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Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree


Variable structure and compound adaptive control

of the process with model of unitary relative degree
In this chapter, it presents the synthesis methodology of adaptive control inputs with gradient,
variable structure and compound parameter update laws of the process (especially applied to
precise robot positioning) with unitary relative degree.

The plant model is considered to be of unitary relative degree (the number of poles exceeds
with one the number of zeros). Briefly, these kinds of control are denoted VS and compound
MRAC for plant model of unitary relative degree (the transfer function of plant model has
unitary relative degree). In this case the reference model can be chosen a SPR transfer function
(it remembers that zero or one relative degree is a necessary condition for a stable rational
transfer function to be SPR).

In the following, it will be used, for the variable structure parameter updating, a k-sigmoid
switching function. That leads to a smaller chattering, a smoother transitory response and a
greater robustness of the adaptive closed loop to external disturbances and unmodeled
dynamics. The using a k-sigmoid switching function instead of a pure relay one leads to
nonzero asymptotic tracking error, but bounded all the time. By the using of -modification,
time depending of parameter norm, will be increased the robustness, too.

By the using of the compound adaptive control input (additive composing of two components:
the first one having a gradient parameter updating and the second one having a variable
structure parameter updating), smooth transitory response and zero tracking error are

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

3. 1. Assumptions

The general algorithm (for compound adaptive control input synthesis) is valid with the
following assumptions.

I1) Assumptions concerning plant model. The plant model is linear, time invariant system
with the rational transfer function

Yp (s) N p (s)
H p (s) =  kp , . (3. 1. 1)
U(s) D p (s)

where Np(s) and Dp(s) are co-prime, monic polynomials of degree m and n, respectively. In
time domain, the plant output is obtained by applying the transfer function Laplace operator to
the control input

y p  t   H p  s  u t   . (3. 1. 2)

Its coefficients are unknown. It is known only the sign of high frequency gain, k p (sign of
k p is known). It is denoted with n * p the relative degree. The value of relative degree is one (
* *
n p  n p  m p ; n p  1 ). The plant model transfer function could be unstable, but minimum
phase (all zeros inside in the left side of the complex plane and without dead time). The
minimum phase condition is necessary for achieving perfect tracking performance (zero
tracking error);

I2) Assumptions concerning the reference model. The reference model is considered linear,
time invariant system with rational stable and minimum phase transfer function

Ym (s) N (s)
H m (s) =  km m (3. 1. 3)
R(s) D m (s)

where Nm(s) and Dm(s) are co-prime, monic polynomials of degree m m and n m ,
respectively. In time domain the reference model output is obtained by applying the transfer
function Laplace operator to the reference input signal

y m  t   H m  s  r t   (3. 1. 4)

Its coefficients and high frequency gain, k m , are completely known. The relative degree is
denoted n *m . For getting perfect tracking, is necessary that the relative degrees to check the

n *m  n *p . (3. 1. 5)
If the relative degree of the plant model is one and following the previous inequality, then n *m
can choose equal with n*p . If the relative degree of reference model transfer function is one it
may chose Hm(s) as SPR transfer function;

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

I3) Assumptions concerning the reference input signal. The reference input signal,
r(t):R+R, is considered piecewise continuous, bounded time depending.

3. 2. Adaptive control input synthesis and gradient

parameter update law

Below, it follows the main steps presentation of control input synthesis, where will be pointed
out the loop signals and parameters vector, on-line updated.

Let (h) be the pair with the matrix   R  n p 1 n p 1 and the vector h  R n p 1 in
controllable canonical form, so that

det(sI - ) = N m (s) . (3. 2. 5)

Let v u and v y be the filters connected to the control input and to the plant output,
respectively, following the dynamics

 u (t) = v u (t) + hu(t)


, (3. 2. 6)
 y (t) = v y (t) + hy p (t)
n p 1
where v u , v y  R .

