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I am period

menstruation and you creative visual arts exhibition

Exhibition booklet

MenstruAction was established by two HKU Sociology students in

Nov 2016, with the aim to dismantle taboo and stigma around
menstruation, spark discussion of menstruation and related issues,
and promote the use of alternative menstrual products. Over the
past 3 years, MenstruAction has dedicated to produce
menstruation-related original content on social media platforms
and organise educational events on university campuses. Past
events include documentary screening and post-screening
discussion; panel discussion and handmade cloth pad workshop

About 關於 MenstruAction
About 關於
480.0 性別x藝術空間
Gender & Art Space

“480.0” is a homonym of “where does sexual violence come from” in

Chinese. We believe that gender-based violence is no single event, and
it is inseparable from culture, education and social norm. 480.0 Gender
& Art Space established on March 2017, hopes to put the perspective
of gender equity into arts and daily lives, exploring and debunking the
myths and stereotype through culture and the arts to enhance
awareness and interest in gender and sexual violence among the
前⾔ Foreword

本次視覺藝術比賽及展覽主題為「I am period-positive - ⽉事與你」。⽉經多被視為

單純的⽣理現象,但其背後事實上隱藏許多禁忌 (taboo) 及污名 (stigma)。身處現代

⽉事其實與每個⼈都息息相關—— ⽉經是每個⼈的⽣命泉源,亦是世界上⼀半⼈⼜
肯定有⼀些與⽉經相關的經驗。你也可以be period-positive,以正⾯積極的態度打破


最後,非常感謝各位合作夥伴:480.0性別x藝術空間、Sally Coco Intimate Lifestyle

The theme of this visual arts competition and exhibition is “I am period-positive” -
Menstruation and You. Often seen as merely a biological phenomenon, menstruation is
actually deeply intertwined with the larger sociocultural environment, and is a hugely
tabooed subject. Although menstrual taboo and stigma in Hong Kong are not as visible
and explicit as they are in rural Nepal where women are exiled to separate huts during
menstruation, the lack of discussion and the internalised shame associated with
menstruation are still conspicuous in our society, and there are plenty of examples. Often
is menstruation hidden from our daily conversations, and even when it is brought up, it is
done in discreet, without the presence of male. Often when we go to washroom, we hide
our menstrual pads in the pockets. Often when we have serious menstrual cramps, we do
not dare to speak up and ask for a leave... The taboo and stigma around menstruation can
blemish femininity and negatively influence menstruators’ physical and mental health,
sexuality and social status, and is also the reason why menstrual health education in Hong
Kong has been inadequate and conservative.

Our theme does not only point to female or menstruators. Menstruation, as the origin of
life and something half of the human population experience once every month, is
everyone’s business. We hope to, through this competition and exhibition, encourage the
public to express their views on menstruation in creative ways and a visual manner, hence
to spark discussions of the issues of menstruation, gender, taboo and stigma. All of us,
male and female, menstruating or not, can be period-positive and join hands to break the
menstrual taboo.

We are very happy to have received artworks of different themes, formats and styles.
Menstruation can be troublesome and painful, but from some of the artworks we have
seen how menstruation can also be beautiful and empowering. We hope that through this
exhibition, you can get to know the different faces of menstruation, hence know more
about menstruation, sexuality and reproduction.

We would like to wish everyone courage to break taboos, embrace changes and create a
better future. Last but not least, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our
collaborators: 480.0 Gender & Art Space; Sally Coco Intimate Lifestyle Store; Department
of Social Work, the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Committee on Gender Equality and
Diversity, Faculty of Arts, the University of Hong Kong and Happeriod. It has been great
to have you all on the path of advocating period-positivity.

前⾔ Foreword


480.0 Gender & Art Space is honoured to co-organise the “I am period-positive” -
Menstruation and You Creative Visual Arts Exhibition with MenstruAction. Sexual
violence stems from gender and power inequality. Therefore, apart from supporting
victims of sexual violence, we also highly value the advocation of gender equity education
with the aim of reducing the number of sexual violence cases, as well as breaking
traditional gender stereotypes. This change must begin with our daily lives, with how we
get along with people of different sexes and genders. This exhibition is a great opportunity
for us to understand and listen to others’ life experiences, and to respect one another.

