliminary filtration solvation and produce high-purity, well-defined
to get rid of large graphite particles, dissolution to samples.
remove fullerenes (in organic solvents) and catalyst Since size and helicity are two important param-
particles (in concentrated acids), and microfiltration eters that affect nanotube properties, selection on the
and chromatography to either size separate MWNT basis of both these factors is important. This is mostly
and nanoparticles or SWNT and the amorphous relevant to SWNT, since the MWNT only show
carbon impurities.40-43 It is important to keep the average properties and tend to be semimetallic as
nanotubes separate when suspended in solution, and parent graphite. Fortunately the size distribution
nanotubes are typically dispersed using a surfactant produced during the high-yield synthesis of SWNT
(e.g., sodium dodecyl sulfate) prior to the last stage is quite narrow with an overwhelming majority of the
in separation. Some reports claim that SWNT samples nanotubes having diameters close to 1.4 nm. It has
with >99% purity can be made by repeated use of been shown25,5 that it is possible to tune nanotube
some of these steps.43 Separation of MWNT from diameter in the range between 1.2 and 6 nm by
nanoparticles is much less efficient. Initially, oxida- altering the temperature (from 700 to 1200 °C) of the
tion was used to remove nanoparticles from MWNT ambient in which these are formed or by the addition
samples (Figure 9)44,45 but some of the nanotubes in of impurities such as Bi and S to the transition metal
catalysts. It is fortuitous18 that when SWNT are
formed in high yield, a vast portion of the tubes have
armchair (or close to armchair) arrangement inde-
pendent of the conditions used in the synthesis. This
size and helicity selection will have a strong bearing
on the possible usability of nanotubes, especially in
It should be stated that there is no consensus yet
on the mechanism by which nanotubes grow. One
problem is that the experimental conditions in which
nanotubes grow are too chaotic to deduce any mean-
ingful relationship with growth models. Hence most
of the explanations for nanotube growth have been
based on theoretical modeling of the energetics48 and
molecular dynamics simulations which consider only
a small number of atoms.49,50 One distinction between
the two varieties of nanotubes is that the MWNT
grow with no catalysts whereas SWNT grow only
when catalysts are present. But unlike larger cata-
Figure 9. TEM image of purified MWNT sample. Most of lytically grown fibers, where the fiber ends are seen
the polyhedral nanoparticles have been removed by oxida- decorated with catalyst particles, the ends of SWNT
tion in air at 750 °C. The nanotubes in such oxidized are always closed with no trace of catalyst. One could
samples are all open. imagine that SWNT grow with the aid of catalyst
species at the end but are somehow ejected as the
the sample also gets destroyed in the process. Recent tube closes into the fullerene caps. Assuming that the
efforts40 to use size exclusion chromatography and tubes remain open, a suggestion was that catalyst
cascade filtration have yielded good separation be- atoms are attached to the dangling bonds of the tube
tween nanotubes and nanoparticles in the samples. ends and promote growth by a scooter mechanism,
But these methods are impossible to scale up to acting as a dynamic bridge, incorporating incoming
obtain larger volumes of samples. carbon atoms to the open ends of tubes.18 But
It is now possible to cut nanotubes (SWNT) into simulations have shown that this is far from the
smaller segments by extended sonication (agitation truth since the metal atom decorated tubes tend to
using ultrasound) in concentrated acid mixtures.43 close instantaneously at close to growth tempera-
Nanotubes from Carbon Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 7 1793

tures, ejecting the metal atoms from their edges.49 A

simple chemical explanation has also been put for-
ward51 to explain the preferential formation of SWNT
of the observed sizes. On the basis of strain and
reactivity, it is seen that C240 is the most chemically
inert fullerene, suggesting these may act as precur-
sors for the preferential nucleation of (10, 10) nano-
tubes which are ∼1.4 nm in diameter. For MWNT,
it is a different story; it is seen during simulations
that chemical bonding between the open edges of
adjacent coaxial tubes (called a lip-lip interaction)
can stabilize the open ended growing structures.42,43
This welded end geometry of tubes shows high
chemical activity and easily incorporates incoming
atoms for growth. Understanding the growth mech-
anisms of nanotubes still remains a big challenge.