Let v  R 2n p be the loop signals vector

v(t) = vT T
u ( t), v y ( t), y p ( t), r(t) T (3. 2. 7)

and let   R 2n p be the parameters vector of the control input

 T
  R 2n p ,    Tu ,  Ty ,  p ,  r ,  (3. 2. 8)

n p 1 vy ,
where  u ,  y  R are parameters sub-vectors corresponding to the signals v u and

The adaptive control input can be written as a scalar product between parameters vector,
and loop signals vector, v, as follow

u(t) = T (t)v(t)  T T
u (t) v u (t) +  y (t) v y (t) + p (t) y p ( t) + r (t)r(t) .
(3. 2. 9)

The first term of the control input expression has to replace the zeros of the plant model with
the zeros of the reference model transfer function. The second and the third ones have to
replace the poles of the plant model with the poles of reference model transfer function. The

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

last one replaces the high frequency gain of the plant, k p , with the high frequency gain of the
reference model, k m .

Let 2n p be the true parameters vector of the control input and let
o  R
2n p
 t   R ,  t    t   o be the parameter estimation errors vector. The control input can
be written as

u(t) = oT v(t) + T (t)v(t) . (3. 2. 10)

Looking the expression

T  t  v  t 

like as an external signal, additive to the reference input, then the transfer from the reference
input to the plant output, with (3. 2. 10), becomes

y p (t) = H m (s) r(t)  H m (s) T (t)v(t)/ or .  (3. 2. 12)

After some facile manipulations, the tracking error can be expressed as


e o (t) = y p (t) - y m (t) = H m (s)  (t)v(t)/  or ,  (3. 2. 13)

that allows the applying of the lemma 1. 2. 2 from chapter one.

The results from lemma 1. 2. 2 may be applied if is used the gradient parameter update law:

 
 u (t) = -sign k p  g e o (t)v u (t) , (3. 2. 14)

 
 y  t   sign k p  g e o (t)v y (t) , (3. 2. 15)

 
 p  t   sign k p  g e o (t)y p (t) , (3. 2. 16)

 
 r  t   sign k p  g e o (t)r(t) , (3. 2.17)

where  g is a positive constant that means the size of the updating. The sign of high
frequency gain gives the direction of the updating. Following the lemma, zero asymptotic
tracking error can be obtained. The constant  g could be scalar, uniquely for all components
of vector , or a vector with positive elements corresponding to the components of parameters

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

Simulation 3. 2. 1. In the figure 3. 2. 1, is shown simulated response of the adaptive loop to

the same variable step input as in previous simulations. For parameter updating is used a
s 1
gradient law. The plant model transfer function is H p  s  
 s  1 s  2  . Evidently, without a
real process, it is used like a process. Otherwise, its parameters are unknown. It can remark
that the plant model is chosen unstable, minimum phase transfer function, having unitary
s  1 .2
relative degree. The reference model, H m  s   2 , is stable, minimum phase, unitary
s  1.2s  1
relative degree and SPR transfer function. The value of the gradient step searching size is
 g  1 . The pair values were  , h   1.2 1 and check the equality (3. 2. 5) for the
denominator of Hm(s) considered in the simulation. The control input parameters vector is of
dimension four. Because the value of the constant  g has been chosen smaller, the transitory
response is unsatisfactory. Zero asymptotic tracking error is obtained.

raspuns comanda
4 15


-4 -10
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
a) t[s] c) t[s]
parametrii comenzii eroarea de urmarire
4 1.5


-4 -1
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
b) t[s] d) t[s]

Figure 3. 2. 1. The loop response to adaptive control input, gradient parameter update law,
(g=1), variable step reference input signal.

Simulation 3. 2. 2. It is been considered the same variable step external disturbance, additive
on the plant output, and the same high frequency unmodeled dynamics as in simulations from
the previous chapter. The response from the figure 3. 2. 2 shows an adaptive loop with
parameter updating by a gradient law that his robust to external bounded disturbances and
unmodeled dynamics. The loop is stable with zero asymptotic tracking error. The transitory
response is unsatisfactory and the control input has big amplitude. The SIMULINK schema of
the adaptive closed loop, used to simulations, is given in the figure 3. 2. 3, followed by (3. 2.
4), the sub-block “param-r”.

