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First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished
writing the paper entitled “Marketing Communication planning in the Company city of
Malang” right in the calculated time.

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by
Mr.Maskan as lecturer in Marketing Management.
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with
help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. writer also realized there are still
many mistakes in process of writing this paper.
Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process
of writing this paper. hopefully allah replies all helps and bless you all.the writer realized tha
this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content. then the writer hope the criticism
from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper.last but not the least
Hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about Marketing

Malang, November 19th, 2019


Cokelat klasik Page 1

Table of Contents

Table of Contants……………………………………………………………………………...2

Chapter I Introduction…………………………………………………………………………3


Formulation Of Problem………………………………………………………………………5


Research Framework…………………………………………………………………………..5


Chapter II Theoritical and Review…………………………………………………………….7

Prior Research Mulyani………………………………………………………………………..7

Basis For Loyalty Theory……………………………………………………………………...8

Characteristic Of Consumer…………………………………………………………………...9

Chapter III Observation Result……………………………………………………………….10

Location and Time of The Research…………………………………………………………10

Research Methods……………………………………………………………………………10

Data Collection Methods……………………………………………………………………..11

Research Variables…………………………………………………………………………...11

Chapter IV Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….12

Conclusions Based on the results and research………………………………………………12



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Today,in a large and small companies tend to spend quite a lot of money to do
promotions to maintain a product and strengthen a brand. In addition, in order to increase
sales figures, companies are aggressively promoting both through advertising and other
marketing communication tools such as public relations, direct marketing, personal sales, and
sales promotions, in marketing.

The growth of the national economy in Indonesia is one of the main objectives of
the country to improve the welfare of the community, one of the efforts made to improve the
economy is through the contribution of the agricultural sector, to the livestock subsector as a
supplier of food needs of the Indonesian people.

The contributing factors include relatively small capital, relatively faster capital
turnover, less extensive land use, and a faster growth rate compared to other livestock.
Indonesian people are more familiar with chocolate which is commonly consumed because of
its advantages such as Some studies have suggested chocolate could lower cholesterol levels
and prevent memory decline.
Chocolate has since become a popular food product that millions enjoy every day,
thanks to its unique, rich, and sweet taste.

Indonesia’s annual chocolate consumption per capita amounted 0.4 kg. In spite of
being rather low, demand has been on the rise by 10 percent annually. Key drivers are the
growing middle-class and a changing consumer behavior. Price sensitivity is decreasing
while quality and taste have been gaining in importance. Get an overview over the Indonesian
chocolate market and learn how Swiss companies can benefit from this opportunity.

Cokelat klasik Page 3

Minimarket is the go-to format for chocolate purchases, which is not surprising as
chocolate consumption falls under the snacking consumption type. A variation of chocolate
ranges from bar, paste, to molded bars, usually targeted for a quick consumption. “Small but
often” type purchase is very much catered by Minimarket that has a high penetration.

Average spending in each format is inversely related on the purchase frequency.

The average spending is higher at bigger formats. Likely due to the fact that bigger store
format offers more brands and types along with bigger package options which can have effect
on consumer shopping behavior.

Economic growth will further develop along with the progress of increasingly rapid
era in Indonesia. The business sector has become an arena of fierce competition and there is
no stopping the companies that play a role in it, including restaurants. The establishment of
restaurants in various places is the result of market demand which is increasing as well.
Restaurants and restaurants have become an inseparable part of modern human life, so the
existence of restaurants and restaurants has become a necessity, especially in the city of
Consumer loyalty can be interpreted as someone's loyalty to a product in the form of
certain goods or services and illustrates the continuation of consumer satisfaction in using the
facilities and services provided by the company, and to remain a consumer of the company.
Loyalty is proof that consumers have a positive attitude towards the company, customer
loyalty is the commitment of consumers to use products or services with a high level of
consistency. Consumers are an important factor that must be considered by the company,
because consumers are assets that can determine success to achieve company goals,
considering consumers reflect the potential for future growth and retain loyal customers more
efficiently than looking for new customers.
Beneficial loyalty has an impact on profitability far beyond just cost savings. Loyal
consumers are invaluable assets for the company, because the frequency of use of products
issued by the company continues to increase and the profit margin for the company will
increase. Satisfaction will affect customer loyalty because their expectations have been
fulfilled, so that consumers will not switch to other companies' products or services of the
same type. Based on the description of the above problems, the authors conducted a series of
studies with the title, consumer loyalty to the Coklat Klasik café in Malang.

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Based on the background description above, it can be determined the problem formulation in
this paper such as:

1. How is the loyalty of consumers in Coklat Klasik café ?

2. How is the influence of products, prices, places, promotions, physical environment
and human resources on consumer loyalty in Coklat Klasik café ?


