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Personality Portfolio Website 

Part 1: Personality Tests​ (Take ONE from each perspective and write a response for each) 
Psychoanalytic Test: ​TAT   
Trait Theory Tests:​ ​Big Five test 1​ OR ​Big Five test 2 
Humanistic Tests*: ​ ​Maslow Personality Test​ OR ​PsychologyCongruenceTest 
Social-cognitive Tests: ​Locus of Control Personality Test​ OR ​How Much of an Optimist Are You?  
NOTE: ​Recognize that the purpose of this assignment is to help you understand the personality perspectives. 
While the tests exemplify the concepts of each perspective, the tests themselves have not been assessed for 
validity. While your results may provide you with some insight, accept that the analysis may be deeply flawed. 
Personality Test Responses: 
For each, complete/answer the following: 
1. Summarize YOUR RESULTS on the test.  
2. Review your notes or text and summarize the main ideas of this perspective. According to this perspective, 
what determines your personality? How does the test you took relate to the perspective? Explain it in at 
least ​three​ sentences.  
Part 2: Six-word Stories ​ (Create SIX ​six-word stories​ choosing from the options below) 
You must have at least one from each perspective. Each must have a picture with it. You can take a picture of 
yourself or a friend (with his or her permission), find a picture on Google, or draw it. 
- Something the id would want (keep it school appropriate) 
- Your superego 
- A defense mechanism 

- Incongruence 
- An unfulfilled need 

- A trait of which you are proud. 
- A trait you want to change about yourself. 

- Something for which you have high self-efficacy. 
- An explanatory style (optimistic or pessimistic) 

* Neither Maslow nor Rogers created objective tests like these. Both would probably oppose the idea of their use. 

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