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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

Objectives: at the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

a. explain the characteristic of heterotroph.

b. describe the movement of each protista especially the heterotroph; and
c. give examples of protest and its benefits.

Subject matter: heterotroph

Reference: Science learners module 8

Materials: marker, Manila paper

Strategy: discovery method

III. Procedure
Teachers activity Learners activity
a. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
b. Attendance
c. Review
Class what was our last topic? Sir
Yes____? Phototroph
Very good.

Who can enumerate the different

phyla? Sir
Yes_____? Chrysophyta, pyrrophyta,
chrysophyta, rhodophyta, phaeophyta
and eugleophyta.
Very good.

B. Developmental activity
a. Motivation
Class, we will have a game entitled
break the code. I will divide you into 4
groups and each group will choose 10
representatives to be in front to do the
task. The group who finish first will
receive 10 points.
Am I clear class? Yes, sir

8 5 20 15 5 18 15 20 18 15 16 8 14

b. Unlocking of difficulties
Class for the clarification of the word
meaning here are the definition of
HETEROTROPH- requiring complex
organic compounds obtains food from
other organisms.
PROTOZOAN-single cell organisms. A
parasitic pathogens to other
PARASITES- organisms that could
harm other organisms.

c. lesson proper
a. activity
class this time we will have an
activity. I will divide the group into 4
groups. I have prepared 4 station and
each station has provided question.
Group 1 will go to station 1 and group
2 will go to station 2 and the rest will
follow. (make sure that you answer all
the question in every station). After
reporting will follows.

Am I clear class? Yes, sir

Station 1. Characteristics of
Station 2. 5 phylum
Station 3. Disease caused by protozoa
Station 4. Types of movement of

Times up. Post your manil;a paper.

The first to report is the group 1,2,3,
and 4. Lets start. Group 1 reporting…

Very good. Give 5 claps Group 2 reporting….

Awesome. Give 5 claps Group 3 reporting….

Excellent. Give 5 claps Group 4 repoting…..

Expectacular. Give 5 claps

b. Analysis
Why some organisms need to harm
another organism? Sir
Yes____? For their survival
Very good.

Are all organisms belong to

heterotrophs are harmful? Sir
Yes___? Some, because some are also
beneficial to other organisms.
Very good.

c. Abstraction
What are the characteristic of
heterotrophy? Sir
Yes____? Parasitic, harmful and can cause
disease but some are beneficial
Very good.
What are those diseases? Sir
Yes____? Amoeba, diarrhea, malaria and
Very good.

d. Application
Class, we will have another activity.
With the same group all you have to
do Is to give example of protist and its
benefits. Write all your ideas in a
manila paper. I will give you 5 minutes
to do the tasks.

Am I clear class?

IV. Evaluation
In a ½ sheet of paper. Answer the
following question.
____1. Is a harmful species of amoeba
living in fresh water?
____2. Move using the cilia attached to
the parts or in the body.
____3. They are unicellular and they
use one or many of their threadlike to
____4. Cause severe diarrhea.
____5. Responsible for Gambian
sleeping sickness.

V. Assignment
In a ½ sheet of paper. List down the
characteristics of fungi.

Criteria 20 15 10
Mastery The reporters The reporters The reporters
demonstrates demonstrate knowledge demonstrate knowledge
total mastery of of the important of some contents of their
the contents contents of their report report
Delivery The group delivers The group delivers a The group delivers the
a very creative creative presentation of topic orally with visual
presentation of the topic aid.
the topic
Instructional The instructional The instructional The instructional
materials materials used are materials used are materials used are not
very innovative innovative extraordinary
Cooperation All members One or two members Three members become
participate become in active in the in active in the
actively preparation and preparation and
presentation presentation

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