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ZALO: 0982268152


Topic 1: Art

1. How do artists nowadays attract public attention to their works of art?

2. What is good about learning to draw as an adult?
3. Do you think everyone can learn to draw or paint?
4. Do you think private individuals should be allowed to buy works of art by most
famous artists in a country?
5. What types of art do people in your country like?

6. Why do some paintings have higher value than others? = Why do some
paintings have higher value than others?

7. Are art classes important in schools?

8. Would you say art is important?

Topic 2: Airports
1. What is good and bad about living near the airport?
2. Do you think it is good to work at an airport?
3. Do you think expansion of airports should be controlled or not?

tTopic 3: Boredom
1. Are there any jobs that you find boring?
2. Do you think all the boring jobs will be done by robots in the future?
3. Why do some people get bored faster than others?
4. Why do people agree to do boring jobs?
5. Some people say that it's good to feel bored sometimes. What do you think?
6. Do you agree that it is impossible to feel bored in our today's world?

Topic 4: Borrowing things

1. Do you agree that great scientific discoveries cannot be made by one person? 2.
2. In what sitiuations does borrowing something cause arguments?

3.Is it important to ask a permission before borrowing some item?

4. Do you agree that musicians should try to fight piracy and protect their content?
5. What do people in your country usually borrow?
7. Do you think it is better to buy things than borrow them? = Why do people like
to borrow things?
8. What is the acceptable duration of borrowing and return time of an article?

9. How do you feel about others borrowing ideas for business?

10. Do you agree that musicians should try to fight piracy and protect their content?

11. What do you do if you don't want to lend something to others?


12. What would you do if friends didn't give back what they borrowed from you?

Topic 5: Buildings
1. Do you think that people's lifestyles will have an impact on the way buildings
are designed?
2. Do you think urban sprawl should be limited and controlled?
3. Why are taller and taller building being constructed nowadays?
4. Are there any interesting public buildings in your country?
5. Do you think people should always be able to use public buildings free of
6. What are the most important things when designing a public building?
7. Are buildings important for a country's tourist industry?
8. Which is better, to repair old public buildings or build new ones?
9. Do buildings reflect culture?

Topic 6: Career
1. Do you think colleagues' support plays a role in developing a person's career?

2. Do you think long-term planning is a must if a person wants to have a successful

3. Why do some people change a profession? ic
4. What professions are most popular with young people in your country now?
5. What factors do young people consider when they choose a profession?
6. Why is it difficult for young people to choose a profession?

Topic 7:Celebration

1. Why is it that for some people achievements of their favourite team are

2. Do you think people feel proud when some representatives from their country
achieve success in international sporting events?
3. Are sports people more satisfied when they win in a team sport or in an
individual one?
Topic 8: Changes
1. Do you think employees must want to constantly learn new things?
2. Are there any dangers to a country's economy if it relies on just a few industries?
3. Do you think change is good?
4. Why do companies nowadays need to be good at adapting to changes?
5. Is your country changing rapidly?
6. What are some of the major changes that occur to people throughout their lives?
7. In what ways have changes in technology changed people's lives?
Topic 9: Children and ads
1. Do you feel there is pressure on children to conform with their friends?
2. Do you think advertising that targets children should be banned?
3. Do you agree that the fact that childen are targeted by many companies as
potential consumers spoils their childhood?

Topic 10: Colleagues

1. What difficulties can people face if they decide to do business with people from
other cultures? ic
2. What can a company do to welcome new workers?
3. Is it possible for a boss or manager to be friends with their workers?
4. What do you think makes someone a good colleague?

Do you think that having good colleagues is the most important thing at work?

Topic 11:Colours

1. Is colour important in advertising?

2. Why do business people seldom wear bright colours?
3. an you think of some situations when colours are important for things that
people buy?
4. What colour would you choose to decorate your home? = Do you think colours
in a room can have an impact on people's mood?
5. Do you think bright ads improve the appearance of cities?
6. Do you think coursebooks should contain pictures and photos?
7. Do you think nowadays people attach too much importance to the appearance of
things they possess?

