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CONTENTS UNIT UNIT TITLE PAGE 1 a 1 a 2 a 3 2 an 4 an 5 Review: a/an 6 3 itis 7 itis & 4 Is it? 9 10 Review: Is it?/It is nv 5 What is it? 2 What is it? 3 6 He is 4 She is 15 Review: He is/She is 16 7 Wheat is he? wv What is she? 18 8 tam bd tom not 20 9 You are 2 Are you? 22 10 Review: am/is/are 23 Review: Is he?/ls she?/Are you? 24 u Hello, How are you? 25 Good moming 26 12 Classroom Commands 27 Classroom Commands 28 3 May 1? 2 Thank you/You're welcome 30 14 ‘Singular Nouns 3 ‘Singular Nouns 32 Singular Nouns 33 1s Plural Nouns 34 Plural Nouns 35 Plural Nouns 36 16 It is/They are 37 It is/They are 38 Student Book 1 di CONTENTS UNIT UNIT TITLE PAGE 7 You are/We ore 39 Are they? 40 18 Numbers 1-5 a Numbers 6-10 a2 Haw many? 43 9 What's your phone number? 44 Haw old are you? 45 2 This is 46 That is 47 Review: This is/That is 48 2 These ore 4 Those are 50 Review: These ore/Those are 51 22 Colors, 52 Review: Colors 53 3 ‘This/Thot ___ is _ 54 These/Those __ are _ 55 24 What color is this/that? 56 What color are these/those? 7 2 Adjectives 58 Adjectives 59 Review: Adjectives 60 26 More Adjectives 6) More Adjectives 62 a My/Your 63 What's your name? 64 in/out of 65 on/under 66 Where is? 67 Who is? 68 Why?/because 69 Why?/because 70 3 Verbs 7 Let's__! 72 32 Simple Present: have/hos 73 Simple Present: More Verbs 74 ————————e a dog acot Student Book 1 rm a duck a rabbit apig a cow a mouse a monkey alion a tiger Student Book 1 ii eee ae mae emcee ere Rw mem rec an apple egg ice cream cone orange umbrella ‘an apple ‘an orange | an ® an egg eraser R an umbrella an ice cream cone ‘Student Book 1 i Review: a/an Fill in the blanks. oan... Qe e te? y sy @ ‘ / _a dog an apple 9° 6 ‘ed __ cow ___ orange __ cat oy. ___ umbrella __ ice cream cone ___ pig It is 9 8 It is a book. It is a book bag. It is o pencil. It is a pencil case. It is a ruler. Student Book 1 It is ea It is a desk, It is a chair. °e ° It is o window. It is a door. It is o board. It is o picture. ——— S| Is it? Is it a dog? 5 os - B “ tee Ye No, it is not. It is a tiger. Yes, it is. It is an apple. Is it an orange? No, it is not. ° It is a ball. = Student Book 1 4 No, it is not. ~~ is a window. Review: Is it?/It is Fill in the blanks. @ Isita pencil? © \sita ruler? Yes, it is. No, it is not. © |s it a book? @ |s it a chair? © 1s it an egg? © Is it a duck? Student Book 1 é _s What is it? © what is it? © what is it? : é EEE Ee t. It is a house. It is a bed. © what is it? © what is it? It is a table. It is a TV. © what is it? © what is it? It is a sofa. It is a radio. What is it? @ what is it? © what is it? It is a car. It is a bus. © what is it? © What is it? It is a bicycle. It is a scooter. © what is it? © what is it? It is a boat. It isa ship. Student Book 1 é 2 He is a boy. He is a man. He is a mail carrier. He is a police officer. . She is a te She is a girl. She is a woman. ° r be She is a nurse. She is a teacher. Student Book 1 4 Review: He is/She is Fill in the blanks. a& — _He is_ Jimmy Lee. She is_May Lee. _Mr. Lee. Mrs. Lee. ° @. Miss Young. _Mr. Brown. ee cm What is he? © what is he? © what is he? He is a father. He is o grandfather. ae leill © what is he? © what is he? He is a farmer. He is a firefighter. Student Book 1 é What is she? © What is she? © What is she? go re She is a mother. She is a grandmother. © What is she? © What is she? She is a dentist. She is a doctor. ee lam (Lam Miss Young. 1am a teacher. ret tam — i ama (amtaibe| ae gQ nf Student Book 1 lam not lam a teacher. e lam not a studen lam a student. 1 am not a teacher. | | | | 1am a doctor. lam not o dentist. © “A (You are Miss Young, \ \ You arecateacher. / 4 F SS See \ You are Keri. \ You area student fi Student ee 1 Are you? Are you Miss Young? ° ‘a Review: am/is/are Fill in the blanks. a police officer. Review: Is he?/Is she?/Are you? Fill in the blanks. (Ce shea sauder?) she a student? ca Hello. How are you? tam =I'm Student Book 1 é Good morning Good morning, o students. Good morning, Miss Young. = | Good afternoon, 9 students. Good afternoon, Miss Young. f s Good evening, iTS children. ° Good night, Good night, Father. children. ‘ © © fy g ———— se pl ‘Good evening, Mother. 8. | Classroom Commands e Stand up, please. 2@ 8 Sit down, please. Se Look at your £ book, please. i. P| Point to the ° £ dog, please. oa ip 20 Student Book 1 by ~~ Classroom Commands Hold up your ‘> book, please. ~ Give me your book, please. oa * -? e (/’ Open your book, please. oO Shut your f& book, please. mn pp 2s % ca May I? 9 May I go to the 2 | on a & 8 Student Book 1 é Thank you/You're welcome you are = you're Singular Nouns PCR Mle aes) + (aie) om =. a boy Singular Nouns Singular Nouns o e a kite acup a flower a tree 6 ° 3 a watch a clock ¢ S Student Book 1 A Plural Nouns ally add s a ball balls ° 6 apples oranges 2 | a bananas pineapples. —————— Plural Nouns @ hats i © students © shops Student Book 1 Plural Nouns brushes glasses watches boxes co It is/They are " VY © aw iy, It is a ball. They are balls. 