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The EU’s Chemical Policy

Angela Logomasini

Regulations enacted in the European Union into commerce. Currently, government officials
(EU) increasingly are having worldwide effects, must bear the burden of proving that a product
warranting greater attention among policymak- is unsafe before removing it from the market.
ers in the United States and around the world. REACH would reverse that burden, demand-
Not only do EU directives affect the 27 EU ing that firms conduct extensive tests to dem-
member nations, but EU regulations also can onstrate product safety. Because manufacturers
become trade barriers and affect thousands of cannot prove that anything is 100 percent safe,
businesses around the globe that are directly or that policy would likely produce arbitrary bans
indirectly linked to the EU’s substantial share in on many relatively safe substances and would
the world market through international trade. discourage innovation.
The EU’s new chemicals policy—called REACH As the name implies, there are several regu-
(Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of latory components of REACH. The registra-
Chemicals)—should be of special concern, as it tion phase mandates that firms register prod-
will have serious worldwide impacts. REACH ucts with the government when they produce
officially took effect in June 2007. or import them at levels of one metric ton or
REACH uses the so-called precautionary more per year. The second stage—evaluation—
principle by requiring companies to prove that involves consideration of whether the govern-
their products are safe before their introduction ment will demand further study of chemicals.

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Chemicals deemed as substances of “special tion of chemicals. Nor does the study consider
concern” during evaluation must undergo the indirect impacts associated with the cancella-
next stage—authorization. After demanding tion of chemicals under REACH. The Euro-
further study and review of chemicals during pean Chemical Industry Association, known as
authorization, regulators then decide which Cefic, has indicated that it expects that firms
substances to ban or regulate and which to could stop producing as much as 30 percent of
give final approval. substances currently produced at relatively low
The REACH proposal includes some ex- levels (1 to 100 metric tons per year), because
emptions for things that are obviously safe, the costs of regulations may make such prod-
such as water, as well as some products regu- ucts unprofitable. In addition, REACH will
lated under other directives, such as medical reduce innovation significantly, because lower
products, food additives, cosmetics, and pes- profits and the costs of registration will leave
ticides. In addition, REACH exempts most fewer resources for new product research and
polymers, but the commission likely will try development. In addition, there may be fewer
to include those in the program at a future kinds and reduced amounts of raw materials
date. Existing regulations currently cover only available as importing costs grow substantially
firms that manufacture chemicals. REACH higher.
covers anyone who produces, imports, or uses All studies acknowledge that REACH will
a regulated substance. REACH also covers lead manufacturers to stop producing some
downstream users, which include formulators products rather than go through registration
(such as paint manufacturers) and firms that bureaucracy. The impacts associated with the
use chemicals in their production processes or elimination of just a few substances during the
as ingredients. registration phase—not to mention the loss of
products during the evaluation and authoriza-
Economic Scope tion stages—could be substantial. According
to a study by KPMG, “Formulators typically
The cost estimates of the REACH program use a particular critical substance in many of
could be as high as €5.2 billion, according a their formulations. So the loss of only a few
European Commission–funded study.1 How- critical substances would affect a large part
ever, nearly all the estimates likely understate of their portfolio, resulting in large-scale re-
the costs of the program, because they consider formulation.”2
only a fraction of REACH costs—the registra- In addition, cost studies have found that
tion costs. The study does not consider the costs REACH will reduce innovation and harm busi-
of the latter, potentially more expensive, stages nesses in the EU nations that need development
of the program: the evaluation and authoriza- the most—the newer EU members in Eastern

1. Joan Canton and Ch. Allen, A Microeconomic

Model to Assess the Economic Impacts of the EU’s New 2. KPMG Business Advisory Services, REACH—
Chemicals Policy, (Brussels: European Commission/DG Further Work on Impact Assessment: A Case Study Ap-
Enterprise, November 2003), proach (Amstelveen, Netherlands: KPMG Business Ad-
enterprise/reach/docs/reach/effects_new_chem_pol- visory Services, April 2005),
icy-2003_11_17.pdf. enterprise/reach/docs/reach/kpmg_summary.pdf, p. 21.