Topic 12:Communication
1. What is the difference between speaking with people on the phone and face-to-
2. Do you think that it is polite to agree with another person during a conversation
if you have another opinion?
3. Do men and women talk about the same things?

4. Do you prefer chatting face to face or texting?

5. Do you think women chat more than men?
6. Why do some people prefer to tell secrets to strangers?
7. Why are social networking websites so popular nowadays?
8. Do you think that many children nowadays don't want to communicate with
children of the same age?

9. Do you agree that shy parents will have shy children?

10. Why do you think it is important to communicate with others? = What

communication skills are important?


11. Are you talkative? == Are people in your country talkative?

12. What jobs need employees to be talkative?
13. Should children be encouraged to talk more?

Topic 13: Education

1. Who should be responsible for education, parents or the government?
2. How can technology be used in the classroom?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying online?
4. Do you think school lessons and teachers are necessary for successful learning?
== Do you think teachers will be replaced by computers?
5. Do you agree or disagree that schools and universities should only have courses
that prepare the students for jobs? == Do you think the purpose of education has
6. Why do some students dislike studying at school?
7. What are the most popular courses that people study today at universities or
other educational institutions?

Topic 14: Entertainment industry

1. What makes it difficult for people from the entertainment industry to make a
living? ic
2. Does a countries entertainment industry have any impact on a country's
international reputation?
3. Do you think the entertainment industry is important for a country's economy?

Topic 15: Film industry


1. Do you think having a film industry has an impact on a country's reputation?


2. Do you think the government should fund a country's film industry?

3. Do you think people rely too much on the film industry instead of making their
pastime more interesting themselves?

Topic 16: Films

1. Do you think watching films is a good way to have a rest?
2. Do you think that people in the film industry are paid too much?
3. Why are people so interested in lives of movie stars?
4. What makes an actor a famous movie star?
5. What kinds of movies are popular in your country?
6. Do people in your country still like to go to a cinema?
7. Why do people spend so much money on producing films?
8. Do you prefer computer or real movies?
9. Do you think people in your country enjoy violent movies?
10. Do you think in the future stars will be replaced by robots?
11. Why don’t old people like cartoons?

Topic 17: Finding things

1. Is it ok to keep an item that you found?

2. Why do many cultures have tales about finding treasure?
3. What should people do to find what they lost?
4. What things do people usualy find?
5. What should people do if they find something?
6. Why is it that some people find things more easily than others?

Topic 18: Games-2


1. What makes team members want to play at their best?


2. What makes a good team captain?

3. Why are mobile games so popular nowadays?
4. Do you play any indoor games?
5. Do you like playing indoor games?
6. Do you think playing computer games is a waste of time?
7. How can children benefit from playing team games?
Topic 19: Gifts
1. Why is it sometimes difficult to buy a gift for someone?
2. What gifts are popular in your country?
3. Is it better to give practical gifts?
4. Do men and women have the same attitude to giving gifts?
5. Is gift-giving important for economy of a country?
6. Do you like giving gifts? == Why do people give gifts?
7. What gifts would parents give to children?
8. What factors do parents consider when choosing a gift for children?
9. Why do companies give free gifts to people?
10. Have you ever received anything that was made by the giver? == When
receiving a gift, do you prefer something that was self-made or something

bought in stores?

Topic 20: Jobs ic
1. Does university education help students to find a good job in your country?
2. How do university students make their career plans in your country?
3. How can people learn to do a new job?

4. What difficulties do people usually face when they start a new job?

Topic 21: Happiness


1. Do you think failures help people feel happiness?

2. Why are some people more positive than others?
3. Do you think money can make people happy?
4. Are people in your country happier now than they were 30 years ago?
5. What kinds of things make people in your country happy?
6. Why do some people say happiness never lasts long?
7. What do you do when you feel unhappy?
8. Is it important to have goals in life in order to feel happy? (no answers yet)
9. Do you agree that real happiness comes from making other people happy?
10. Do you think failures help people feel happiness?

