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The MIT Center for Collective Intelligence

5 Cambridge Center NE25-749

Cambridge, MA 02142

December 4, 2010

Letter of Recommendation for Betsey Merkel, I-Open

As the steering committee of the second International Conference on Collaborative

Innovation Networks COINs2010, which took place at the Savannah College of Art and
Design (SCAD) in Savannah October 7-9, 2010, we would like to thank Betsey Merkel
from I-Open for her invaluable contributions to the success of the conference.

In preparing the conference, Betsey was instrumental in organizing a social networking

campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, which greatly increased the
international appeal and perception of the conference, while reaching a new audience
that was previously unaware of the conference.

During the conference, Betsey organized and ran live video streaming of all conference
sessions, serving as a reporter and news anchor during the sessions and connecting
with a live audience joining the conference through Livesteam from all over the world.
Additionally, she also did excellent video interviews with key participants and made
them available on the Web. These videos are now a lasting legacy to the success of the

Betsey’s activities greatly contributed to the success and lasting impact of the
COINs2010 conference (!


Christine Z. Digitally signed by Christine Z. Miller

DN: cn=Christine Z. Miller, o, ou,

Miller, c=US
Date: 2010.12.06 10:51:35 -05'00'

Christine Miller, Ph.D. Ken Riopelle

Professor, Design Management Research Professor
Savannah College of Art and Design Wayne State University

Julia C. Gluesing Peter A. Gloor, Ph.D.

Research Professor Research Scientist
Wayne State University MIT Center for Collective Intelligence

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