III. Distinguishing Properties

What makes nanotubes so special is the combina-
tion of dimension, structure, and topology that trans-
lates into a whole range of superior properties. The Figure 10. Electronic properties (DOS) of SWNT [(10, 10)
basic constitution of the nanotube lattice is the C-C armchair and (12, 8) helical nanotube] close to the Fermi
covalent bond (as in graphite planes) which is one of energy. A “plateau” is clearly seen for the armchair tube
(metallicity) and the small gap related to the helical one
the strongest in nature. The perfect alignment of the (Courtesy, Dr. J.-C. Charlier).
lattice along the tube axis and the closed topology
endows nanotubes with in-plane properties of graph-
observed ballistic electron transport at room temper-
ite such as high conductivity, excellent strength and
atures55 and the Aharnov-Bohm effect56 in indi-
stiffness, chemical specificity, and inertness together
vidual MWNT. In contrast to MWNT, SWNT is a
with some unusual properties such as the electronic
well-defined system in terms of electronic properties.
structure which is dependent on lattice helicity and
Electron transport measurements have been possible
elasticity. In addition, the nano-dimensions provide
on individual SWNT and SWNT ropes randomly
a large surface area which could be useful in me-
dropped on prefabricated electrode assemblies.57
chanical and chemical applications. The surface area
Measurements carried out in the milli-Kelvin range
of MWNT has been determined by BET techniques
show that conduction occurs through well-separated
and is ∼10-20 m2/g, which is higher than that of
discrete electronic states which are coherent over
graphite but is small compared to activated porous
carbons. This value for SWNT is expected to be an distances between the probes (a few hundred nanom-
order of magnitude higher. Similarly, due to the eters). Results of these experiments prove that indeed
relatively large hollow channels in the center of individual SWNT can be regarded as quantum wires.
nanotubes, their density should be very low compared Calculations show that, unlike normal metal wires,
to graphite. Rough estimates suggest that SWNT conduction electrons in (armchair) SWNT experience
density could be as small as 0.6 g/cm3, and MWNT an effective disorder averaged over the tube’s cir-
density could range between 1 and 2 g/cm3 depending cumference, leading to electron mean free paths that
on the constitution of the samples. increase with nanotube diameter. This increase could
The remarkable electronic properties of nanotubes result in exceptional ballistic transport properties
were noted earlier. Both metallic and semiconducting and localization lengths of several micrometers.58
SWNT have been observed through calculations and Recent experiments provide evidence to the unique-
experimental verifications of their band structure ness of the electron system in SWNT ropes,59 where
(Figure 10). Simultaneous determinations of helicity the measurements of conductance as a function of
by STM have proved several theoretical predictions. temperature and voltage agree with predictions for
The most exciting and challenging have been trans- tunneling into a Luttinger liquid (strongly correlated
port measurements in individual nanotubes by four one-dimensional electron systems).
or more probe measurements. Systematic four-probe The electrical conductivity of nanotubes can be
measurements on several individual MWNT showed altered by modifying the parent structure of the
a range of electronic behavior (metallic, semiconduct- nanotube lattice. In MWNT, substitutional doping
ing, and semimetallic) in these structures.52-54 A can be done to the lattice of nanotubes. The addition
weak magneto-resistance in the tubes indicates a of boron and nitrogen in these structures has been
very short mean free path for the conduction elec- shown to create metallic features in the electronic
trons, most likely due to scattering by defects. MWNT density of states.23 SWNT ropes have been doped
is composed of several cylinders of different helicity, with alkali and halogen dopants which act as inter-
and this complicates any simple interpretation of calates that go into the interstices between the tubes
transport, based on theoretical predictions. It is, in ropes, and the charge transfer between the tubes
however, clear that the conduction properties in and the dopants produce an order of magnitude
MWNT are also unique, and recent reports have increase in the electrical conductivity.60,61 The doped
1794 Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 7 Ajayan