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

raspuns comanda
4 10



-6 -5
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
a) t[s] c) t[s]
parametrii comenzii eroarea de urmarire
4 2

2 1

0 0

-2 -1

-4 -2
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
b) t[s] d) t[s]

Figure 3. 2. 2. The loop response to adaptive control input, parameter updating by a gradient
law, (g=1), variable step reference input signal, variable step external disturbance additive
to the plant output, unmodeled dynamics.

Figure 3. 2. 3. The SIMULINK schema of the adaptive loop, gradient parameter update law.

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

Figure 3. 2. 4. The SIMULINK schema of the sub-block “param r”.

3. 3. Variable structure adaptive control of the process

with model of unitary relative degree

The control input from (3. 2. 9) with 2n p -dimension vectors: the loop signals vector, v, from
(3. 2. 7), and parameters vector,  from (3. 2. 8), remain in the same form, but the parameter
update law is different versus adaptive controlling with parameter updating by a gradient law.
At the level of parameter updating is involved a switching function. In fact is used a k-sigmoid
switching function for chattering alleviation. The using a k-sigmoid switching function, instead
of the pure relay one, leads to a nonzero, but bounded, asymptotic tracking error. The value of
asymptotic tracking error is depended of parameter k, from the sigmoid switching function.
Due to the same reasons taken in to account to variable structure adaptive control of process
with model of order one, the asymptotic tracking error value is inverse depending of the value
of the parameter k in sigmoid switching function. A greater value of the parameter k makes the
sigmoid switching function, near the origin, to have smaller values, which produce a smaller
amplification of unmodeled dynamics in high frequency.

If a pure relay switching function is used in parameter update law, then is necessary to be, a

u 
priori known, the vector   R 2n p ,    T ,  T ,  , 
y p r

with positive elements. The
vector represents the amplitude of sign function.

The components of parameters vector are updated as follow:

 u (t) = -  u (t )sign(e o (t) v u ( t )) , (3. 3. 1)

 y (t) = -  y ( t )sign(e o (t) v y ( t )) , (3. 3. 2)

 p (t) = -  p ( t )sign(e o (t) y p ( t )) , (3. 3. 3)

 r (t) = -  r ( t )sign(e o (t)r ( t )) . (3. 3. 4)

If a k-sigmoid function is used instead of sign one (pure relay function), the parameter update
law for each components is:

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

ekeo ( t ) v u( t )  1 ,
u ( t )   u ( t ) k ( t ) ( t ) (3. 3. 5)
e eo v u  1

e k eo( t ) v y ( t )  1 ,
y ( t )    y ( t ) k ( t ) ( t ) (3. 3. 6)
e eo v y 

e k e o( t ) y p ( t )  1 ,
p ( t )    p ( t ) k ( t ) y ( t ) (3. 3. 7)
e eo p  1

e k e o ( t ) y p( t )  1 .
o ( t )   o ( t ) k ( t ) y ( t ) (3. 3. 8)
e eo p  1
The above relationships are valid with the assumption that the sign of high frequency gain k p ,
of the plant model has only positive values, all the time. If not, their right side member must be
multiplied with the factor sign  k p  . It remembers that only the sign of k p must be a priori

For increasing robustness, transitory and asymptotic performances of the variable structure
adaptive loop, the parameters vector  is considered time depending verifying a differential
equation, denoted modification. The modification can be constant or variable time,
depending of parameter norm. Firstly, for a constant modification, the dynamics of vector
 components are:

 t uut  eotv t , (3. 3. 9)

u v u

  t      t    e  t  v  t 
 y y v o y , (3. 3. 10)

  t      t    e  t  y  t 
p p v o p , (3. 3. 11)

  t      t    e  t  r  t 
r r v o , (3. 3. 12)

where and  v are positive constants. The constant  v is a gain factor of tracking error
and loop signals in above update laws. For the vector  , with dynamics shown in (3. 3. 9)…
(3. 3. 12), at the right side member of relationships (3. 3. 5)…(3. 3. 8), the minus sign is
omitted. It can observe that the dynamics of vector v are controlled by the tracking error
and loop signals. The evolution of its components is to negative values.

