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Final Project Reports

Technology Workforce Development Grants 2002

Electrical Engineering Reports

April 2007
TWD 2002 Final Report Format
The grant period for TWD 2002 grants nominally started January 1, 2002. The grants
were announced April 1, 2002 and ended March 31, 2007, after an extension granted by
the TWD Grants Program Advisory Committee on June 2, 2004.

However, the grant period for the funds from the federal congressionally directed grant,
as part of the overall TWD grant, started on September 1, 2004 and ended August 31,
2006, according to a one-year time-extension for budget and performance granted by
the Department of Education on June 30, 2005.

Below is the format for the final report. The Office of Sponsored Projects representative
for the grant was to submit by April 30, 2007 one signed copy (PDF or hard copy),
together with an editable word-processing file of this report. Each section was to be
enlarged as necessary to accommodate the narrative.

Title of Project:
Project Number:
Project Leader (PL):
Project Co-Leader

Signature/Date, PL

OSP Representative:

Signature/Date, OSP

Provide a synopsis of your work completed between April 1, 2002 and March 31, 2007.
You may use 100 words or less.

Please list with which institutions you collaborated on this project. Examples are
community colleges, high schools, or local workforce development boards.

TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
Student Numbers:*
Entering Progressing Advanced Graduated Students
Students Students Students (during previous
academic year)
(1) Fall 2001 Headcount

(2) Fall 2006 Headcount

* See for definitions.

Please answer the following questions quantitatively with a few sentences for each:
1) Did the project accomplish the numerical goals set for your department in terms of
additional students pursuing the baccalaureate degree?
2) Has your project improved the retention numbers and percentages over the term of
the grant?
3) Has your project improved the graduation numbers and percentages over the term
of the grant?

Provide a project summary, up to one page, with 11 pt font, single spaced. This abstract
should be ready for publication. You may want to include an introduction and address
project objectives, project implementation, changes to plan, project evaluation,
sustainability, and a summary of results.

Project Discussion: Introduction

Introduce your project and its institutional setting.

Project Discussion: Objectives

Describe your project’s objectives and the progress made towards achievement of

Project Discussion: Implementation

Explain the process of project’s implementation.

Project Discussion: Changes to Plan

Describe and defending project changes, deviations from the schedule, methods, and
tasks established in the proposal.

Project Discussion: Evaluation

Provide a project evaluation including a quantitative assessment of which portions of
your plan worked and which did not.

TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
Project Discussion: Sustainability
Describe to what extend the project will be sustained after the end of the grant period
and how you achieved sustainability. You may include a list of all follow-up funding you
gained due to experience with this grant

Project Discussion: Results and Success Summary

Provide a description of your project’s results and summarize project success.

Success Stories:
Use this section to describe any “success stories” that have resulted from work on this

Provide recommendations for other departments interested in replicating your project
and/or recommendations for the Texas Engineering and Technical Consortium.

Attach a list of publications, presentations, awards, or patents, etc., you received
primarily as a result of this grant.

TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering
Final Reports April 2007
Table of Contents

University of Houston
Undergraduate Retention and Recruiting of ECE Students at the
University of Houston 1

The University of Texas at Dallas

UTD School of Engineering and Computer Science – TETC
Undergraduate Expansion Program 13

The University of Texas-Pan American

Electrical Engineering Recruitment and Retention Enhancement 14

Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Expansion of the EE Program at TAMU-K with Scholarships and
Tutoring 15

Prairie View A&M University

Increasing Electrical Engineering Program Enrollment: New
Program, Increased Retention and College Transfer 19

Texas Engineering Experiment Station

Enhancing the Quality and Quantity of Electrical and Computer
Engineering Graduates 25

The University of Texas at Austin

Increasing and Improving Texas Capability in Electrical
Engineering 31

Texas Tech University

Electrical Engineering Workforce Development at Texas Tech 32

The University of Texas at Arlington

Recruitment and Retention to Increase the Number of
Undergraduate Students in the Electrical Engineering Program 40

TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering
Final Reports April 2007
2002 Final Report
Title of Project: Undergraduate Retention and Recruiting of ECE Students at the
University of Houston
Project Number: 003652-EE2002-0000
Project Leader (PL): Fritz Claydon
Project Co-Leader Stuart Long
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Institution: University of Houston, Main
Address: 4800 Calhoun, Houston Texas 77204-4005

Recruitment: ECE has sponsored 14 engineering GRADE camps for female high school
students since 2003. The girls learned engineering principles and problem solving and
applied their knowledge to program, design, and build a Lego robot that autonomously
navigated a maze by the end of the week.

Retention: ECE has sponsored Redshirt Camp and workshops for sophomores every
semester since 2002. ECE formulated a curriculum that required a significant amount of
student group work. Our goal for the camps was to give them experience using novel
problem solving techniques that they can use for any future class, research, and work

1. Houston Community College
2. Numerous Houston Area High Schools (Teachers and Students) with GRADE

Student Numbers:
Entering Students Progressing Advanced Graduated Students
s s (during previous
academic year)
(1) Fall 2001 Headcount 297 296 131 48

(2) Fall 2006 Headcount 173 163 138 91

1) Did the project accomplish the numerical goals set for your department in terms of
additional students pursuing the baccalaureate degree?
ECE UG enrollment experienced a dramatic increase in enrollment in the Fall of 2001
due in part to intensified recruiting efforts of “high ability” high school students. The
average SAT score for the Fall 2005 freshman class was approximately 1218, a
substantial increase over the average SAT score five years prior. The minimum GPA
requirement for transfer students was raised from 2.0 to 2.5 in 2003, resulting in fewer
transfer students enrolling in ECE recently; thus, accounting for the “dip” in the number
of ECE students. ECE is an in a comfortable position to provide exceptional
undergraduate teaching, as well as to recruit and maintain a quality undergraduate
student body.

1 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
2) Has your project improved the retention numbers and percentages over the term of
the grant?
Through our TETC grants, we have implemented effective retention programs with an
overall participation rate of 34% on average of enrolled students in the first two targeted
courses (circuits and electromagnetics). Historically, the pass rates for these courses
have ranged from 40-60%. Over the past three academic years, 51% of the Circuits
course students, who did not participate (no intervention) in the Redshirt Camps and
Workshops, passed the course. The pass rate for the Circuits course students who
attended Redshirt Camp and the Workshops (intervention) was 70%. For the
Electromagnetics course, the pass rate for students with no intervention was 77%,
compared to a 96% pass rate for students who were enrolled in Redshirt Camp and the
Workshops. In total, we have seen vast increases in pass rates for our “intervention”
group. Additionally, it should be noted that there has been no statistical difference in the
GPAs for participants and non-participants, meaning students have not self selected
based on prior academic performance. Therefore, we believe that Redshirt Camp plus
workshops can and do improve retention rates in these rigorous courses.

3) Has your project improved the graduation numbers and percentages over the term
of the grant?
Yes, graduation numbers have doubled and have remained sustainable since the
inception of the TWD TETC 2002 grant award. The data for graduates is shown below:

FY 01: (Dec 00, May 01, and August 01) 48 B.S. graduates
FY02: 69 B.S. graduates
FY03: 92 B.S. graduates
FY04: 95 B.S. graduates
FY05: 99 B.S. graduates
FY06: 91 B.S. graduates

Student Recruitment: UH ECE has sponsored 14 weeklong engineering GRADE camps
for female high school students (305 attendees) since 2003. We designed our curriculum
from a theory into practice model. Specifically, the girls learned engineering principles,
such as voltage and current, motors and generators, feedback control, and problem
solving, during the mornings and applied their knowledge in the afternoons to program,
design, and build a Lego robot that autonomously navigated a maze by the end of the
week. We designed the lunch sessions so that the girls would have ample opportunities
to carry on candid and engaging conversations with female engineering students (both
undergraduate and graduate), engineering faculty and engineers working in the Houston
area. At the end of the week, the girls invited their parents, teachers and invited guests
to hear their presentations, see their robot demonstrations and join them at a formal
luncheon, which included a scheduled guest speaker and an awards ceremony.

Student Retention: UH ECE has sponsored the Redshirt Camp curriculum for ECE
sophomores (305 attendees) every semester since 2003. ECE formulated a curriculum
that was challenging and required a significant amount of student group work. Our goal
for the camps was not to expose students to the first two weeks of difficult course
material, but rather, to give them experience using novel problem solving techniques that
they can use for any future class, research, and work situation. Most indicated that they
enjoyed working in peer groups to solve problems, interacting with faculty, solidifying

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their knowledge about fundamental concepts underlying their Circuits and
Electromagnetics courses, and learning about effective time management skills. In
addition, ECE Workshops allow Redshirt Camp participants the opportunity to apply
Redshirt Camp principles to their Circuits or EM courses throughout the subsequent
semester, while providing an atmosphere conducive to productivity through group
problem solving. Over the past three academic years, 51% of the Circuits course
students, who did not participate (no intervention) in the Redshirt Camps and
Workshops, passed the course. The pass rate for the Circuits course students who
attended Redshirt Camp and the Workshops (intervention) was 70%. For the
Electromagnetics course, the pass rate for students with no intervention was 77%,
compared to a 96% pass rate for students who were enrolled in Redshirt Camp and the
Workshops. In total, we have seen vast increases in pass rates for our “intervention”
group. Additionally, it should be noted that there has been no statistical difference in the
GPAs for participants and non-participants, meaning students have not self selected
based on prior academic performance. Therefore, we believe that Redshirt Camp plus
workshops can and do improve retention rates in these rigorous courses.

ECE UG enrollment experienced a dramatic increase in enrollment Fall 2001. The

minimum GPA requirement for transfer students was raised from 2.0 to 2.5 in 2003,
resulting in fewer transfer students enrolling in ECE recently; thus, accounting for the
“dip” in the number of ECE students. ECE graduates have doubled since Fall 2001.

Curriculum Changes: ECE 2300 (Circuits) and ECE 2317 (Electromagnetics): We added
workshops outside of lecture hours and added to the original number of lecture sections

National Science Foundation (NSF) grants to help sustain our ECE recruitment and
retention efforts:

STEP- AHEAD: Access to Higher Education through Academic Retention and

Development at the University of Houston, 12/01/03 - 11/30/08, $1,660,449.00

RET Site: Research Experiences for Greater Houston High School Science and Math
Teachers, 10/01/03 - 09/30/07, $435,530.00.

Gifts to help sustain ECE recruitment: Exxon-Mobil ($40,000) and Texas Instruments

Project Discussion: Introduction

UH is the most ethnically diverse institution of higher learning in the US, and 46% of
ECE students enrolled in Fall 2006 were ethnic minorities and/or women. ECE UG
enrollment experienced a dramatic increase in enrollment five years ago (Fall 2001) due
in part to intensified recruiting efforts of “high ability” high school students. The average
SAT score for the Fall 2004 freshman class was approximately 1210, a substantial
increase over the average SAT score five years prior. The minimum GPA requirement
for transfer students was raised from 2.0 to 2.5 in 2003. ECE is pleased with the recent
growth and current “plateau” in enrollment, and is in a comfortable position to provide
exceptional undergraduate teaching while recruiting and maintaining a quality
undergraduate student body. While effective retention programs are in place and
proposed to increase graduation rates of the ECE student body as a whole, our

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expansion goal (through recruiting) focuses on the pressing national and local issue of
increasing the number of female students/graduates.

