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Our mission is to reach out in worship, education, fellowship and service to all.

Fountain Hills, AZ October 2010
Stewardship From the Interim Pastor

A Word on Stewardship As I See It

Norm Collins, Stewardship Chairman, and the Session “The gifts he gave were
of Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church that some would be
_________________________________________ apostles, some proph-
ets, some evangelists, some pas-
tors and teachers, to equip the
There is something to be said for the arrival of the fall season when saints for the work of ministry, for
you live in a desert. It is rather like spring in other parts of the building up the body of Christ…”
world, because it brings a sense of renewal, a feeling that it is time Ephesians 4:11-12

to get something started or return to something not finished before God gives the church pastors.
summer swept upon us. We are invigorated by the beauty of our Pastors come and go.
natural surroundings in ways that somehow escaped us when tem- Many people summarize the time
peratures were reaching 110o outside. Maybe we even feel a greater in-between pastors as simply be-
appreciation in the fall of each year for the blessings God has given ing about one thing: “let’s find a
us. However each of us would describe our personal feelings, we pastor.” But actually, the in-
likely would agree that it is great to be alive and to be part of this between time has many steps to it.
community, this wonderful church and this congregation. Loren B. Mead has written of the
seven steps of the interim journey.
Speaking of this church, it seems quite appropriate to bring up some He writes about:
really positive things about our current situation. Sure, we are a. termination of the pastor - the
smaller than we used to be, we don’t have the same level of financial previous pastor departs
income and our educational and music capabilities are not as robust, b. finding direction - the church
but we may actually possess something today that we didn’t have tries to find its way
before. That something is a powerful will to survive. Over these c. self study - there is a mission
past two years we have become a like-minded, dedicated and proac- study process and report
tive congregation that is determined to work together to make this d. searching - the pastoral search
church as strong as it can be. committee is elected and goes
to work
e. decision/negotiation - narrow
ing the search and electing a
Continued on page 3... pastor
Continued on page 3...

All Ministry
KICK-OFF 2010– 2011
On Sunday, October 10
See you there! After worship in the Fellowship Center
Great Food * Great Fellowship * Great Prizes
In Touch page 2

OUR CHURCH STAFF Focus on Finance

Dr. Paul F. Soderquist
Interim Pastor
Rev. Stan Jones Year to date income $ 234,314 Budgeted Income $241,480
Parish Associate
Marta Ludwig Year to date expenses $ 214,044 Budgeted Expenses $224,026
Administrative Coordinator
Debbie Fisher
Director of Music Ministry Difference $ 20,270
Dorothy Parris
Lynn Medley
Custodian We have moved through the summer months of June, July, and August adher-
Anna Hill ing to our income/expense budget projections with very favorable results. In-
Nursery come to date is 97% of budget, but expenses are running at only 95.5%. This
gives us a relatively good cushion as we approach the
CHURCH TREASURER later months of the year when expenses are projected
Bud Fuls to increase.
The pledge portion of the income is currently at 99.5%
CHURCH SESSION which reflects the great generosity and diligence of our
Class of 2010 congregation during the slow summer months. Many
Maria Berry thanks are due to all who have been so faithful in their
Andrew Hasley stewardship commitment.
Jim Stewart Respectfully,
Class of 2011 Bud Fuls, Treasurer
Norm Collins
Peggy Linkin
Helen Roesch
Pat Tuttle
Class of 2012
John Brockelman
Susan Phillips
Terri Schmidt
John Wyman
On the Inside:
BOARD OF DEACONS Stewardship…. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. 1
Moderator: Toni Patterson From the Interim Pastor .. … … … . . …… …. ….. ….. 1
Class of 2010 Focus on Finance .. .. .. ..… … … … .. . … .. . .. … . … . 2
Linda Lull Mission Ministry… … .. … …... …. .. … .. … … … .. 4
Susan Owens Memorial Committee .. .. .. .. .. . . . .…. … … … … … … 5
Tiny Patterson Presbyterian Women … … .. ..…. … … … … … … … 6
Toni Patterson Men’s Fellowship.. … .. … . . … ..… … …. … … … … 7
See if you can find the mistake!

