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Geometry began with a practical need to measure shapes. The word geometry means to
“measure the earth” and is the science of shape and size of things. It is believed that geometry
first became important when an Egyptian pharaoh wanted to tax farmers who raised crops
along the Nile River. To compute the correct amount of tax the pharaoh’s agents had to be
able to measure the amount of land being cultivated.

Around 2900 BC the first Egyptian pyramid was constructed. Knowledge of geometry was
essential for building pyramids, which consisted of a square base and triangular faces. The
earliest record of a formula for calculating the area of a triangle dates back to 2000 BC. The
Egyptians (5000–500 BC) and the Babylonians (4000–500 BC) developed practical geometry
to solve everyday problems, but there is no evidence that they logically deduced geometric
facts from basic principles.

It was the early Greeks (600 BC–400 AD) that developed the principles of modern geometry
beginning with Thales of Miletus (624–547 BC). Thales is credited with bringing the science
of geometry from Egypt to Greece. Thales studied similar triangles and wrote the proof that
corresponding sides of similar triangles are in proportion.

The next great Greek geometer was Pythagoras (569–475 BC). Pythagoras is regarded as the
first pure mathematician to logically deduce geometric facts from basic principles.
Pythagoras founded a brotherhood called the Pythagoreans, who pursued knowledge in
mathematics, science, and philosophy. Some people regard the Pythagorean School as the
birthplace of reason and logical thought. The most famous and useful contribution of the
Pythagoreans was the Pythagorean Theorem. The theory states that the sum of the squares of
the legs of a right triangle equals the square of the hypotenuse.

Euclid of Alexandria (325–265 BC) was one of the greatest of all the Greek geometers and is
considered by many to be the “father of modern geometry”. Euclid is best known for his 13-
book treatise The Elements. The Elements is one of the most important works in history and
had a profound impact on the development of Western civilization.

Euclid began The Elements with just a few basics, 23 definitions, 5 postulates, and 5 common

notions or general axioms. An axiom is a statement that is accepted as true. From these
basics, he proved his first proposition. Once proof was established for his first proposition, it
could then be used as part of the proof of a second proposition, then a third, and on it went.
This process is known as the axiomatic approach. Euclid’s Elements form the basis of the
modern geometry that is still taught in schools today.

Archimedes of Syracuse (287–212 BC) is regarded as the greatest of the Greek

mathematicians and was also the inventor of many mechanical devices including the screw,
the pulley, and the lever. The Archimedean screw – a device for raising water from a low
level to a higher one – is an invention that is still in use today. Archimedes works include his
treatise Measurement of a Circle, which was an analysis of circular area, and his
masterpiece On the Sphere and the Cylinder in which he determined the volumes and surface
areas of spheres and cylinders.

There were no major developments in geometry until the appearance of Rene Descartes
(1596–1650). In his famous treatise Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the
Reason in the Search for Truth in the Sciences, Descartes combined algebra and geometry to
create analytic geometry. Analytic geometry, also known as coordinate geometry, involves
placing a geometric figure into a coordinate system to illustrate proofs and to obtain
information using algebraic equations.

The most recent development in geometry is fractal geometry. Fractal geometry was
developed and popularized by Benoit Mandelbrot in his 1982 book The Fractal Geometry of
Nature. A fractal is a geometric shape, which is self-similar (invariance under a change of
scale) and has fractional (fractal) dimensions. Similar to chaos theory, which is the study of
non-linear systems; fractals are highly sensitive to initial conditions where a small change in
the initial conditions of a system can lead to dramatically different outputs for that system.

Sri Yantra - Complex Sacred Geometry Used For Thousands Of Years

Sri Yantra, (or Sri Chakra) is a beautiful and complex sacred geometry used for worship,
devotion and meditation for thousands of years. Its origin seems unknown.
It is characterized by nine interlocking triangles that radiate from a central point. The four
upright triangles represent the masculine side (or Shiva) and the five inverted triangles
represent the feminine, (or Shakti) - Divine Mother. The nine interlocking triangles form
forty three small triangles each housing a presiding deity associated with particular aspects of

In its 3D form, Sri Yantra represents Mount Meru, the cosmic mountain at the center of the
universe and is also believed to be the unity of everything in the cosmos. Otherwise, it is
regarded as a place of spiritual journey. It is a representation of the cosmos at the
macrocosmic level and of the human body at the microcosmic level (each of the circuits
corresponds to a chakra of the body).

