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 The solution has to be exhibited in the form of a video (max 10 minutes) and all the members must
present in the video. Please note there will be no additional marks on the image quality of the video. But
be careful with the sound quality.
 Teams will have to solve the case in due time. The video has to be submitted in a DVD on or before 01.00
PM on 23rd February, 2017. Please note that the submission timeline will be strictly followed.
 Along with the solution please attach your Team Details in an excel file separately. The file must include
the following information:

Team name/ title:

Team leader’s name:

Member Details

No. Name Email address Team Photo (Group)

Marks Distribution
Criteria Mark’s percentage
Uniqueness of the solution 40
In Depth data mining 30
Presentation Skill 30

For Queries/concerns
Email to

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