Traditionally, “sex”, “sex organs” and related topics are heavily tabooed. Menstruation is
even seen as impure and unmentionable. Even when people talk about it, they euphemise
it with different names, for example “big auntie” (⼤姨媽) and “m come” (M到). Most
women perceive menstruation negatively, seeing it as the source of discomfort, negative
emotions and mood swings, but they are never willing to share this experience with other

Menstruation is, in fact, an important gateway for female to understand their bodies and
sexuality. The “impurity” associated with mestruation and the taboo around sex would
only hinder their exploration of self and of life. Therefore, through this exhibition, we
hope to break the silence with a visual art and down-to-earth perspective. Regardless of
gender, everyone can support the discussion of menstrual positivity and take the initiative
to share menstruation-related feelings or experiences. By this, we can together establish a
positive platform, on which we can freely explore issues related to menstruation, bodies,
sexuality, and gender equity.

480.0 性別x藝術空間
480.0 Gender & Art Space
1. 過於神聖或
2. 過於危險和受詛咒⽽被禁⽌



多或少都視⽉經為不潔/ 不可觸碰。在道教及中國民教佛教分別有⾎
“ Taboo
The prohibition of an action based on
the belief that such behaviour is either
1. too sacred and consecrated or
2. too dangerous and accursed for
ordinary individuals to
(Encyclopedia Britannica)

Menstruation: too sacred and too dangerous

Menstruation is seen as both powerful and dangerous at the same time. For
example in Chinese culture, menstrual blood is perceived as extremely unclean
that even gods would be offended by contact with menstrual blood. However,
because of its filthiness, menstrual blood is said to be effective in exorcism.

When conducting rituals for exorcising spirits, the blood of a black dog, which
euphemises menstrual blood would be used by Daoist priests. On the other
hand, anthropologists have speculated that the origin of this two-sided
symbolism of menstruation was lack of knowledge - it was probably magical yet
horrifying that women could bleed once a month, five days each time without
being killed or severely weakened, when the mechanism of the menstrual cycle
was unknown.

The construction and transmission of taboo is closely intertwined with social,

political and religious institutions. A child would never know that menstruation
is a taboo by him/herself. It is always socialised by parents and/or the school,
for example when your mother deliberately lowered her voice when she talked
about menstruation, or when your teacher separated male and female students
during menstrual heath education session. Religious institutions are also
especially influential in constructing and transmitting the taboo around
menstruation. All major worldly religions are to different extents hostile to
menstruation by perceiving it as impure and unclean. In Daoism and Chinese
Buddhism, there is the concept of Blood Lake Hell or Blood Bowl Hell
respectively, hells that are filled up by postpartum blood or menstrual blood. As
menstrual blood or postpartum blood disposed on the ground would offend the
soil god; and women washing bloodstained clothes would pollute the water in
lakes or rivers, women (especially those who died from obstructed labour) would
enter the Lake of Blood Hell or the Blood Bowl Hell and suffer from cruel
punishments after death. The Islamic dogma forbids menstruating women from
performing namaz, entering mosques, reading the Quran, and even touching
copies of the Quran. In the Book of Leviticus of the Old Testament,
menstruation was also depicted as “impure” - “when a woman has her regular
flow of blood, the impurity of her monthly period will last seven days, and
anyone who touches her will be unclean till evening.”

• 身體的憎惡(如疤痕、⽣理畸形)
• 個性的污點(如犯罪⾏為、各種成癮⾏為)
• 族群身分的污名(如性別、種族、性向、國籍)

⼼理學學者Ingrid Johnston-Robledo及Joan C. Chrisler認為⽉經符

• 經⾎(及來經的⼈)被視為污穢、不潔,⽽且比其他
體液更甚 → 身體的憎惡
• 經⾎外漏、沾到衣服被視為個性的污點,例如經⾎外漏給
⼈不會⾃理、骯髒的印象 → 個性的污點
• 來經與女性身分認同息息相關,許多⼈都認為來經、擁有
緒化、不受控著等刻板印象 → 族群身分的污名

