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The Bulletin

Union Temple of Brooklyn

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism

DECEMBER 2010 KISLEV-TEVET 5771 Vol. 162, No 4

(visiting the sick)
Sunday morning SHABBAT MIKEITZ
December 12th at Friday Evening
Shabbat Chanukah Celebration (Please note time.)
6:15 PM

10:00 AM The Religious School and Adult Choir will participate

Dinner to follow
See page 4 for details 4 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
Shabbat Chanukah Morning Service
Conversion ceremony for Igor Shkubel
Torah: Genesis 41:1-44:17 Haftarah: Zekhariah 4-1:7
10 Friday Evening 6:30 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
11 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
Torah: Genesis 44:18 Haftarah: Ezekiel 37:15-28
17 Friday Evening
Tot Shabbat— 5 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat—6:15 PM
18 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
Shabbat Morning Service
Torah: Genesis 47:28-50:26 Haftarah: I Kings 2:1-12
24 Friday Evening 8:00 PM
Late Shabbat
25 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
CELEBRATE Shabbat Morning Service
Torah: Exodus 1:1-6:1 Haftarah: Isaiah 27:6-28:13; 29:22-23
31 Friday Evening 6:30 PM
CHANUKAH Kabbalat Shabbat
JAN 1 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM
AT UNION TEMPLE Shabbat Morning Service

See page 6 for details! Torah: Exodus 6:2-9:35 Haftarah: Ezekiel 28:25-29:21
Rabbi’s Message

Do Not Stand Idly By

Lo ta’amod al dam rei’echa. . . . “Do not stand idly by the blood of your
neighbor.” So says the Book of Leviticus, which we read every year on the
afternoon of Yom Kippur in the “Holiness Code.” Our Torah teaches us
that when we have knowledge of innocent people being hurt, we cannot
stand by and do nothing.
Protecting the LGBT Community. . . . The rash of suicides among gay, les-
bian, bisexual and transgender youth in the past few months has starkly ac-
centuated for us the danger that this community is in. Inner personal con-
flicts have only been exacerbated by bullying and intolerance to which gay
kids are subjected all the time. As Jews, we cannot stand by and do nothing.
An online pledge of solidarity . . . . The advocacy organization Keshet,
which in Hebrew means “rainbow,” is headquartered in Boston. Keshet is
dedicated to full inclusion of the LGBT community in Jewish life. Keshet has endorsed and circulated an
online pledge to members of the Jewish community. I have signed this online statement as a member of the
Women’s Rabbinic Network. I am glad to say that our Board of Trustees formally endorsed this pledge at its
November meeting, and encourages all of you, our congregants, to endorse it and sign onto it as well. The
pledge itself follows, and can be accessed at:

Do Not Stand Idly By: A Jewish Community Pledge to Save Lives. . . .

As members of a tradition that sees each person as created in the divine image, we respond with anguish
and outrage at the spate of suicides brought on by homophobic bullying and intolerance. We hereby
commit to ending homophobic bullying or harassment of any kind in our synagogues, schools, organiza-
tions, and communities. As a signatory, I pledge to speak out when I witness anyone being demeaned for
their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. I commit myself to do whatever I can to
ensure that each and every person in my community is treated with dignity and respect.
During our upcoming Festival of Lights, we will celebrate our freedom and self-assertiveness as Jews. May
our celebration this Chanukah season move us to bring light into the corners of darkness created by bigotry,
ignorance, and fear. As we remember Chanukat HaMizbeiach, the Rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem,
may we rededicate ourselves to turning the darkness of bigotry and fear into the light of understanding, re-
spect, and embrace. And to all, a Chag Urim Sameach - a very Happy Chanukah.
-Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman

Officer’s Column

Stay Warm at Union Temple

This year we get a nice start to December with Chanukah coming right at the beginning of the month.
Join us for Shabbat Chanukah on Friday, December 3rd. This is always one of the nicest events of the year
at the temple. Please remember, as at all services and programs at Union Temple, all of your extended family,
friends, and acquaintances are welcome.
As we get into the colder and drearier months we will have many interesting programs here at the temple. We
also are open to your suggestions for programs that you would like to have. Please contact our president,
Doris Klueger, or Rabbi Goodman with your ideas.
Happy Chanukah!
-Henry Singer, Vice President