Simulation 3. 3. 1. The loop response with k-sigmoid switching function and constant
modification in parameter update law is shown in the figure 3. 3. 1. Have been chosen the
following values for the constants: =10, k=5, v=100. It can remark the smoothness of

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

transitory response. A small nonzero tracking error is obtained due to k-sigmoid switching
function utilisation. The asymptotic value for tracking error is e o  0.042 , which is very small
taking in to account the level of external excitation induced by the reference input. The control
input signal is without oscillations, the peaks being done by the step value changing in the
reference input.

raspuns comanda
4 10

2 5

0 0

-2 -5

-4 -10
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
a) t[s] c) t[s]
parametrii comenzii eroarea de urmarire
2 0.2



-1 -0.3
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
b) t[s] d) t[s]

Figure 3. 3. 1. The variable structure loop response, constant modification,

(v=100), k-sigmoid switching function, (k=5), variable step reference input.

raspuns comanda
4 15


-4 -10
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
a) t[s] c) t[s]
parametrii comenzii eroarea de urmarire
2 0.2



-1 -0.2
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
b) t[s] d) t[s]

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

Figure 3. 3. 2. The variable structure adaptive loop response, constant modification,

(v=100), k-sigmoid switching function (k=50), variable step reference input signal.
Simulation 3. 3. 2. The figure 3. 3. 2 shows the variable structure adaptive loop response, for
a grater value of parameter k to the sigmoid switching function (k=50). A smaller tracking
error than the previous simulation is obtained ( e o  0.017 ). Versus adaptive loop response
with parameter updating by a gradient law, in variable structure adaptive loop, the response
has a control input signal without oscillations and smoother, with good benefits for actuator

The variable structure adaptive loop, with pure relay, k-sigmoid switching function and
constant modification, is more robust to external bounded disturbances and to model

Simulation 3. 3. 3. The response, from the figure 3. 2. 3, proofs the robustness qualities of
variable structure adaptive loop with k-sigmoid switching function and constant
modification. The variable step external output disturbance, additive to the plant output and
the high frequency unmodeled dynamics are the same as in the previous simulations. Although,
on the figure is more difficult to observe, the loop exhibits a nonzero asymptotic tracking
raspuns comanda
4 40

2 20

0 0

-2 -20

-4 -40
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
a) t[s] c) t[s]
parametrii comenzii eroarea de urmarire
5 2



-10 -2
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
b) t[s] d) t[s]

Figure 3. 3. 3. The variable structure adaptive loop response, constant modification,

(v=100), k-sigmoid switching function, (k=50), variable step reference input
signal, variable step external disturbance, high frequency unmodeled dynamics.

The external disturbances or high frequency unmodeled dynamics can make unstable the on-
line identifier. That means one or more control input parameters can slide to unbounded
values, even if the external disturbances are bounded and act on the control input, the plant
state, or the plant output. However, if the plant model is linear, any kind of disturbance can be
represented as an equivalent disturbance additive to the plant output, denoted p o . Therefore,
the tracking error becomes
 
e o  t   H m  s   T  t  v t  /  or  p o  t  . (3. 3. 13)

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

For alleviation, in greater measure, the influence of the external disturbances and high
frequency unmodeled dynamics, the constant modification, in parameter updating of vector
 , can be replaced by a time variable one. The time variability is depending of parameter
vector norm. Are given below two kinds of adaptive (time variable) modification, denoted:
-modification and adaptive correction term, respectively. Any type of adaptive
modification can be introduced in both parameter update laws: gradient and variable

The first time variable modification represents - modification, adaptively applied, such that
it will be referred as adaptive - modification as follows

 v  for   t    max  t 

( t )   (3. 3. 14)
0 for   t    max  t 

where  v is the positive constant, introduced by the relationships (3. 3. 9)…(3. 3. 12). The
constant,  is positive, a priori known. The supplementary parameter, max , is time variable
respecting the differential equation

max  t    s   t    t 

 (3. 3. 15)

where s is a positive constant and max  0   0 . Therefore, max  t  becomes a time function,
non decreasing and positive, having the values depending of the parameter vector norm,  .
The relationships (3. 3. 14) and (3. 3. 15) make greater the weight of forgotten term -
modification when the parameter vector norm is over of max . It does not need any prior
information about the upper bound of the external disturbances or parameter vector norm.