1. To fulfill the assignment that given by Mr.Maskan as lecturer in Marketing

2. Knowing the loyalty of consumers in Coklat Klasik café
3. Knowing the influence of products, prices, places, promotions, physical environment
and human resources on consumer loyalty in Coklat Klasik café

The framework of this research is to find out consumer loyalty towards Coklat Klasik
café which is measured based on loyalty. Quality products and good service quality can
affect customer loyalty. The company's strategy to be able to compete in an increasingly
competitive culinary field must require innovation in maintaining consumer interest.
Consumers always want to get quality products and satisfying servants, so they can compare
Coklat Klasik café with other café Each consumer has their own characteristics that will be
different levels of satisfaction.
Comparison between products and services received with expectations, can be used
as a measure to determine customer loyalty. The level of customer satisfaction can be
measured by various statements of consumers about the quality of products and services

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1. It is suspected that the product taste has a positive effect on consumer loyalty at the
Coklat Klasik café
2. It is suspected that product variations have a positive effect on consumer loyalty in Coklat
Klasik café
3. It is suspected that affordable prices have a positive effect on consumer loyalty in Coklat
Klasik café.
4. Allegedly cleanliness of the place has a positive effect on consumer loyalty in the Coklat
Klasik café.

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Prior Research Mulyani (2009)

In her research on Analysis of Factors Affecting Supermarket Loyalty with
Satisfaction as an Intervening variable by using variables of service improvement, price,
diversity of goods, and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty. Each variable has a
positive and significant effect on customer loyalty through customer satisfaction as an
intervening variable assuming service factors, pricing policies and diversity of goods in a
continuous situation. While the most influential variable in customer loyalty through
customer satisfaction is the diversity of goods. The t-test results are partially proven from the
significance value of each variable with the level of proving that service improvement, price,
and diversity of goods have a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, causing
customers to be loyal. The results of the F test can be concluded that an increase in variables
in services, prices have increased diversity of things together affect the loyalty.
Pamungkas (2010) research with the title Analysis of Customer Loyalty at Kedai
Assalamualaikum Malang Restaurant aims to determine the effect of restaurant loyalty which
includes the location of the restaurant, the layout of the restaurant, and stimulation in the
restaurant towards the customer loyalty of the Restaurant. The results of the analysis can be
seen that there are influences which include: the location of the restaurant, the layout of the
restaurant, stimulation in the restaurant affect the customer loyalty of the restaurant. The
conclusion from the results of the study that store loyalty has an effect on customer loyalty
Restaurant and store location variables are the biggest contribution to customer loyalty.

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Basis for Loyalty Theory
Consumer Ratih (2005) Explains that loyalty is a customer's commitment to stay in
depth to re-subscribe or re-buy selected products or services consistently in the future, even
though the influence of the situation and marketing efforts have the potential to cause
behavior change.
Griffin (2005) Adds that loyalty refers more to the manifestation of the behavior of
the decision-making unit to make continuous purchases of goods or services of a selected
company. Loyalty or loyalty of consumers reflects the intention to behave (intended
behavior) regarding a product or service.
Bowen and Chen (2001) explain that the first measure refers to customer behavior in
repetition to obtain or buy back goods or services that have been enjoyed. While attitude
measures refer to an intensity to regain and recommend to others. Loyal or loyal customers
are people who make repeat purchases from the same company, and provide positive
information to other potential parties from the mouth. Consumers with high loyalty will tell
the excellence and quality of the service to others, often even giving advice to use the
services provided to consumers.
Product means that the main focus is quality. For services, quality is very dependent
on reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Product classification can be carried
out on a variety of points of view. Tjiptono (2008) states that products can be classified into 2
(two) groups, namely:
1. Goods Goods are physical tangible products. So that it can be seen, touched, felt, held,
stored, moved, and other physical treatments. Judging from the aspect of endurance, there are
two kinds of goods, namely: a. Non-durable Goods Non-durable goods are tangible items
which are usually consumed in one or several usage times. b. Durable Goods Durable goods
are tangible items that can usually last a long time with a lot of usage.
2. Services (services) Services are activities, benefits or satisfaction offered for sale to
customers. Price (price) Determination of price is a critical point in marketing strategies
because the price will determine the income from a business venture. The pricing strategy is
very significant in giving value to consumers and influencing the image of the product, as
well as the consumer's decision to buy. Pricing is also related to revenue and also influences
supply or marketting channels, but the most important thing is pricing decisions must be
consistent with the overall marketing strategy.