9 It is a chicken. ° It is a cup. They are cups. o —— x y . — It is a dish. They are dishes. Student Book 1 é It is/They are It is a flower. They are flowers. It is a tree. They are trees. 8 si te It is a bee. They are bees. It is a fox. They are foxes. cM You are/We are You are boys. Student Book 1 é Are they? ai they students? ) ( Yes, Cel tier) care. Are they police officers? (were , ! C isa Ce k » ow S. Numbers 1-5 1 one train two airplanes 2 3Se™ three cars a four bicycles * be de be bb five trucks eo Student Book 1 4 Numbers 6-10 six bugs 6 bév wre 7 seven spiders Dy Pet Sh me OM eight birds peed How many? @ How many boys? © How Tr girls? rs - ef 23 44 - ‘4 two _ boys ____ girls © How many apples? © How many bananas? apples bananas © How - books? © How many —— _ books ees Student Book 1 a What's your phone number? 9 ; What's your My phone number phone number? is 555-8015. | ome = taal S q * (pore My phone number y pho phone number a is 555-8695. i what is = what's How old are you? © (owe aeyea?) I'm eleven years old. a a a This is This is a mouth. This is a nose. nhs That is That is a window. That is a picture. That is a light. That is a road. That is a road sign. Student Book 1 £ Review: This is/That is , 2 + This is_ a guitar. That is a piano. Fill in the blanks. _ a ship. a bicycle. p x These are These are fingers. These are toes. Student Book 1 4 —_ Those are Those are windows. Those are doors. Those are flowers. Those are houses. Those are buildings. a Review: These are/Those are Fill in the blanks. Pat i re These are glasses. Those are_ bowls. forks. spoons. plates. chopsticks. Student Book 1 é Colors Oa orange yellow 9 96 ee Las, pink green blue @ ° eo os @ Be black white brown Review: Colors Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks. @ The sun is yellow _ © The sky is © The cloud is . © The kite is s © The bird is . © The grass is @The flowersare |) 3S) The water is _ oO The boat is . ® The fish is SI a. 2A This/That is aey = ab % is_white . 6 This fish is ; That monkey is These/Those are -s % ae are_red 4 4 b Those oranges Pe These watermelons Z : are : e nel q Student Book 1 is 8. | What color is this/that? What color is © (this skin? (This skirt is black.) oe an What color is that airplane? ee That opens is That basketball What color are these/those? What color are those houses? Those houses are white and _red_. These shoes are blue and ~~ What color are Those grapes are © | those grapes? red and __ ' if |. Student Book 1 6 A Adjectives e little e ? thin 8 ‘ hot cold ° ba% é .@ & 2e8 ~ weak strong long short Adjectives fast slow noisy quiet Student Book 1 Review: Adjectives Fill in the blanks. itis big They are little | 0: > qi + ae > a > They are ___. They are - Itis___. They are __. 9 i She is ____. He is __. ia More Adjectives This girl is short. This boy is emir: This git is thirsty. ] Ps ——~ This shoe is old. This shoe is new. ° 362 This bed is hard. This bed is soft. This test is good. This test is bad. Student Book 1 é More Adjectives estat! a ae oe = I This girl is smart. This girl is angry. This baby is cute. This monkey is naughty. 6 SS ee cM My/Your e Your ball is little. 4 6.2% 8 My pencil is long. Your pencil is short. $ @ (wy umbrella is new. Your umbrella is old. leg Student Book 1 What's your name? oe What's your name? in/out of ee I The book is in the bag. The ruler is out of the bag. wa ae The monkey is in the house. Jimmy is out of the house. ] Jimmy is in the car. May is out of the car. Student Book 1 on/under The cat is on the sofa. The dog is under the sofa. A bird is on the boat. A shark is under the boat. jimmy is on the bed. A monster is under the bed. go cl Where is? © Where is the rabbit? © where is the bird? It is in the hat. It is out of the cage. © where is the ball? © Where is the radio? It is under the chair. It is on the table. © where is the cake? © Where is the water? ‘ - fam| oy “nV SS - a ) It is on the plate. It is in the glass. Student Book 1 Who is? © Who is he? © Who is she? He is Jimmy. She is May. © Who is he? © Who is she? He is Kenny. She is Keri. © Who is he? © Who is she? ox = He is Mr. Lee. She is Mrs. Lee. ———— iA Why?/because © Why is he slow? He is slow because he is tired. © Why are they thirsty? =. |_|» They are thirsty because they are hot. © Why is she angry? oe oe ox ae on She is angry because she is wet. Student Book 1 4 Why?/because o Why is the bird noisy? The bird is noisy because it is afraid. © Why is May sad? May is sad because she is sick. © Why is Mrs. Lee angry? a. mk Mrs. Lee is angry because Sunny is naughty. ———e a Simple Present: have/has | have ° May has a book. f a pen. Student Book 1 Simple Present: More Verbs @ re ° Jimmy reads. 9 ° Jimmy colors. May paints. Jimmy works. May plays. ——————————————

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