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Paul University Philippines

Tuguegarao City, Cagayan 3500



A.Y. 2019-2020

Student Name : Laggang, Jovelyn C.

Program/ Major : MST1

Course Code : SCI 202

Course Title : Advance Biology

1. Discuss the ff. compounds and their biological importance in the life processes.
A. Carbohydrates: are macromolecules w/ which most consumers are some what familiar. To lose weight,
some individuals adhere to “low-carb” diets.
-it also provides energy to the body, particularly through glucose, a simple sugar
-it serves other functions in diff. animals.

B. Lipids: are hydropolic (water-fearing), or insoluble in water, because they are nonpolar molecules.

- It also provides insulation from the environment for plants and animals.

- also, the building blocks of many hormones and are an important constitute of the plasma membrane.

C. Proteins: are one of the most abundant organic molecules in living systems and have the most diverse
range of functions of all macromolecular.

-The functions of proteins are very diverse because there are 20 different chemically distinct amino acids
can be in any order.

D. Nucleic Acid: Key macro molecules in the continuity of life. They carry the genetic blueprint of a cell and
carry instructions for the functioning of the cell.

- They are molecules made up of repeating units of nucleotides that direct cellular activities such as all
division and protein synthesis.

2. Discuss how root, stem, leaves, and flowers work together for the whole plant.
=Each plant organ performs a specialized task in the life of the plant. Roots, leaves, and stems are vegetative
structures. Flowers, seeds and fruits make up reproductive structures. The roots support the plant and
supply it with water and nutrients. Stems connects the roots and leaves. Leaves capture energy from
sunlight and use it to make food for the plant.
3. Discuss some environmental challenges of living on land, and describe how several adaptations meet these
=Plants belong to eukaryotic, and photosynthetic group w/c developed from the multicellular embryos.
During the course of evolution, plants managed their transition from water to land by adapting to several
changes for their successful survival on land.
remain standing in soil, retain water and prevent water loss.
4. What are the diff. modes of plants reproduction? Give each example.
=The modes of plant reproduction are:
1. Asexual reproduction- plants can give rise to new plants w/ out seeds.
Example: branch of rose or champa w/ a node, ginger, potato, etc.
2. Sexual reproduction- new plants are obtained from seeds.
Example: beans, okra, squash, eggplant, apple, orange, and so on.
5. Explain the importance of cell differentiation in multi cellular organisms.
=Differentiated cells are important in a multicellular organism because they are able to perform a specialized
function in the body. However, specialization comes at a cost.
=The cost is that the differentiated cells often lose the ability to make new copies of themselves.
6. Explain why meiosis should take place in a sex cell formation and not mitosis.
=Meiosis should take place in a sex cell formation because the chromosome number of a species remains the
same from one generation to the next.
= The commitment to meiosis enhances the probability that the next generation will survive, because the
genetic recombination during meiosis generates four reproductive spores per cell.
7. Choose 1 among the diff. human systems and think of health issue that is related to it and offer some
recommendations/ solutions on how to prevent it.
= I chose the Respiratory system and the issue that is related to it is the lung cancer.
Some recommendation and solution on how to prevent are; do not smoke, lower exposure to workplace risk
factors, lower exposures to radon.
8. Give some factors affecting cell mutation and explain how it affects the normal life processes. Cite an
=1 factor that affects cell mutation is the NUTRIENTS, the nutrients present in the cell affect cell division,
certain nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
=Mutations can also be induced by environmental factors or mutagens. Example would be exposure to
chemicals or radiation.
9. Illustrate in tabular form the general differences between plant and animal cells using the Venn diagram.


Have chloroplasts Have no cell walls
Have vacuoles Eats other cells
Can absorb liquids Eukaryotic Cannot absorb much
Creates food by liquid because it has
Photosynthesis no cellulose
Has cell wall made of Can form a variety of
cellulose shapes
Have lysosomes

10. Discuss what is meant by growth in plants and state how it differs from growth in animals.
=Plants differ from animals in their manner of growth. As young animals mature, all parts of their bodies
grow until they reach a genetically determined size for each species.
=Plant growth, on the other hand, continues through out the life span of the plant and is restricted to a
certain meristematic tissue region only.

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