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A Simple Technique for Removal of Broken Root Tip of Maxillary Premolars: A

Technical Note

Article  in  Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery · September 2015

DOI: 10.1007/s12663-014-0696-7


1 379

4 authors, including:

Divashree Sharma Vilas Newaskar

APS University govt College of Dentistry indore mp india


Deepak Agrawal
government coleege of dentistry, indore


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A Simple Technique for Removal of Broken
Root Tip of Maxillary Premolars: A
Technical Note

Charanpreet Singh, Divashree Sharma,

Vilas Newaskar & Deepak Agrawal

Journal of Maxillofacial and Oral


ISSN 0972-8279

J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.

DOI 10.1007/s12663-014-0696-7

1 23
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1 23
Author's personal copy
J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.
DOI 10.1007/s12663-014-0696-7


A Simple Technique for Removal of Broken Root Tip of Maxillary

Premolars: A Technical Note
Charanpreet Singh • Divashree Sharma •

Vilas Newaskar • Deepak Agrawal

Received: 14 March 2014 / Accepted: 13 September 2014

Ó The Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons of India 2014

Abstract buccal and palatal/lingual cortical plates. For extraction of

Introduction Therapeutic extraction of maxillary premo- maxillary premolars with forceps more of buccal move-
lars is often indicated for orthodontic treatment. Extraction ment is made as compared to palatal, and more likely root
as well as retrieval of broken root tips in cases should be to fracture is the buccal root owing to its thinness. Poor
minimally invasive aiming to preserve the alveolus as well extraction technique while retrieving this root can result in
as the buccal and palatal cortical plates. fracture of buccal cortical plate and fragmentation of bone
Materials and methods Here a technique is described that around the socket.
we have been employing for retrieving broken maxillary Various techniques have been documented in literature
premolar root tips which have the bevel towards the buccal for removal of broken root like creating a bony window
cortex. above the root apex [1] or surgical removal of bone around
Conclusion The method is simple, atraumatic and the root within the socket and retrieving the root fragment,
effective. removal with apex elevators, periotome, luxators [1] syr-
inge needle [2] or by engaging endodontic ‘‘H’’ file within
Keywords Root tip  Maxillary premolar  Probe the root canal [3].
We have developed a simple atraumatic technique for
Extraction of maxillary and mandibular premolars is rou- removal of broken root tip of maxillary premolars. The
tinely advocated for orthodontic treatment. In such cases it basis of the technique is the thinness of buccal cortical
is very important for the maxillofacial surgeon to follow plate in maxillary premolar area [4]. This technique is
atraumatic extraction technique and preserve integrity of employed for broken roots with bevel towards the buccal
cortex. An envelope flap on buccal side is raised corre-
sponding to the tooth and a sharp probe is introduced
C. Singh
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government within the socket, after which the tip of the probe is
College of Dentistry, 96 Radiocolony, Indore 452001, MP, India directed towards the buccal cortex along the direction of
the bevel of the broken root. The probe is advanced with
D. Sharma (&)
gentle force until it penetrates the full thickness of the
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government
College of Dentistry, Room No. 3, Indore 452001, MP, India buccal cortex creating an opening and its tip is visible
e-mail: buccally. The probe is withdrawn out of the socket. It is
then inserted into the opening externally to engage the
V. Newaskar
broken root and downward force is exerted to push the root
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government
College of Dentistry, 301 Chanakya Apartment, Plot 59, tip occlusally facilitating its removal. Mesial and distal
Srinagar, Indore 452001, MP, India interdental papilla are positioned back with 3-0 braided
black silk sutures (Figs. 1, 2, 3).
D. Agrawal
The advantages of this technique includes minimal
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Government
College of Dentistry, 105 Metropride, Janki Nagar, periosteal stripping, preservation of bone, reduced operat-
Indore 452001, MP, India ing time, no requirement of any additional armamentarium

Author's personal copy
J. Maxillofac. Oral Surg.

Fig. 3 Introduction of probe from outer aspect of buccal cortex to

engage the broken root piece

Fig. 1 Picture showing broken root of maxillary left premolar. Black vibration of surgical hand piece. The only disadvantage is
line indicating the bevel of broken root piece towards buccal side that it is a technique sensitive procedure, however which
one can master with expertise.
This technique has been successfully implemented in
our department in more than 20 patients. It is concluded
that the technique is simple and very effective for
retrieving broken buccal root tip of maxillary premolars.

Conflict of interest None.


1. Dym Harry, Weiss Adam (2012) Exodontia: tips and techniques

for better outcomes. Dent Clin North Am 56:245–266
Fig. 2 Arrow showing position of the probe and its tip after 2. Orr DL 2nd, Haworth G (1985) Root tip recovery via local
penetrating full thickness of buccal cortex anesthetic needle. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 60(2):158
3. Stoner Kenneth E (2002) Using a Hedstrom endodontic file to
retrieve a root tip. JADA. 133(4):473
4. Histology Antonio Nanci Ten Cate’s Oral (2008) Development,
or assisting surgical personnel and elimination of the Structure, and Function. Elsevier Health Sciences, Amsterdam
apprehension of the patient, associated with the noise and


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