Swastika - One Of The Most Ancient Symbols In Human History

Swastika (in Sanskrit, 'being happy') is one of the most ancient symbols and the second
sacred symbol in Hinduism has a great religious significance for the Hindu people. Its four
directions symbolize the four points of the compass. It is related to life, peace and good luck
but also represents the revolving sun and fire.

It dates back some 6,000 years to rock and cave paintings and originated in India and was
first mentioned in the Vedas. Present in ancient Hindu world as the variant of the cross, the
Swastika represents honesty, purity, truth and stability.
In both Hinduism and Jainism, the Swastika is used to mark the opening pages of account
books, doors and thresholds.

1. Kalachakra ('Wheel of Time')


The cross is best known in its Christian context as a symbol of sacrifice and
salvation referring to Jesus' death by crucifixion. The cross has numerous other religious
meanings, most of which reflect groups of four, corresponding to the four points on the cross.

Crosses commonly represent the earth and the physical universe, particularly in Western
culture, primarily from two associations: the four physical elements (earth, water, air, and
fire) and the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, and west). The astrological symbol
for Earth is a cross inside a circle. This symbol, also known as a sun cross or solar wheel, has
been associated with the sun and its four seasons.

Crosses share many properties with squares, which usually have more material meanings
than crosses.

Geometry is a branch of mathematics concerned with questions of shape, size, relative

position of figures, and the properties of space. Geometry is one of the oldest mathematical



 Algebraic geometry
 Analytic geometry
 Differential geometry
 Euclidean geometry
 Non-Euclidean geometry
 Projective geometry

Analytic geometry:

Analytic geometry, also called coordinate geometry

Analytic geometry is a great invention of Descartes and Fermat. In plane analytic

geometry, points are defined as ordered pairs of numbers, say, (x, y), while the straight lines
are in turn defined as the sets of points that satisfy linear equations, , mathematical subject in
which algebraic symbolism and methods are used to represent and solve problems in
geometry. The importance of analytic geometry is that it establishes a correspondence
between geometric curves and algebraic equations. This correspondence makes it possible to
reformulate problems in geometry as equivalent problems in algebra, and vice versa; the
methods of either subject can then be used to solve problems in the other. For example,
computers create animations for display in games and films by manipulating algebraic

Euclidean geometry
Euclidean geometry is also known as “plane geometry."
Euclidean geometry, the study of plane and solid figures on the basis of axioms and
theorems employed by the Greek mathematician Euclid (c.300 BCE).
In its rough outline.Euclidean geometry. It is the most typical expression of general
mathematical thinking.

Euclid realized that a rigorous development of geometry must start with the foundations.
Hence, he began the Elements with some undefined terms, such as “a point is that which has
no part” and “a line is a length without breadth.” Proceeding from these terms, he defined
further ideas such as angles, circles, triangles, and various other polygons and figures. For
example, an angle was defined as the inclination of two straight lines, and a circle was a
plane figure consisting of all points that have a fixed distance (radius) from a given centre.
As a basis for further logical deductions, Euclid proposed five common notions, such as
“things equal to the same thing are equal,” and five unprovable but intuitive principles known
variously as postulates or axioms. Stated in modern terms, the axioms are as follows:

 1. Given two points, there is a straight line that joins them.

 2. A straight line segment can be prolonged indefinitely.

 3. A circle can be constructed when a point for its centre and a distance for its radius
are given.

 4. All right angles are equal.

 5. If a straight line falling on two straight lines makes the interior angles on the same
side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, will meet
on that side on which the angles are less than the two right angles.

Geometry lessons in the 20th century

Differential geometry

Differential Geometry is the study of geometric properties using Differential and Integral
Calculus. It is a branch of mathematics dealing with geometrical forms and the intrinsic
properties of curves and surfaces as related to differential calculus and mathematical analysis.

Differential geometry arose and developed as a result of and in connection to the

mathematical analysis of curves and surfaces. Mathematical analysis of curves and surfaces
had been developed to answer some of the nagging and unanswered questions that appeared
in calculus, like the reasons for relationships between complex shapes and curves, series and
analytic functions.