ECE Recruiting through Girls Reaching and Demonstrating Excellence in Engineering

(GRADE): Many girls and young women have the potential or skills to study engineering,
but choose careers in social science and the humanities without ever considering more
"technical" careers. To provide girls with opportunities to experience engineering first-
hand and interact with female engineer role models, we created ECE GRADE Camps.
Through emphasis on career exposure rather than career choice, GRADE provides girls
with a better understanding of the nature of engineering, including the need for a solid
foundation in math and science courses. Modules that are covered in camp include
problem solving, robotics, programming a micro-controller, motors and generators,
magnetism, history of electrical and computer engineering, team building, networking,
and oral presentations. Society of Women Engineers (SWE) student mentors will work
with small groups of GRADE camp participants to integrate camp modules into a design
project. By working on engineering design projects, students will 1) apply their science
and math knowledge to solve real problems, 2) need help from team members to carry
out the task more efficiently, and 3) gain an insider's view of engineering design and
scientific inquiry processes. Each camp culminates with GRADE participants presenting
their design project to their camp peers, invited family members, and teachers of their
choosing. ECE faculty are assisted by one ECE Teaching Fellow and six SWE student
mentors. The one-week camps are held each summer (4 camps)

Redshirt Camp: Far too often, students who enter college aspiring to careers in ECE and
manage to progress through their freshman courses do not survive their sophomore year
of courses that include circuits and electromagnetics. These intellectually rigorous
courses, which are the foundation for further work in ECE, are difficult even for the
well-prepared student. Yet traditional remedial and counseling approaches have rarely
achieved significant results in assisting these students through the crucial sophomore
year of the ECE curriculum. To address this issue we created ECE Redshirt Camps. The
objective of the camps is to “redshirt” or “prepare” our rising sophomores and transfer
students for the rigors of the second year of study in ECE. ECE faculty are assisted by
an ECE Teaching Fellow, and six dedicated graduate teaching assistants. The one-week
camps are held in August and January of each year. All ECE rising sophomores and
incoming transfer students are invited to participate in a one week of camp at no cost to
the student. In fact, students who successfully complete the camp are awarded a “book”
scholarship for their next semester of study. Instead of providing remediation, Redshirt
Camp constitutes a novel academic program that promotes academic excellence and
fosters leadership skills.

Make it Real: One of the reasons why students lose interest in core ECE courses is that
these introductory courses are often seen by students as abstract with limited examples
that relate content to students' lives. Thus, each of the modules in Redshirt Camp
focuses on real world examples. Redshirt Camp emphasizes collaboration over
competition. Students often lose confidence in applying their math and science abilities
in engineering courses due to the competitive nature of many classrooms. We believe
students are much more likely to thrive in collaborative environments where there is
social interaction.
Instead of competing for who will be the first one to solve the largest number of
problems, Redshirt Camp provides students with tasks and projects that require

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teamwork. A vast majority of electrical and computer engineering students who
participated in the TETC program reported changing their learning perspectives as a
result of attending Redshirt Camp. Our vision for Redshirt Camp is to create an
academic environment in which students can excel in sophomore level ECE courses.

Workshops in Addition to Traditional Lectures: The idea behind a workshop program is

that, under the guidance of a skilled teacher, ECE students can learn core electrical
engineering principles more efficiently by working together with their peers. Once
students embrace the notion of working together by forming groups outside of class to
do homework problems and prepare for examinations, they will discover that pooling
their knowledge and their know-how will result in the whole (a given group) being greater
than the sum of the parts (a given student). In addition, group dynamics result in
students encouraging one another, and in many instances students finding some time in
a hectic schedule to relax socially together. Despite the benefits that can be enumerated
to prospective participants, a workshop program will not appeal to sophomore ECE
students if they perceive it to be essentially remediation under a new name. In the
workshop environment, students take up difficult problems, and the pace is challenging.
When students discover that they need further help or that they are weak in a particular
area, they receive individual assistance. This assistance can take place either privately
during a workshop session or in supplementary sessions with a member of the ECE
workshop team.

The Students' Responsibilities: Students who elect to be in the workshops are required
to attend a weekly two-hour workshop. Sporadic attendance would not only diminish the
absent student's opportunity to profit from the workshop, but would also undermine the
sense of community that the workshop is intended to encourage. Before attending the
workshop, the students are responsible for doing all the class work they are able to do
on their own. They should come with as much of the homework completed as possible,
having read the assignments and reviewed their lecture notes. They can then participate
actively in the workshop. If the student comes to the workshop unprepared, it will be
apparent to the workshop leaders. As students learn to incorporate collaborative learning
techniques to solve challenging problems and apply them to the rest of their
undergraduate coursework, they are more likely to progress to the next semester and
ultimately graduate.

Project Discussion: Objectives

The University of Houston (UH) Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department
is committed to creating and sustaining a highly capable and diverse, technical
workforce. To this aim, our current proposal includes best practices strategies to 1)
retain greater numbers of ECE undergraduates through challenging collaborative
learning interventions and 2) recruit underrepresented female students into ECE through
a female only engineering summer camp. To better prepare students for the challenging
engineering curriculum, we created a weeklong camp that uses collaborative learning
pedagogy to teach critical engineering concepts. Students continue to practice these
techniques through weekly, course-specific workshops. Since its inception, pass rates
for engineering courses are 30% higher for program participants versus non-program
participants. ECE graduation numbers have doubled and remained sustainable since the
inception of the implementation of the TWD TETC 2002 grant award. The data for
graduates is shown below:

5 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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FY 01: (Dec 00, May 01, and August 01) 48 B.S. graduate
FY02: 69 B.S. graduates
FY03: 92 B.S. graduates
FY04: 95 B.S. graduates
FY05: 99 B.S. graduates
FY06: 91 B.S. graduates

Project Discussion: Implementation

Redshirt Camp: The camps are led by ECE faculty with assistance by an ECE Teaching
Fellow, and six dedicated graduate teaching assistants. The one-week camps are held
in August and January of each year. All ECE rising sophomores and incoming transfer
students are invited to participate in a one week of camp at no cost to the student. In
fact, students who successfully complete the camp are awarded a “book” scholarship for
their next semester of study. Modules that are covered in camp include problem solving,
intermediate MATLAB programming, vector calculus as applied in basic
electromagnetics, linear algebra as applied in basic circuit theory, time management and
team building.

Workshops in Addition to Traditional Lectures: To continue the general techniques and

principles taught at Redshirt Camp, we offer Collaborative Learning Workshops, held for
two hours once a week throughout the semester. The idea behind our workshop series
is that, under the guidance of a trained facilitator, students can learn core principles
more efficiently by working together with their peers. Once students embrace the notion
of working together, forming groups outside of class to do homework problems and to
prepare for examinations, they will discover that pooling their knowledge will result in the
whole (a given group) being greater than the sum of the parts (individual students).
Workshop facilitators are in direct communication with the faculty of the corresponding
course lecture sections throughout the semester, so that continuity with the lecture
material is ensured. Students are required to take responsibility for their own
educational enrichment and are held accountable. Workshop attendance and
promptness is required.

Through emphasis on career exposure rather than career choice, GRADE provides girls
with a better understanding of the nature of engineering, including the need for a solid
foundation in math and science courses. GRADE utilizes active, co-operative learning
and hands-on experiences rather than traditional lecture or demonstration-based
formats. Participants learn theory during the mornings and then apply the theory during
the afternoons in sequential, hands-on laboratories completed in teams of two or three
girls. Each activity and discussion session is carefully designed to lead into a portion of a
final design project, thereby linking theory to practice. Modules that are covered in camp
include problem solving, robotics, programming a micro-controller, motors and
generators, magnetism, history of electrical and computer engineering, team building,
networking, and oral presentations. SWE student mentors work with small groups of
GRADE camp participants to integrate camp modules into a design project. By working
on engineering design projects, students 1) apply their science and math knowledge to
solve real problems, and 2) gain an insider's view of engineering design and scientific
inquiry processes. Each camp culminates with GRADE participants presenting their
design project to their camp peers, invited family members, and teachers of their
choosing. The one-week camps are held each summer (4 camps). GRADE camps are
targeted towards entering 9th-12th grade girls (25 to 30 per camp) with appropriate math

6 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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and science background for their grade. Students who successfully complete the camp
are awarded a $1,000 scholarship if they subsequently major in Electrical or Computer
Engineering at UH. ECE at UH maintains a website where GRADE participants can seek
advice or help in homework from GRADE mentors, engineer guests, and ECE faculty,
who are an integral part of GRADE Camp.

Project Discussion: Changes to Plan

No significant changes have been made. We did leverage our funds with another NSF-
funded program (STEM-STEP) to support both graduate and undergraduate student
facilitators for the retention workshops. In some workshops, we have both graduate and
undergraduate engineering students working together to facilitate collaborative learning.
With the collaboration of our STEP-funded retention workshops we have been able to
cast a wider net of available workshops than initially expected (we now have 10
engineering courses with accompanying workshops). In addition, through our
experience with initial circuits and electromagnetics workshops, we have been able to
integrate a “best-practice” approach in other key engineering courses.

Project Discussion: Evaluation

For all of our programs, we have used the framework of Kirkpatrick’s Program
Evaluation Model, which consists of four levels of major assessment. The first level of
assessment is “Reactions” where we are able to determine the need for program
changes. Measurements usually consist of evaluation forms containing program
statements with which participants are asked to rate their level of agreement using Likert
Scales (e.g. 1=Strongly Agree, 3=Not sure, 5=Strongly Disagree). In the second level of
assessment, “Learning”, we are able to determine changes in reported beliefs by using
pre and post assessments. In the third level of assessment, “Transfer”, we are
attempting to track changes in behavior following program participation. For example, in
our follow-up forms for GRADE Campers, we are attempting to find out which math,
science, and engineering courses they are taking in high school and in college. In the
final level of assessment, “Results”, we are tracking our participants to determine the
impact of our programs. For instance, in GRADE Camp, we are in the process of
compiling data on how many of our camp alumnae are pursuing STEM undergraduate
degrees. For our Redshirt Camp and Academic Excellence Workshop participants, we
will be ultimately tracking how many of the students matriculated to upper-level
engineering courses compared to the engineering students who did not participate.
Results comparing students’ overall GPAs on average indicate that there are no
significant differences between the students who elect to participate in the excellence

Specific measurements and metrics used for GRADE Camp include numerous pre and
post surveys to track perceptions of STEM fields and subsequent choice of
undergraduate and graduate degree majors. For Redshirt Camp and Academic
Excellence Workshops, we use pre and post assessments and analyze final grades for
students. Plans are underway to track long-term matriculation of students. We have
used t-tests to compare group mean differences in Likert Scales, GPAs, and final course
grades. We have used alpha levels of .05 and ideally .01. We also utilize open ended
questions in our surveys to obtain program feedback and determine program impact on

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Project Discussion: Sustainability
Retention: The major constraint that we see at present is that we are only able to
provide the workshops through the use of the funding from TETC and NSF. Funding for
this type of activity through university appropriations is quite difficult. In the last three
years, tuition and fees for students at UH has increased significantly (about 40%). Thus,
introducing additional fees to allow students to derive the benefits of Redshirt camp and
the associated course workshops becomes problematic. At this time we have the
supplementary funding available through CY 2008, and thereafter we hope to support
the retention efforts through a combination of student fees, designated tuition, and
industrial contributions

Outreach: The sustainability of our GRADE Camps for high school girls appears to be
progressing very well. We recently received an unsolicited donation of $40,000 from
ExxonMobil and $5,000 from Texas Instruments for scholarships for attendees with
financial need. We are presently exploring the possibilities of complete support of the
program from industrial and foundation funding.

National Science Foundation (NSF) grants to help sustain our recruitment and retention
STEP- AHEAD: Access to Higher Education through Academic Retention and
Development at the University of Houston, 12/01/03 - 11/30/08, $1,660,449.00

RET Site: Research Experiences for Greater Houston High School Science and Math
Teachers, 10/01/03 - 09/30/07, $435,530.00.

