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We all live in the world surrounded by different people with different background and personality.

Relating with others and settling our differences is not always an easy task but it’s a task that we have to
embrace since we all desire to live peacefully in a world that we shared with them no matter how
different they are to us.

Trust or suspicion, authentic communication or lies and dishonesty, unconditional love or self-interest
are just some of the possible causes of strengthening or breaking human relationship.

authentic form of communication which would be instrumental to the setting up of intersubjective


Intersubjective relationship, therefore, aims in helping individuals grow together as authentic human

Mutual understanding is an important telos of any conversation be it a simple dialogue or an

argumentation. Thoughts are refined, relationship is deepened, trust in others and confidence in oneself
are built through communication

Comprehensibility, truth, truthfulness, and rightness, for Habermas, are significant factors for authentic
dialogue to occur leading to better relationship. Habermas believes that when actors do not violate any
of the validity claims in their speech acts, it would result in intersubjective “reciprocal understanding,
shared knowledge, mutual trust, and accord with one another” (Ibid., p. 3). The byproduct of such
communication is thus a transformation in the relationship of the two individuals engaged in a dialogue.

the importance of authentic communication in the cessation of conflicts, avoidance of

misunderstanding, and establishment of intersubjective relationship. Living with others having different
characters, conviction, and thinking, it’s common for conflicts to arise at any moment and hinders good
relationship with others. Yet, this could be avoided when individuals are aware of how the use of
language, the manner of speaking, the truthfulness of the words, and the sincerity of the intention are
all affecting their understanding of the others and vice versa. It’s not enough that one is aware, he/she
must also do something about it in order to build relationship.

, the aim of dialogue to build fences through uninformed judgement but rather mutual understanding
and respect for others who are different from us. It would be hard for us to understand the others or to
recognize those people with disabilities, the underprivileged, and the LGBT group unless we sit down
and talk to them with an open ears and compassionate heart. It is through sincere dialogue that we grow
together with others as an authentic person in such a way that a long-standing stereotyping image is
dissolved; “fences” of mistrust and suspicion is overcome; mutual understanding is achieved;

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