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3/15/2018 Everything you need to know about acne in 3000 words - Paleo for Women

What to do for radiant skin

Eliminate sugar and insulinogenic foods and focus on reducing inflammation.

Eliminate gut-irritating foods such as grains, legumes, and dairy.

Include gut healing foods such as fermented foods or consider probiotic supplements.

If you eat a lot of fiber, consider reducing the amount of fiber in your diet, particularly insoluble fiber. Lots of fiber can
irritate your gut lining if you are already dealing with inflammation or a sensitive gut.

Keep protein intake on the lower end of the spectrum—at 50 to 75 grams per day. Excess protein is a key player in
oil production and oxidation.

Eliminate (or experiment with) hormonal influences on your skin. The most important hormonal foods are dairy,
particularly milk, and phytoestrogens, especially flax and soy.

Eat to meet the needs of your metabolism: estrogen levels are at their best when you assure your body that it is
being properly fed.

Consume plenty of fat to assure adequate collagen stores.

Consume at least three servings of fatty fish such as salmon every week. Alternatively, consider supplementing
with cod liver oil, which delivers vitamins A and D—crucial vitamins for healthy skin—as well as anti-inflammatory
omega-3 fatty acids.

Consume liver on a regular basis. Liver is the densest source of vitamin A available in the human diet.

Consume homemade bone broth—that is, a broth made from simmering bones in water—which is rich in collagen,
calcium, magnesium, and other nutrients necessary for skin health.

Consume a diet rich in antioxidants, such as leafy greens and other vegetables and fruits.


Manage your specific health issue: PCOS and hypothyroidism are particularly problematic when it comes to skin
health. PCOS because of its hormonal effects; hypothyroidism simply because cells lack the energy they need to

Discontinue the use of soaps and abrasive cleansers, consider natural alternatives to conventional products, or
make your own remedies from natural ingredients such as baking soda, coconut oil, and olive oil. Store-bought
alternatives may work fine. The trick is to find one that works for you.

Consider using a topical probiotic spray on your skin. Topical probiotics add “good” bacteria to your skin that have
the ability to offset the “bad” bacteria that inflame pores.

Consider applying an antioxidant lotion that includes green tea, white tea, vitamin C, or B vitamins to your skin.

Exfoliate with a clean washcloth once a week.

Do not pick at your skin.

Use a clean pillowcase.

Keep sunburns and harsh sun exposure to a minimum.

Consider supplementing with zinc, an antioxidant that has been shown to be particularly helpful for clear skin. N-
acetylcysteine, milk thistle extract, and selenium have also been shown to have powerful effects on skin.

Consider supplementing or focusing on other nutrients that are crucial for the skin, such as vitamin A, vitamin C,
vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, sulfur, and vitamin K. 1/1

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