Gifts to help sustain ECE recruitment: Exxon-Mobil ($40,000) and Texas Instruments

Project Discussion: Results and Success Summary

Retention Program Success: Through our TETC grants, we have implemented effective
retention programs with an overall participation rate of 34% on average of enrolled
students in the first two targeted courses (circuits and electromagnetics). Historically,
the pass rates for these courses have ranged from 40-60%. Over the past three
academic years, 51% of the Circuits course students, who did not participate (no
intervention) in the Redshirt Camps and Workshops, passed the course. The pass rate
for the Circuits course students who attended Redshirt Camp and the Workshops
(intervention) was 70%. For the Electromagnetics course, the pass rate for students
with no intervention was 77%, compared to a 96% pass rate for students who were
enrolled in Redshirt Camp and the Workshops. In total, we have seen vast increases in
pass rates for our “intervention” group. Additionally, it should be noted that there has
been no statistical difference in the GPAs for participants and non-participants, meaning
students have not self selected based on prior academic performance. Therefore, we
believe that Redshirt Camp plus workshops can and do improve retention rates in these
rigorous courses. We have now also implemented our plan of expanding our retention
workshops throughout the entire college. The preliminary results for these workshops
appear promising.
Note: Our best practices retention activities have been singled out by past external
TETC program reviewers as such: “The University of Houston ‘red-shirt camp’ appears
to be an innovative and highly effective program. It appears that other institutions may

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want to start similar programs, if given funding and a way to learn from University of
Houston’s experience.”

Recruitment Program Success: Our recruitment of new ECE engineering students has
been targeted at 9th through 12th grade females through our experiential, week-long
GRADE Camps. We provide attendees opportunities to experience engineering first-
hand and interact with female engineer role models. The GRADE Camp message is
that females can and do excel and gain job satisfaction in engineering fields, and need a
solid foundation in math and science courses. GRADE Camp began as a small pilot
program with State of Texas funding during the summer of 2003. Since inception of the
pilot program, which was strengthened and expanded with additional TETC funding, a
total of 305 girls have attended. The results thus far indicate that 60% of GRADE camp
participants who have reached college age are now enrolled in STEM fields, 20% are
undecided, and 20% are pursuing non-STEM majors. It is common for parents of
participants to request follow-up camps; they report that they are impressed with the
quality and quantity of engineering material that their daughters learn during the week.
Tracking efforts are ongoing to determine long-term effectiveness of GRADE Camp on
future career choices. The results thus far appear promising.

Success Stories:
GRADE Camp participant comments:
“The most fun for me was talking to all the engineers and asking them questions I
needed to know about the field or fields I am thinking about going into. Their advice
helped me out a lot! I also liked programming the robots, that was a neat thing to do.”

“…I just want to thank all of you for making me have a wonderful week. I have learned
many things about engineering and you all have inspired me more to be that computer
engineer that I have always wanted to be, since I was the age 5 years old. Thank You
so much!”

GRADE Camp parent comments:

“The mentors made a big impression on my daughters. We appreciate the information
regarding the different types of engineers. The staff was wonderful and the experience
will be remembered forever.”

“This was a 1st class experience. Many thanks to the sponsors and underwriters.”

“This is a good program to inspire girls to consider engineering careers.”

“I thought the Camp was very educational and I was very impressed by the knowledge of
engineering that the girls obtained in such a short period of time.”

“My daughter enjoyed the camp and (it) has helped her in deciding a future career. The
‘parent’ presentation was very informative and showed how much material was covered
in just a few days!”

Redshirt Camp participant comments:

“I’ve never enjoyed learning this much before in my life.”

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“Reviewing some mathematical calculations and techniques from semesters gone by
was very helpful. Since I do not normally study with others, it was nice to get the chance
to practice teaching and learning from others. The staff was very professional and kept
a challenging and punctual schedule. Thanks to everyone involved.”

Workshop participant comments:

(Circuits Workshop is) “a very helpful and interactive learning tool. A place where, if you
feel uncomfortable speaking out in class or working with others, you can be pushed out
of this negative behavior. Although you are critiqued, you learn that you are not the only
student unclear on some topics. Also, you develop comfort in teaching others.”

(EM Workshop is) “a useful tool for learning new approaches to problem solving.”

From TETC website:

Dorota Bernatek, Electrical Engineering, University of Houston
Hi, my name is Dorota Bernatek and I am a graduating senior at the University of
Houston majoring in Electrical Engineering, Computer Option. Upon graduation, I will be
working as a field engineer at ExxonMobil Pipeline in Houston, TX.
Having been on each side of the Cullen College of Engineering’s Retention Program,
both the participation and administration, I am able to speak with greatest confidence on
the impact and knowledge it offered me. Having taken all the available workshops
offered through the retention program, this TETC supported program provided an extra
medium in which I could hone my skills and reinforce my learning. Having a weekly
workshop offered me a different perspective on collaborative learning; it was a focused
and reliable source of knowledge and tutoring that otherwise I would not have received
any where else. Currently, I have had the opportunity to make the same difference and
impact with other students by facilitating one of the workshops offered for Electrical
Engineering students. I have seen just how much dedication and passion is required to
drive a retention program; as well as how rewarding it is when the statistics prove the
workshop influence is definitely a factor to the students’ success.

Make it Real: One of the reasons why students lose interest in core engineering courses
is that these introductory courses are often seen by students as abstract with limited
examples that relate content to students' lives. Therefore, each of the modules in
Redshirt Camp and our Collaborative Learning Workshops focus on real world
examples. We emphasize collaboration over competition. Students often lose confidence
in applying their math and science abilities in engineering courses due to the competitive
nature of many classrooms. We believe students are much more likely to thrive in
collaborative environments where there is social interaction. Instead of competing for
who will be the first one to solve the largest number of problems, our programs provide
students with tasks and projects that build the essential teamwork skills that lead to
success in the classroom.

Students give overwhelmingly positive feedback about the worthiness and need of such
retention programs. It is not uncommon for students to ask for similar programs in other
courses. Our recommendations are follows: 1) advertise opportunities within courses
that precede your targeted courses, 2) cajole undergraduate advisors to email program
opportunities to your targeted student audience, 3) train workshop facilitators specifically

10 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
on how to facilitate collaborative learning – avoid duplicating the lecture environment,
and 4) maintain and enforce strict attendance standards for program participants.

Cost Estimates: Redshirt Camp (six graduate students @ one month each, $9,000; four
faculty @ 0.5 months each, $20,000; one teaching fellow @ one month, $5,000; 100
participant scholarships @ $150 each, $15,000) Total Costs, $49,000.

Cost Estimates: Academic Workshops (six graduate students @ nine months each,
$81,000; four faculty @ 0.5 months each, $20,000; one teaching fellow @ nine months,
$45,000) Total Costs, $146,000.

Young women often do not recognize the possibility, opportunities, and rewards of an
engineering career. Dr. Karan Watson suggests in her working paper for the National
Academy of Engineering, “What’s Next in Diversifying the UD Engineering Workforce”
that isolation is a major factor when looking at reasons woman do not pursue careers in
engineering and science. Our strategy addresses this issue by offering high school girls
an academic support system and a supportive learning community. GRADE Camp
incorporates student mentoring and also allows campers to speak candidly with female
engineering faculty and female engineers during Camp and throughout the campers’
high school and college years through the GRADE Communities of Practice website.
Offering a non-threatening environment for girls to learn about math and science free of
stereotypical pressures that they may place upon themselves is a fundamental reason
why GRADE Camps have been well received and successful. We believe that ECE
GRADE Camps at UH are instrumental in fostering increased interest in ECE resulting in
a larger number of females pursuing and obtaining electrical and computer engineering
degrees. Of the 305 girls have attended GRADE Camp, 62 have attended through need
based scholarship funds.

Cost Estimates: six SWE undergraduate students @ one month each, $12,000; two
graduate students @ one month each, $3,000; four faculty @ 0.5 month each, $20,000;
one teaching fellow @ one month, $5,000; 20 need based camp scholarships @ $100
each, $2,000; participant camp fee @ $200 each, $20,000; Total Costs, $62,000.

Texas Engineering Technical Consortium 2006 BP Conference:
Collaborative Learning as a Tool for Retention of Engineering Students
David P. Shattuck, Betty J. Barr, Jennifer L. Ruchhoeft,
Julie Martin Trenor, Stuart A. Long, and Frank J. Claydon
University of Houston: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Texas Engineering Technical Consortium 2006 BP Conference:

Girls Reaching and Demonstrating Excellence (GRADE) Camps:
An Innovative Recruiting Strategy at the University of Houston
to Increase Female Representation in Engineering
John R. Glover, Jennifer L. Ruchhoeft, Julie Martin Trenor,
Stuart A. Long and Frank J. Claydon
University of Houston: Electrical and Computer Engineering

11 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
American Society of Engineering Education 2005 Annual Conference and Exhibition:
Girls Reaching and Demonstrating Excellence (G.R.A.D.E.) Camps: An Innovative
Recruiting Strategy at the University of Houston to Increase Female Representation in
John R. Glover, Jennifer L. Ruchhoeft, Julie Martin Trenor, Stuart A. Long,
and Frank J. Claydon
University of Houston: Electrical and Computer Engineering

American Society of Engineering Education 2005 Annual Conference and Exhibition

Collaborative Learning as a Tool for Retention of Engineering Students: An Update on
the Success of Engineering ‘Redshirt’ Camps and Collaborative Learning Workshops
at the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering
David P. Shattuck, Betty J. Barr, Jennifer L. Ruchhoeft, Julie Martin Trenor, Stuart A.
Long, and Frank J. Claydon
University of Houston: Electrical and Computer Engineering

12 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
2002 Final Report
Title of Project: UTD School of Engineering and Computer Science -- TETC
Undergraduate Expansion Program
Project Number: 009741-EE2002-0000
Project Leader (PL): Dr. E. Douglas Harris
Project Co-Leader Bao Tran
Department: Eric Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science
Institution: The University of Texas at Dallas

13 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
2002 Final Report
Title of Project: Electrical Engineering Recruitment and Retention Enhancement
Project Number: 003599-EE2002-0000
Project Leader (PL): Dr. Edwin LeMaster
Project Co-Leader Dr. Heinrich D. Foltz
Department: School of Engineering and Computer Science
Institution: The University of Texas-Pan American

14 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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2002 Final Report
Title of Project: Expansion of the EE Program at TAMU-K with Scholarships and
Project Number: 003639-EE2002-0000
Project Leader (PL): Sung-won Park
Project Co-Leader Lifford McLauchlan
Department: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Institution: Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Address: 700 University Blvd., MSC 192, Kingsville, TX 78363

To increase the EE undergraduate enrollment and to offer a more updated curriculum,
we added the “computer engineering” option to the EE curriculum and advertised it to
high school and community college students in South Texas. To recruit students, we
offered scholarships to students who would be qualified to get admission to the EE
program and register full time. This also helped to recruit students at Del Mar College
that has two-plus-two program with us. To increase the retention rate student tutoring
program has been utilized.

Del Mar College

Student Numbers:*
Entering Progressing Advanced Graduated Students
Students Students Students (during previous
academic year)
(1) Fall 2001 Headcount 22 39 46 23

(2) Fall 2006 Headcount 38 37 23 26

1) Did the project accomplish the numerical goals set for your department in terms of
additional students pursuing the baccalaureate degree?
The total number of students stayed about the same.
2) Has your project improved the retention numbers and percentages over the term of
the grant?
There was no significant change in terms of retention rate.
3) Has your project improved the graduation numbers and percentages over the term of
the grant?
Graduation number has been between 20 and 26 per year over the last six years. There
was no significant change.

Provide a project summary, up to one page, with 11 pt font, single spaced. This abstract
should be ready for publication. You may want to include an introduction and address
project objectives, project implementation, changes to plan, project evaluation,
sustainability, and a summary of results. To increase the EE undergraduate enrollment

15 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
and to offer a more updated curriculum to the students, the Department of Electrical and
Computer Science at Texas A&M University-Kingsville added the "computer engineering
option" to the EE curriculum. We advertised this to high school students in South Texas.
High school students in South Texas in general want to attend universities close to their
homes. Some of them are academically talented but financially needy students. They
need scholarships to attend a university. Some of them have capability and motivation
to pursue an engineering degree but do not have enough background in math and
science. They need tutoring and/or remediation.

