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By Mir Mohammed Abbas II PCMB 'A'

Types of Errors:
Formulas for Velocity: [units: v: m/s; a: m/s2; x: m; t:
Personal errors due to bias or mistakes. s]
Systematic errors due to miscalibration of instruments,
personal bias, or reaction time. v = v 0 + at (for constant a)
Random errors are unknown or unpredictable, such as v 0 +v
voltage or temperature fluctuations, vibration, etc. v = (for constant a) average velocity
Accuracy - how close measurement comes to accepted value 1
x = v 0t +
at (for constant a)
Precision - how consistent or repeatable measurements are 2
=v0 + 2ax
2 2
v (for constant a)
Calculation of Errors:
Multiplication: operation: A = L × W Rocket Science: The relationship between velocity and the
burning of fuel.
error: ∆A = ± ( L × ∆W + W × ∆L ) Mi u = speed of the exhaust
M v f − v i = u ln relative the to rocket [m/s]
Division: operation: D = Mf
 ∆M M × ∆V 
error: ∆D = ±  + 
 V V2  Addition of Multiple Vectors:
r r r r
2 2 Rr = Ar+ B +r C r Resultant = Sum of the vectors
g = 9.8 m/s = 32 f/s Quadratic Equation:
gmoon = 1.62 m/s2 Rx = Ax + Bx + Cx x-component A x = A cos θ
− b ± b 2 − 4ac r r r r
x= Ry = Ay + By + C y y-component A y = A sin θ
R = Rx 2 + Ry 2 Magnitude (length) of R
Ry Ry
Law of Cosines: y θ R = tan −1 or tanθ R = Angle of the resultant
Rx Rx
R= A + B − 2 AB cos γ γ
2 2
θ Unit Vectors:
x Positive direction:
R A Cross Product or Vector Product:
sin θ = i
B sin γ
i× j=k j × i = −k
i ×i = 0
Newton's Laws: j k
Dot Product or Scalar Product:
First Law: Law of Inertia. An object at rest will remain at
rest unless acted on by an external force. An object in
motion will remain in motion unless . . .
i⋅ j = 0 i⋅i =1
Second Law: ΣF = ma , Στ = Iα The sum of external
forces on a object is equal to its mass (or inertia for
rotational forces) times the acceleration. Velocity is the derivative of position with respect
k to time:
Third Law: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. d dx dy dz
Law of Gravity: F = force of attraction exerted on each body v= ( xi + yj + zk) = i + j+ k
m1m2 G = gravitational constant 6.67 × 10-11 dt dt dt dt
F=G 2 [N · m 2/kg] or [m3/kg · s2] Acceleration is the derivative of velocity with respect to
r = distance between centers [m] time:
d dv dv y dv
a= ( v x i + v y j + v zk ) = x i + j+ z k
dt dt dt dt

Mass/Density: [kilograms] Drag:

D = Drag Force [N]
M =V × D mass = volume × density D = 21 CρAv 2 C = Coeficient of drag [ ]
ρ = density [kg/m3] (air: 1.2, water: 1000)
2mg A = effective cross-sectional area [m2]
Projectile Motion: vt = v = speed [m/s]
CρA vt = Terminal Velocity [m/s]
v x0 = v0 cos θ 0 horizontal component of velocity
g = acceleration due to gravity [9.8 m/s2]
v y0 = v0 sin θ 0 vertical component of velocity

x = v x 0t horizontal distance Force: [F is in Newtons; m is kilograms]

v y = v y 0 − gt to find apex, let vy = 0
grams × g
Newtons = kg × m / s = = dynes × 10, 000
y = y 0 + v y 0 t − 21 gt 2 vertical distance 1000
gx 2 dynes = grams × cm / s 2 1 lb = 4. 448 N
y = (tan θ0 ) x − vertical distance
2(v 0 cosθ0 ) 2 F = ma force = mass X acceleration
v y = v y 0 − 2 gy
2 2
vertical velocity ∆ρ change in momentum
F= force =
∆t time interval

v PA = v PB + v BA J impulse
Relative Motion: F= force =
∆t time interval
The relative velocity of object P with respect to A is equal to
the velocity of P with respect to B plus the velocity of B with conservative force - work done is independent of the path taken
respect to A. non-conservative force - depends on the path taken
For velocities approaching the speed of light, the formula m 1m 2
F =G force of gravitational attraction, where G
v PB + v BA r2 is the constant of universal gravitation
changes to: v PA = 6. 673 × 10−11 N ⋅m 2
1 + v PB v BA / c 2 kg 2

c = the speed of light = 299,792,458 m/s

Atwood's Machine:
Inclined Plane: [F and W are in Newtons; m is kilograms]
Fk Acceleration in m/s2:
F = mg sinθ  m2 − m1 
W = mg a= g
 m1 + m2 
Fn = mg cosθ F m1
W Fn Tension in Newtons:
(the normal θ
force)  2m1 m2 
T = g
 m1 + m2  m2

