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Technological University of the Philippines

Science, Technology and Society


Name: Curaming, Justine Allen E. Date Accomplished: February

20, 2020
Course: BET-CPET 1E STEM Professor: Joshua T. Soriano
Rise of the Modern Science

Reflective Journal:

The fourth meeting with our professor in Science Technology and Society. It was a
busy day for because i have to prepare my report and discuss it infront of my classmate.
As the reporting start i was nervous and kept reviewing my report until it was my turn.
As my report goes i was nervoudls because my english is not that hood when report but
i still manage to report in English. My topic was all about the growth of the 20th century
science were many scientist and invention was discovered. After reporting it I've
received from my Professor some good feedback and give some tips on my
presentation and in my powerpoint.

That day, I discovered that the guidelines will help us to use in our powerpoint. The
reporters is about to discuss the rise of modern science. The first topic that are group
mate discuss is about the Science durinh the 19th century. In this topic we discuss the
scientist and invention/discoveries that is involve during the 19th century.One the
philosopher in the discussion is Plato and Aristotle the starts philosophy. Many
philosopher, scientist and thoughts was created during this time. Next report is my
report were i discuss the Scientist that were involved in the 20th century and some
invention during this time. The next report is about the information were Claudio
Shannon were he's involved in the Electronic Communication Age. The next report
discussed about the Post industrial Society, during this time or era the world was
growing rapidly and many discoveries that was invented that can help us human to work
and make our lives easier. The last discussion is about Information age in were tablets
and cellphone was invented during this time. This invention really help us to
communicate and search in the web. Base on our report i know now that this inventions
and discoveries really help us today as human. I think in the near future many invention
and many new things will discover and many scientist will know in the world for their.

Learning the instruction given help us to understand what we need in life. It also
helps our education. A lot of opportunities are offered to the students to develop their
skills in the best way possible through both summative and formative assessment. The
importance and benefits of assessment for learning are enormous. Assessment is an
integral part of instruction as it determines whether or not the goals of education are
being met. Assessment affects decisions about grades, placement, advancement,
instructional needs, curriculum and in some cases, funding.


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