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SEO Tutorial

SEO Tutorial – Learn SEO within 2 Hours

Increasing the website traffic just by enhancing the
visibility to the users of a web search engine is commonly
known as SEO.

Well, many of us are not aware of the fact that SEO was
invented by webmasters in the late 1990s. It is interesting
that even when the SEO was invented then also it was not known
by the people as it is known to us today.

The name SEO was coined in the year 1997 by Jason Gambert. In
this SEO tutorial, let’s take a look about what it is and how
it evolved.

If you are a beginner in the field of Digital Marketing then

you need to know about it from the beginning an in such a way
that you mind grasp most of it.

You should look for a SEO tutorial for beginners as they are
easy to understand. Let’s have a look at the timeline of the
SEO along with the terminologies involved:

SEO in 2000
At the start of the Millennium the 'big' search engines that
most of the people were using were Lycos and Excite. Websites
were only of one or two pages with the basic information to
allow them to load quickly (within 20 seconds).

In 2002, AdWords was launched by Google and as opposite of

today, earlier it was predicted as the SEO Killer.

In 2004, the first website was 'banned' from the internet as

Google took action against websites that were spamming them.
A legal action was also taken against the "SEO Company"

In 2006, the need of back links started. Between 2004 and

2008, Google became the only real "player" in the search engine
world and laid its own practice and companies and started
tightening up on spam and buying links.

Google started to concentrate on ranking the websites based

on their content and its relevance to the search being carried

SEO in 2010
Between 2010 and 2015, social media took a leap of faith and
social media was everywhere. Google introduced "personal
search results" with the websites that are shown in the search
results that basically based on the user’s previous searches
and websites the user had visited before.

The focus on ranking of the websites was on being found for

BIG keywords. A 'Plumber' in Bristol would want to rank for
that particular search hence that was the focus. Quality and
the relevant content was now the only key to ranking in the
search engines.

SEO 2015 and Onwards The 'penalization' of websites that

were not "mobile friendly” started in 2015. A mobile
friendly website is basically that website that has
different information for the smaller screen to make it
easier for the user to read and understand.

In order to ensure that users got the finest experience Google

started ranking mobile friendly or responsive websites (where
the website will just automatically change its size and format
in order to fit the screen) higher in the rankings.

Google started semantic search that basically brings back

websites in the results not based on the keywords, but the
content on a page, and again changed the way SEO agencies
looked at working on websites.

What is The SEO Process

Now, the SEO has evolved to be the top marketing technique
that involves honesty and ethics. Here are the things that one
needs to perform to get their webpage on the top:

 ·Link Building- more the back links the merrier it is.

 Social Media- Engage the customers on all the social media
 Content- The content should be unique and of high quality.
 Avoid the extra usage of the Keywords.

To know more about SEO, You should click on SEO tutorial that
given above.

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