nanotubes may be considered to be a new generation plasticity manifests itself in other curious ways too.
of unique synthetic metals. It has been suggested that a 5-7 ring pair defect,
Apart from their electronic properties (a detailed called a Stone-Wales defect70 in sp2 carbon systems,
review of nanotube electronics is scheduled to appear in the nanotube lattice can become mobile under the
in a future issue of this journal), the mechanical influence of stress. This leads to a stepwise size
properties of nanotubes are equally fascinating. The reduction of the nanotube diameter.71 The process
strength of the carbon bonds makes nanotubes one introduces a change in helicity in the deformed
of the strongest and stiffest materials known. On the nanotube structure. This extraordinary behavior
basis of the in-plane elastic modulus of graphite, the could lead to another application; a nanotube probe
axial elastic modulus of nanotubes is predicted to be (sensor) that responds to mechanical stress by chang-
at least one TPa (1000 GPa).62,63 Experiments to ing its electronic character.
measure the elastic properties of individual nano- The topology leads to stepwise deformation behav-
tubes were initially considered impossible. Some ior in nanotubes. Highly deformed nanotubes were
clever recent experiments including new techniques seen (in simulations) to reversibly switch into differ-
using scanning probe microscopes have helped in ent morphological patterns with abrupt release of
estimating the local elastic properties of materials energy63 (Figure 11). The patterns are interesting in
and have provided valuable answers to the question
of nanotube strength. In one experiment, the esti-
mates of the elastic modulus and stiffness of nano-
tubes were obtained from measuring their thermal
vibrational amplitudes.64 Nanotubes projecting out
into the holes of a sample holder (used in electron
microscopy measurements) were considered as can-
tilevers clamped to a support, vibrating with their
natural thermal vibration frequencies. The average
value for the modulus of MWNT obtained (1.8 TPa)
by this method was higher than that of the in-plane
value of graphite. Atomic force microscopy measure-
ments of nanotube response during bending and
manipulation65,66 provide values of the elastic modu-
lus close to the 1 TPa range. From all the measure-
ments and theoretical work to date, it can be said
that the elastic modulus of nanotubes and the cor-
responding stiffness of nanotubes are similar to (and
perhaps greater than, due to the new topology) the
in-plane values of the parent graphite sheet. Atomic
force microscopy experiments have probed67 the mo-
tion of nanotubes on substrates such as graphite.
These experiments have revealed fascinating char-
acteristics of nanotube friction, suggesting that de- Figure 11. Simulations showing two possible ways nano-
pending on the orientation of the nanotube on the tubes can deform when they are loaded. The modes reflect
substrate various forms of lock-in movements can the highly elastic nature of nanotubes (Courtesy, Dr. B. I.
occur, for example, a transition from rolling to sliding Yakabson). Details of the deformation mechanisms are
of the tubes. reported in Yakabson, B. I.; Brabec, C. J.; Bernholc, J. Phys.
Rev. Lett. 1996, 76, 2511.
The hollow structure and closed topology of nano-
tubes produce a distinct mechanical response in all forms of deformation, for example, in torsion the
nanotubes compared to other graphitic structures. nanotubes first flatten and then get twisted in a loop.
The fracture and deformation modes of nanotubes are The reversibility of deformations such as buckling
intriguing. Nanotubes can sustain extreme strains has been seen in TEM studies (Figure 12) and
(40%) in tension without showing signs of brittle supports the idea that nanotubes are highly elastic.
behavior, plastic deformation, or bond rupture.7 This behavior is related to the in-plane flexibility of
Fracture can occur in a nanotube via the collapse of the graphene sheet and the ability for carbon atoms
the inside hollow providing extra absorption of energy to rehybridize with the degree of sp2-sp3 rehybrid-
and increased toughness when used in composites.68 ization depending on the strain.
Fracture of individual nanotubes under tensile load- Carbon materials and graphite fibers have been
ing has been evidenced in molecular dynamics simu- used in industry to improve thermal conduction. The
lations.69 Elastic stretching elongates the hexagons in-plane thermal conductivity of graphite (∼3000
on the tube surface until at high strain some bonds W/m K) is second only to certain forms of doped
are broken. This local defect is easily redistributed diamond. Since nanotubes reflect the in-plane prop-
over the entire surface due to the mobility of these erties of graphite, their thermal conductivity should
defects in the two-dimensional lattice. A new form also be extremely high. High aspect ratios also
of necking slowly sets in until the tube is locally improve drastically the thermal conductivity of dis-
reduced to a linear chain of carbynes (carbon atoms continuous fiber composites. No one has reported any
linked by double bonds into a chain). Nanotube thermal measurements on nanotubes yet, but nano-
Nanotubes from Carbon Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 7 1795

0.82 nm). This slight increase is attributed to cur-

vature induced σ-π hybridization that alters the
energy band dispersion close to the Fermi energy.
However, the average Mulliken population (charge
density) at a pentagon is 3-4 times larger than at a
graphene hexagon in both planar and tubular struc-
tures. It is thus clearly seen that due to the higher
density of states at the pentagonal sites these would
act as electrophilic reaction sites (Figure 13). In

