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Case 1.

HISTORY: A 1-year-old child with an abdominal mass, focal swelling of the right temple, anemia, and
­elevated urinary catecholamines

FIGURE 1.5.1 FIGURE 1.5.2

FIGURE 1.5.3 FIGURE 1.5.4


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Case 1.5  (Continued)
FINDINGS: IV contrast-enhanced CT images from Wilms tumor. Calcification, suprarenal loca-
(Figs.  1.5.1 and 1.5.2) through the abdomen tion with a displaced but normal ipsilateral kidney,
demonstrate a calcified right paraspinal mass; a
­ vessel encasement, retrocrural adenopathy, and
large ­calcified retroperitoneal mass that crosses ­extension across the midline are features that allow
the midline, encasing the aorta and SMA; and left a confident diagnosis of neuroblastoma. Paraspi-
hydronephrosis. A delayed image from an meta- nal tumor may invade the spinal canal via exten-
iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) scan (Fig. 1.5.3) dem- sion through adjacent neural foramina and is best
onstrates increased uptake in the midabdomen evaluated with CT or magnetic resonance imaging
corresponding to the retroperitoneal mass on CT. (MRI). Although initial diagnosis is suspected when
Head CT with IV contrast (Fig. 1.5.4) reveals a soft- a calcified adrenal or paraspinal mass is identified
tissue mass, with an epicenter in the right temporal on plain films and ultrasonography, CT of chest,
bone, associated with bone destruction and a sun- abdomen, and pelvis, bone scans, MIBG scans,
burst periosteal reaction. ±  MRI are required for complete staging. MIBG
(labeled with iodine-123) scintigraphy is sensitive
DIAGNOSIS: Retroperitoneal neuroblastoma with and specific for catecholamine-secreting tumors;
skull metastases however, only 70% of neuroblastomas are MIBG-
positive; therefore, normal results of MIBG do not
DISCUSSION: Neuroblastoma is the most common exclude the diagnosis of neuroblastoma. Age and
solid extra-cranial malignant tumor of childhood. stage at diagnosis, N-myc oncogene amplification,
It is derived from primitive neural crest cells and, DNA content, and Shimada histology are important
therefore, originates in the sympathetic chain gan- prognostically and are used to stratify patients into
glia and adrenal medulla. Two-thirds of cases arise in high-, ­intermediate-, and low-risk groups. Treat-
the abdomen, and two-thirds of abdominal tumors ment consists of chemotherapy and surgical debulk-
arise in the adrenal medulla. The most common ing. Despite continued advancements in therapy,
sites of origin are adrenal medulla (35%), extra- the prognosis remains poor (7).
adrenal retroperitoneum (30%–35%), and posterior
mediastinum (20%). Tumors in the neck and pelvis
(3%–8%) are much less common. Peak age of pre-
Aunt Minnie’s Pearl
sentation is 22 months. At diagnosis, 60% to 70% A childhood suprarenal mass with calcification that
of patients have metastatic disease with spread to crosses the midline and encases the mesenteric vas-
cortical bone (in particular the skull), bone marrow, culature and/or invades the neural foramina is almost
liver, and lymph nodes. The main challenge in im- certainly a neuroblastoma.
aging these tumors is differentiating neuroblastoma


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