Fk = µk Fn (force of friction, opposite the direction of

tanθ = µk The coefficient of friction µk is found when the Tension:
angle θ is adjusted for zero acceleration of the sliding T
a= g sinθ (acceleration) m
W Fn

T = m (g + a ) (where m is accelerating upward)

T = m (g − a ) (where m is accelerating downward)

PE s = 1 2
kx (elastic potential energy)
Work: [joules or Newton-meters]
Simple Harmonic Motion:
F 1
T= (T is period in seconds; f is frequency in Hz)
F cos θ
m T = period (s)
T = 2π m = mass (kg)
s k = spring constant (N/m)
W = ( F cos θ )s (work done on the object by F) k
a=− x (acceleration) x is the location in meters
W = F•d work = force × displacement
( A − x2)
k 2
W g = mgy i − mgy f = PE i − PE f (work done by gravity, y is v=± (A is amplitude in m; x is position)
vertical distance in meters) m
W = KE f − KEi x = A cos( 2π f t ) (x is position in m; f is frequency Hz)

The work done by a conservative force on a particle is

independent of the path taken. Pendulum:
L First Order Approximation for small angles
see also: Energy, Spring
T = 2π L is length in m; g is gravity
dW L 1 θ 9 θ Third Order
T = 2π 1 + sin 2 + sin 4 
Power: [watts] P= g 4 2 64 2 Approximation
W joules
Power is the rate of work. P = = Fv watts = v = fλ (f is frequency in Hz; λ is wavelength in m)
∆t second
v= (F is tension in N; µ is mass per unit length of
µ string in kg/m)
Energy: [joules] see also: Oscillation
KE = 1 2
mv (kinetic energy)
PE = mgy (gravitational potential energy, y is vertical
distance in meters) Collisions: In all collisions, momentum is conserved and the
center of mass is unaffected. In an elastic collision, kinetic
∆KE = KE f − KE i = 21 mv 2 − 21 mv 0 2 = Work energy KE = 12 mv 2 is conserved.
A falling object loses potential energy as it gains kinetic
energy. In an isolated system, energy can be transferred
m1v1i + m2 v 2i = m1v1 f + m2 v 2 f (momentum)
from one type to another but total energy remains the m1 − m2 2m2
same. v1 f = v1i + v (elastic only)
W net = ∆KE = − ∆PE m1 + m2 m1 + m2 2i
E total = KE + PE (mechanical energy) 2m1 m − m1
PE i + KE i = PE f + KE f
v2 f = v1i + 2 v (elastic only)
[i = initial; f = final, energy is m1 + m2 m1 + m2 2i
+ 12 mv i = mgy f + 12 mv f
2 2
mgy [y = vertical distance]
E = mc 2 E is the mass energy, m is mass, c is the Momentum: [kg · m/s] p = mv ∑F = dt
speed light 3.00 × 108 m/s
See also: Rotation and Torque Linear Momentum in a system of particles:
P = Mv cm M = total mass of the system [m]
vcm = velocity of the center of mass [m/s]
Spring: [F is in Newtons; W is in Joules; x is in meters; k
is in Newtons per meter: N/m] Impulse: [kg · m/s] J = ∆p = F∆ t = mv f − mv i
F = kx Hooke's Law (force required to compress a impulse = force × duration or the change in momentum
spring with a spring constant k a distance x) see also Force
F = 1
kx (average force required to compress a spring--or
average force output from a spring in
decompression over a distance x)
W = 1 2
kx (work done on a spring by an applied force)

W = − kx 1
(work done by a spring)

Center of Mass: The center of mass of a body or a system
of bodies is the point that moves as though all of the mass τ =r×F τ = torque (vector) (positive is in the
were concentrated there and all external forces were counterclockwise direction) [N · m]
applied there.
xcm = distance from origin [m] τ = rFt = r⊥ F τ = magnitude of the torque
1 n
x cm = ∑
M i =1
mi x i M = total mass [m] = rF sin φ
r = radius [m]
F = force [N]
m = mass of object [m]
This can be applied to r⊥ = perpendicular distance
x = distance of object from origin
y and z axis as well. between axis and an extended
line running through F.
φ = the angle between r and F [° or
Rotation and Torque: [θ is in radians]
∆θ ∑ τ = Iα ∑τ = the net torque acting on a
body [N · m]
ω= average angular speed [rad/s] I = Inertia [kg · m2]
α = angular acceleration [rad/s ]

ω = ω 0 + αt (if constant acceleration) [rad/s]

θ = ω 0 t + 12 αt 2 (if constant acceleration) [radians]
Inertia: [kg · m2] I = ∑ mr 2
I = mr Ir = m (r 1 + r 2 )
2 1 2 2
orbiting object: ring:
ω 2 = ω 0 2 + 2αθ (if constant acceleration) 2