By choosing the Lyapunov function as a square form of estimation error,  t     t    o and

max  t   max  t   omax

V  ,  max   
/  2 v    2
max /  2  s  (3. 3. 16)
is obtained its derivate

  t   T  t  
 
t /  v  max  t   max  t  /  s 
V 

  T  t  v  t  eo  t     t  T  t    t     t  max  t    t  

 T
 
  T veo       o   max  o

 T 
max      veo    


 max     o

max   
  
(3. 3. 17)
along the solutions of the system with dynamics from (3. 3. 9)…(3. 3. 12) and (3. 3. 15).

Looking to the right side of the above expression, it can find the following negative-definite
expression as an upper limit for the derivate of Lyapunov function

    T ve    2
  max  
V o  

 . (3. 3. 18)

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

Therefore,  ,  ,  max are bounded. It can conclude the global stability of the on-line
identifier. It can easy observe that in proofing stability of the on-line identifier is not involved
any prior information about upper bound of external disturbances or of high frequency
unmodeled dynamics.

Simulation 3. 3. 4. The variable structure adaptive loop response, with adaptive -

modification in variable structure parameter update law, is shown in the 3. 3. 4. The
asymptotic tracking error ( e o  0.0013 ) is smaller than the asymptotic tracking error from
adaptive loop with constant modification. To the simulated response, it can observe a
reduced chattering phenomenon. This phenomenon is high frequency oscillations on the
control input due to unmodeled dynamics.

raspuns comanda
4 30


-4 -20
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
a) t[s] c) t[s]
parametrii comenzii eroarea de urmarire
2 2


-8 -2
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
b) t[s] d) t[s]

Figure 3. 3. 4. The variable structure adaptive loop response, (v=100), adaptive

modification, (adaptive - modification =.3, s=10), k-sigmoid switching function
(k=50), variable step reference input signal, variable step external disturbance additive on
the plant output, high frequency unmodeled dynamics.

The second adaptive modification is denoted correction term. This name is taken from
parameter updating by a gradient law. The parameter  becomes nonzero when the parameter
norm is over of the value max .

 1   t  / 
max  t 
 for   t    max  t 
 t    . (3. 3. 19)

 for   t    max  t 

The parameter max is time depending, positive and non decreasing function which respects a
gradient law, as in (3. 3. 15)

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

Simulation 3. 3. 5. The variable structure adaptive loop response with adaptive correction
term in parameter updating is presented in the figure 3. 3. 5. The asymptotic tracking error (
e o  0.0011 ) is quiet smaller than the asymptotic tracking error from adaptive -
modification. It can remark a small chattering on the control input, too.

raspuns comanda
4 30


-4 -20
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
a) t[s] c) t[s]
parametrii comenzii eroarea de urmarire
2 2

0 1

-2 0

-4 -1

-6 -2
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
b) t[s] d) t[s]

Figure 3. 3. 5. The variable structure adaptive loop response, (v=50), adaptive

modification, (adaptive correction term with s=10), k-sigmoid switching function
(k=50), variable step reference input signal, variable step external disturbance additive on
the plant output, high frequency unmodeled dynamics.

Quantitative considerations regarding dependency of chattering amplitude of the parameter k

from sigmoid switching function will be given in the next chapter where will be introduced
specific concepts of the variable structure control. More precisely, will be introduced the
following concepts: sliding mode evolution, equivalent control, auxiliary errors. These
concepts can be introduced even in variable structure adaptive controlling of process with
model of unitary relative degree. Anyway, still from the present chapter, it can conclude an
inverse dependency of chattering amplitude of the value of parameter k from sigmoid
switching function. A greater value for k produces an weak excitation of unmodeled dynamics
in high frequency near the origin.