“An attribute that is
In his book Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity
(1963), Sociologist Erving Goffman defined stigma as “an attribute
that is deeply discrediting”. That is to say, an individual or a group
with a certain attribute is discredited and likely to be subsequently
discriminated by a society. Goffman classifies stigma into three
• “Abominations of the body” (e.g., burns, scars, deformities)
• “Blemishes of individual character” (e.g., criminality,
• “Tribal” identities associated with marginalized groups (e.g.,
gender, race, sexual orientation, nationality)

Psychologists Ingrid Johnston-Robledo and Joan C. Chrisler argue

that menstruation fits all three categories of stigma because:
• Menstrual blood (and menstruating persons) is seen as unclean
and even more so than other bodily fluids
• Menstrual bloodstain can be seen as a blemish on one’s
character and women’s femininity, because it gives an
impression that one is unable to keep the menses discreet
and out of sight
• Menstruation is a “tribal” identity of “femaleness” - once
individuals reach menarche, they are treated differently,
told that they have grown up, urged to act lady-like, and
cautioned about sexuality. If society holds that
menstruation causes women to be physically and mentally
weaker, the stigmatisation of menstruation might mark
women as weak, emotional and out-of-control etc.

s deeply discrediting”
第⼀次認識Joyce@MenstruAction嘅時候係佢哋起港⼤搞咗場Mensural Man


我第⼀次⾒到我⾃⼰呢⼀⽅⾯嘅知識不⾜係佢哋同我幫HKU CGED搞嘅另

活動完咗之後我同Sonia@女影⾹港⼀齊⾛,佢同我講呢⼀個係我嘅”Gap of
Knowledge” 塞咗本《⽉經不平等》要我盡快填補呢⼀個空缺。兩個⽉後
Justin Chu
Chair of Student Affairs and Outreach, Committee on Gender
Equality and Diversity,
Faculty of Arts, the University of Hong Kong
I met Joyce@MenstruAction for the first time at MenstruAction’s movie
screening of Menstrual Man at HKU. I still remember I finished all my classes at
6:30pm that day, and I saw their road sign while I was walking back to the Run
Run Shaw Tower. I went into the room without even signing up for the event.

I didn’t know a lot about menstruation at that time. After all it was something
very distant from me, and not really “my business”. Think about this, for a
heterosexual boy, his partner would menstruate once every month. He should be
kinda familiar with (if the relationship has lasted for some time or if he has had
a few relationships) what to buy, how to take care of her, or how to comfort her
when she is feeling unwell. But as a “Diva Gay”, to be frank, I probably wouldn’t
have the chance to really touch even one sanitary pad throughout my whole life.
Reproduction and female bodies don’t even exist in my life after all… Or at least
this was what I thought at that time.

The first time I realised my lack of knowledge in this aspect was at a film
screening organised by me with HKU CGED and supported by MenstruAction.
It was fine when the film was played, but when I had to moderate the post-
screening discussion, it was all messed up. We had the pleasure of inviting the
director of one of the films to interact with us on FaceTime, and this was what
made it even worse. During the discussion, I realised I knew so little about
menstruation, and I couldn’t continue the discussion even if I did prepare for it.
At that time, I actually had engaged in sex education for some time already,
talking about sex or sexual relationships are just a piece of cake. But when it
came to menstruation, I totally blacked out. It seemed like I was the one being
educated, instead of the audience that day.

After the event, I left together with Sonia@Reel Women Hong Kong. She told me
this was my ”Gap of Knowledge”, gave me this book called “Ceci est mon sang”,
and asked me to fill this gap as fast as I could. Two months later, Joyce gave me
another opportunity to moderate a discussion on the relationship between
menstruation and politics. It was totally different this time. I could kinda
motivate participants to reflect on menstruation, society and politics, and think
of ways to make Hong Kong more menstrual-friendly etc. So I am really thankful
to MenstruAction for pulling me out of the chasm of “gay misogyny”, and become
a real HeForShe boy!
《新的「正常」/A NEW NORMAL》
夏瑋娜 Riva Hiranand
⼦宮內膜異位症患者 Diagnosed with endometriosis






My whole life, I thought my period pain was normal. Every month, I would spend three
days in bed, unable to work, study or exercise. From the age of 11, I wore maternity pads
while other girls wore panty liners and tampons. The pain was so excruciating I’d cry,
and would only stop crying after the painkillers kicked in and lulled me to sleep. I
avoided anything too strenuous during my period. That was normal for me.