Class of 2011 Evangelism Ministry.. … … . . . . . … .. . . . . . . . …. ….. 8

Ralph Berry Music Ministry… … … … …. …. …. …. …. … … . .. .. 9
Bud Fuls Christian Education… … … … … .. . . …. .. . .. .. .. .. . ... 10
Michele Hasley Did You Know?.. .. .. ... … .. .. .. …..… .. … .. … .. … .. . 12
Chandler Roesch Library Footnotes.. … .. …. .…. …. …. …. …. …. …. .. 13
Class of 2012 Need Accurate Addresses .. .. … … .. .. . .. . … . .. .. . .. .. 13
Ben Fast Walking Mourner’s Path… … … .. … . … . . .. …. . . . ... 14
Ruby Pearson Memorial Benches… … … .. . . . . .. . . … .. . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Bev Watters Necrology for 2010…. … … … .. … … … .. … . . . … 15
Chris Young October Birthdays…… …. … … …. … … .. ……….. .. 15
Artwork by Anna Hill … .. … .. … .. .. . .. … .. . . . . . . 16
page 3 October 2010

Continued from page 1...A Word of Stewardship Continued from page 1...From the Interim Pastor

Consider what has happened in just this past year. f. installation - a formal installation takes place; and
Prior to initiating the Stewardship Campaign in the g. start-up - new pastor and congregation begin to
fall of 2009, we were concerned about having work together defining roles
enough income in 2010 to maintain even a limited
staff and cover all of our other operating expenses. You have completed many if not most of the steps of the
When the Stewardship Campaign ended on Conse- in-between time. You are well into the fourth step –
cration Sunday in 2009, we were pleased to see that searching. Your Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC)
not only could we handle our staff and other ex- is fully at work, reporting to you regularly, and continuing
to ask for your prayers.
penses, but we were also comfortable that we could
start a search for a new pastor. The last three steps happen in rapid succession, more
or less.
As the months have passed, it is more and more ap- • The PNC notifies the session it has a candidate to
parent that we have become a healthy although nominate, and requests that the session call a con-
smaller church. Being able to make this statement is gregational meeting for “Candidating Sunday.”
a big deal, the kind that makes you want to bow your • Full notice of the congregational meeting is given in
head and thank the Lord when you think about advance throughout the communication system of
where we were a year ago. Think about those of us the church, usually including biographical informa-
who would like to live out our lives as members of tion about the candidate.
this church. This is our church. These are our • After a worship service in which you hear the candi-
friends. It is this sanctuary in which we find solace date preach and lead in worship, there is a congre-
gational meeting.
and comfort when we are troubled. It is these pews
• During the congregational meeting you hear the re-
where we come to worship and feel close to God. It
port of the PNC, in which the candidate is formally
is wonderful to know that it will survive. Thanks be nominated.
to God! • There is a period of questions and answers, both
with and without the candidate in the room, and then
As a congregation, we need to look forward to 2011 there is a vote cast by written ballot.
and beyond. As we do this we all have a vision of • Assuming a successful vote, terms of call are ap-
our church having a new pastor, of growth in mem- proved by the congregation, including a published
bers and of more robust pro- start date for the new pastor.
grams across all of our min- • People get ready for the Pastor’s first Sunday, as
istries. In time those things well as a formal installation service to follow, some-
probably will happen. How- times months later.
ever, at this point in time we • Everybody settles in to their roles as a new pastoral
relationship is born.
need to keep our focus on the
long haul. This means we The seven steps of the interim journey can happen with
must accept that there are no quick-fixes and no or without the presence of an interim pastor guiding
magic bullets. It will take considerable time and things along. When an interim pastor has been present,
effort to achieve our goals. there is a last Sunday and some kind of a farewell for
the interim pastor. Saying a good “good-bye” to the in-
God has granted us this renewal opportunity. In the terim pastor usually assists the congregation in saying a
months and years ahead, we must all exercise great good “hello” to the incoming pastor.
patience and truly enjoy the ride. Think about the
following statement: Remember the PNC needs to keep most
of their work confidential. They’re not try-
ing to be mean. They are guarding a sa-
“FHPC is what it is and what it is is good.” cred process involving intimate knowledge
of a large number of ministers, most of
Maria Berry, Andrew Hasley, Jim Stewart, whom don’t want their search to come into
Norm Collins, Peggy Linkin, Helen Roesch, public awareness. Remember to pray for the PNC, and
Pat Tuttle, Susan Phillips John Brockelman, look eagerly toward Candidating Sunday!
Terri Schmidt, John Wyman
Interim Pastor Paul
In Touch page 4