Follow, the MATLAB m-files used to the simulation of the variable structure adaptive closed
loop, with adaptive -modification in parameter update laws, for the plant, reference model,
external disturbance and multiplicative unmodeled dynamics, above considered.

global gams u r alfa k1 sig0 sig;
sig=0; u=0; sig0=.3; alfa=1; k1=10; t0=0; tf=20; gams=10;
y0=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ];
[t,y]=ode23('vr1sm',[t0 tf],y0);
for k=1:length(t),
Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

if t(k)<3,
elseif t(k)<6,
else pv(k)=-1;
if t(k)<5,
elseif t(k)<10,
else rv(k)=2;
subplot(221); plot(t,y(:,2)+pv','-k',t,y(:,3),'-k',t,rv,'-k',t,pv,'-k');
grid; title('response'); xlabel('a) t[s]');
subplot(223); plot(t,thuv,'-k',t,th0v,'-k',t,thyv,'-k',t,thrv,'-k');
grid; title('control input parameters'); xlabel('b) t[s]');
subplot(222); plot(t,uc,'-k');
grid; title('control input'); xlabel('c) t[s]');
subplot(224); plot(t,e0v,'-k'); grid; title('tracking error');
xlabel('d) t[s]');

function yd=vr1sm(t,y);
global k1 r gams sig0 norm alfa sig u;
if t<3,
elseif t<6,
else p=-1;
if t<5,
elseif t<10,
else r=2;

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

if norm>=y(11),

3. 4. Compound adaptive control of the process

with model of unitary relative degree

In the control input law (3. 2. 9), the parameters vector is additive composing of two terms:
the first one, g  R p , having a gradient updating like as (3. 2. 14),…,(3. 2. 17), the second
one,  v  R 2n p  having a variable structure updating like as in (3. 3. 5),…,(3. 3. 8), with
modification (3. 3. 9),…,(3. 3. 12)

( t )  g ( t )  v ( t ) . (3. 4. 1)

With the relationship (3. 4. 1), the control input can be written

 e keo v  1 

u t    g  t    v  t   T
v  t     g  v
 keo v 
v. (3. 4. 2)
 e  1 

The reason of additive composing two modalities of parameter updating in the control input is
to speculate the advantages offered by each of them. The gradient updating component leads
to asymptotic zero tracking error. The variable structure component leads to a smooth
transitory response, with alleviated chattering. More, by using the constant or adaptive
modification, the loop robustness to external disturbances and high frequencies unmodeled
dynamics is increased. The disadvantage consists in the increasing parameter space size of the
control input.
Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

raspuns comanda
4 2


-4 -3
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
a) t[s] c) t[s]
parametrii comenzii eroarea de urmarire
2 0.2



-1 -0.2
0 10 20 30 0 10 20 30
b) t[s] d) t[s]

Figure 3. 4. 1. The compound adaptive loop response, gradient parameter update law, (g=1),
variable structure update law with constant modification, (v=100), k-sigmoid
switching function (k=50), variable step reference input signal.
Simulation 3. 4. 1. The compound adaptive loop response from figure 3. 4. 1 proofs the
quality of transitory response, which is smooth and without oscillations. The perfect tracking
is obtained with reduced amplitude and without oscillations of the control input. The changes
of the reference input step value produce the peaks on the control input.

Simulation 3. 4. 2. The adaptive loop with compound control input is robust to bounded
external disturbances and high frequency unmodeled dynamics. The greater robustness is
proofed by the response from the figure 3. 4. 2. For compensating the external disturbance,
additive to the plant output, the control input amplitude is greater. The external disturbance
and the high frequency unmodeled dynamics are the same as in previous simulations. Also, the
plant response and the control input are without chattering. A small chattering could be
observed only to the variable structure adaptive loop.

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

raspuns comanda
4 20


-4 -5
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
a) t[s] c) t[s]
parametrii comenzii eroarea de urmarire
5 2



-10 -2
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
b) t[s] d) t[s]

Figure 3. 4. 2. The compound adaptive loop response, gradient parameter update law, (g=1)
and variable structure update law with constant modification, (v=100), k-
sigmoid switched function (k=50), variable step reference input signal, variable step
external disturbance additive on the plant output, high frequency unmodeled dynamics.

Greater loop robustness can be obtained by using adaptive modifications (- modification
and adaptive correction term) to the gradient update component, as well as in variable
structure component.

Firstly, by using the adaptive - modification, the gradient update component becomes
  t     t    t    e  t  v  t 
 g g g g o (3. 4. 3)

where  g ,  g are positive constants.