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Kotler (2000) explains that the principle of price setting in a company must consider a
number of factors in setting prices, covers the selection of pricing objectives, determines the
level of demand for estimated costs, analyzes the prices set and the products offered by
competitors, the selection of pricing methods,

Characteristics of Consumers
Consumer characteristics can influence consumer choice of products and brands to be
purchased. According to Sumarwan (2004) dividing several characteristics of consumers,
which can influence attitudes and perceptions of the consumer purchasing process are:
1. Demographic characteristics which include age, gender, geographical location,
occupation, religion, marital status, social class, and others. Knowledge of these
various variables will help the company to maximize its attractiveness through
product and service mix.
2. Economic characteristics which include income per month, expenses per month,
credit cards owned and others. Knowledge of these various variables will help the
company to maximize its attractiveness through product and service mix.
3. Social Characteristics are the characteristics of consumers based on the lifestyle
profile of most users. Social class will influence the type of product, type of service,
and brand consumed by consumers. This is done by adapting the mix of products and
services of the restaurant in accordance with the activities, interests and opinions of
consumer groups.

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Location and Time of the Research

The research was conducted at the Cokelat Klasik café in Malang restaurant located
on Soekarno Hatta street. The data collection began on November 16, 2019 until November
19, 2019. The selection of places as research objects was based on several considerations that
the Cokelat Klasik café was the most visited by consumers and received respondents easily
because it was affordable with the location of the campus, the implementation of café serves
an average of as many customers a day, with this the Cokelat Klasik cafe is one of the
favorite cafe in Malang.

Research Methods
The research method used is the survey method. The survey method is a method of
collecting primary data obtained through direct observation and interviews with respondents.
The technique used is interview. Interviews containing statements were given directly to
respondents. Respondents used as samples are respondents who are years old because they
are able to criticize the product, price, place, promotion, physical environment and human
resources applied in Cokelat Klasik cafe.
Research using personal considerations in accordance with the research topic,
researchers choose the object or object as a unit of analysis. Respondents chosen at random
can be examined for the level of loyalty by looking at the respondent's answer whether the
respondent would recommend a product at a Cokelat Klasik cafe, buy back or still survive to
become a consumer even though there are other similar products.

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Data Collection Methods
Efforts to obtain data and information needed by the author's research is a method of
collecting data on issues related to research:
a Interview
To obtain information in the form of a statement submitted in order to obtain data
directly from the source, in this case is the consumers of Cokelat Klasik cafe directly.
b Questionnaire
Is a method for obtaining data by providing a list of statements to respondents. Before
the research data are analyzed then the data is processed first, in this case the author will first
do the tabulation, which gives a value (scoring) in accordance with the specified items.
Scroring is done using a Likert scale, that is, after tabulating the data is ready to be processed
and the data processing is done in two ways, namely qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Research Variables
Research variables consist of two variables, namely independent or X independent
variables and dependent or Y dependent variables, which means that Y variables are able to
be influenced by X variables. Research variable indicators are presented in Table 1.
Indicators of research variables Research Variables It is a taste that is served by Cokelat
Klasik café to consumers to be assessed using the sense of taste.
1. Tasty
2. The level of tasteis simply
3. Has the characteristics tekstur of chocolate
4. Taste does not make consumers get bored quickly Product Variations Various
products offered at Cokelat Klasik café .
Easy of Access The road to the location of the restaurant is very easy because of its
strategic location in the city area, many public vehicles to reach the location, strategic
location with other public facilities, easy to reach by pedestrians. Cleanliness of the place The
main factor that makes consumers feel confident to consume a product or visit a place.
Cleanliness is very good when viewed from a neatly arranged desk chair. Large parking area

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Beginning of the establishment of Cokelat Klasik Cokelat Klasik cafe was

established on November 11, 2011, with the concept of Natural Ethnic. Located on
Jl.Lamtana no.1 Tulungrejo, Kampung Inggris, Pare precisely in the city of Kediri. And
Cokelat Klasik is a development of the Classic Café, starting on October 6, 2012 on Jl.MT.
Hariono-Malang.CokelatKlasik is a business in the culinary field with a focus on processing
basic ingredients brown.

A delicious and delicious Ice / Hot Chocolate drink recipe, and has several good
substances consumed by the human body such as iron, vitamins, calcium, magnesium, and
also antioxidants. Cokelat Klasik offers a quality Chocolate real product at a limited price

Conclusions Based on the results and research

Then the research can be concluded as follows:
1. Consumer loyalty to Cokelat Klasik café is shown by consumers recommending it to
coworkers or classmates, still interested in consuming it and making repeat purchases.
2. Consistency of product taste along with product variations and the presence of a cash
register affect consumer loyalty, while the cleanliness of the premises along with the
availability of bathrooms, product knowledge and menu lists are quite influential,
consumer income is the next factor considered for consumer loyalty.

1. Loyalty consumers of Cokelat Klasik café show that there are consumers who
recommend Cokelat Klasik café to coworkers or school friends because of the good
taste at affordable prices, therefore it is expected that the Cokelat Klasik café can
maintain the quality of the dish so that it will increase consumer loyalty.
2. We recommend supporting facilities such as air conditioning, floor cleanliness added
to increase consumer comfort, with consumers feeling comfortable it will increase
consumer loyalty.

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The café of Cokelat klasik

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The Consumer in Cokelat klasik

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