Mission Ministry
We are planning for a fall date once again to have Tim
School supplies for McDowell Lidster come back to give us an update on what is hap-
Mountain Elementary School pening and growing with Save The Family. Several from
were delivered on Monday, our church have volunteered at Save The Family. Tim
August 2nd in time for the can clarify the needs of the organization for us. Please
students and their parents to watch your bulletins for further notice.
"shop" for items they were not able to purchase for them-
selves. As you can see by the photo, the supplies provided The need for PAKISTAN DISASTER ASSISTANCE
by you were great and the school was grateful to have is ongoing as they struggle to recover from the floods.
them. Thank you for your support of this needed project. The flood is the worst in 80 years and at this point, 1600
deaths are attributed to the flood with entire villages
wiped out and over 2,000,000 people displaced. The
flood has also crippled the agriculture fields and harvests
making their food supply scarce as well as contaminated
water. We are unable to wrap our minds around this
Presbyterian Disaster Assis-
tance was there immediately
and so were our dollars given
to One Great Hour of Sharing.
WE are unable to be there in
person but we are there in the
use of our monies to assist.

This is no longer making front

page news but it goes on for them. We invite you to con-
sider a contribution for this cause. Make the check out to
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church and mark it
DR000038 and the funds will be sent on to PDA.

Pat Tuttle with donated school supplies

*************************** Things to remember to bring to the

Judy Irvin and Nancy Saine have both resigned from the
Mission Table on Sunday mornings.....
Mission Committee. It is with regret that we accept their Box Tops for Education
decision and thank them for the years of dedicated service Betty Crocker Coupons
and input for the Mission Committee. Their leadership Campbell Soup Labels
will be missed and we wish them Gods Speed. Small toiletries
Gently used clothing
that we are actively seeking new members for our commit-
tee. Members of Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church have Mission Ministry Committee
always stepped up for Mission support. We invite you to
share your leadership by joining our Committee. Thank
you for prayerfully thinking about this.

SAVE THE FAMILY is in great need of beds for chil-

dren. It can be a cot, single bed, twin bed; something for
them to give children of families as they move into inde-
pendent housing. Should you have any that you would
like to donate, just let the office know and details will be
worked out.
Linda Maples Pat Tuttle, Elder
page 5 October 2010

Our Christian hope All is forgiven

“Christian hope involves more than a sunny, In his short story “The Capital of the
cheerful attitude. It is more than a general World,” Ernest Hemingway writes of a
kind of optimism. It is more than hope in young man named Paco who had been
hope, or faith in faith. Christian hope is tied kicked out of his home. Paco was wan-
to the goal of history and the purpose of dering Madrid’s streets, hoping to be-
each person’s existence. It is the unshake- come a bullfighter.
able confidence of the sovereignty of God
Paco’s father, desperate to mend the
and God’s eventual triumph over all the forces that stand against
rift between them, resorted to putting
truth, righteousness, faithfulness, love and mercy. And in the
an ad in the local newspaper. It said,
great contest between good and evil, Christian hope is the great
“Paco meet me at the Hotel Montana at
contest between good and evil, Christian hope declares God as
noon on Tuesday. All is forgiven!”
winner. . . Christ is the hope not only in the world to come; he is
the hope of the world right now!” On Tuesday, 800 young men named
-Oswald Bronson Paco showed up at that hotel, longing
for restoration and forgiveness.
Like Paco’s dad,
Something Beautiful our heavenly
“Spread love everywhere you go; to show love for God and our Father takes the
neighbor we need not do great things. It is how much love we first step. He
put in doing that makes our offering something beautiful to invites us prodi-
God.” gal sons and
-Mother Teresa daughters to
meet him at the empty tomb. God
won’t turn away or disappoint anyone.
-The Newsletter Newsletter He offers total forgiveness, without
by Communication Resources, Inc. conditions, to all.

-The Newsletter Newsletter

by Communication Resources, Inc.

Memorial Committee

The Memorial Committee is in need of your

help. We have been unable to locate the Three kinds of faith
original Memorial Book of records. We do
deeply regret that. There are three kinds of faith in Christ:

• Struggling faith, like a man in deep

We are aware of a good many of you as water desperately swimming.
members of a family that have given items to • Clinging faith, like a man hanging to
the Church in Memorial or Honor of a loved the side of a boat.
one. We would like to ask you to please note that information • Resting faith, like a man safely within
down and give it to the Committee. Please include the item, the boat (and able to reach out with a
name, in Memory or Honor and the date if possible. hand to help someone else get in).

- D.L. Moody
We would appreciate all the help you can give us to bring this
history of our church as much up to date as possible. Thank you.