Topic 22: Happy events

1. How do people celebrate special occasions in your country?
2. Do you think that people spend way too much money on celebrating special
occasions such as weddings or birthdays?
3. Are there any public events in your country that make people feel happy?

Topic 23: Hospitality

1. Do you think people are hospitable because of their personal qualities or

cultural norms?
2. What are the ways to show hospitality to other people?
3. As travelling all over the world becomes more popular, is being tolerant to
other traditions and customs more important now than in the past?
Topic 24: Interesting

1. Do you think our life has become more or less interesting due to technology?
2. Do you think the most interesting thing in life is relationships with other


3. Do you think people should take responsibility for making their lives more
Topic 25: International events
1. Is organising an international event worth the money spent on it? == What is
the value in organising international events?
2. Are international sporting competitions important for the world?
3. Can you suggest how a person might feel representing their country in
international competitions?
4. Some people believe that competing in international sports events divides
nations. Do you agree?
5. Do you think technology helps to guarantee 'fair play' during competitions?
6. Which is more important, to win or take part in competitions

Topic 26: Inventions

1. What do you think have been some of the most important inventions in the past
100 years or so?
2. Why do you think some inventions have not been successful in the marketplace?

3. Do you think it's good that new inventions are appearing so often?

4. Do you think there will be any negative effects resulting from future
technology? ic
5. Do you think there will be new inventions that will help to resolve global issues?
Topic 27: Leisure activities

1. What leisure activities do old and young people prefer?

2. Do you think that leisure activities should not only entertain people, but educate

as well?

Topic 28: Live performances

1. Why do people like live performances (concerts or theatre)?
2. How do performers benefit from giving live performances?
3. What is the difference between watching live performances indoors and
Topic 29: Losing something
1. What things do people often lose?
2. Is it easy to lose something? === Why do some people lose things easily?
3. How can parents teach children to be organized?
4. Is it important for children to be organized?
5. If you lost a phone, how can you find it?
6. How can we avoid losing things?
7. Why do some people worry more than others when they lose things?
8. Can you give me some examples of traditions that are lost or forgotten when a
society develops and modernises?
9. Do the advantages of modernisation outweigh the disadvantages?
Topic 30: Lying
1. Can you suggest why people tell lies (children and adults)?

2. Should friends be honest with each other all the time?

3. Do you think there are times when it is suitable to tell a small lie, a lie with good
intentions ic
4. What can parents do if children tell lies?
Topic 31: Making friends
1. How and where do people in your country make friends these days?

2. Do you trust friends that you meet on the Internet? == Does the internet help
build relationships?

3. Why is it hard to maintain friendships for some people?


4. Would you only make friends with people who are similar to you?
5. Do you like to have many friends?
6. Is it necessary for kids to have some close friends?
7. Does making friends have educational value?
8. Which is more important, to maintain old friendships or make new friends

Topic 32: Managers

1. Is it possible for managers to be friends with their workers?
2. What are the qualities of a good manager?
3. When should managers be strict with their staff?

Topic 33: Memories and memory

1. Do you think technology helps people remember past events?
2. What memories are most important for people?
3. Is it possible that technology will replace human memory?
4. What childhood memories do people usually have?
5. Why do people remember very little about things that happened to them in
early childhood?

6. Why is it difficult for some people to remember things?

7. Do you think keeping a diary can lead to creating false memories?
8. Can people rely on their memory when recalling events from the past?
9. Which is better for keeping childhood memories, photos or videos?
10. Do you think keeping a diary can lead to creating false memories?

Topic 34: Modern life

1. Do you agree that social media increases pressures of modern life?

2. Do you agree that nowadays people work (or study) too much?

3. Do you think that pressures of modern life will be even stronger in the
4. Does technology help to improve a life-work balance?
5. Do you think that nowadays the only way for people to get personal
fulfilment is at work?
6. Do you agree that people cannot be successful both in their career and
personal life?