The main objectives of this project were to recruit students using scholarships and to
increase retention rate by utilizing student tutoring.

Our faculty members attended high school events such as their career days or
engineering day to advertise our EE program. The department chair visited Del Mar
College, located in Corpus Christi, to recruit students at least twice a year. The
department has a "two-plus-two program" with Del Mar. Students from Corpus Christi
can take two years of courses at Del Mar without commuting to Kingsville and come to
Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMU-K) to complete their B.S. degree in electrical
engineering. This program is attractive to students not only because the tuition at Del
Mar is cheaper but also due to the location of the college. At least one quarter of our
enrollment is made up of the transfer students from Del Mar. The chair in cooperation
with the student advisor at Del Mar College met with students who were interested in a
science or engineering degree to recruit them. A great number of students who come to
TAMU-K are academically talented but financially needy students. Most of our students
need to work part-time or full-time to pay for their tuition and other expenses. Some
even need to work to support their families. We offered scholarships mainly for these
needy students. We had examined the transcripts of students who have withdrawn from
the electrical engineering program. We hired academically qualified junior or senior
students to tutor students who lack math and science background but have motivation to
pursue an EE degree. This tutoring have been beneficial for both tutors and students as
1) students not only mastered subjects better by learning from their tutors but also
learned about scheduling from upperclassmen so that they can graduate on time; 2)
tutoring provided job opportunities for advanced EE students so that some of them did
not need to take off-campus jobs to earn living expenses.

We offered nonrenewable one-time scholarships between $1,500 and $2,000 to new

students. As the scholarships were not renewable, we believe that it did not attract as
many students as we expected. However, all students who participated in the tutoring
program agreed or strongly agreed that the student tutoring helped them to prepare and
understand the course materials better and to perform better in their classes. Even
though there was no significant change in terms of retention rate, we believe that the
tutoring program worked well.

It should be noted that having this grant was instrumental to receive a $400,000 CSEMS
grant from NSF for the college of engineering. Also as the direct result of in-kind
contribution, 12 NI ELVIS workstations, the department was able to receive $75,918
from NSF for EEEN 3212 lab development.

Even though there was no significant change in terms of enrollment, we believe that this
project has been successful as the EE enrollment in Texas has gone down during the

16 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
same period. It should be noted one more time that the student tutoring program has
been very appealing to our students.

Project Discussion: Introduction

To increase the EE undergraduate enrollment and to offer a more updated curriculum to
the students, the Department of Electrical and Computer Science at Texas A&M
University-Kingsville added the "computer engineering option" to the EE curriculum. We
advertised this to high school students in South Texas. High school students in South
Texas in general want to attend universities close to their homes. Some of them are
academically talented but financially needy students. They need scholarships to attend
a university. Some of them have capability and motivation to pursue an engineering
degree but do not have enough background in math and science. They need tutoring
and/or remediation.

Project Discussion: Objectives

The main objectives of this project were to recruit students using scholarships and to
increase retention rate by utilizing student tutoring.

Project Discussion: Implementation

Our faculty members attended high school events such as their career days or
engineering day to advertise our EE program. The department chair visited Del Mar
College, located in Corpus Christi, to recruit students at least twice a year. The
department has a "two-plus-two program" with Del Mar. Students from Corpus Christi
can take two years of courses at Del Mar without commuting to Kingsville and come to
Texas A&M University-Kingsville (TAMU-K) to complete their B.S. degree in electrical
engineering. This program is attractive to students not only because the tuition at Del
Mar is cheaper but also due to the location of the college. At least one quarter of our
enrollment is made up of the transfer students from Del Mar. The chair in cooperation
with the student advisor at Del Mar College met with students who were interested in a
science or engineering degree to recruit them. A great number of students who come to
TAMU-K are academically talented but financially needy students. Most of our students
need to work part-time or full-time to pay for their tuition and other expenses. Some
even need to work to support their families. We offered scholarships mainly for these
needy students. We had examined the transcripts of students who have withdrawn from
the electrical engineering program. We hired academically qualified junior or senior
students to tutor students who lack math and science background but have motivation to
pursue an EE degree. This tutoring have been beneficial for both tutors and students as
1) students not only mastered subjects better by learning from their tutors but also
learned about scheduling from upperclassmen so that they can graduate on time; 2)
tutoring provided job opportunities for advanced EE students so that some of them did
not need to take off-campus jobs to earn living expenses.

Project Discussion: Changes to Plan

There was no change to report.

Project Discussion: Evaluation

We offered nonrenewable one-time scholarships between $1,500 and $2,000 to new
students. As the scholarships were not renewable, we believe that it did not attract as
many students as we expected. However, all students who participated in the tutoring

17 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
program agreed or strongly agreed that the student tutoring helped them to prepare and
understand the course materials better and to perform better in their classes. Even
though there was no significant change in terms of retention rate, we believe that the
tutoring program worked well.

Project Discussion: Sustainability

It should be noted that having this grant was instrumental to receive a $400,000 CSEMS
grant from NSF for the college of engineering. Also as the direct result of in-kind
contribution, 12 NI ELVIS workstations, the department was able to receive $75,918
from NSF for EEEN 3212 lab development.

Project Discussion: Results and Success Summary

Even though there was no significant change in terms of enrollment, we believe that this
project has been successful as the EE enrollment in Texas has gone down during the
same period.

It should be noted one more time that the student tutoring program has been very
appealing to our students.

18 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
2002 Final Report
Title of Project: Increasing Electrical Engineering Program Enrollment: New
Program, Increased Retention and College Transfer
Project Number: 003630-EE-2002-0000
Project Leader (PL): John O. Attia
Project Co-Leader:
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Institution: Prairie View A&M University
Address: PO Box 519, MS 2520, Prairie View, TX 77446

In 1998, the number of graduates with electrical engineering bachelor’s degrees has
fallen 50 percent compared to those at 1987. However, programs with Computer
Engineering did not suffer the dramatic enrollment decline. The main strategy of this
project was to create a Computer Engineering program. The other strategies for this
grant were to provide mentoring and tutorials, and offer scholarships to transfer
students. The Computer Engineering program admitted its first students in June 2003.
There were 15 students in the program in September 2003 and 70 students in
September 2006. The program is fully integrated into the College of Engineering.

1. Richland College
2. Houston Community College
3. CyFair College

Student Numbers:*
Entering Progressing Advanced Graduated
Students Students Students Students
(during previous
academic year)
(1) Fall 2001 Headcount 90 90 70 23

(2) Fall 2006 Headcount 69 74 143 38

1) Did the project accomplish the numerical goals set for your department in terms of
additional students pursuing the baccalaureate degree?
There was an increase in the number of students enrolled in both the Computer and
Electrical Engineering programs. Compared to the 2001 student enrollment data, there
was 14 percent increase in enrollment during the fall 2006 semester.

2) Has your project improved the retention numbers and percentages over the term of
the grant?
The project goals did not include increasing retention rate.

19 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
3) Has your project improved the graduation numbers and percentages over the term of
the grant?
The graduation numbers have increased. Compared to the 2001 graduated students’
data, there was 65 percent increase in program graduates during the calendar year
ending December 2006.

In 1987, the number of electrical engineering graduates with bachelor degrees in the
United States universities peaked at 25,000. By 1998, the number of graduates with
electrical engineering bachelor’s degrees has fallen 50 percent. However, programs
with Computer Engineering did not suffer the dramatic decline in enrollment. The trend
was that several electrical engineering departments were adding computer engineering
programs to their departments. In addition, there were several reports that indicated
that Computer Engineering is one of the fastest growing areas for employment. The
demand for Computer Engineering graduates was growing steadily, due to (i) software
and hardware needs; (ii) consumer demand for technology products and (iii) proliferation
of and reliance on technology in the workplace. The main strategy in the project was to
create a Computer Engineering program. The other two strategies for this grant were to:
(i) provide mentoring and tutorials, and (ii) scholarship for transfer students

The proposal for the creation of the computer engineering program was written in spring
2002 semester. The program was approved by the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board in May 2003, and the program admitted its first students in June
2003. Six new courses were introduced when the computer engineering program was
established. The courses were: (i) ELEG 3071 Microprocessor Lab; (ii) ELEG 3073
Microprocessor System Design; (iii) ELEG 4311 Advanced Logic Design Lab; (iv) ELEG
4353 Advanced Logic Design; (v) ELEG 4333 Communication Network Engineering.
We have developed a laboratory for the Computer Engineering program. The pieces of
equipment purchased through this grant include personal computers, microprocessor
development systems, and software packages.

The project was evaluated by the number of students in the Computer Engineering
program, the number of students who transferred into the Electrical and Computer
Engineering programs, and the total number of students in both the Electrical and
Computer Engineering programs. There were 15 students in the program in September
2003 and 70 students in September 2006. The first graduate of the Computer
Engineering program was awarded her bachelors degree in May 2006. Throughout the
course of this project, twenty-two students were awarded the transfer students’
scholarship when the students transferred into the Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Computer Engineering program is fully integrated into the College of Engineering.
The number of students in the Computer Engineering program is increasing. The faculty
and laboratory facilities are available. The Computer Engineering program will be
sustained by formula funding.

Project Discussion: Introduction

In 1987, the number of electrical engineering graduates with bachelor degrees in the
United States universities peaked at 25,000. By 1998, the number of graduates with
electrical engineering bachelor’s degrees has fallen 50 percent. However, programs

20 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
with Computer Engineering did not suffer the dramatic decline in enrollment. The trend
is that several electrical engineering departments were adding computer engineering
programs to their departments.

In addition, there were several reports that showed that Computer Engineering was one
of the fastest growing areas for employment. The demand for Computer Engineering
graduates was growing steadily, due to (i) software and hardware needs; (ii) consumer
demand for technology products and (iii) proliferation of and reliance on technology in
the workplace.

Between 2000 and 2002, a significant number of students at Prairie View A&M
University enquired about the availability of Computer Engineering program in the
Department of Electrical Engineering. In addition, several parents and high schools
students called the Electrical Engineering department enquiring about Computer
Engineering program.

Table 1 shows the student enrollment for Electrical Engineering, Electrical Engineering
Technology and Computer Engineering Technology Programs between 1997 and 2001.

Table 1: Undergraduate Enrollment at PVAMU for (a) Electrical Engineering (b)

Electrical Engineering Technology and (c) Computer Engineering Technology Programs

Program Total Student Enrollment in Bachelor’s

Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Engineering 318 295 262 261 250
Technology 40 50 47 54 60
Technology 121 162 213 246 294

From 1997 to 2001, the Electrical Engineering program enrollment declined from 318 to
250 students. However, the computer Engineering Technology program at Prairie View
A&M University enrolment increased from 121 to 294, which was 143% increase in
enrollment. Table 1 shows that the Computer Engineering Technology program at
Prairie View doubled in enrollment in 4 years (from Fall 1997 to Fall 1999). This trend
was also true for Computer Engineering programs at Texas A&M University and
University of Pittsburgh. We wanted to increase the electrical engineering enrollment by
creation of a Computer Engineering program.

It is reported that majority of high school graduates attend community colleges instead of
four-year academic institutions. In most cases, community college students transfer to
universities and complete their baccalaureate degrees within two or three years. We
wanted to attract the community college students to Prairie View A&M University by
offering them scholarships. We also wanted to increase the number of Community
College/University transfers into the Electrical and Computer Engineering programs.

21 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
Project Discussion: Objectives
The objective of this work was to increase the electrical engineering enrollment by (i)
creating a computer engineering program, (ii) providing mentoring and tutoring to
students, and by (iii) offering Community College/University transfer scholarships.