In my culture, talking about your period is not normal. Having your period is seen as a
woman’s “curse”, a private matter not to be discussed openly. I was not allowed in Hindu
temples when I was menstruating, because it was believed you are impure and cannot be
near gods. Going out alone or at night was frowned upon too - menstruating women
were vulnerable to evil spirits, or worse, impure urges that also come around at the time
of your first period. They should stay home. No one questioned this, and neither did I –
it seemed normal.

I saw doctors regularly who told me there was nothing wrong, that the extreme pain and
excessive bleeding was just dysmenorrhea (the medical term for menstrual cramps).
“Heavy periods are normal,” they’d say. I explained the agonizing pain, the nausea, the
bloating which became so bad I couldn’t do up my pants, the fact that Panadol and
Midol didn’t work for me like they did other girls, that I woke up in the middle of the
night with muscle cramps or shaking in pain. They prescribed me more painkillers and
told me it was normal.

Right after I turned 18, I woke up one morning and as I got out of bed, felt an
involuntary rush of liquid escaping my body. Quickly I realized it was blood, and
managed to call for help before I fainted. When I woke up, we went to the hospital, and
they told me that I had endometriosis, as well as a 9-centimetre ovarian cyst, and that
they needed an operation to remove it.

I had no idea what endometriosis was but knowing it existed and that other people had
it too was a huge comfort. I had the surgery, and still have endometriosis but now have a
support network of women and men who help me through it.

I’m still angry that for almost a decade I was told I was fine, when I knew better.
Nothing feels worse than being made to feel like your symptoms don’t exist, because you
begin to accept pain as something normal and you suffer in silence.

When menstrual pain is so bad it disrupts your life, it is not normal. Too often women
have their symptoms dismissed as women’s troubles and as a result are not able to get
diagnosed. We need to break the cycle of silence and stigma around menstruation in the
home, at school, work, in our friendship groups and relationships, because if women
continue to feel shame about their periods, and are not taught about female health
diseases or are too scared to act on it, it puts their health at serious risk and that should
never be considered normal.
Ai Wei
現居⾹港的⾺來西亞華⼈ / 新⼿媽媽
Malaysian Chinese living in Hong Kong, new mom


I grew up in a traditional Malaysian Chinese family. From what I remember, my mom

talked to me about what to pay attention to during period only when my first period came.
I was in Primary 5. For other sex-related information, I only got them when our secondary
school Biology teacher taught us in class, from a purely academic perspective. The class
was mainly about human anatomy and how different organs operate. We learnt them only
for surviving exams.

I became a new mom this year. I thought that after giving birth, my period would just
resume immediately. But I figured out that breastfeeding moms would have their periods
delayed! I searched on Google and it says that the reason is, during breastfeeding, the
increased level of prolactin would cause a lower level of Gonadotropin-Releasing
Hormone, which eventually results in the inhibition of ovulation. My period came back
only after 6 months of breastfeeding. The female body is really miraculous. After
becoming a mom, I had new thoughts about my daughter’s future menstrual health
education. I wish I can educate her with more interesting and diversified ways, for example
reading relevant books together with her, or participating in handmade cloth menstrual
pad workshop together. The most important thing must be to ensure that she can
understand her choices and choose the menstrual product she wants to use!

Awarded and outstanding artwork
第⼀名 First place

奉獻 Consecration
朱仟青 / Chu Chin Ching


Menstruation is a natural biological phenomenon, which signifies

the fertility of women. Around the world, menstruation is perceived
as impure in a lot of cultural traditions, which results in taboos like
prohibiting menstruating women from participation in religious
rituals. Even though the social status of women in the modern
times has generally risen, the ancient thought that menstruation is
a taboo is still deep-rooted in society. Menstrual blood and
menstrual products are still perceived as unclean.