Topology and geometry

Topology is the mathematical study of the properties that are preserved through
deformations, twistings, and stretchings of objects. Tearing, however, is not allowed.
A circle is topologically equivalent to an ellipse (into which it can be deformed by stretching)
and a sphere is equivalent to an ellipsoid. Similarly, the set of all possible positions of the
hour hand of a clock is topologically equivalent to a circle (i.e., a one-dimensional closed
curve with no intersections that can be embedded in two-dimensional space), the set of all
possible positions of the hour and minute hands taken together is topologically equivalent to
the surface of a torus (i.e., a two-dimensional a surface that can be embedded in three-
dimensional space), and the set of all possible positions of the hour, minute, and second
hands taken together are topologically equivalent to a three-dimensional object.

Algebraic geometry

The field of algebraic geometry is the modern incarnation of the Cartesian geometry of co-
ordinates. From late 1950s through mid-1970s it had undergone major foundational
development, largely due to work of Jean-Pierre Serre and Alexander Grothendieck. This led
to the introduction of schemes and greater emphasis on topological methods, including
various cohomology theories. One of seven Millennium Prize problems, the Hodge
conjecture, is a question in algebraic geometry.

The study of low-dimensional algebraic varieties, algebraic curves, algebraic surfaces and
algebraic varieties of dimension 3 ("algebraic threefolds"), has been far advanced. Gröbner
basis theory and real algebraic geometry are among more applied subfields of modern
algebraic geometry. Arithmetic geometryis an active field combining algebraic geometry
and number theory. Other directions of research involve moduli spaces and complex
geometry. Algebro-geometric methods are commonly applied in string and brane theory.

Non-Euclidean geometry

Differential geometry uses tools from calculus to study problems involving curvature.

In the nearly two thousand years since Euclid, while the range of geometrical questions asked
and answered inevitably expanded, the basic understanding of space remained essentially the
same. Immanuel Kant argued that there is only one, absolute, geometry, which is known to
be true a priori by an inner faculty of mind: Euclidean geometry was synthetic a
priori.[51] This dominant view was overturned by the revolutionary discovery of non-

Euclidean geometry in the works of Bolyai, Lobachevsky, and Gauss (who never published
his theory). They demonstrated that ordinary Euclidean space is only one possibility for
development of geometry. A broad vision of the subject of geometry was then expressed
by Riemann in his 1867 inauguration lecture Über die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu
Grunde liegen (On the hypotheses on which geometry is based),[52] published only after his
death. Riemann's new idea of space proved crucial in Einstein's general relativity theory,
and Riemannian geometry, that considers very general spaces in which the notion of length is
defined, is a mainstay of modern geometry.

Projective geometry is a topic in mathematics. It is the study of geometric properties that

are invariant with respect to projectivetransformations. This means that, compared to
elementary geometry, projective geometryhas a different setting, projective space, and a
selective set of basic geometric concepts.


Geometry is the branch of mathematics that focuses on the properties of lines, points,
surfaces, and two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes. This study is important because
it tells us the volume, area, length and width, and dimensions of different figures, which
comprise of the world around us.

The basics of Geometry

A point is a precise position on a plane, usually represented by a dot. Points have no

dimension but are only a precise location.

Lines are straight, extending infinitely in both directions, and have no thickness. Infinite
points combined together form a line. A line segment has a starting point and an ending point,
while a ray has a starting point but no end point.

What are the basic shapes in geometry?

Geometric shapes can be either two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D). Below, we
categorize 2D shapes and their characteristics, and then 3D shapes and their characteristics.
The list of characteristics and variety of shapes is by no means exhaustive and is intended to
provide a cursory understanding of geometric shapes.


Right triangles have one right angle, equal to 90°

Acute triangles are those where each angle is below 90°, and all
angles are acute

Obtuse triangles are those where at least one angle is greater
than 90° or is obtuse and the other two angles are less than 90°
and are acute

Isosceles triangles have at least 2 equal angles and 2 sides of

equal length. Hence, all isosceles triangles have a line of

None of the angles are equal, and none of the none of the sides is
the same length in scalene triangles

When all three angles are equal to 60°, and all sides are equal in
length, it is considered an equilateral triangle


Any polygon (multi-sided shape) that has four sides is called a quadrilateral. Other ways to
describe these include quadrangles or tetragons.