Topic 35: Photos

1. What kinds of devices do people like to use for taking photos these days?
=== Has the way people take photos changed? === What is good and bad
about taking photos with a smartphone?
2. Do you think it's necessary for schools to open photography classes?
3. Would you take photography classes in the future?
4. Do people in your country like to take photos of themselves?
5. Why do some people like to keep photos?
6. Why do some people think that old photos are more valuable than new ones?
7. What's the most interesting photo you've ever taken?

8. Why do some people think that photography is not art?

9. Do you think being a photographer is a good job?

Topic 36: Playing

1. How can children benefit from playing?
2. How can children benefit from playing team sports?

3. How can children benefit from playing online games?


Topic 37: Products


1. What makes famous international companies so successful?

2. Is it important for each region of your country to have some special food
3. What are some popular food products produced in different parts of your
4. What are some popular goods that are imported into your country?
5. Is it good that nowadays the same goods are sold everywhere all over the
Topic 38: Reading and writing skills
1. Is it important for work to be a good writer?
2. Which helps to understand news better, visual aids or written texts?
3. When do children start learning to read and write in your country?
4. Who should teach children to read and write, parents or teachers at school?
5. Do you think it is more difficult to learn to read and write when you are a child
or when you are an adult?
6. Is it better to read and write at home or in a public place?
7. Where can people read and write?

8. Is it important to read and write in a quiet place?

9. Nowadays, which is more important, to be a good reader or writer?

Topic 39: Retirement

1. What are the benefits and disadvantages of continuing to work after retirement?
2. Do you think the retirement age should be raised?

3. How can people contribute to society after they retire?


Topic 41: Rewards and prizes


1. What rewards can companies offer to outstanding employees?

2. What rewards do children want to get?
3. Is it a good idea to reward children for doing homework or housework?
4. What rewards can children get from school?
5. Should parents push their children to get prizes?
6. Is it good for children to compete for prizes at school?

Topic 43:Schools
1. What types of schools are there in your country?
2. Do you think there is pressure on students to study too hard?
3. Do you think that nowadays teachers are more strict than in the past?

Topic 44: Speeches and presentations

1. Why do people feel nervous when they are giving a speech to others?
2. How can people improve their public speaking skills?
3. Can you suggest any methods that would help reduce nervousness?
4. Why do you think it’s hard to talk to school children?
5. Is it good for people to visit schools and give a talk to children about different

things? === Do you think such talks are necessary?

6. What type of person is best suited to give a talk to a group of students?

Topic 45: Staying awake

1. Do you think nowadays people get enough sleep?
2. Are there any situations when people are tired but have to stay awake?

3. What can a person do not to fall asleep?


Topic 46: Stars, planets and space


1. Do you think money spent on space exploration is a complete waste? == How

can humans benefit from space research in the future?
2. Should children learn about stars and space at school? == Why are some people
so interested in astronomy?

Topic 47: Toys

1. What toys are popular with boys and girls in your country now?
2. What factors do parents consider when they choose a gift for children?
3. What is the value of giving presents? == Why do people give presents?
4. What factors do people consider when buying a gift for friends?
5. Do children nowadays like the same toys as children in the past did?
6. Is it good that some parents buy many toys for their kids instead of spending
quality time with them?

Topic 48: Travelling by plane

1. What is good and bad about travelling by plane?
2. Do many people in your country travel by plane inside the country?
3. Is air travel important for expanding commerce nowadays?

4. Which is more important for people travelling by plane, comfort or price? How

does air travel influence the environment?
5. Do you think air travel for leisure should be restricted by the government
Topic 59: Truth
1. Are there any situations when it isn't polite to tell the truth?

2. Why is it sometimes easier to be honest to strangers than to close friends?

3. Can we trust news on the Internet?

4. Is it necessary to always tell the truth to achieve success in life?


5. Do you think people don't care about truth if they are entertained?
6. Do you agree that many people exaggerate how good their lives are because of
social media?

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