“What’s Next? Jewish Views of the Afterlife”

Adult Education Seminar
2 Wednesday Evenings: December 8 & 15
7:30—9:00 PM
Rabbi Goodman will lead us in discussion on the historical and
theological perspectives of Jewish tradition on this question. Some of
them may surprise you! We also will discuss emotional issues that drive
our speculation on this topic of fascination to us all. Rabbi Goodman will
address questions that she has been asked over the years, including:
- Will we see our loved ones again?
- Do Jews believe in resurrection?
- What is the real significance of saying Kaddish?
- What does Judaism mean by “The World To Come?”
- What is Sheol?
- Is there a “Heaven” and a “Hell” for Jews?
- Can we achieve immortality?
- What does Messianic hope really mean?
- Do Jews believe in reincarnation?
- Do our burial and mourning practices have eschatological significance?
- Does our behavior on earth bring future rewards or punishments?


Who are Those Men in the Black Hats?

“The weather outside is frightful…” Well, you know shows a tenacious reporter and an intellectually curi-
what comes next but this December there’s no reason ous person on the case. Samuel G. Freedman in the
to hide from the weather when there are exciting New York Times Book Review says ‘Fishkoff has
events happening with Brotherhood. brought the scattered
On Sunday, December 12th at 10 AM Brotherhood shlichim indelibly together
and Sisterhood are cosponsoring a Bikkur Holim train- on the page."
ing session to help us learn how to cope with visiting Even if you have not read
and comforting people who are ill. the book plan on attending
On Sunday, December 19th the question of who are this very interesting discus-
those men in black hats lining Eastern Parkway at the sion.
Lubavitcher headquarters, will be answered. Abe Bar- Finally, a thank you to
nett will lead a book discussion on the “Rebbe’s Rabbi Linda Henry Good-
Army: Inside the World of Chabad-Lubavitch” by man for leading us in a
award winning journalist Sue Fishkoff. The book is a Havdalah ceremony last
fascinating and first hand look into the beliefs and month (pictured right.)
ways of the Lubavitcher Jews. "The Rebbe's Army
-David Rapheal, Secretary

Finding the “Joyful Heart”
As Jews, we are all obliged to perform mitzvot. The your friends and bring your questions. Bring your ap-
Sefer Mitzvoth Gadel lists 613 of them. Our sages tell petites too, for, as always, delicious refreshments will
us that it is not enough that we observe and perform be served.
these mitzvot, but that we must do so with a willing We want to thank everyone who joined Sisterhood and
and even a joyful heart. We all know that, with some Brotherhood for our joint Havdalah and Rosh Chodesh
of these commandments, that is easier said than done. reception Saturday evening, November 6th. Our spe-
For example, though we may be willing to perform the cial thanks to Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman for lead-
mitzvah of bikkur holim (visiting the sick), many of ing us in a moving observance of the one-year anni-
us find the "joyful heart" part of that obligation diffi- versary of the arrest of Nofrat Frankel at the Kotel. It
cult to fulfill. What do we say at the bedsides of loved is exciting to know that the photographs taken of
ones, friends, colleagues, and fellow congregants that women holding the Torah will be sent to Women of
will sound sincere and be helpful and uplifting? What the Wall. Following the service, our group moved on
can we do that will truly bring them comfort? to enjoy November's First Saturday at the Brooklyn
Sunday, December 12th at 10 AM., Sisterhood and Museum, which featured an exhibition by Brooklyn
Brotherhood will join together to help us find the an- artist Fred Tomaselli, folk music by The Wingdale
swers to these important, heart-wrenching questions. Community Singers, an electronica dance party, and
The Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services an all-woman Klezmer group.
will present a Bikkur Holim Training Session designed Sisterhood wishes everyone a happy Chanukah. May
specifically for Union Temple. They will teach us how the joy of the holiday remain in our hearts throughout
to relax and be truly supportive to those who need our the year, and may the glow from the candles in our
comfort and encouragement when they are ill. This is
menorahs light the way to peace in our world.
a vital program on a subject that touches all our lives,
and we thank Jannette Katz for organizing it. Bring -Barbara Brett, Recording Secretary