The adaptive modification follows the time varying of the parameter norm

 gg for  g  t    g max  t 

 g  t   , (3. 4. 4)
0 for  g  t    g max  t 

where g max is time depending, positive and non decreasing function , gradient updated, too

g max  t    gs  g  t   g  t 

 , (3. 4. 5)

where  gs is a positive constant.

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

The vector,  v , which multiplies the k-sigmoid switching function from the variable structure
component, follows the dynamics
 t   t  t   e t v t
 v  v  v  v o    , (3. 4. 6)

where  v is adaptively modified (time depending), depending of the variable structure update
parameter norm
 v  v for  v  t    v max  t 

 v  t   , (3. 4. 7)
0 for v  t    v max  t 

where the scalar time function,  v max , respects the gradient dynamics,

v max  t    vs  v  t   v  t 

 , (3. 4. 8)

where  v ,  vs ,  v are positive constants. Choosing the positive definite Lyapunov function as
a square form of the parameter estimation errors

 
V  g ,  g max ,  v ,  v max   g
  2
/ 2 g   g max / 2  gs   
, (3. 4. 9)
 v /  2 v    2
v max /  2  vs 

it can proof global stability of on-line identifier. The calculus is the same with variable
structure adaptive control. It makes time derivate of (3. 4. 9) along the solutions of (3. 4. 3),
…, (3. 4. 8) and, as the last step, it searches o negative definite upper limit for the Lyapunov
function derivate.

Simulation 3. 4. 3. In the figure 3. 4. 3, it can remark the increased robustness of the

compound adaptive loop when an adaptive - modification is used in both parameter
components of the control input. The amplitude of the control input and the limits of the
parameters are smaller than to the case of constant modification using. Zero asymptotic
tracking error is obtained.

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

raspuns comanda
4 6

2 4

0 2

-2 0

-4 -2
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
a) t[s] c) t[s]
parametrii comenzii eroarea de urmarire
1 2



-2 -2
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
b) t[s] d) t[s]

Figure 3. 4. 3. The compound adaptive loop response, gradient parameter update law, (g=1),
variable structure update law, (v=10), adaptive modification (adaptive -modification,
 g  3;  v  1;  gs  10;  vs  1 ), k-sigmoid switching function, (k=50), variable step
reference input signal, variable step external disturbance additive on the plant output, high
frequency unmodeled dynamics.

To the adaptive correction term, the modification of the gradient update component

 
 g 1  g  t  / g max  t 
for g  t   g max  t 
g  t    . (3. 4. 10)

 0 for g  t   g max  t 

The variable structure update component is

v 
 1    t  / 
v v max  t 
for v  t   v max  t 
v  t   , (3. 4. 11)

 0
 for v  t   v max  t 

where all the constants are positive. The parameters  g max and  v max are updated by a
gradient law following (3. 4. 5) and (3. 4. 8), respectively. Also, the parameters  g max ,  v max
are time depending, positive, non decreasing functions, with zero initial conditions.
Simulation 3. 4. 4. The compound adaptive loop response and adaptive correction term in
both component is shown in figure 3. 4. 4. The transitory response is smooth. Zero tracking
error is obtained. The control input amplitude is small and without chattering.

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

respuns comanda
4 6

2 4

0 2

-2 0

-4 -2
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
a) t[s] c) t[s]
parametrii comenzii eroarea de urmarire
1 2

0 1

-1 0

-2 -1

-3 -2
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
b) t[s] d) t[s]

Figure 3. 4. 4. The compound adaptive loop response, gradient parameter update law, (g=1),
variable structure update law, (v=10), adaptive modification (adaptive correction
term,  gs  10;  vs  1 ), k-sigmoid switching function, (k=50), variable step reference
input signal, variable step external disturbance additive on the plant output, high
frequency unmodeled dynamics.

It follows the synthesis algorithm of the compound adaptive control input for the process with
model of unitary relative degree. The parameter update laws have the adaptive - modification
or correction term. The same steps of the algorithm, excepting the parameter updating, can be
applied to control input synthesis with constant modification in both components.

The compound adaptive control input synthesis algorithm for the process with model of
unitary relative degree, adaptive modification (adaptive - modification or adaptive
correction term) in both parameter update components.