Figure 12. (A) TEM image of a buckled MWNT (in a

polymer film) due to compressive stress produced during
cutting of the film. This buckling behavior in nanotubes is
observed to be reversible for free-standing nanotubes once
the load is released. Notice the adjacent larger nanotube
has not buckled, suggesting that it depends on nanotube
size and wall thickness. (B) HRTEM showing the deforma-
tion of individual layers during the buckling of an indi-
vidual MWNT. Spacing between the parallel fringes (lay-
ers) on the tube (B) corresponds to 0.34 nm. Figure 13. Top: ball-and-stick model for a single-walled
nanotube (6, 6) with a bond rotation defect (two 5-7 pairs)
tubes could be an ideal filler material that could (gray atoms in the structure). Bottom: corresponding
improve conductivity, especially in composites. The simulated 3D-local density of states image (similar to what
is observed in an STM) of occupied orbitals around the
thermal expansion coefficient of nanotubes will also Fermi level for this tube. An increase in the available
be unique compared to graphite. Graphite is highly density of states at the pentagonal sites is seen with respect
anisotropic with negligible thermal expansion in- to hexagonal or heptagonal sites.
plane but significant out-of-plane expansion. Nano-
nanotubes, the presence of large numbers of topologi-
tubes, on the other hand, are constrained by geom-
cal defects (e.g., bond rotational defects or pairs of
etry and should have nearly zero expansion normal
5-7 rings; defects which would not create any visible
to the planes.
change in the overall topology or curvature) has been
Initially, it may seem that nanotubes are chemi- suggested4 and hence the surface of nanotubes could
cally inert since the only exposed surface in nano- be inherently more reactive compared to their graph-
tubes is the unreactive basal graphite plane. Oxida- ite counterparts.
tion studies show that the ends of nanotubes are Finally, nanotubes have one distinguishable fea-
more reactive than the cylindrical parts.72,73 When ture which is the smooth, straight, one-dimensional
the tubes are oxidized the tube ends get etched away, channel in their centers. Early calculations showed
resulting in open tubes. The presence of pentagonal that since capillarity force could be strong in these
defects at the ends and the extra dimensional cur- structures (dimensional effect),75 the inside channels
vature (and strain) caused by these defects are could hold atoms or molecules of other species. It has
responsible for this enhanced tip reactivity. Recent been experimentally demonstrated that nanowires
experiments suggest that nanotube surfaces show can be created inside nanotubes,76-78 as detailed in
enhanced electron transfer rates when used as elec- a separate paper soon to appear in this journal. This
trodes in chemical reactions.74 The role of MWNT in brings about the unique possibility of using nano-
the electrocatalysis of oxygen reduction has been tubes as nanosize container systems or as unique
demonstrated, and charge transfer on nanotubes is templates for fabrication of novel nanomaterials.
seen to occur faster compared to graphite. Ab initio
calculations performed on SWNT show that curva-
ture of the tubes leads to only a slightly larger charge
IV. Nanotubes for the Marketplace
transfer that tends as 1/D (D is tube diameter) to It seems reasonable to think that with all the
graphitic values (2% larger for a nanotube with D ) exciting properties mentioned above, carbon nano-
1796 Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 7 Ajayan