I air-dried and disinfected used tampons, made use of menstrual

blood and menstrual products as ingredients to make a bouquet,
with the hope to break the perceived “uncleanness” of
menstruation with the loveliness of flowers. I brought the bouquet
to the Tam Kung Tin Hau Temple, and put it in front of the statue
of Nüwa, the goddess of fertility as offering. Apart from exploring
traditional concepts and social taboos, it also represents the
consecration of women for their ability to give birth, while lauding
menstruation as the god-given symbol of the strength of women.
Period Pad’s Pride
徐安程 / Chue On Ching

These three paintings are in a series.

Nowadays, girls would be scared of
having their sanitary pads spotted by
other people, or people around them
would think that menstruation is
something unclean. But I think that
menstruation is a meaningful thing,
and should not be criticised by other
people. In the first painting, there is a
girl who is also a menstrual pad. I
hope that we females can embrace
“menstruation”, embrace it like a
menstrual pad, and bring vivid,
independent red to the purely white
第⼆名 Second place

這是系列中的第⼆幅。畫中女⽣的裙 這是系列中第三幅。畫中女⽣的裙已
已被⼀些⾎滴染成紅⾊,亦是來⽉經 染成紅⾊了,但她仍然願意接受它,
時衛⽣⼱的情況。 將這視為⼀件值得驕傲的事。

This is the second painting in the series. This is the third painting in the series.
The girl’s dress has been stained with The girl’s dress has been become totally
blood drops and has become red. This is red, but she is still willing to accept it
the situation of a menstrual pad during and she thinks of it as something to be
period. proud of.
第三名 Third place

何卓逸 / Ho Cheuk Yat


Inspired by Chapter 28 of Laozi’s Tao Te Jing: “Who

knows his manhood’s strength, yet still his female
feebleness maintains; as to one channel flow the many
drains, all come to him, yea, all beneath the sky. Thus he
the constant excellence retains; the simple child again,
free from all stains.”, this work showcases the toughness
and the flexibility of female.

Menstruation is the origin and the start of life, and is the

beginning of the bloodline of mankind. The work is
backgrounded by rivers and streams of water, which
signify the making of life in water. The virantly flowing
red which signifies menstruation is the highlight of the
artwork. The creation of this work is casual and
spontaneous, showing that menstruation is natural, and is
the essence of life that comes naturally with life.
Spreading Out in Red Blossom
林術慧 / Lam Shut Wai



Red is blood in bleeding, and the pain of period.

Red is a beautiful colour. Most of the flowers has Red

colour aspect which beautify our vision.

Women have this nature’s cycle in their body, it makes

sense to me, in a poetic, magical way, that nature’s red
blossom holds and supports me as I change, move, grow,
and heal.
We Are Warriors
Kitty Bertrand
這幅作品”We Are Warriors”以藝術⼯作者⽂晶瑩的作品”Beautiful
是女性⾃然的⽣理週期,並且應該被接納,⽽非抗拒。”We Are

Inspired by Phoebe Man's "Beautiful Flowers", the piece "We Are

Warriors" showcases the strength and beauty of being a woman. The
tampon being turned into a flower symbolises the beauty of the female
anatomy thus of women; the red tint on it is lipstick, implying how
beauty standards subconsciously shape our view of what it means to
be a woman. The paint on the model’s face is a symbolism of strength,
showcasing the power that girls have to have when facing issues such
as major discrimination like being put in huts when on their periods,
or shamed for having pads in public. The intense glare of the model is
a way of recognising the horrors many girls must go through while
trying to showcase their strength and empowerment. Furthermore, the
religious imagery of the necklace exhibits the truth that menstruation
is a relevant aspect of every woman’s life, no matter their race or
religious beliefs. Additionally, the nature present in the background of
the image further emphasises that menstruation is a biologically
natural process that women go through and that it should be
embraced rather than rejected. The artwork “We Are Warriors”
attempts to bring to light the intricacies that come with menstruating,
all while trying to break social taboos.
Relaxation and Exploring Femininity
Iqra Abbasi