1) Assumptions:

Concerning the plant model. The plant model is a linear, strictly proper, minimum phase
transfer function, with unitary relative degree. The plant model parameters are unknown. The
sign of high frequency gain, k p , is known;

Concerning the reference model. The reference model is linear, stable, minimum phase
transfer function, with unitary relative degree. The reference model chooses SPR transfer
function, completely known;

Concerning the reference input signal. The reference input is piecewise continuous and
bounded signal.

2) Design elements:

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

Choose the pair (, h) with the matrix   R  n p 1 n p 1 and the vector h  R n p 1 in
controllable canonical form so that det sI     N m  s ;

Choose the positive values for the constants: k ,  g ,  v ,  gs ,  vs .

3) Control input:

v u  t   v u  t   hu  t 
v y  t   v y  t   hy p  t 

v  vT T
u , vy , yp , r  T

g  T  T
gu ,  gy ,  gp ,  gr  T

 v  T  T
vu ,  vy ,  vp ,  vr  T

 

u  t    g  t    v  t  T v  t     g  t   v  t 
e ke  t  v t   1  T v t  .

 e ke  t  v t   1 

4) Parameter update laws (on-line identifier):

  t     t    t    e  t  v  t 
 g g g g o ,

 gg for  g  t    g max  t 

 g  t   ,
0 for  g  t    g max  t 

for adaptive -modification, or

 g 1  g  t  / g max  t 

for g  t   g max  t 
g  t   ,

 0 for g  t   g max  t 

for adaptive correction term,

g max  t    gs  g  t   g  t 

 ,

  t      t    t    e  t  v t 
 v v v v o ,

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

 v  v for v  t    v max  t 

 v  t   ,
0 for  v  t    v max  t 

for adaptive - modification, or

v 
 1    t  / 
v v max  t 

for v  t   v max  t 
v  t   ,

 0 for v  t   v max  t 

for adaptive correction term,

v max  t    vs  v  t   v  t 

 ,

Figure 3. 4. 5. The block schema of the adaptive loop with compound control input, process
with model of unitary relative degree.

The above figure, 3. 4. 5, shows block schema of adaptive loop with compound control input.
There isn’t on the figure the block schema of the on-line identifier. The tracking error is used
as identifier error, too, as is shown in above algorithm.

Below, are given the MATLAB m-files used to the simulation of the compound adaptive
closed loop, with adaptive -modification in both parameter update laws, for the plant,
reference model, external disturbance and multiplicative unmodeled dynamics, above

global gams gamd u k1 sig01 sig02 alfa1 alfa2 sig2 sig1;
u=0; sig01=3; sig02=.3; sig1=0; sig2=0; alfa1=10; alfa2=1; k1=50; t0=0; tf=30;
y0=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]; gamd=1; gams=100;
[t,y]=ode23('avr1sm',[t0 tf],y0);
for k=1:length(t),
Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

if t(k)<3,
elseif t(k)<6,
else pv(k)=-1;
if t(k)<5,
elseif t(k)<10,
else rv(k)=2;
clf; subplot(221); plot(t,y(:,2)+pv','-k',t,y(:,3),'-k',t,rv,'-k',t,pv,'-k');
grid; title('response'); xlabel('a) t[s]');
subplot(222); plot(t,uc,'-k'); grid; title('control input'); xlabel('c) t[s]');
subplot(223); plot(t,y(:,10)+thuv','-k',t,y(:,11)+th0v','-k',t,y(:,12)+thyv','-k',t,y(:,13)+thrv','-k');
grid; title('control input parameters'); xlabel('b) t[s]');
subplot(224); plot(t,e0v,'-k');
grid; title('tracking error');xlabel('d) t[s]');

function yd=avr1sm(t,y);
global k1 r gams gamd sig01 sig02 alfa1 alfa2 u sig2 sig1;
if t<3,
elseif t<6,
else p=-1;
if t<5,
elseif t<10,
else r=2;

Variable structure and compound adaptive control of the process with model of unitary relative degree

if norm2>=y(15),
else sig2=0;
if norm1>=y(16),
else sig1=0;


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