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Europe.3 Small businesses throughout Europe own study, users of specialty chemicals likely
also will have a particularly hard time, accord- will suffer serious repercussions.6
ing to nearly all studies. One study notes, “The
heaviest burden will be on SMEs [small and Trade Implications
medium-sized enterprises] which cannot con-
sistently fulfill the REACH requirements and REACH also promises to have protection-
so it is predicted that most of them may face ist effects that likely will trigger World Trade
financial troubles, may be taken over by bigger Organization (WTO) disputes. In a presenta-
ones, or even shut down.”4 tion to the EU Parliament in January 2005,
REACH’s impact isn’t going to fall only on Marco Bronckers, chair of the WTO and inter-
Europe, because the United States and other national trade law professor at the Law Uni-
nations are inextricably linked to the EU econ- versity of Lieden, detailed many of REACH’s
omy through trade. The United States exports trade-related problems. For example, he noted
more than $20 billion in chemical products that under international trade agreements,
and invests more than $4 billion in the EU regulations must be “not more trade restrictive
chemical and related industry sectors annually. than necessary to fulfill a legitimate objective,
In addition, U.S. firms export more than $400 taking account of the risks non-fulfillment
billion in products containing chemicals, some would create.”7 REACH’s volume-focused
of which may fall under the scope of REACH requirements are likely to violate this WTO
regulations. The United States also imports requirement. Because low-risk substances will
more than $40 billion of chemicals from Eu- be regulated under REACH simply because
rope each year.5 of their high volume, the regulations may be
The U.S. government mission to the EU has deemed arbitrary.
pointed out that REACH is expected to ad-
versely affect tens of billions of dollars of trade Questionable Benefits
in chemicals and products. Affected sectors
will probably include textiles, pharmaceuticals, Most of the claims made about REACH’s
electronics, automobiles, and advanced materi- benefits involve speculative comments sprin-
als. According to the European Commission’s kled throughout various studies. Those specu-
lations have taken on the character of gossip;
they gain credibility simply by being repeated,
and some are embellished in subsequent re-
3. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS),
Implementation of REACH in the New Member States
iterations. A review of underlying data finds
(Brussels: European Commission, 2005), http://europa. either that references are lacking or that the
4. Ibid., 91. 6. Ibid.
5. Gary Litman, “Comments on the EU Commission 7. Marco Bronckers, paper presented before the Euro-
Consultation Document Concerning the Registration, pean Parliament, Joint Public Hearing, A WTO Perspec-
Evaluation, Authorization, and Restrictions of Chemicals tive: Imported Products, January 19, 2004, http://www.
(REACH),” U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington,
DC, July 9, 2003. Bronckers/bronckersen.pdf.

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claims greatly mischaracterize the research pesticides use.” It notes that health problems
they cite. usually “arise from improper application or
For example, The European Commission’s container disposal.”12 REACH is not designed
2003 Extended Impact Assessment of REACH to address acute poisoning or misuse of chemi-
claims that REACH might save 4,500 lives, cals whose properties are well known. In fact,
according to data provided in a World Bank many of the substances involved in the World
study on environmental health risks around the Bank study are likely pesticides that will be ex-
world.8 That claim is repeated in a study pro- empted from REACH regulations. Hence, that
duced by Tufts University for the Nordic Coun- statistic is completely irrelevant to REACH’s
cil.9 Similarly, that World Bank figure is used benefits calculations—yet somehow REACH
by the World Wildlife Fund’s analysis,10 which advocates have been able to use it to justify
relies on that claim to arrive at a net benefit their program.
estimate for REACH. Another questionable set of benefits claims
Yet the World Bank report11 relates to prob- stems from a more formal benefits study pro-
lems associated with high-level exposures to duced for the European Commission by Risk
agrochemicals, most of which are related to Policy Analysts Limited (RPA), which purports
improper use of chemicals. Acute poisoning is to have produced hard numbers document-
“the most often cited health consequence of ing REACH benefits in terms of occupational
safety.13 The report does one thing right: it ac-
8. “Regulation of the European Parliament and the knowledges that REACH benefits will not result
Council Concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Au- from better management of chemicals risks that
thorization, and Restrictions of Chemicals, Establishing governments manage today. Accordingly, the
a European Chemicals Agency and Amending Directive RPA study attempts to quantify work-related
1999/45/EC and Regulation (EC) {on Persistent Organic
Pollutants},” Commission Staff Working Paper COM illnesses that are caused by unknown chemical
(2003) 644, Commission of the European Communities, sources. But if the causes are unknown, how
Brussels, October 29, 2003), 30, can anyone deem them to be caused by chemi-
comm/enterprise/reach/docs/reach/eia-sec-2003_1171. cals used in the workplace?
Such ambiguity leads to some really slip-
9. Frank Ackerman and Rachel Massey, The True Costs
of REACH (Medford, MA: Global Development and En-
pery “science.” The study’s design is the first
vironmental Institute, Tufts University, 2004), 51, http:// and most obvious problem. A good study collects data in a systematic and consistent
tcm29-130918.pdf. way, using a clear set of scientific standards.
10. David Pearce and Phoebe Koundouri, The Social In addition, the study’s data should be made
Costs of REACH: The Cost and Benefits of Future available to the public so that the study can
Chemicals Policy in the European Union (Weyside Park,
U.K.: World Wildlife Fund, May 2003), 28, http://www. 12. Ibid., p. 38.
11. Kseniya Lvovksy, Health and Environment, Envi- 13. Assessment of the Business Impacts of New Regula-
ronment Strategy Papers, Number 1, (Washington, D.C.: tions in the Chemicals Sector, Prepared for the European
World Bank, November 2001), p. 35, http://lnweb18. Commission Enterprise Directorate-General (Norfolk, UK: Risk and Policy Analysts Limited, 2002), produced
nmentStrategyPaperNo1HealthandEnvironment200136 in association with Statistics Sweden, http://www.chemi-