Is = Id =
2 2 1 2
sphere: disk or cyl.:
∆ω 5
mr 2
α = average angular acceleration [rad/s2] thin rod (on side): I = 1 2
rod (axis end): I = 13 ml 2
∆t 12

v t = rω tangential speed [m/s] cylinder on its side (axis ctr): I = m ( r2

4 + 12
l 2
v cm = rω velocity of the center of mass [m/s] Parallel Axis Theorem: If you know the rotational inertia
of a body about any axis that passes through its center of
a t = rα at = tangential acceleration [m/s2] mass, you can find its rotational intertia about any other
r = radius [m] axis parallel to that axis with the parallel-axis theorem:
α = angular acceleration [rad/s2]
I = I cm + Mh 2 I = Inertia [kg · m2]
2 ar = radial acceleration or Icm = Inertia with axis at the center of
ar = = rω 2 centripetal acceleration [m/s2] mass [kg · m2]
r (directed inward to center)
M = mass [kg]
v = speed [m/s]
at h = distance from the center of mass to
r = radius [m]
the axis [m]
ω = angular speed [rad/s]
ar Kinetic Energy: [Joules]
KE r = 12 Iω 2 rotational kinetic energy
total acceleration [m/s2]
KEt = 12 mv 2 translational kinetic energy
a = at 2 + a r 2 KE = 12 I cmω 2 + 12 mv cm 2 rolling kinetic energy
vt 2 Fc = centripetal force [N]
Fc = ma r = m ar = radial acceleration or
r centripetal acceleration [m/s2] Yo-yo: T
(directed inward to center)

2π r 2π T = period [s] ∑ F = T − Mg = Ma T = tension [N]

M = mass [kg]
ω ∑ τ = TR = Iα0
R0 = radius of
axle [m]
Kepler's Third Law where T = the period a = −α R0
G = 6. 673 × 10−11 N ⋅m2
(planetary motion)
 4π 2  3
T =
 r = K sr 3 K s = 2. 97 × 10
−19 s 2 a=
 GM s 
m3 1 + I / MR0 2 R0


Angular Momentum: Oscillation:

l = Iω rigid body on fixed axis [kg · m2/s or J · s] The Position Function for x = x m cos(ω t + φ )
oscillating motion:
l = r × p = m(r × v ) l = angular momentum of a
particle [J · s] 2π x = position [m]
r = a position vector ω= = 2π f xm = amplitude [m]
p = linear momentum [kg · m2/s T ω = angular frequency [rad/s]
or J · s] t = time [s]
m = mass [kg] ω= (spring) φ = phase angle [rad]
v = linear velocity [m/s] m (ω t + φ) = phase of the motion
1 [rad]
Angular momentum is conserved when torque is zero. T= k = spring constant [N/m]
I i ωi = I f ωf f T = period [s]
v m f = frequency [Hz]
An Optimally Banked Curve: tan θ = T = 2π (spring)
rg F = force [N]
k m = mass [kg]
I I = moment of inertia [kg · m2]
Elasticity in Length: Young's Modulus [Pa or N/m2] T = 2π h = distance between axis and
center of mass [m]
Fl0 F = force [N] l0 = initial length [m]
Y= A = crossectional ∆L = chg. in length [m] F = ma = −( mω 2 ) x
A∆L area [m2]

Volume Elasticity: Bulk Modulus [Pa or N/m2] U ( t ) = 12 kx m 2 cos 2 (ω t + φ ) Potential Energy

V ∆P V= original vol. [m3] ∆P = change in
B =−
∆V = chg. in vol. pressure [Pa or K ( t ) = 12 kx m 2 sin 2 (ω t + φ ) Kinetic Energy
[m3] N/m2]
E = U + K = 12 kx m 2 Total Mechanical Energy

Pressure in a liquid: (due to gravity) [Pa or N/m2] x' = velocity of the oscillating object [m/s]
x'' = acceleration of the oscillating object m/s2]
1 atm = 1.01 × 105 Pa = 760 torr = 14.7 in2 d d
(cos u) = − u'sin u (sin u ) = u' cos u
P = P0 + ρ gh P0 = atmospheric pressure if applicable dx dx
[Pa or N/m2]
ρ = density [kg/m3]
g = gravity [m/s2] Equations of a Line:
h = height [m]
f y = mx + b slope-intercept
f F f = force [N] Ax + By + C = 0 (m = − A / B ) first degree
y − y1 = m ( x − x1 )
a = area [m2]
a A F = force [N]
a A point-slope
A = area [m2] Ax + By = Ax 1 + By 1 point-slope, alt.
 y 2 − y1 
y − y1 =   ( x − x1 ) 2-point
Rate of Flow:  x 2 − x1 
R = rate of flow [m3/s] intercept
R = A1v1 = A2 v 2 A = crossectional area [m2]
=1 (m = − b / a ) a = x-intercept
a b b = y-intercept
v = velocity [m/s]
Bernoulli's Equation:
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P1 + 12 ρ v12 + ρ gy1 = P2 + 12 ρ v 2 2 + ρ gy 2
P1 = pressure [Pa or N/m2] ρ = density [kg/m3]
v = velocity [m/s] g = gravity [m/s2]
y = height [m]
For a horizontal pipe: P1 + 12 ρ v12 = P2 + 12 ρ v 2 2

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