tubes will find commercial applications. Several

experimental demonstrations have already pointed
to possible uses for this material. It is conceivable
that nanotubes will be important players in future
technology, especially as part of the ongoing revolu-
tion based on nanotechnology and nanostructures
which is the theme of this journal issue.
The remarkable electronic properties of nanotubes
qualify them for use as quantum wires and in
heterojunction devices. The Delft group, which pio-
neered the measurements of electron transport in
individual SWNT, has built the first single-molecule
field-effect transistor based on a single semiconduct-
ing SWNT.79 The device, which operates at room
temperature, is comprised of a nanotube bridging two
metal electrodes. The band structure suggested for
this device is similar to traditional semiconductor
devices, and the performance of this device is com-
parable to existing devices in terms of switching
speeds. Although the demonstration of such a device
is exciting, the next stage of integrating devices into
circuits will be crucial. None of the procedures
developed so far for nanotube fabrication enables the
construction of complex architectures that the semi-
conductor industry requires today. New ideas based
on self-assembly of carbon structures into integrated
nanotube assemblies will have to be realized before
nanotube electronics become a practical reality. The Figure 14. (A) SEM image of a typical fracture surface
possibility of connecting nanotubes of different he- in a SWNT-epoxy resin composite. Notice the curved
licity through the incorporation of 5-7 defect pairs network of the nanotube ropes in the composite. (B)
Projection of MWNT at the broken surface of a nanotube-
could lead to the fabrication of heterojunction devices, PPV composite. Notice a thin layer of polymer web that
as predicted by theory.80 Similarly, a junction device joins the nanotubes together.
can be designed from two nanotube segments, one of
which is semiconducting and the other made metallic highly elastic behavior. It is likely that individual
by doping with substitutional impurities, as in tra- nanotube layers may slide with respect to each other
ditional semiconductors. The foundations for a whole in nanotube aggregates during stress transfer since
range of physics at the nanoscale based on nanotube the intertubular bonding is always weak in MWNT
structures have already been laid through theoretical and SWNT ropes. Micro-Raman spectroscopy, which
models, predictions, and a few recent experiments. is used to measure the strain carried by MWNT
The second major application will be based on during loading, has shown that the load transfer
nanotube strength and elasticity. The most obvious (from matrix to the nanotubes) in compression is
one is filler-based applications in polymer composites, better than in tension.82 This suggests that under
where traditional carbon fibers have done well. One tension, only the outer layers of the nanotubes are
of the main requirements for the efficient load loaded, whereas in compression load is transferred
transfer in carbon fiber (or nanotube) reinforced to all the layers.
composites is that the interface between the fiber and Other than structural composites, some unique
the matrix be strong. There is no guarantee that one properties have been realized by physical doping
could form a strong interface in the case of nanotubes. (filling) of polymers with nanotubes. Recently, such
Some recent studies have indicated that strong a scheme has been demonstrated in a conjugated
interfaces can be formed between epoxy resins and luminescent polymer, poly(m-phenylenevinylene-co-
nanotubes (interface strengths of few hundred mega- 2,5-dioctoxy-p-phenylenevinylene) (PPV), filled with
pascal were observed).81 However, these results are MWNT and SWNT.83 Nanotube-PPV composites have
preliminary. The biggest advantage of nanotubes in shown increases in electrical conductivity compared
polymer composites will be in processing, since they to the pristine polymer of nearly 8 orders of magni-
do not break down during processing as carbon fibers tude, with little loss in photoluminescence/electrolu-
do so easily. However there are other processing minescence yield. In addition, the composite is far
problems; work done in our laboratory indicates more robust than the pure polymer regarding me-
severe settling of nanotubes in epoxy-based compos- chanical strength and photobleaching (breakdown of
ites during processing. There are other fundamental the polymer structure due to thermal buildup).
questions associated with the effectiveness of nano- Preliminary studies indicate that the host interacts
tube reinforcements. Nanotubes remain twisted and very little with the embedded nanotubes but that the
curved when processed to make polymer composites nanotubes act as nanometric heat-sinks that prevent
(Figure 14), and the advantage of high aspect ratio the buildup of large local thermal effects, which
may not be realized in nanotubes because of this usually break down a conjugated polymer. Potential
Nanotubes from Carbon Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 7 1797