When I used to have my period in my adolescence, I felt bloated,

unclean, and groggy. It had to take a lot of introspection and reflection
for me to realise that menstruation is a time of fertility and self-care.
It's the time of the month when a woman can be proud of her body, her
femininity, and her strength. Hence, to me, when I think of
menstruation, I think about kicking back and relaxing, while
simultaneously being proud of my body and its wonders. When I'm on
my period, I dismiss the negative implications society has regarding
menstruation. Instead, I choose to treat myself with nice warm baths
and exquisite herbal teas, feeling proud to be a woman. My artwork
therefore serves to encourage women to pamper and love themselves
and their wondrous bodies when it is their time of the month. To me,
menstruation signifies beauty and femininity, which accounts for my
heavy use of floral patterns in my artwork. I hope that through my art,
I can influence more women to realise their strength and femininity
during menstruation, which although is a challenging time, is also a
time for serenity and pampering.
My blood is not blue
陳海雅 / Chan Hoi Ngar

我⽤即影即有相紙,布質 Washi tape 拼貼出這作品,


以「blue blood」為幽默的詞,說出我們只是⼈類,男

Menstrual blood is a taboo. In TV advertisements for

sanitary pads, there is no menstrual blood. The liquid used
to promote anti-leak and highly absorbent sanitary pads
is purified blue liquid. Blue is stainless, as pure and fresh
as the female model in the advertisement. The bloodstain
is only for the real-life users.

I used an instant film and fabric Washi tape to make this

collage. The red paper is the “true colours”.

With the humorous phrase “blue blood”, this work speaks

out that we are all humans, no matter male or female.
Thorn (刺)
錢銀笑 / Qian Yinxiao
The pain and nausea experienced during menstruation is
irresistible. There is nothing to cling onto, so the only way
is to accept it, to endure it, and to repeatedly awake and
pass out. The whole body is filled with the gloom of fog
which spreads endlessly. The roughness of the texture and
the ink marks that seem to be both dark and light are my
words, they express an unspeakable process and
unspeakable feelings.
陳鍵婷 / Chan Kin Ting


與其逃避 倒不如接受它的存在

Menstruation is unavoidable to me. Whenever it comes, I

feel weak, helpless, and the agonising pain...

But it is a part of us women, it coexists with us.

Instead of escaping from it, it is better to accept its


維條碼。Full version of this artwork
cannot be shown here due to nudity. Please
scan the QR code on the left for the original
A Close-up of
Innocent Endometrium
五三 / Lesley




When I first noticed the endometrium on my pad, I had no

idea what it was. I put it onto a piece of tissue and showed
to my mum with curiosity while I received only with the
word “disgusting”.

I then got to know its official name via searching online,

and noticed that it came normally from my body along
with menstruation. While I still hardly understand why it
was regarded as “disgusting” since it was part of my body.
Or was it really because that my body produced disgusting

This was the moment when my endometrium accidentally

slipped on the floor after I had just finished showering.
The first reaction of me was taking an extreme look into it
with all my doubt I had so far. Then I found that it was
just the way it was, without any emotion, sentiment and
colored spectacles but absolutely endometrium.
Printed for the “I am period-positive” - Menstruation and You Creative
Visual Arts Exhibition, organised by MenstruAction and 480.0 Gender
& Art Space, sponsored by Hong Kong Sociological Association and
Women Helping Women Hong Kong.

Published on 1 November, 2019.

All rights reserved.

Hosted by主辦機構 Sponsored by 贊助機構

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    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
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  • 反擊 48
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    反擊 48
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 39
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    反擊 39
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 58
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    反擊 58
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 53
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    反擊 53
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 67
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    反擊 67
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 26
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    Dokument8 Seiten
    反擊 26
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 65
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    反擊 65
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 43
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    反擊 43
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 63
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    反擊 63
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 64
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    Dokument12 Seiten
    反擊 64
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 20
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    Dokument8 Seiten
    反擊 20
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 21
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    Dokument8 Seiten
    反擊 21
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 37
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    反擊 37
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 47
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    Dokument8 Seiten
    反擊 47
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 50
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    Dokument8 Seiten
    反擊 50
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 36
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    Dokument8 Seiten
    反擊 36
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 31
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    Dokument8 Seiten
    反擊 31
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 60
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    Dokument12 Seiten
    反擊 60
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 33
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    Dokument8 Seiten
    反擊 33
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 35
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    Dokument8 Seiten
    反擊 35
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 34
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    Dokument8 Seiten
    反擊 34
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen
  • 反擊 42
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    Dokument8 Seiten
    反擊 42
    Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women
    Noch keine Bewertungen