Project Discussion: Implementation

The proposal for the creation of the computer engineering program was written in spring
2002 semester. The program was approved by the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board in May 2003. The program admitted its first students in June 2003.
Six new courses were introduced when the computer engineering program was
established. The courses were: (i) ELEG 3071 Microprocessor Lab; (ii) ELEG 3073
Microprocessor System Design; (iii) ELEG 4311 Advanced Logic Design Lab; (iv) ELEG
4353 Advanced Logic Design; (v) ELEG 4333 Communication Network Engineering.
We have developed a laboratory for the Computer Engineering program. The pieces of
equipment purchased through this grant include personal computers, microprocessor
development systems, and software packages. In addition, we provided tutoring to
students in basic electrical and computer engineering courses.

Scholarships were awarded to community college students or University students who

have completed at least 30 semester credit hours of college work. In addition, the
students should have a GPA (grade point average) of 2.5 or higher. The scholarship
amount per student was $2000.00. Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) has
articulation agreements with the following community colleges: Houston Community
College, Austin Community College, North Harris County Community College, and
Montgomery County College. We targeted students in the above mentioned community
colleges which has articulation agreements with PVAMU.

Project Discussion: Changes to Plan

$30,000 of funds were transferred from salary allocations to equipment to build the
laboratory for the Computer Engineering program. The pieces of equipment purchased
through this grant include personal computers, microprocessor development systems,
and software packages.

Project Discussion: Evaluation

The project was evaluated by the number of students in the Computer Engineering
program, the number of students who transferred into the Electrical and Computer
Engineering programs, and the total number of students in both the Electrical and
Computer Engineering programs.

Project Discussion: Sustainability

The program is fully integrated into the College of Engineering The number of students
in the Computer Engineering program is increasing. The faculty and laboratory facilities
are available. The first graduate of the program completed her Computer Engineering
program in May 2006. The program will be sustained by formula funding.

Project Discussion: Results and Success Summary

There were 15 students in the program in September 2003 and 70 students in
September 2006. Figure 1 shows the enrollment of the Computer Engineering program.
The enrollment has been increasing steadily since the program inception. The first

22 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
graduate of the Computer Engineering program was awarded her bachelors degree in
May 2006.

Computer EngineeringEnrollment



Enrollment 40

Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006
Enrollment 15 48 61 70

Figure 1 Computer Engineering Enrollment

The scholarships and mentoring of the transfer students attracted and eased the
transition of community college transfers to PVAMU. Table 2 shows the number of
scholarships awarded for the course of the project to Community College/University
transfer students. A total of twenty-two scholarships were awarded.

Table 2 Number of Transfer Students’ Scholarships Awarded

Academic Year Number of Transfer Students’ Scholarships

2003-2004 7
2004-2005 2
2005-2006 3
2006-2007 10

The total enrollment for both the electrical and computer engineering programs has been
increasing during the past five years. Figure 2 shows the enrollment for Electrical and
Computer Engineering undergraduate programs. The decrease in total enrollment in fall
2006 is due to the introduction of higher admission standards for freshman students.

Success Story:
Introduction of a Computer Engineering degree is one way of increasing engineering
students’ enrollment. One student graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in
Computer Engineering in May 2006. Without the Texas Workforce Development grant,
the Computer Engineering program will not exist.

23 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
Total Enrollment (EE & CE Programs)



Enrollment 200

Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Enrollment 250 255 261 307 304 286

Figure 2 Total Enrollment for Electrical and Computer Engineering Program

Computer engineering students require several courses in electrical engineering and
computer science. An institution can reduce the number of faculty members needed for
a computer engineering program, if the institution has both computer science and
electrical engineering programs. The institution might need to hire additional faculty to
teach computer engineering courses, such embedded systems, computer networks, and
Computer Architecture. In addition, funds should be available to build laboratory
facilities for the computer engineering program.

The conditions for transfer of the best practice (for community college/University
transfer) are: (i) articulation agreements with Community Colleges, and (ii) scholarship
funds for transfer students. Articulation agreements with Community Colleges are very
helpful in providing a pipeline for students to transfer to four-year academic institutions.
The $2000.00, one-time transfer student scholarship, is very attractive to students. It
provides an additional incentive for students to transfer to four-year academic

Publications and Honorable Mention:

(a) Publication:
Attia, J.O., Increasing Electrical and Computer Engineering Enrollment: An Integrated
Approach, Submitted to 2007 Frontiers to Education Conference.

(b) Honorable Mention of the Program

“TETC In Action,” ASEE Prism, September, 2006.

24 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
2002 Final Report
Title of Project: Enhancing the quality and quantity of electrical and computer
engineering graduates
Project Number: 010366-EE2002-000
Project Leader (PL): Chanan Singh
Project Co-Leader
Department: Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
Institution: Texas A&M University
Address: College Station, TX 77843-3128

This project has contributed to enhance the retention of students to produce more graduates. This has been
achieved by more efficient use of resources rather than increasing the enrollment to attain the same
objective. The strategies used have utilized both curriculum modifications to make it more appealing to
students as well as use of more participatory style of instruction like design studios, WebCT and help desk.
There has been an increased participation of senior faculty in the gateway courses. The objectives of the
project have been successfully achieved with the peak number of graduates sixty percent higher than the


Student Numbers:*
Entering Progressing Advanced Graduated Students
Students Students Students (during previous
academic year)
(1) Fall 2001 Headcount 543 261 320 126

(2) Fall 2006 Headcount 236 353 266 154

1) Did the project accomplish the numerical goals set for your department in terms of
additional students pursuing the baccalaureate degree?
The goal of our project was to increase the number of graduates in electrical and computer engineering and
the project has been successful in achieving this goal as can be seen from table 1. As can be seen, the
number of graduates in 2004 increased by 62% from 2001. Decrease in fall 2006 is due to the decline in
enrollment which is a national phenomenon although we appear to be relatively less affected. Now efforts
are underway to recruit more students at the freshman level to compensate for this decline.

2) Has your project improved the retention numbers and percentages over the term of
the grant?
As can be seen from the table 1, the answer is definitely yes.

3) Has your project improved the graduation numbers and percentages over the term of
the grant?
As can be seen from the table 1, the answer is definitely yes.

25 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
Table 1: ECE Graduates

Year Graduated
Fall 2001 126
Fall 2002 147
Fall 2003 196
Fall 2004 204
Fall2005 188
Fall2006 154

In 2001, resources were constrained because of heavy teaching load and limited space
and equipment for undergraduate laboratories. Thus the thrust of the proposed effort
was to increase retention rather than enrollment. The premise was that if retention could
be increased during the first two years, then even the same number of freshmen would
yield higher number of graduates. Five strategies were suggested in the TWD proposal
but at the heart of all, there were two core strategies. The first was enhancement of
gateway curriculum and participation of senior faculty champions to accomplish this. The
second was improving methodology of instruction, including design studio and mentoring
of students. The basic premise was that if the students could be interested and
challenged, they would more likely stay, and more will come through enhanced
reputation. To implement this, first the faculty was identified who, given adequate
resources, would put their heart into this activity. There was a clear understanding that in
a research-intensive environment, faculty workload needs to be properly balanced
between teaching demands and scholarly accomplishments. So these faculty champions
were initially given lower teaching load and appropriate Graduate Assistant support to
accomplish their tasks. This proved to be effective as the dedication, energy, and sense
of ownership that the faculty has put into this task has proven quite remarkable.

One of the targets of curriculum changes was the freshman level. A new experimental
course was introduced to motivate and inspire freshmen towards electrical and computer
engineering – Practice of Electrical and Computer Engineering. This course combined
lectures with participatory activities using robotics to engage students’ imagination and
creativity. Although this was an optional course it attracted a large body of students. With
its success we started preliminary work of restructuring the regular first course in
engineering and this restructuring was carried forward through the 2003 TWD grant.

The second gateway course was the first course in Electric Circuit Theory. This course
had been previously taught primarily from the bottom up perspective of engineering
science whereby the analytical tools required for solving electrical circuit responses are
presented and exercised through extensive problem solving. The instructional
philosophy of the course was significantly altered by introducing more engineering
design in the curriculum and adopting WebCT based interactive homework submission
system. Additionally several changes have been made to introduce more challenging
and industry related experiments in the laboratory portion of this course. A design studio
concept has been introduced with several open-ended, realistic, top-down electrical
engineering circuit problems that have multiple solutions, and often have missing or
redundant information. A help desk was also introduced to mentor the students more
closely and effectively. Similarly the lab facilities of the digital design course ELEN248
have been expanded to enhance the experience of the electrical and computer
engineering graduates.

26 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
Apart from mentoring students by the senior faculty teaching these gateway courses,
help desk was introduced one each for the basic circuits course and the basic digital
design course. The help desks managed by graduate students and undergraduate peer
teachers proved to be very effective in engaging the students.

The success of this effort can be judged from the actual graduates that peaked in
2004/2005. The 2006 decline is perhaps due to the decreased enrollment which is a
national phenomenon.

In addition qualitative feed back from the faculty teaching higher-level courses on the
quality of education is positive.
The results of these efforts will be sustained and enhanced in the future as the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is in the process of expanding by
about 20 new faculty positions and considerable amount of additional space.

Project Discussion: Introduction

Texas A&M has a large enrollment of about 45000 students. The Electrical and
Computer Engineering Department at Texas A&M University has an outstanding faculty
and nationally ranked graduate and undergraduate programs in electrical and computer
engineering. This is a research institution, so the faculty teaching load needs to be
balanced with expectation from them for scholarly work. There are eight areas of
educational and research focus in the department. Because of our size and emphasis on
quality, we can provide an unmatched diversity and richness of educational and
research experience both at the graduate and undergraduate level. Typically all of our
undergraduate courses are taught by permanent faculty and virtually all tenure-track
faculty teach in the undergraduate program. Most of students come from the top 10% of
their class. In 2001, when we wrote the proposal for this project, resources were
constrained because of heavy teaching load and limited space and equipment
availability for undergraduate laboratories. This project provided us an opportunity to
enhance the quality and quantity of electrical and computer engineering graduates of our

Project Discussion: Objectives

The main objective of this project was to enhance the retention of students from
freshmen upwards to produce more graduates. This would attain more efficient use of
resources rather than increasing the enrollment to attain the same objective. The
strategy utilized both curriculum modifications to make it more appealing to students as
well as use more participatory style of instruction like design studios, WebCT and help
desk. It also utilized increased participation of senior faculty in the gateway courses. All
the objectives of the project have been successfully achieved.

Project Discussion: Implementation

Strategy for implementation
The curriculum changes have been made in three phases, which were initiated
sequentially but are running concurrently. Initially we focused on our gateway courses
(100 and 200 level). These are critical in securing the attention of freshmen and showing
them a roadmap. The idea is that if there is realization of a worthy goal, the journey can
be meaningful. This was then followed by enhancements of the junior level courses (300
level). The final phase was to focus on electives, to improve the existing ones as well as
create new ones including honor sections. Essential to the success of all this has been

27 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
identification of faculty champions and providing them with time and resources to
implement changes effectively. In this process the quality of education has been
enhanced. The curriculum-redesign has been further strengthened through the ABET
feed back loop.

Phase 1: In the first phase the following courses were targeted:
ENGR 111-the first course in engineering: It is our experience that a first course in
engineering tailored for electrical or computer engineering has a beneficial effect on
motivating freshmen and thus retaining a higher fraction through the rest of their study
period. Students are shown what electrical and computer engineers do, taught basic
technologies and presented a four year road map of their education. We also emphasize
the role of design in engineering and calculations are tied to measurements. We
continue to integrate the lab exercises and the lectures to emphasize the importance of
math, science and theory to practical application of engineering. First we used Tekbots
but now we now use LEGO NXT robot kits as these have better characteristics and more
predictable behavior. The students find it is easier to reproduce the lab results on this
new platform.