Information can be given to Marta or one of the Committee mem-

bers, namely, Ilene Berg, Bob Thompson or Pat Tuttle.
In Touch page 6

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2010-2011
Moderator: Laurie Porter Mission Coordinators: Pat Tuttle & Donna Yordy
Vice-Moderator (Program): Ilene Berg Search Committee: Donna Yordy
Secretary: Linda Warren Membership/Yearbook Coordinator: Linda Lull
Treasurer: Maria Berry Bible Study Coordinator: Claire Cartmell
Publicity: Evelyn Hrunek

Morning Circle will meet on Thursday, October 14, 2010 9 AM in the Adult
Evening Circle will meet Tuesday, October 19th at 7 PM at the home of Maria
Berry, 14923 E. Summit Drive at 7:00 pm. Evelyn Hrunek will
be co-hostess and Barbara Oakeson will lead the Bible Study.
Mid-Morning Circle will meet again on Monday, October 25th at 10:00 AM in the
Adult Center.

Bible Study: Stan Jones will lead the circle Bible study leaders on Thursday, Oct. 28th
at 10:30 am in the Adult Center. Evelyn Hrunek

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

Presbyterian Women's Fall Retreat
Saturday, October 23, 2010
$15.00 per person
Registration: 9:30am in Fellowship Hall—continental breakfast served until 10:00am
Program: 10am–1:40pm, 1st Session: The Pattern, Fabric, & Batting; 2nd Session: Needle and Thread
Catered Lunch: 11:30am – 12:15pm
Worship Service: 1:40pm - 2:00pm on the lower patio to the Sanctuary
Rev. Kathryn Pyke, Worship Leader Debbie Fisher, Music Leader

Our guest speaker will be Janet Drez. A wife, mother, and Christian
women's speaker, Janet is also the women's ministry director at Arizona
Community Church in Tempe, Arizona, and serves as the Prayer Team
Coordinator for the Christian Business Women's Association. She is also
the author of Putting the Pieces Together: A Christian Woman's Guide to
a Successful Home-Based Business and the Octopus Faith® audio tape
Bible study. She has written articles for the P-31 Woman and Obadiah
Magazine and has been a guest on CTN Christian Television Nashville,
Q96 Christian Radio, WBCL Radio Network Ft. Wayne, KPNX Channel
12 News, Sonoran Living and CBS 5 News. A graduate of the national
Proverbs 31 Ministries Speaker/Writer Conference and the Advanced
Speak Up With Confidence, Janet has spoken for dozens of groups, asso-
ciations, retreats, conferences and churches.

The deadline for payments to the retreat is October 16, 2010, as we need to let the caterers know our final count.

A lap quilt donated by Peggy Johnson will be raffled off. Many of us who know Peggy know what beautiful quilts she
creates. Raffle tickets are $2/ea. or 3/$5.
page 7 October 2010

Hooked on Books
Hooked on Books for women will meet
• Fall Gathering will be held Nov. 8. Mary Alice Bivens on Wednesday, October 20, at 10 am
will be the guest speaker. Her presentation entitled: at the home of Jan Hoff, 16820 La
“Keep Hope Alive” details her trip to Palestine. Morning Montana, # 115, phone 836-7551. Call
Circle will serve as hostess. Jan for directions as her house is some-
times difficult to find or car pool from
• We have new books in the library purchased with the church (leaving church at 9:45). Be prepared to tell
book shower donations. The PW read- the group about a favorite book or books you have
ing list for 2010-2011 is available from read this summer and bring books to share if you de-
Barbara Oakeson. If you read five books sire. Welcome to all women who like to read--hope to
from the list you will be recognized at see you there.
the PW Spring Gathering. Barb Wyman, Coordinator

PS: Lorene Hoover, a regular book club contributor,

has sent a copy of the book her daughter just had pub-
lished . The book is "The Quickening"--it takes place
in Iowa and has wonderful reviews. It is going into
Out n’ About bookstores nationwide this month. She asked if book
Out n’ About will be going to Fountinis club attendees or interested people would like to come
on October 20, 2010 at noon. We will to the book reading that her daughter , Michelle Hoo-
have SEPARATE CHECKS. For reserva- ver, is doing at Changing Hands bookstore in Tempe
on Tuesday evening, October 12th at 7 pm. Anyone
tions call Arlene Olsen (480-837-4271) or
who would like to attend please call Barbara
Ruby Pearson (480-816-1404). Wyman. Lorene Hoover or Letha Neely will arrange a
car pool.