A rectangle has 4 sides and 4 right angles. 2 parallel lines

are of equal length. If all four parallel lines are of equal
length, a rectangle will also be considered a square
(although not all rectangles are squares).

Squares have 4 equal sides and 4 right angles. All
squares are rectangles, rhombuses,
and parallelograms (see below).

A rhombus has 4 equal sides, where opposite sides are

parallel, and at least two sides are equal. Rhombuses are

A parallelogram is 4 sided, where each of the opposite

sides is parallel. Sometimes these lines are of equal
length, but most of the time they are not.

A kite has two pairs of sides of equal length, which are
next to each other.

A trapezoid US (trapezium UK) has one pair of parallel

sides, which may or may not be equal in length.
A trapezium US (trapezoid UK) is a four-sided shape,
which has no parallel side.

Sometimes polygons can be convex or concave in shape. In convex polygons, each angle is
less than 180°, and concave polygons have one reflex angle that is above 180°. Essentially,
concave shapes do not have dents, while convex shapes do. Triangles are always convex.

Examples of concave and convex polygons

A convex hexagon is a six-sided shape, where each angle is greater than 180° but has no
reflex angle.

A concave hexagon is a six-sided shape, where at least one reflex angle is greater than 180°.


A simple, closed shape, a circle consists of a point called the center, and any point on the
circle from the center is equidistance. A circle has infinite lines of symmetry.


An ellipse is a stretched version of a circle. These shapes usually have two lines of symmetry,
and the longest diameter of the ellipse is called a major axis, and the shortest diameter is
called a minor axis.

3D Geometric Shapes

If your head is reeling from all the possible shapes Ed Sheeran could be singing about, don’t
worry –there’s more. Common features for most all 3D shapes is that they consist of some
number of faces, edges, and vertices. Below is a list of the basic 3D shapes, which by no
means is exhaustive!

Spheres either have 0 or 1 face, 0 edges and 0 vertices

Ellipsoids have either 0 or 1 face, 0 edges, and 0 vertices

Cylinders have 2 or 3 faces, 0 or 2 edges, and 0 vertices

Cones have 1 or 2 faces, 0 or 1 edges, and 1 apex or vertex

A cube has 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices.

Each side on the cube are of equal length, and each face is a square.
A cube is a type of cuboid.

A cuboid has 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices.

every face on a cuboid is rectangular in shape.

A triangular prism has 5 faces, 9 edges, and 6 vertices. On two ends.

the faces are triangular in shape and the rest of the faces are rectangular.

A hexagonal prism has 8 faces, 18 edges, and 12 vertices. On each end,

the faces are hexagonal in shape, while all the other faces are rectangular.

Triangular based pyramids have 4 faces, 6 edges, and 4 vertices.

All of the faces are triangular, as is the base.
If each triangular face is equilateral then the prism is also called
a tetrahedron


Applications of Geometry in Daily Life

Geometry briefly is used in various daily life applications such as surveying, astronomy,
navigation and building and much more. Some of such applications of Geometry in daily life
in different fields are described below-

 Art
Mathematics and art are related in a variety of ways. For instance, the theory of perspective (a
graphical representation of on a flat surface of an image as seen by eyes) showed that there is
more to geometry than just the metric properties of figures: and this perspective is the basis of
the origin of projective geometry.

1. some of the types of art with a strong mathematical component, or conversely where a
mathematical visualisation has an astonishing beauty.

Geometric patterns

The "Flower of Life" pattern

Simple arrangements of mathematical figures, like circles and triangles, have been
extensively used in decoration throughout history. For example, the "Flower of Life" can be
seen on the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Egypt, which dates back about 5,000 years. This
pattern, as seen to the right, consists of an array of circles positioned in rows, each one
centred on the circumference of circles in the neighbouring rows. (This arrangement provides
an interesting geometric problem to solve. If each circle has a radius of 1 unit, can you show
that the rows are √3/2 apart? Hint: think about the type of triangle formed by the centre-points
of three neighbouring circles, and your sine and cosine rules about triangle sides).

Mosques throughout the world are decorated with extremely elaborate geometrical patterns of
simple shapes. This is because Islamic art (in contrast to that of other faiths, with their
murals, paintings and stained glass windows) traditionally avoids the depiction of people and
animals, and instead involves repeating geometric patterns. These regular arrangements are
said to symbolise the divine order of the Universe. However, the artist often includes a
deliberate mistake in acknowledgement of the belief that only Allah is truly perfect.