ELEN 214-Electric Circuits: The instructional philosophy of the course has been
significantly altered by introducing more engineering design in the curriculum and
adopting WebCT based interactive homework submission system. More challenging and
industry related experiments have been introduced in the laboratory portion of this
course. A design studio has been introduced with several open-ended, realistic, top
down electrical engineering circuits problems that have numerous solutions, and often
have missing information or too much information. Starting fall’07, e-instruction student-
response systems called Clickers will be deployed in the classrooms to engage the
students more effectively in the learning process.

Phase II: Phase two targeted mostly the courses taken by juniors, ie, the 300 level core
courses : Linear Circuit Analysis (ELEN 314), Electronics (ELEN 315,), Electric and
Magnetic Fields (ELEN 322). Capstone Design (ELEN 405) has also been enhanced
and is central to the ABET evaluation process.

Phase III: Expansion of Electives and Honor Sections. The curriculum should satisfy the
spread of the intellectual talent of students. So, we have started honor sections of
certain courses to satisfy this need. Several electives like ELEN 472, ELEN 452 and
ELEN 459-460 have been strengthened and a number of new electives at the senior
level are being introduced, to expand educational possibilities in the new technology
areas like the nano and bio technology. A more flexible curriculum attracts more
students and enriches the quality of their education.

Project Discussion: Changes to Plan

The strategies were well thought out and thought through in the beginning. So there has
not been much deviation in terms of the methods and tasks. However, as the project
progressed, the scope has been enlarged. For example, honor courses were not in the
original plan but were included as they were thought to be useful to attract a certain
segment of students.

28 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
Project Discussion: Evaluation
The success of this strategy can be judged from the graduation rate – our main
objective. The number of graduates (Table1) has increased steadily. Decrease in fall
2006 is due to the decline in enrollment which is a national phenomenon although we
appear to be relatively less affected.

Feedback from the faculty teaching higher level courses is positive. For example, the
faculty teaching an advanced course on analog VLSI (ELEN 474) report that students
are doing remarkably better due to improvements in ELEN 325 laboratories.

Project Discussion: Sustainability

Two developments have contributed to the sustainability of our efforts. The first is the
increase in the faculty size. As a result of the university’s reinvestment program, the
ECE department gained an additional 19 faculty positions. This will help us not only to
sustain the gains that we have made but also increase enrolment and thus produce
more graduates. The second is incorporating some of the class support into the fee
structure which will help us to institutionalize some of the concepts like the help desk.

Project Discussion: Results and Success Summary

The main result is that the project has increased the number of graduates from the ECE
department. During this project, the following are the products of this project:
1. A new freshmen level course dedicated to the needs of ECE freshmen
2. New/enhanced labs for several courses
3. WebCt based instruction
4. Honors courses

Success Stories:
Following are the success stories:
WebCT is a Success Story: In spring 2004 Prentice-Hall agreed to license our WebCT
problems material and adapt the design studio approach to their 7th edition text book:
"Electric Circuits" by Nilsson & Riedel. Prentice-hall plans to offer TAMU developed
material to other institutions via their Website.
Restructured freshmen course is also a success story. The new course has provided a
model for other departments to restructure their respective courses.

Curriculum redesign is an effective strategy for improving the retention of students and
simultaneously enhancing the quality of education. Considerations for curriculum
redesign should include the talent spread of the students, the on going ABET process
and engagement of faculty champions. Even the best curriculum without faculty
enthusiasm is dead. Research active, senior faculty teaching early gateway courses is
an effective strategy to excite and interest students and generate a healthy educational
ambience in the program

29 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
1. C. Singh, P. Enjeti, N. Reddy, ”Curriculum and Instructional Enhancement of
Gateway Courses”, TETC Best Practices Meeting, Dallas, Jan 10-11,2005

2. P. Enjeti and L. Palma, “Usage of WebCT Vista to teach electric circuit theory“
TAMU teaching with technology conference, February 2005, Presentation at MSC

3. P. Enjeti and J.W. Howze, “WebCT Automated Homework in ELEN 214: “Basic
Electric Circuit Theory” Course Engages EE Undergraduate Students at TAMU
Campus”, Second Annual TAMU WebCT Day, Spring 2003

4. L. Palma, R. Morrison, P. Enjeti, J. Howze, “Use of Web-Based Materials to

Teach Electric Circuit Theory” IEEE Transactions on Education, Volume 48, Issue 4,
Nov. 2005 Page(s):729 – 734

5. C. Singh, “More Graduates and Higher Quality Through Curriculum Redesign”,

TETEC Best Practices Workshop, March 2007, Austin

30 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
2002 Final Report
Title of Project: Increasing and Improving Texas Capability in Electrical
Project Number: 003658-EE2002-0000
Project Leader (PL): Dr. Anthony P. Ambler
Project Co-Leader
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Institution: The University of Texas at Austin

31 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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2002 Final Report
Title of Project: Electrical Engineering Workforce Development at Texas Tech
Project Number: 003644-EE2002-0000
Project Leader (PL): Dr. Mohammad Saed
Project Co-Leader: Dr. Jon Bredeson
Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Institution: Texas Tech University
Address: Lubbock, Texas 79409-3102

Three strategies were implemented to improve recruiting and retention of Electrical and
Computer Engineering students. The strategies are: freshman curriculum development,
summer undergraduate research, and tutoring and peer teaching. The first strategy
addresses retention of incoming students in their first year impacting the entire freshman
class. The second strategy concentrates on retaining students at all levels by offering
paid opportunities for undergraduate research during the summer. The third strategy is
aimed at retaining freshman and sophomore students by providing tutoring and peer
teaching services to help them succeed in math, chemistry, physics, and introductory
Electrical Engineering courses.


Student Numbers:*
Entering Progressing Advanced Graduated
Students Students Students Students
(during previous
academic year)
(1) Fall 2001 Headcount 272 55 109 20

(2) Fall 2006 Headcount 90 135 112 79

1) Did the project accomplish the numerical goals set for your department in terms of
additional students pursuing the baccalaureate degree?
The total enrollment dropped from 456 in fall 2001 to 416 in Fall 2006. The numerical
goals for additional students were not met.

2) Has your project improved the retention numbers and percentages over the term of
the grant?
The percentage of students in the progressing and advanced categories with respect to
total enrollment in Fall 2006 roster is much better than the corresponding measure for
Fall 2001 roster (59% versus 36%) indicating improved retention.

32 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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3) Has your project improved the graduation numbers and percentages over the term of
the grant?
The number of graduates substantially in fall 2006 roster is significantly higher than
those in fall 2001

Three strategies were proposed for recruiting and retention of Electrical and Computer
Engineering students. The three strategies are: freshman curriculum development,
undergraduate research program, and tutoring and peer teaching.

The first strategy, freshman curriculum development, addresses retention of incoming

students in their first year. Exposing students to the Electrical Engineering discipline in
their first semester helps ensure their success very early. Specifically, two freshman
courses were developed in electrical and computer engineering. The first course
(EE1304), the more important of the two in terms of retention, is taken by students in
their first semester. It is clear from our roster data that there is a substantial difference in
enrollment between the fall and spring semesters suggesting a rather large loss of
students after their first semester. This first course serves several goals to help improve
student retention. It provides an exciting course content that stimulates students’
interest in the discipline. In addition to the typical classroom lectures, students are
required to attend discussion / laboratory sessions each week to work on projects. The
course provides a clear and honest introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
that enables students to understand what they are getting into very early so that can
make an informed decisions regarding their career choice. It ensures contact with
Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty as soon as students start their
undergraduate studies. The course also provides an overview of the profession and
engineering ethics and it encourages students to get involved with the student chapters
of professional organizations. The second course, EE1305, is a computer programming
course offered by the Electrical and Engineering Department, instead of computer
science, since fall 2002. In the course, programming projects that are relevant to
engineering are emphasized rather than non-technical applications as in a typical
computer programming course at this level. The courses are taught by some of best
instructors in the department. This strategy was very successful since course passing
rates are much higher than those in the old introductory course in addition to far more
positive student feedback indicated in the students’ evaluation of instruction, particularly
in EE1304. Since this strategy affects all freshman students, more than 600 students
benefited from it in the last four years.

The second strategy addresses retention of students at all levels by providing paid
undergraduate research opportunities through a summer undergraduate research
program. This research program enhances the quality of our undergraduate experience.
This research program provides our students with skills and expertise that are not
normally attainable from a typical electrical engineering curriculum. Students are given
the opportunity to work on research projects during the summer under the supervision of
full time faculty members. So far, we ran five summer programs supporting more than
68 students (funded by this grant and TWD2003 and TWD2005 grants). Nine faculty
members participated in these programs as faculty mentors. Each participating student
is required to make a final presentation and submit a final report summarizing their work.
This strategy is highly successful. All students who participated in this program are

33 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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either progressing well or have already graduated and now working in industry or
pursuing graduate work.

The third strategy, tutoring and peer teaching, is aimed at freshman and sophomore
students to help improve retention by helping them succeed in math, chemistry, and
physics courses, some of which have high failure rates. Senior and graduate students
with additional participation from members of HKN student chapter (ECE honor society)
provided tutoring services as well as discussion sessions in calculus 1, 2, 3, chemistry 1,
physics 1 and 2, as well as the two freshman ECE courses.

Project Discussion: Introduction

In order to increase electrical engineering graduates, three strategies were used. The
first strategy focused on retention of freshman during their first semester through
freshman curriculum development. Prior to this grant, the undergraduate electrical
engineering curriculum had a one-semester, three-credit hour, required course for all
incoming freshman. The course covered programming subjects, some software tools,
and a component concerning professionalism and engineering ethics. This course was
replaced by two courses: a project-based introduction to Electrical and Computer
Engineering course and an introduction to computer programming course. The first
course serves several goals to help improve student retention at the most critical stage:
their first experience at a university. These goals are:

1. Provide an exciting course content that stimulates students’ interest in the discipline
2. Provide a clear and honest introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering that
enables students to understand what they are getting into very early in order for them
to make an informed decision regarding their career choice.
3. Ensure contact with Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty as soon as students
start their undergraduate studies
4. Help ease the transition from high school environment to the university environment.
Expectations of university faculty and course demands are substantially different than
those at high schools. This course will help many students adjust their study habits,
expectations, and responsibilities for the rest of their undergraduate studies.
5. Provide an overview of the profession and engineering ethics. Also, encourage
students to get involved with the student chapters of professional organizations.

This course was created in Fall 2004. In addition to the typical classroom lectures,
students are required to attend discussion / laboratory sessions each week to work on
projects. Course topics included introductions to: programming using Matlab, signal
processing, image processing, circuits, digital design, and engineering ethics. Software
tools such as Matlab and PSpice were used in the course to introduce various subjects.
The second course introduces C++ computer programming which students usually take
in their second semester. Programming projects that are relevant to engineering rather
than non-technical applications, as in a typical course taught by computer science, are
emphasized in the course.

The second strategy focused on students after the completion of the first year. It
allowed the creation of a summer undergraduate research program that provided
student with paid opportunities to participate in research projects in the department.
Through this program, student participants gained invaluable research and development

34 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
experience while having a meaningful and relevant summer job. Students were required
to give final presentations and submit final reports summarizing their work.
The third strategy dealt with providing tutoring and peer teaching services especially for
freshman students throughout their first year to ensure their success. Graduate students
and advanced undergraduate students provided tutoring and discussion sessions for
math, physics, chemistry, and the electrical engineering introductory courses.