Hatching New Plans For Autumn

Autumn is full of activity at the Preschool. One of the highlights of the season is our annual chick hatching pro-
ject. Farmer Paula joined us on a Monday morning in October with Henry the rooster and Henrietta the hen.
The incubator/chick nursery resided in the Preschool office. On Monday evening as I got ready to leave for the
day, I rotated the eggs and noticed that they were not at their usual warm and toasty temperature. I got on the
phone immediately to Quiver Farm in Pennsylvania to report the problem and ask for help. The “on-call farmer”
said to place a thermometer in the incubator over night and to call in the morning. The next day, the eggs were
still cool, and so our old friend Farmer Larry stopped by on one of his many educational trips to New York
schools, removed our broken incubator and replaced all of the eggs. The egg switch was not part of our usual
chicken curriculum! A few days later, eleven of the twelve eggs hatched. We all loved them and petted them, fed
them and sent them back to the farm to be with their mommies and daddies. All’s well that ends well!
The other big fall event is our parent potluck dinner. As is always the case, we filled the Temple ballroom for
an evening of conversation and incredible food. The Preschool students created lovely centerpieces for the
event: painted pumpkins, paper flowers in decoupage vases, and mixed media sculptures.
The other big fall event was “Music All-Together.” Most weeks each class has music with Yoshie in their
classrooms. Once a month, we all join together in the big room for a school wide music class. This past month
we were also joined by
Carole Gould, the princi-
pal of the Religious
School. Carole visited the
Hummingbirds (the fours
class) and read them a
story about Noah. She
also joined us in the big
room and helped us cele-
brate Shabbat with Yo-
shie. It was wonderful
having Carole visit the
preschoolers; we hope to
continue to nurture the
relationship between Pre-
school and Religious
School with such events!
The Preschool is cur-
rently offering tours and
accepting applications for
the 2011-2012 school
year. To schedule a tour
please either call the pre-
school at 718-623-1322
or e-mail us at uniontem-
-Susan Sporer,
Preschool Director

Religious School

This is What We Do
As my ancestors planted for me, so do I plant for my children. (Babylonian Talmud, Taanit 23a)
The Sages valued learning above all. More than 2,000 years ago, they recognized that learning connects us
with our past, secures our future and helps us to live our daily lives as ethical and moral human beings. Here’s
what UT students learn on Sunday mornings...
9:30-9:45 — All-school havdallah ceremony. We gather in a circle to begin the day with havdalah,
the ceremony that separates Shabbat from the week. We sing the blessings over the grape juice, the sweet-
smelling spices and the big braided candle.
9:45-10:45 — Class time: Our curriculum focuses on Bible stories, the Jewish calendar (Hanukkah
next), God, prayer and Hebrew language.
10:45-10:55 — Snack.
11-11:40 — Tefillah. Our students learn the Hebrew text, melodies and meanings of the prayer service,
and a devar Torah (word of Torah). Here’s a favorite:
There once lived a king who loved jewels. He sent his servants and ministers far and wide to find a
magic ring of which he had heard. After many years, one of his servants finds the ring in an old man's store
and brings it to the king. The ring is plain and unadorned, but for the message “gam zo ya’avor” (this too shall
pass) inscribed on it. The king finally understood the magic of the ring: it reminded him that when he was sad,
or angry, or things were not going well that “gam zo ya’avor” (this too shall pass). It reminded him too when
things were going well to be grateful and humble for the gifts he had. Keeping this message in mind is not al-
ways easy to do, but it's worth striving toward.
11:45-12:15 — Class time. All students learn the Prayer of the Month (Nov.: Shema uvir’khote’ha)
and Word of the Week: (Nov. 10: berakha/blessing).
12:15-12:30 — Family Learning. Parents sit with their children, who review what they learned that
morning. I also offer a Jew Q&A (fun Jewish fact). Here are two:
• Who said, "Man cannot live by bread alone"? (Moses, Deuteronomy 8:3; Jesus, Matthew 4:4).
• What is the source of the phrase, "Proclaim liberty throughout the land..." inscribed on the Liberty Bell
in Philadelphia? (Leviticus 25:10).
-Carole Gould, Educator/Rabbinic Intern

Honoring Women of the Wall

Our Havdalah service to conclude Shabbat was followed immedi-
ately by a brief Rosh Chodesh ceremony to usher in the month of
Kislev. We recalled that it was just last year on Rosh Cho-
desh Kislev that the Israeli medical student Nofrat Frenkel, a
Masorti (Conservative) Jew, was arrested at the Western Wall as
she celebrated Rosh Chodesh with Women Of the Wall. She was
arrested for wearing a talit under her raincoat, where it was alleg-
edly visible to others. We celebrated Rosh Chodesh Kislev at our
temple, with the talit from Women Of The Wall, and by embracing
the Torah as women before the open Ark. Indeed, the Torah was
given to ALL Jews, and we are determined to claim it as our right-
ful inheritance.