exists for other new materials with nanotubes in bioelectrochemical reactions (e.g., oxidation of dopam-
polymer matrices, for example, materials for nonlin- ine).89 Their performance has been found to be
ear optical properties, membrane technologies, elec- superior to other carbon electrodes in terms of
tromagnetic induction shielding, and implant mate- reaction rates and reversibility. Pure MWNT and
rials for biomedical applications. MWNT deposited with metal catalysts (Pd, Pt, Ag)
With extremely small sizes, good conductivity, high have been used to electrocatalyze oxygen reduction
mechanical strength, and elasticity, one area where reactions which are important for fuel cells.36 It is
nanotubes may ultimately become indispensable is seen from several studies that nanotubes could be
in their use as nanoprobes. One could think of such good replacements for conventional carbon-based
probes being used in a variety of applications such electrodes.74 Similarly, the improved selectivity of
as high-resolution imaging, nanolithography, nano- nanotube-based catalysts have been shown in het-
electrodes, drug delivery, sensors, and field emitters. erogeneous catalysis. Nanotube-supported Ru par-
There have been experimental demonstrations in ticles were found to be superior to the same metal
which an individual MWNT or SWNT is attached to on graphite and other carbons in the liquid-phase
the end of an AFM or STM tip for imaging84 and hydrogenation reaction of cinnamaldehyde.90 The
lithography.85 The advantage of the nanotube tip is properties of catalytically grown nanotubes have been
its slenderness, providing the possibility to image found desirable for high-power electrochemical ca-
features (such as surface cracks) that are almost pacitors.91
impossible to probe using larger, blunter etched Si Since nanotubes are excellent container systems,
or metal tips. In addition, due to the high elasticity they could be useful material in hydrogen storage.
of nanotubes, the tips do not suffer from crashes on Temperature-programmed desorption spectroscopy
contact with the substrate; any impact will cause has shown that hydrogen will condense inside SWNT
buckling in the nanotube structure which is revers- under conditions that do not induce adsorption in
ible. However, the use of nanotubes as AFM-STM traditional porous carbon material.92 It was reported
tips has disadvantages. The lateral resolution obtain- that hydrogen uptake is high and can be compared
able is low compared to STM, and it is not easy to to the best presently available material (metal hy-
prepare individual tips. The best use could be as AFM drides). If an optimum diameter of the nanotube can
tips on nonperiodic structures where the resolution be established for the best intake and release of
can be considerably improved over commercially hydrogen, high-energy storage efficiency can be ob-
available tips, if everything else (such as the proper tained, and the process could operate at ambient
anchoring of the nanotube) works well. Nanotubes temperature. Since solid fuel cells are increasingly
functionalized at the ends with various functional becoming part of future technology, the role of
groups can also be used as unique nanoprobes for nanotubes as energy storage materials should be
performing local chemistry and biochemistry. This significant. A statement of caution should be added
concept has been recently demonstrated86 elegantly here since the experiments on hydrogen storage in
nanotube samples have been controversial and not
by using chemically modified nanotube tips to do
reproducible on high-quality samples.
nanotitration. Open ended nanotubes were function-
alized by attaching carboxyl groups at the ends, and V. Conclusions
these modified nanotubes were used as AFM tips to
image patterned samples based on molecular interac- Since their discovery in 1991, nanotubes have come
tions and forces in biomolecular interactions. a long way. Several detailed reviews,5,6 books,4,8 and
special issues of journals93,94 have been devoted to
The small dimensions of nanotubes, as well as their this topic. There have been great improvements in
tip structure, make them useful as efficient field synthesis techniques, which can now produce reason-
emitters. Field emission characteristics of nano- ably pure nanotubes in gram quantities. However,
tube tips have been studied, and field emission has there is still a need to develop and optimize process-
been demonstrated from partially aligned nanotube ing methods to make well-defined (in terms of
films.87,88 Nanotube films field emit with threshold structure and dimensions) and well-organized nano-
voltages of a few tens of volts, emitting electrons at tubes, since this will have real impact on applica-
current densities of a few hundred mA/cm2. The tions. For bulk applications, the quantities that can
nanotube electron source remains stable over several be made still fall far short of what industry would
hours of field emission and is air stable. One of the need. The market price of nanotubes is also too high
major problems here could be in achieving uniform presently (∼$200 per gram for MWNT to 10 times
emission from larger areas. The advantages of SWNT that value for purified SWNT) for any realistic
vs MWNT for field emission are being studied rigor- commercial application. But it should be remembered
ously by several groups. that the starting prices for carbon fibers and fullerenes
Finally, carbon nanotubes are being considered for were also prohibitively high during their initial
energy production and storage. Carbon fiber elec- stages of development, but their prices have come
trodes have been used previously in fuel cells, bat- down significantly in time.
tery, and several other electrochemical applica- Studies of structure-topology-property relations
tions.16,36 Nanotubes are special since they have high in nanotubes have been strongly backed, and in some
surface specificity and, as described before, have been cases preceded, by theoretical modeling. This synergy
shown to be superior in electron transfer reactions. has been of great benefit to the development of the
Nanotube microelectrodes have been constructed field. Clearly, from the physics point of view, nano-
using a binder and have been successfully used in tubes stand out from carbon fibers since their struc-
1798 Chemical Reviews, 1999, Vol. 99, No. 7 Ajayan

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