Institutional Setting:
As of fall 2006, the electrical and computer engineering department at Texas Tech had a
total of 416 students enrolled in the undergraduate program, divided as follows:

Gender Breakdown
Female students: 36 (8.65%)
Male students: 380 (91.35%)

Ethnicity Breakdown
White non-Hispanic: 333 (80.05%)
Black non-Hispanic: 10 (2.4%)
Hispanic: 36 (8.65%)
Asian or Pacific Islander: 16 (3.85%)
American Indian: 0 (0%)
International: 21 (5.05%)

The ECE Department has 21 full time faculty members, with a historic student-faculty
ratio around 22. They include 10 Professors, 8 Associate Professors, and 3 Assistant
Professors. Among the faculty, there are 3 Horn Professors, 4 Fellows of IEEE and 11
Licensed Professional Engineers. TTU ECE places particular emphasis on the project-
driven team laboratory experience, with design-intensive 3-hour labs in each of the last 5

Project Discussion: Objectives

The project’s main objective is to increase enrollment and graduation rates through the
implementation of strategies that help students succeed in the electrical engineering
program and provide them with high quality getting undergraduate education and
experience. During the project, we created a new freshman curriculum to help retain
students and prepare them for upper division classes. In addition, tutoring and peer
teaching services were created to help students in math, physics, chemistry, as well as
the introductory electrical engineering classes. A summer research program was also
implemented offering students the opportunity to work on research projects mentored by
full time faculty members. Students gained valuable experience and skills that may not
be covered in the regular curriculum.

Project Discussion: Implementation

1. Freshman curriculum: The freshman course that students take in their first semester
is EE1304. This course ensures immediate exposure of students to electrical and
computer engineering and allows immediate contact with electrical and computer
engineering faculty to help improve retention. In addition to providing an interesting
hands-on overview of the discipline, students are taught important skills that they will find
very useful throughout their studies. The course consists of 3 hours of lecture per week
in addition to weekly

35 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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discussion (lab) sessions. The lectures are taught by full-time faculty and the discussion
sessions are covered by graduate teaching assistants. The lectures are taught in an
interactive and engaging manner by providing each student with laptop PCs loaded with
necessary software. Peer mentors are available during the lectures and discussion
sessions to help students. The peer mentors are undergraduate students who passed
the same course with excellent grades in the previous semester. Weekly projects
relevant to the material taught are assigned by the faculty. The course starts by
introducing programming using MATLAB since it will be used to demonstrate concepts in
signal processing and communications. Another purpose for this component is to teach
programming skills since typically about half of the students in the class were never
exposed to computer programming with any language in high school. Signal processing
concepts are then introduced somewhat qualitatively without the mathematical rigor
necessary in upper division courses. Concepts such as time and frequency domains,
spectrum, Fourier series, Fourier transform, and sampling are introduced gradually using
trigonometry and complex variables. Introductory communications principles such as
AM modulation are then discussed. Electric circuits, analog or digital or both (if time
allows), are then introduced.

2. Summer undergraduate research program: This strategy addresses retention of

students at all levels by providing undergraduate research opportunities through a
summer undergraduate research program. Typical undergraduate research programs in
other universities are often used as a recruiting tool for the graduate program (such as
NSF funded REU sites). Our goal however is retention and high quality undergraduate
education. Therefore, our program is open to all levels, including freshman, not only to
graduating seniors. Actually, higher priority is given to lower level students. In addition,
the availability of such a program can serve as a good recruiting tool for the
undergraduate program since prospective students always ask about internship and
work opportunities to gain experience and to help finance their education. In our
program, students are given the opportunity to work on research projects during the
summer under the supervision of full time faculty members. Announcements regarding
these opportunities are made throughout the department and applications are collected
from interested students early in the spring semester. Interested faculty members select
the students they would like to supervise. The program is about 8 weeks long. On the
last day of the program, students are required to make final presentations summarizing
their work in a mini conference format. They are also required to submit a final report.

3. Tutoring and peer teaching: Initially, discussion sessions for calculus 1, 2, 3, physics
1 and 2, and chemistry taught by senior and graduate students were given to students
who need help. To provide help to more students in a more flexible manner, the
discussion sessions were replaced by a tutoring office. The tutoring office is normally
open 5 days per week (Monday-Friday) for 5 hours per day. It is staffed by graduate
students and upper division students. Tutoring help mainly for freshman and sophomore
classes is provided for any electrical engineering student seeking help.

Project Discussion: Changes to Plan

The second component of the first strategy proposed in the original proposal failed. In
this component, it was originally proposed to make the proposed freshman course
available to high schools starting with Estacado High School in Lubbock. The purpose
was to allow high school juniors and seniors to accrue university credit in electrical
engineering through the Early Admissions Program with help from the College of

36 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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Engineering’s Engineering Academy for High schools. Reasons for failure included the
untimely release of funds by TETC as well as lack of interest from high schools in the
area. The way the grant money was dispersed in installments without knowing with
certainty that the next installment will be forthcoming, made it impossible for us to
commit to the high school early enough so that they can include such a course in their
schedule. This was reported in the progress reports. However, we did carry out
outreach efforts with Estacado high School. We assisted the high school teacher in her
pre-engineering courses. This included lab setup as well as technical help throughout
the semester.

All the other strategies and tasks were highly successful.

Project Discussion: Evaluation

The project plan worked very well, with the exception of the failed component mentioned
in the previous section. Freshman curricular revisions resulted in higher passing rates
than those in the original introductory class in addition to far more positive student
feedback indicated in the students’ evaluation of instruction. The two freshman courses
are now taught by some of the best instructors in the department. The tutoring office
has been very helpful in assisting struggling students at all levels. As expected, the
majority of students who sought help were at the freshman and sophomore levels. The
undergraduate research program was highly successful in providing opportunities for
undergraduate students to gain research experience and enhance their expertise and
skills. So far, we ran five summer programs supporting more than 68 students (funded
by this grant and TWD2003 and TWD2005 grants). Nine faculty members participated
in these programs as faculty mentors. Many of those who participated in the program
are now employed as engineers in the most respected technology companies. Some of
the participants obtained graduate degrees. The rest are progressing well in their
education. The program has been attractive for women and minority students. The
percentage of female student participants in the program so far is more than double their
overall percentage in the department.

Project Discussion: Sustainability

The revisions to the freshman curriculum and necessary graduate student support will
be sustained by the department. The tutoring office as well as the undergraduate
research program will be sustained for the next year by funds from a TWD 2005 grant.
Beyond the next year, additional funding need be secured to continue the tutoring office
and the undergraduate research program. One of the faculty mentors who participated
in the summer undergraduate research program received an NSF REU grant.

Project Discussion: Results and Success Summary

The result of the first strategy, freshman curriculum development, is the creation of two
new courses. The first course seeks to introduce incoming freshman to electrical and
computer engineering using a project oriented approach. The second course introduces
computer programming with emphasis on engineering applications. This revision to our
freshman curriculum has been very successful. Since this strategy affects all freshman
students, more than 600 students benefited from it in the last four years.

The second strategy resulted in the creation of a summer undergraduate research

program. Students were given the opportunity to participate in research projects in the
department under the supervision of faculty mentors. Through this program, student

37 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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participants gained research skills and experience while having a meaningful and
relevant summer job. Students were required to give final presentations and submit final
reports summarizing their work. All those who participated in the program are either
employed as engineers in relevant industry or progressing well in their education.
Some obtained graduate degrees. The program has been attractive for women and
minority students. The percentage of female student participants in the program so far is
more than double their overall percentage in the department.

The third strategy resulted in the creation of a tutoring office to help undergraduate
students, particularly freshman and sophomore students, succeed in math, chemistry,
physics, and our introductory courses. This was also a successful strategy as indicated
in the number of students who sought help from the tutoring office.

Success Stories:
A number of students who participated in the summer undergraduate research program
were able to obtain internships and subsequent employment in leading high tech
companies primarily because of the experience they gained in the program. The
program also inspired some student to pursue graduate studies. The program was
attractive to female and minority students. The percentage of female students
participating in the program was more than double their overall percentage in the

Departments in other universities can easily adapt the first freshman course (EE1304) to
fit their own settings. This course should be taught by faculty who are effective teachers,
who enjoy teaching freshman level courses, and who are committed to teaching
excellence. We believe having the discussion sessions, while not absolutely necessary,
is very helpful. In addition, using peer mentors who themselves went through the same
experience in the previous semester has a positive impact. The course covers several
areas in electrical engineering. Individual departments have the flexibility to emphasize
the various topics in the course differently as they see fit.

In order to implement the second strategy (undergraduate research), raising necessary

funds is the most important issue. Clearly, student participants need stipends as well as
some supplies money. It helps a great deal in finding interested faculty advisors if a
modest stipend is also paid to the faculty mentors since working with undergraduate
students, especially at the lower levels, may not be the best use of some faculty’s time
during the summer.

Implementing the third strategy requires office space for tutoring and funds to support
the tutors. The office can be staffed using senior as well as graduate students. We
found having a tutoring office is more flexible and provides help to a larger number of
students than scheduling discussion sessions. We observed that participation in a
discussion session that is not a required component of a course was small.

38 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
M. Saed, “Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering Course to Improve
Retention of Freshman Students,” TETC Best Practices Conference, January 11-12,
2006, Dallas, Texas.

B. Nance and M. Saed, “Reconfigurable Planar Log Periodic Antenna,” IEEE

International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and URSI Radio Science
Meeting, Columbus, Ohio, June 22-27, 2003.

39 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
2002 Final Report
cross-check w/ PDF
Title of Project: Recruitment and Retention to Increase the Number of Under-
graduate Students in the Electrical Engineering Program
Project Number: 003656-EE2002-0000
Project Leader (PL): Raymond Shoults
Project Co-Leader William Dillon
Department: Electrical Engineering
Institution: University of Texas at Arlington
Address: Box 19016, Arlington, TX 76019-0016

Three strategies were originally proposed with a fourth strategy added later titled
“Students Mentoring Students.” The most successful strategy by far was the added
strategy – Students Mentoring Students. Its overwhelming success was due to the
leadership of the IEEE Student Branch organization, who conceived the strategy, and
the desire of its leadership to help lower level undergraduate students succeed in the
program. Success was measured by the number of lower level undergraduate students
who sought help with their course work from the Mentoring Office. This added strategy
was classified as a retention measure and impacted students primarily in the Entering
and Progressing categories.


Student Numbers:*
Entering Progressing Advanced Graduated Students
Students Students Students (during previous
academic year)
(1) Fall 2001 Headcount 76 159 92 87

(2) Fall 2006 Headcount 121 168 83 89

1) Did the project accomplish the numerical goals set for your department in terms of
additional students pursuing the baccalaureate degree?
Yes, but in a limited sense. The number of Entering Students increased by 59% despite
a national down-turn in overall enrollment over the last three years in Electrical
Engineering. The number of Progressing Students increased by 5.7%. The number of
Advanced Students varied slightly from fall semester to fall semester, but overall there
was not much change. The number of Graduated Students held steady over the period.

2) Has your project improved the retention numbers and percentages over the term of
the grant?
Comparing the percent change in Entering Students with the percent change in
Graduated Students, it appears that the retention numbers have not improved.
However, the down-turn in enrollment seemed to affect the number of Advanced
Students more seriously, which in turn impacts the number of Graduated Students.

40 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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3) Has your project improved the graduation numbers and percentages over the term of
the grant?
As mentioned in (2) above, the graduation numbers were not improved. These numbers
were impacted by the down-turn in enrollment at UTA which mirrored a national down

INTRODUCTION The title of this project was “Recruitment and Retention to Increase the
Number of Under-graduate Students in the Electrical Engineering Program”. To
accomplish the original objectives, three strategies were proposed; (1) Student
Recruitment, (2) Student Retention, and (3) Placement. A fourth and highly significant
strategy, Students Mentoring Students, was added shortly after the project started. Due
to the incremental nature of how the project was funded over the last five years, the one
strategy that worked by far the best was the added fourth strategy – Students Mentoring
Students. Its overwhelming success is due to the leadership of the IEEE Student
Branch organization and the desire of its leadership to help lower level undergraduate
students succeed in the program. Success is measured by the number of lower level
undergraduate students who seek help with their course work from the Mentoring Office.
This new strategy is classified as a retention measure and impacted students primarily in
the Entering and Progressing categories.