UT Shows Its Crafty Side
Union Temple’s creative side showed itself last month when some of the Temple’s very tal-
ented artists showcased their work at the annual Union Temple Arts and Craft Show.

Donated by ........................................................................ in memory of
Jonathan Kurfirst and Beth Lawrence ............................................... Saul Kurfirst and Arlene Lawrence
Arlene Greenlinger ............................................................................ Sylvia Ebner
Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman ........................................................... Celia Abrams
Donated by ........................................................................ in honor of
Joyce M. Charles ............................................................................... Union Temple
Donated by ........................................................................ in memory of
Hortense Hurwitz .............................................................................. Helen Lenkowsky
Marianne C. Dreyfus ......................................................................... Helen Lenkowsky
Donated by
Leona Spector.................................................................................... with best wishes

Thank you for Your Yom Kippur Appeal Donation

Maurie Bar-Tura Ralph Julius
Michael Barnett and Kaitlin Bell David Kaplan
Maria Behar Doris Klueger
Rachel Bergmann Nessa Langer
Christine Campbell Jason Meyer
Rene Chapman Virginia Papper
Eleanor Forman Adam Richman and Ya Yaawand-Wossen
Alla Gerich Steven Rifkind and Devorah Fong-Rifkind
Maria Glenn Rachel Schwartz
Alla Godelman and Igor Shkubel Howard and Linda Simka
Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman and Henry and Sue Singer
Rabbi Stephen W. Goodman Richard and Marlene Steinhauer
Jack and Helen Gorelick Myra Tattenbaum
Elliot Greene and Amy Loewenberg David Unger
Aimee Greenstein Charles and Sylvia Walowitz
Stephen and Bea Hanks Audrey Wolfe
Hortense Hurwitz Carol Zide


A Jewish Response to Hunger
Donate 3% of your food expenditures
on their marriage
Give to our MAZON
in New Hampshire
tzedakah can at temple dinners.
on August 25 Find out more at:

Memorial Plaques
Max Goldberg ................................................... December 1, 1947
The Bulletin
Elizabeth Perlo .................................................. December 2, 1948
Jacob Fogel ........................................................ December 3, 1917
Union Temple of Brooklyn
Meyer Kasdan ................................................... December 3, 1940 17 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11238
Bernard Van Raalte ........................................... December 5, 1908 (718) 638-7600
Herman L. Sherrer ............................................. December 5, 1969 Fax (718) 783-9151
Jacob M. Shaffer ............................................... December 5, 1972 E-mail
Max Baar ........................................................... December 6, 1936 Website
Abraham L. Lippin ............................................ December 6, 1970
Sol A. Liebman ................................................. December 6, 1978 Dr. Linda Henry Goodman
H. Broadman Epstein ........................................ December 6, 1997 Rabbi
Minnie Reiss ...................................................... December 7, 1921
Solomon Hamburger ......................................... December 7, 1923 Lauren Phillips
Harry C. Levinson ............................................. December 7, 1987 Student Cantor
Michael Dumey ................................................. December 8, 1939 Shinae Kim
Margaret Bo1ey ................................................. December 9, 1973 Temple Musician
Jacob Block ....................................... …….….December 10, 1931
Max Hess ......................................................... December 10, 1941 Carole Gould
Rachel Heimberger .......................................... December 11, 1947 Educator/Rabbinic Intern
Bertram Heimberger ........................................ December 10, 1985
Lena H. B. Lax ................................................ December 10, 1990 Susan Sporer
Anita M. Mandelbaum .................................... December 11, 1947 Preschool Director
Sarah Marienhoff............................................. December 11, 1958 Doris Klueger
Myrtle David ................................................... December 11, 1977 President
Michael Kraus ................................................. December 13. 1930
Fanny Petechsky .............................................. December 13, 1931 Ellen Kolikoff
Sylvia Hamburger ........................................... December 13, 1996 Henry Singer
Solomon Igelheimer ........................................ December 14, 1907 Jeffrey Stein
Fannie Igelheimer ............................................ December 14, 1930 Vice Presidents
Abraham H. Frankel ........................................ December 14, 1943
Alexander Davidson ........................................ December 14, 1978 Steven Segall
Bernard Bender ............................................... December 15, 1926 Secretary
William Meruk ................................................ December 15, 1928
Beatrice Hanks
Mary Eilperin .................................................. December 15, 1994
Harry N. Needle .............................................. December 17, 1972
Alfred Newman ............................................... December 18, 1932 Mike Baron
Byrdie Hymes .................................................. December 18, 1961 Hortense R. Hurwitz
Gussie Epstein ................................................. December 18, 1969 Honorary Presidents
Kate Heller ...................................................... December 18, 1980
Helen H. Bernstein .......................................... December 19, 1924 Eleanor Forman
Lee Ornitz........................................................ December 19, 1996 Honorary Trustee
Aaron Polisar ................................................... December 20, 1969
Jacob Iason ...................................................... December 21, 1946 David Rapheal
Edward Drexler ............................................... December 22, 1928 Bulletin Editor
Louis Schnell ................................................... December 22, 1946 John Golomb
Esther Davidson .............................................. December 23, 1928 Temple Administrator
Eva Jacobs ....................................................... December 23, 1942
Rubin Rodecker ............................................... December 23, 1969 Martin Kasdan
Eve Freiman .................................................... December 23, 1978 Funeral Director
George Kershner.............................................. December 23. 1982 (800) 522-0588
Alexander Spitzer ............................................ December 24, 1941
Union Temple suggests that its members
contact our Funeral Director
A memorial plaque is a lasting tribute to a loved one. Martin D. Kasdan of
If you wish more information regarding obtaining Boulevard-Riverside Chapels
a plaque in memory of a 1895 Flatbush Avenue
loved one please e-mail the temple at Brooklyn, NY 1-800-522-0588
or leave a message with the temple office. Proudly maintaining more
than 50 years of Temple involvement

December 2010 ~ Kislev-Tevet 5771
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 11:30 AM 4 9:00 AM
11:15 AM Preschool Robins Shabbat Morning
Preschool Shabbat Hevre
In lighting the menorah: Starlings Chanukah 10:30 AM
Celebration Shabbat
add candles from right to left, 7:00 PM 6:15 PM Service Chanukah Morning
and light them from left to right. Adult Choir Religious School, Service
Adult Choir Conversion:
Dinner to follow Igor Shkubel

Rosh Chodesh Rosh Chodesh

5 6 7 Tevet
8 Tevet
9 10 11
9:30 AM 11:30 AM 11:15 AM 11:30 AM 9:00 AM
Religious School Preschool Preschool Preschool Shabbat Morning
11:00 AM Sparrows Chickadees Hummingbirds Hevre
Intergenerational 10:30 AM
6:45 PM
Chanukah 6:30 PM Shabbat
Adult Choir
Party Officers Morning Service
7:30 PM 6:30 PM
Adult Ed Seminar Kabbalat Shabbat

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
9:30 AM 9:00 AM
Religious School Shabbat Morning
10:00 AM Hevre
Brotherhood/ 10:30 AM
Sisterhood 5:00 PM Shabbat Morning
6:00 PM
Program on 6:45 PM Tot Shabbat Service
Board of
Visiting the Sick, Adult Choir 6:30 PM
with JBFCS 7:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
Adult Ed Seminar

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
9:30 AM Hevre Vacation
Religious School
10:30 AM
10:00 AM
Shabbat Morning
Brotherhood Book
Breakfast Adult Choir 8:00 PM
Vacation Late Shabbat

26 27 30 31
No Religious School

Adult Choir 6:30 PM

Vacation Kabbalat Shabbat

Prospect Park
Health and Racquet Association
In Union Temple Building at
17 Eastern Parkway
Ask about Special discounts for
Union Temple Members

Copy & Design for
Direct Mail ● Emails ● Brochures
●Web & Print Advertising
Ellen D. Kolikoff
10% Off for Union Temple members
& Brooklyn business owners

Union Temple of Brooklyn

17 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11238
(718) 638-7600


Happy Chanukah!

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