2. Origami

Origami is the Japanese craft of creating wonderful three-dimensional shapes and models
solely by folding paper - usually a single square sheet (ori meaning folded and kami meaning
paper). The links between this ancient art and mathematics are profound. If you unfold a
finished model you will see a complex geometrical pattern of creases made up of triangles
and squares, many of which will be congruent (because they were produced by the same
fold). The construction step known as a "push fold" is mathematically equivalent to bisecting
an angle.

3. Celtic knot

n Celtic Art, Celtic knots (also known as 'endless knots' or 'mystic knots') are series of
overlapping or interwoven knots which have no clear start or end.They started to appear in
Celtic Art in the second half of the 5th Century whereas Celtic spirals appeared much earlier,
as early as 600 BC.

Use lighting and shadows creatively

Shadows and highlights can be used to enhance shapes—and sometimes create them, as
shown by Seth Nickerson. Test what you can do with shadows in your own patterns, from
making an almost 3D shape, to drawing attention to certain parts of the image

Lines are the most basic elements of any shape; using them creatively can help create new
effects, and can create a nice flow between images and information.

The concept of geometry is also applied in the fields of robotics, computer, and video games.
Geometry provides handy concepts both for computer and video game programmers. The
way & the design of the characters that move through their virtual worlds requires geometric
computations to create paths around the obstacles concentrating around the virtual world.
Video game engines typically put to use raycasting, which is a technique that simulates a 3-D
world using a 2-D map. Using this form of geometry helps speed up processing because
calculations are only done for the vertical lines on the screen.

 Architecture
Just like other forms of arts, architects use mathematics for several reasons. Apart from the
mathematics needed when engineering buildings, architects use geometry: to define the
spatial form of a building i.e. to create the design of the building its shape, height, structure
basically the construction blueprint. Apart from this the Pythagoreans of the sixth century BC
onwards used geometry to create forms considered harmonious, and thus to lay outbuildings
and their surroundings according to mathematical, aesthetic and sometimes religious
principles and also to decorate buildings with mathematical objects such as tessellations, and
even mitigate the hazard arising from wind speeds around the bases of tall buildings.

1. Geometry is used in architecture to create visually inspiring buildings.

In order for man to create amazing structures, he must master geometry.

You might ask: "Why? What does geometry have to do with anything?"

1. In order to plan and build accurately, you must have a great knowledge of angles.
For Example:
This is a classroom.
All the angles must be 90 degrees for the walls to properly support the ceiling.
If these walls were 110 degrees, the ceiling would collapse of the people

90 90

90 90

Also, one of the best examples of the application of geometry in daily life will be the stairs
which are built in homes in consideration to angles of geometry constructed at 90 degrees.

2. The pyramids of Giza are great examples as well:

The design is a pyramid. This pyramid consists of many rectangular stones set upon one
Also, considering that there were entrances to the pyramids, the stones must be perfectly
balanced at
90 degree angles.

Geometry concepts are also applied in CAD (Computer Aided Design) where it helps the
software to render visual images on the screen.

3. Geometry is an important curriculum in mathematics. High school students may not be

able to realize its importance but is has many practical applications, most especially in
engineering and architecture.
Geometry is a subject in mathematics that deals with size, shape, and the relative position of
figures and the associated space. An object’, as well as a space’s, property, such as volume
and strength, is computed using the principles of geometry. Much of what we see around us
employs the use of geometry. The world around us is composed much of geometric figures.
This is most evident in architecture.
Most architectural designs are composed of a series of geometric figures. These designs were
not made by accidence. Complex computations were necessary to come up with the designs

and some geometric figures were not only designed for aesthetic purposes but served some
functions as well. Even buildings themselves are a product of geometric functions, as
according to one geometry honor student from Boca Raton Community High School: “if you
didn’t have geometry you wouldn’t be able to build a building” (Jenkins, 2006).
Even ancient people have used principles of geometry to provide us with some of the most
fascinating works. Stone-age people from Europe, for example, used advanced geometry to
design and build the Stonehenge. Ancient Egyptians could not have built the pyramids
without proper knowledge of geometry. The Greek’s Parthenon displays the use of a Golden
Rectangle, considered to be the perfect geometric figure.
If geometry is very useful in architecture, how much more use would it have in engineering?
Even the simplest gears used in machines were based on the principles of geometry. We may
not be able to realize the importance of geometry in itself, but when applied with concepts of
higher mathematics, we see that it is an important foundation of math, especially in the fields
of architecture and engineering.