The recruitment strategy of providing scholarships to high school seniors was not
implemented due to the issue of incremental funding over the life of the project. The
placement strategy was never implemented as resources were focused on the fourth
strategy. The fourth strategy added after the project started – Students Mentoring
Students – proved to be the most successful activity in the retention strategy. As a
result, resources were directed to this strategy.

PROJECT EVALUATION The IEEE Student Mentoring Office keeps detailed records of
how many students come for help and for which subject matter the help is sought.
Surveys are conducted to measure students’ satisfaction with the Mentoring Office.
These data are useful for assessment and evaluation which takes place at the end of
each semester.

Following are the services available to through the Mentoring Office:

• Mentoring Office operates with 10 mentors in the fall and spring semesters, and 6
mentors for the summer semester.
• Awareness of the IEEE Mentoring Office is made through displays on the large
plasma screen, posters, bookmarks and class room tours by Mentors.
• Assistance with non Electrical Engineering major courses such as C-programming,
Statics/Dynamics, and Thermodynamics.
• Tutorial sessions are offered for PSPICE, MATLAB, SIMULINK, LabVIEW
• Review sessions are offered for each exam in most of the undergraduate courses
throughout the semester.
• Every mentor is assigned a specific course he/she is responsible to handle and
makes sure that students pertaining to that course get in touch with him/her. The
mentor interacts with the instructor and prepares according to the class. The exam
reviews are in sync with the class lectures and materials
• IEEE Mentoring Office opened a new laboratory facility beginning with the Fall 2005
semester for undergraduate IEEE Student Members. This lab contains all necessary

41 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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• equipments such as oscilloscopes, power supplies, Digital multi-meters, soldering
stations, bread boards, etc. The aim of this lab is to provide undergraduate students
with the opportunity to increased exposure to practical designs.
SUSTAINABILITY This was a major concern at the beginning of the project (2002).
However, in 2004 the legislature allowed “deregulation” of tuition which allowed for
additional funds for sustainability. The success of the IEEE Student Mentoring Office
warrants use of these tuition enhancement funds to continue support for the Student

Project Discussion: Introduction

Prior to the start of this 2002 TWD Grant, very little was done as a focused effort to
increase the number of baccalaureate degrees awarded in the Department of Electrical
Engineering (EE Dept) at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). A prevailing
approach was to ensure that a sound curriculum was available to prospective students in
compliance with ABET Criteria. What was absent was a proactive strategy to attract an
increasing number of freshman students along with a strategy to improve retention rates
of existing students as they progressed through the program, thereby increasing the
graduation numbers. The TWD Grant provided an excellent platform to initiate
strategies to address these issues.

Three strategies were initially proposed: (1) Recruitment, (2) Retention, and (3)
Placement. A fourth and highly successful strategy, “Students Mentoring Students,” was
added shortly after the project started. Due to the incremental nature of how the project
was funded over the last five years, the one strategy that worked by far the best for the
funds available was this additional fourth strategy – “Students Mentoring Students”. In
an electrical engineering program, freshmen and sophomore students are faced with
difficult science, math, and engineering courses. For entering freshmen, significant
differences exist between a high school environment and a university environment.
Generally speaking, many lower division undergraduate students need encouragement
and mentoring to be successful if they are to remain in school. Thus it is critically
important to mentor and motivate lower division students since the drop-out rate is the
highest in these classifications. This strategy’s overwhelming success is due to the
leadership of the IEEE Student Branch organization and the desire of its leadership to
help lower level undergraduate students succeed in the program. Success is measured
by the number of lower level undergraduate students who seek help with their course
work from the Mentoring Office. This added strategy was classified as a retention
measure and impacted students primarily in the Entering and Progressing categories.

Project Discussion: Objectives

The main objective of this project was to increase the number of baccalaureate degrees
awarded in the Department of Electrical Engineering (EE Dept) at the University of
Texas at Arlington (UTA) over the life of the project, with a desired outcome of
increasing the number of BSEE students placed in the technology industry of Texas.
Initially three strategies were proposed to address the main objective mentioned above.
These strategies were (1) Recruitment, (2) Retention, and (3) Placement. A fourth
strategy, “Students Mentoring Students”, was added shortly after the project started.
Included in the “Recruitment” strategy were scholarships for entering freshmen but this
was abandoned since funds for the project were being received incrementally and
freshmen scholarships are generally long-term four year commitments if they are to be

42 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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effective. What funds were available for scholarships were directed towards the
“Retention” strategy by offering annual scholarships to sophomore students. The
“Placement” strategy was also abandoned due to incremental funding.

It was decided to focus on the second strategy, “Retention”, by way of the new strategy,
“Students Mentoring Students.” Based on the incremental funding situation, this proved
to be the most effective strategy for the funds available. The genesis of the fourth
strategy was with the leadership of the IEEE Student Branch organization. They were
keenly aware of the difficulty freshmen and sophomore students have with rigorous
math, science, and engineering courses, and proposed a well thought out plan for
developing a student-led Mentoring Office under the oversight of the IEEE Student
Branch organization.

Project Discussion: Implementation

As mentioned previously this project focused on the added strategy of “Students
Mentoring Students”. The idea for this strategy came from the leadership of the IEEE
Student Branch back in 2002. They proposed establishing a Mentoring Office within the
IEEE Student Branch organization. Their proposal included details on the number of
Peer Mentors needed, administrative structure for oversight, space requirements and
equipment needed, and estimated annual operating costs. After review of this proposal
and noting that its objective coincided nicely with the retention objective of the TWD
Grant, it was decided to focus funds and resources of the TWD Grant towards this
strategy. It was decided that a Mentoring Office Supervisor was needed and would be
an IEEE Student member and a graduate student supported by the EE Department as a
Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA). When a Mentoring Office Supervisor graduates,
the IEEE Student Branch leadership proposes another supervisor to the Department
administration for approval. The responsibilities of the Mentoring Office Supervisor
include selection of Peer Mentors (includes an interview process with minimum
requirements); scheduling the times Peer Mentors work; record keeping of hours each
Peer Mentor spends mentoring; record keeping of how many students come in for help
and the nature of the help requested; and producing an annual report that is submitted to
the Department Chairman. The Peer Mentors coordinate with each undergraduate
course instructor to be sure students are made aware of the services provided by the
Mentoring Office.

Project Discussion: Changes to Plan

The major changes to this project were necessitated because of incremental funding.
The reasons for incremental funding are well known. Fortunately, a fourth strategy was
proposed by the IEEE Student Branch Organization leadership – Students Mentoring
Students – and adopted by the PI who is also the Department Chairman. Project funds
were directed to the support of this strategy to address the retention objective. The
original TWD Grant proposal included a number of strategies to address recruitment,
retention, and placement. The primary strategy for recruitment was to provide
scholarships but this became very impracticable with funding coming in on an
incremental basis and with some uncertainty of future increments. The percentage of
funds allocated for the placement strategy was relatively small, so it was decided to
divert what funds were available for this strategy to the Students Mentoring Students

43 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

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Project Discussion: Evaluation
Clearly the most successful strategy was the “Students Mentoring Students”. The
success of Students Mentoring Students is determined from the records kept by the
Mentoring Office Supervisor. These records include how many students come in each
day for assistance, the time of day each student comes in, for what subject matter each
student needs help, and routinely administered satisfaction surveys. An annual report
prepared by the Mentoring Office Supervisor is provided to the Department Chairman.
Of particular interest are the satisfaction surveys. These surveys provide very important
feedback to both the Mentoring Office and the Department Chairman.

Project Discussion: Sustainability

Sustainability was a major concern at the beginning of the project. However, in 2004 the
Texas legislature allowed “deregulation” of tuition which provided additional funds for
sustainability. The success of the IEEE Student Mentoring Office warrants use of these
tuition enhancement funds to continue support for the Student Mentors. This support
comes in the form of 10 scholarships at $1,000 each to prospective Peer Mentors and
was started after TWD Grant funds were expended.

Project Discussion: Results and Success Summary

The IEEE Student Branch Mentoring Office began in 2002 and has operated very
successfully since. Peer Mentors were hired and paid hourly wages from TWD Grant
funds until the grant ended. Now each of the Peer Mentors receives a $1,000 annual
scholarship from Department funds for their mentoring services. The results have been
very gratifying. Routine surveys indicate that students are receiving the help they need
from very enthusiastic Peer Mentors, which helps to create a sense of camaraderie
among the students. The comments received by the Mentoring Office from students
receiving help from the Peer Mentors are indicative of the benefits of the program. The
faculty are well aware of the Mentoring Office and welcome the help their students
receive from this effort.

The following is an example of comments received.

From: Steven Bargas
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 9:22 PM
Subject: IEEE mentoring services
I heard that there will be an annual review of the IEEE mentoring services, so I would
like to submit some comments of my experience with this department. I have been
using the IEEE mentoring services since the Fall 2004 semester. I have received help in
EE2315, EE2446, EE2303, EE3302, and EE3307. I would possibly not have made it
this far in the EE program without the help of the mentors. At this level of education, I
cannot go to my parents for help with homework, so I need someone to help clarify some
concepts encountered in class. The review sessions have been a great help for exam
preparation. Dinesh's help with Circuits II, Sai's help with Electronics, and Manoj's help
with Power Systems have been wonderful and much needed, as well as the help from
the other mentors. The snack store is also nice for saving us a few dollars over the
vending machines. They should sell coffee, too. Please take these comments into
consideration when reviewing the IEEE department.
Thank You for Your time,
Steven Bargas

44 TWD 2002 Electrical Engineering

Final Reports April 2007
Success Stories:
The most significant “success” story from this project is the “Students Mentoring
Students” administered by the IEEE Student Branch leadership under its Mentoring
Office. Since its inception in 2002, many students who availed themselves of the
services offered by the Mentoring Office have provided testimonials on how much they
have been helped. I teach an undergraduate course in electrical circuits at the
sophomore level each semester. At the beginning of each semester, I poll the students
to see how many know about the Mentoring Office and do they use the services offered.
The response is typically 100% who know about the services and have used it at least
once. Additionally, the Peer Mentors go to each EE undergraduate class shortly after
each semester starts to promote the various services offered throughout the semester.
It is now known that IEEE Student Branch Chapters at other campuses have contacted
the UTA IEEE Student Branch Chapter inquiring about the Peer Mentoring program.
Also, undergraduate students in other engineering disciplines at UTA have found out
about the Mentoring Office and seek help for such topics including statics & dynamics
(Mechanical and Civil Engineering), calculus (Math), and thermodynamics (Mechanical

Some considerations and recommendations for other departments who might want to
replicate this particular strategy are the following:
• Important to listen to students’ needs, particularly the freshmen and sophomore level
undergraduate students. This “listening” led to the conception and implementation of
the Mentoring Office.
• Important to have creative and visionary faculty advising the IEEE Student Branch
• Extremely important to have creative and visionary student leadership within the
IEEE Student Branch Organization.
• Extremely important to have enthusiastic support of the EE Department Chairman
and College Dean.
• Important to have available adequate space to house the Mentoring Office.
• Important to have available adequate facilities such as computers, applicable
software tools, desks, tables, chairs, etc.
• Extremely important to let the leadership of the IEEE Student Branch organization
have “ownership” of the Mentoring Office. (they need to run it but under supervision)
• Important to develop and maintain a small library of relevant books immediately
available to the mentors, consisting of the basic texts required for the undergraduate
• Important for the mentors to create and maintain open dialogue with the faculty
teaching the courses.
• Important to develop means to fund the Mentoring Office after TWD funds are gone.

One publication describing the success of the IEEE Student Mentoring Office was
presented by IEEE Student Branch Officers (Stephan Wright, President, and Amit
Thakkar, Mentoring Office Supervisor) at the March 2004 ASEE Gulf Coast Regional
meeting hosted by Texas Tech University. The paper is titled “From Concept to
Realization” and a copy is attached.

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