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Mecaskey 1

Hannah M. Mecaskey
PH-1056 Philo of Nature
Fr. Michael Dodds, Prof.
Analysis of substantial change
15 October 2010

d.) any "same organism"

organism (now dead)
(while alive) (dead tissue +
dead blood cells +
carbon + calcium + etc.)
Analysis of the substantial change of a living goldfish into a dead goldfish
1.1 What is meant by substantial change in the context of a goldfish transitioning from being a
living organism to a dead one?
That the substance identified as “goldfish,” a composite of the principles of primary matter
(Pm) and substantial form (Sf) undergoes a process in which the Pm of “goldfish” remains
constant while receiving the designation of a new Sf, “dead goldfish.” The substance which
remains after the exertion of a cause of Sf change (eating by kitten, illustrated) is not the
same Sf of “goldfish,” but the possibility of being in “Pm” which has received the Sf “dead
goldfish.” It is the Sf as formal principle of material being which accounts for the Pm
existing first as the substance “goldfish,” then as a different substance “dead goldfish.”
1.2 Can this change be explained as merely a rearrangement of elements into a new compound
“dead goldfish?”
If the change were merely one of rearranging a cluster of particles to go from “goldfish” to
“dead goldfish,” no substantial change would need to occur. The reason a substantial change
needs to occur to have “dead goldfish” from the substance “goldfish” is because there is an
underlying unity to the principles of being within the substance “goldfish.” Though
scientifically improvable, a change as dramatic as from life to death does not seem to be one
explainable merely by rearrangement of accidents.
1.3 Why is it necessary to refer to substantial form and primary matter in order to explain this
Because primary matter and substantial form are the united principles which allow us to
explain a continuity in the change as well as a difference. Since the resulting substance “dead
goldfish” is not the same as before the cat exerted the cause of killing upon the “goldfish,” it
is important to have one principle that remains the same (Pm) and one that changes.
Mecaskey 2

2.1 Identify the subject, the terminus ad quem and the terminus a quo in this change, and explain
what is meant by each of these terms.
The subject of the change is the primary matter in the substance “goldfish,” which will
remain constant throughout the change. Because the substance will be receiving a new
substantial form, two contraries terminus ad quem and terminus a quo describe qualities of
the Pm which describe the transition of Sfs in the change. Terminus as quo describes the
substance “goldfish”’s lack of Sf “dead” that will be present in the final substance after the
causation of the cat, “dead goldfish.” Terminus as quem describes the subsequent possession
of the form “dead” that the Pm now has, designating the new substance “dead goldfish.”

3.1 In what ways are primary matter and substantial form involved in this change?
Primary matter is the constant principle of possibility that allows for the change from one
substance to the other as the subject of change. Substantial form, as the principle of action, is
changed from one form to another by the process of substantial change enacted by a cause.
When the substance “goldfish” is in process to become substance “dead goldfish,” the Pm
and terminus a quo of “dead goldfish” with the substantial form “goldfish” are acted upon by
the cause of a cat killing to result in Pm with terminus a quem “dead goldfish.”
3.2 Is the primary matter something separate from elements such as Na, O, H, Cl, etc.?
Technically, primary matter is a philosophical term used to descrime the atomic science that
the elements represent. So to answer the question, primary matter would be philosophically
described as within the composite substance of an atomical element. [Is PM only a

3.3 Is the primary matter something distinct from such elements? Howso?
Primary matter is distinct from the elements because of two reasons: (1) it is a philosophical
principle of nature, whereas elements are atomical principles of nature and (2) because
elements are composites whereas primary matter is a dependent part of the whole composite
substance of an element.

3.4 How is primary matter distinguished from privation of form in this change?
Primary matter is a possibility of being with actual being through the determination of the
substantial form. Privation of form, however, is negative, a lack of something, and so has no
claim to existence at all and cannot be actualized. Primary matter is a material principle,
whereas privation of form is merely a lack, without any existence at all.

good analysis (and cuite pix)

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