The London City Hall

 Astronomy & Physics
Here, geometry is used in the field of astronomy, helping to map the positions
of stars and planets on the celestial sphere and describing the relationship between
movements of celestial bodies.

Geometry is used to determine measurement, speed velocity, momentum, direction, distance,
relativity, and probabilitic measure in astronomical bodies, through equations of multiplicity
using point axes in determinable coordinates, using inference models in relational relativity
point span

The biggest one is Parallax, determing the distance to stars. The diameter of the earth's orbit
is used as a baseline to determine star's distance. The angle of a star might be measured in
July and again in January. Half the variation would be the parallax. A star with a parallax of 1
arc second would be 1 Parsec away, which is 3.26 light years away. An arc second would
approximately equal the angle formed by the diameter of a nickle 4 miles away. No star is
closer than Alpha Centauri star system which is about 4.4 light years or a parallax of 0.74 arc

In the field of Physics, there is a deep link between pseudo-Riemannian geometry and general



Geometry In Everyday Life

The word “Geometry” is derived from the Greek word “Geo” and “Metron” which
mean Earth and Measurement respectively. Translating roughly to “Earth’s
Measurement,” geometry is primarily concerned with the characteristics of figures
as well as shapes. Practically, geometry plays a great role in determining the areas,
volumes, and lengths. Euclid is considered to be the “Father of Geometry.”

Since birth, humans are attracted to diverse shapes, designs, and colours. The
aforesaid can be reinforced by the fact that while buying things in the market,

humans are allured by fabrics with fascinating patterns, books with eye-catching
covers, sunglasses of one-of-its-kind shapes, jewellery with captivating patterns,
tea mugs with beautiful forms, and what-not! Geometry can be referred to as being
“omnipresent.” Moreover, geometrical shapes of different toys play an utterly
crucial role in the development of the cognitive skills in children during the early
stages of their growth. Let’s discuss some important examples of geometry which
do not fail even a single chance to play a pivotal role in the daily life of humans.

1. Nature

The most important example of geometry in everyday life is formed by the nature
surrounding humans. If one looks closely, one might find different geometrical
shapes and patterns in leaves, flowers, stems, roots, bark, and the list goes on. The
organisation of the human digestive system as a tube within a tube also ascertains
the role of geometry. The leaves on the trees are of varying shapes, sizes, and
symmetries. Different fruits and vegetables have different geometrical shapes; take
the example of orange, it is a sphere and after peeling it, one might notice how the
individual slices form the perfect sphere.

Looking closely at a honeycomb, one will see hexagonal patterns arranged
tandemly. Similarly, examining a snowflake under a microscope will enable the
examiner to be the guest of beautiful geometrical patterns.

next interesting example of the role of geometry in nature is formed by the pattern
popularly known as “Six-Around-One.” The flowers exhibit the “six-around-one”
patterns, also called “Closest Packing of Circles,” “Hexagonal Packaging,” and
“Tessellating Hexagons.”

2. Technology

The most common example of geometry in everyday life is technology. Be it

robotics or computers or video games, geometry is applied to almost all the
underlying concepts. The computer programmers are able to work because the
concepts of geometry are always at their disposal. The virtual world of video
games is created only because the geometric computations help in designing of the
complex graphics of the video games. Raycasting, the process of shooting,
employs a 2-D map for stimulating the 3-D world of the video games. Raycasting
helps in increasing processing as the calculations are carried out for the vertical
lines on the screen.

3. Homes

Geometry does not leave even a single chance to play a significant in homes as
well. The windows, doors, beds, chairs, tables, TV, mats, rugs, cushions, etc have
different shapes. Moreover, bedsheets, quilts, covers, mats, and carpets have
different geometric patterns on them. Geometry is also important cooking. The
chef needs to add all the ingredients in accurate proportions and ratio to put forth a
delicious dish. Also, while organising a room, each and every space is utilised to
make the room look more appealing. A house is made to look more presentable by
using vases, paintings, and various decorative pieces, which are of different
geometric shapes and have different patterns made on them.