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International Policy

be reproduced, and the study should pass a many are likely to miss the deadline, creating
peer review. None of those standards applies serious compliance problems for many. Such
to RPA’s REACH benefits study. RPA collected realities are likely to harm small firms the most,
data from government agencies in various EU many of which may have to abandon business
nations, and each of those nations used differ- with Europe.15
ent data collection methods—some good, some In the United States, legislators are consid-
not so good. In addition, rather than using one ering revisions to the Toxic Substances Control
year as a sample year, RPA used different sam- Act to reshape it into a REACH-styled program.
ple years for different nations based on what Currently, the law allows the Environmental
data each nation had available. The data also Protection Agency to regulate chemicals when
are not publicly available; hence, the study is it determines the substances pose unreason-
difficult—if not impossible—to reproduce. able risks. A REACH-styled revision might
The study then takes all the murky data for a apply the precautionary principle, shifting the
limited set of countries and extrapolates risks burden by requiring industry to demonstrate
for the entire European Union. When a study safety. Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) com-
makes such extrapolations, it should at least missioned the Government Accountability Of-
have a reasonably representative sample. But fice to study the issue and outline the differ-
the haphazard nature of RPA’s data collection ences between REACH and TSCA.16 However,
effort makes such extrapolations nothing more the Bush Administration has taken the issue
than a desperate attempt to generate something in another direction, negotiating a voluntary
from nothing. agreement—under the Security and Prosperity
Partnership (SPP)—with the governments of
Recent and Upcoming Issues Canada and Mexico to increase research on
chemicals. “In some ways, SPP is an unofficial
Between June and November in 2008 com- response to REACH, by trying to do a better
panies are required to pre-register their chemi- job of collecting risk assessment data on high
cals with the European Chemicals Agency, yet priority chemicals,” according to Bill Allmond
at least half are unprepared according to one of the Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufac-
survey.14 Firms that preregister will then fol- turers Association.17 Unfortunately, such volun-
low REACH’s long-term registration schedule,
which sets separate dates for various industry
segments and that allows small businesses a lon-
15. “Many Small Companies May be Unaware of
ger time to comply. However, firms that fail to REACH Requirements,” Chemical Week 169, no. 39
preregister by December 2008 will be required (November 28, 2007): 7.
to register immediately. But REACH’s bureau- 16. CHEMICAL REGULATION: Comparison of U.S.
cratic mandates are so complicated that many and Recently Enacted European Union Approaches to
firms and small businesses cannot determine if Protect against the Risks of Toxic Chemicals (Washing-
they must file and what they must report, and ton, D.C.: USGAO, August 2007),
17. Kara Sissell, “Global Regulations: The Burden In-
14. “50 Percent of Firms ‘Not Prepared’ for REACH,” tensifies,” Chemical Week 169, no. 36 (November 7,
Chemical Week 169, no. 37 (November 14, 2007), 5. 2007): 1.

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The Environmental Source

tary programs are often simply a forerunner to Recommended Readings

government regulation.
Logomasini, Angela. 2005. “Europe’s Global
Conclusion REACH: Costly for the World, Suicidal for
Europe.” Institut Hayek, Louvain-la-Neuve,
Any serious analysis of the EU’s REACH Belgium.
policy reveals that its economic effects are imagesup/Reach_EN.pdf.
not good for Europe and its trade partners. Logomasini, Angela. 2005. “EU Trade Union’s
REACH’s effects could be particularly dire for OverREACHing Benefits Analysis.” Institut
new EU member nations, developing nations, Hayek, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. http://
and small businesses. Meanwhile, documented
benefits of the program are nonexistent. content&task=view&id=345&Itemid=40.
Logomasini, Angela. 2006. “Still OverREACH-
Key Contact ing: The European Union’s Proposed Chem-
icals Policy Has Not Been Fixed.” Institut
Angela Logomasini, Director of Risk and Hayek, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. http://
Environmental Policy, Competitive Enterprise
Institute, content&task=view&id=1090&Itemid=1.

Updated 2008.

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