4. Architecture

construction of various buildings or monuments has a close relationship with

geometry. Before constructing architectural forms, mathematics and geometry help
put forth the structural blueprint of the building. The theories of proportions and
symmetries shape the fixed aspects for all kinds of architectural designs.
Pythagoras’ “Principles of Harmony” along with geometry were employed in the
architectural designs of sixth century BC. Not only were the basics of mathematics
coupled with geometry helped in increasing the aesthetics, harmony, and the
religious value of large structures but also aided in mitigating various hazards
resulting from high-speed winds.

Moreover, the staircase in all the buildings take into consideration the angles of
geometry and are constructed at 90 degrees.

5. Art

What does art include? Art encompasses the formation of figures & shapes, a basic
understanding of 2-D & 3-D, knowledge about spatial concepts, and contribution
of estimation, patterns & measurement. From the aforesaid, it is evident that there
is a close relationship between art and geometry. The formation of shapes is a
result of the use of geometrical forms like circle, triangle, square, mandala, or
octagon. Moreover, the contents of paintings or sculptures are largely affected by
the choice and shape of frames. Not to forget that the principles of projective
geometry form the basis of perspective, which is used in most of the painting.

6. Sports

Sports often does not fail a sole chance to make use of geometrical concepts. The
buildings of the sports stadiums and athletic fields take into consideration
geometric shapes. The athletic fields also employ geometry; hockey, soccer,
basketball, and football fields are rectangular in shape. The corner kick spots, goal
posts, arcs, D-section, and centre circle are marked on the field. Similarly, the
pitches of various other sports like volleyball and basketball take into consideration
the geometrical aspects because these pitches have oval as well as circular arcs
marked clearly. Talking of track field, semicircular shapes are often noticeable.
Angles also play a critical role in predicting the movement of the players,
enhancing their performance, and scoring a point.

7. Designing

Geometry is widely applied in the field of designing; the creation of animated

figures in the video games require geometry. In the case of art, almost every
element of designing is entwined with geometric proportions, which is used to
depict a story. Taking the examples of miniature paintings and manuscript
illumination, geometric principles are employed to compose the layout. Strict
geometric proportions are paid attention to while forming individual letters in
calligraphy. In designing, geometry has a symbolic role to play; as is evident from
the carvings on the walls, roofs, and doors of various architectural marvels.

8. Computer Aided Design- CAD

Geometry, one of the principle concepts of mathematics, entails lines, curves,

shapes, and angles. Before any architectural design is made, a computer software
helps in rendering visual images on the screen. CAD, a software, puts forth the
blueprint of the design. Moreover, it also aids in the simulation of the architectural
forms which allows for the better understanding of the finished product. The
principles of geometry are being used extensively in various industrial processes
which allows the designing of graphics.

9. Mapping

Geometry helps in the accurate calculation of the physical distances. It is employed
in the field of astronomy to map the distances between stars & planets and between
different planets. It also aids in the determination of a relationship between the
movements of different bodies in the celestial environment. Apart from mapping
distances between celestial bodies, geometry also plays a vital role in surveying
and navigation. In the case of surveying, measurement of the area of land is a result
of the accurate determination of the shape of the land. Moreover, in navigation, the
ships, watercraft, and aircraft utilise angles and also depend on other mathematical
concepts for carrying out basic operations.

10. Medicine

Techniques like x-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs, and nuclear imaging require the
reconstruction of shapes of organs, bones, and tumours, which is based on
geometry only. Physiotherapy also employs geometry. Geometric properties and
features help in defining the image in digital grids. The geometrical concepts not
only aid in visualization, manipulation, image segmentation, correction, and object
representation but also play an important role in increasing stability, fidelity, and
efficiency. Bisecting angle techniques and parallel techniques are crucial in

11. Geographic Information Systems

The GPS of the satellites use geometrical principles to calculate the position of the
satellites. The use of coordinate geometry in the Global Positioning System (GPS)
provides precise information about the location and time. GPS employes
coordinates to calculate the distance between any two places. The coordinate
geometry helps GPS to track transportation accidents and carry out rescue
operations. The coordinate geometry also aids in enhancing flight security weather
forecasting, earthquake monitoring, and environmental protection. Moreover,
various facets of military operations are equipped with GPS.






Leonard m.blumenthal


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