The beloved community

One Minnesota pastor often called the congregation he served “the beloved community.” This is a good description for all followers of
Christ. We should strive to make the church a community where love flows easily and joyfully between members.
Church father Tertullian (A.D. 160-220) reported that the Romans said of the first Christians, “See how they love one another!” Any faithful,
dedicated group of believers can and should be a beloved community.
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc.

Not Yet A Member?

If you are interested in joining our church family, please see or call Susan Phillips at
480-837-1225 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.

Men’s Fellowship
Men’s Fellowship will hold its initial meeting of the year on Saturday,
October 9 at 9:00AM. We hope all the men of the church can join us
at the Fellowship Center for food, fun and fellowship.

Your Men’s Fellowship Team

Jim Bates, Milt Hoff, and Jerry Maples
In Touch page 8

Evangelism Ministry
On September 26 I introduced the 2010 Evangelism prised that when I contacted the director of the food
Sunday Campaign. For many the word “evangelism” bank, Pastor David Iverson, about this project he said
has brought to mind a feeling of awkwardness or un- that they don’t even have enough food on hand at this
easiness. Many of us find it difficult to talk about our time to meet the demand, let alone to keep six volun-
faith and even more difficult to ask another about teers busy. In order to help this situation, the Evangel-
their faith. The Presbyterian Church (USA) tells us ism Ministry Unit along with the Mission Ministry Unit
that “We need a new paradigm, a reclaiming of what will provide $225 of food items to help stock the
evangelism is: God’s people joyfully and authenti- shelves at the food bank. If you would like to volunteer
cally telling and showing others that in for one of the two days at the food bank or
and through Jesus Christ we are for- if you would like to make a donation to
given, we are redeemed, we are trans- help purchase food for the food bank
formed, we have purpose and meaning please see me or contact me at 480-837-
in life, to be stewards of God’s crea- 1225.
tion” This is the “Good News” that
“we” already know and that we need to Finally, we are providing three inspira-
share with our community so that they tional prayer bookmarks to each of you in
might enter into the “Christian commu- attendance on these three Sundays so that
nity.” you can be praying for the Evangelism
Sunday Campaign, our community events,
Evangelism is more than what we say and our leadership. We already know that
and how we say it, it is how we live. our prayers are powerful and we believe
We should think of evangelism as a life that they will have a strong “spiritual ef-
-style of living the “Good News”. This is referred to fect” on our campaign. The week one prayer bookmark
as “Evangeliving”, to be outreached focused and reads: “God I pray that you will use this prayerful time
missionally-minded in our community. The theme for to help our church reach out to our community with the
this year’s Evangelism Sunday campaign is “That Good News of Jesus Christ so that others may commit
they may know…” During the three week Evangel- their hearts and lives to Christ; God I pray that you will
ism campaign Pastor Paul and various members of our help us as a church to look at the tangible needs of the
congregation will share stories of either 1) their faith community that we live in and that you would break our
and/or conversion, or 2) their experience of serving hearts over the needs of real people that you want us to
and sharing with others. serve and be in relationship with. God I pray that
through this campaign you will deepen our relationship
In addition, we are planning two “Servant Saturdays”, with you God and that our relationships with each other
the first on October 23rd and the second on November in the church will be built-up.” (
20th (the Saturday before Thanksgiving), where vol- evangelism)
unteers will help at the Extended Hands Food Bank.
We were thinking about providing six volunteers for May God bless you.
each of the two days. However, I was extremely sur- Susan Phillips

Spiritual nourishment

“A quiet time is a time set aside to deepen your knowledge of the Lord, to enrich your own personal
relationship with Him, to fellowship with Him, to love Him, to worship Him, on a very personal basis. . .
How much of a calm and gentle spirit you achieve, then, will depend on how regularly and consistently,
persistently and obediently, you partake of the Word of God, your spiritual food.”
- Shirley Rice
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc.
page 9 October 2010

Music Ministry

Celebration Singers and and actually enjoy a history lesson, rhythmic

Celebration Ringers are experience, and devote some ex-
back to work rehearsing and tra time singing and eating together. Look
preparing music for the wor- for the details in October bulletins.
ship service. Thanks again
to all who offered special Anyone interested in being a part of our Mu-
music through-out the sum- sic Ministry please check the bulletins for re-
mer months, keeping with hearsal times, contact me through the church
the same spirit that nurtures our souls and office, call me at home, or talk with me after
fills our sanctuary with love, joy, hope, peace the service. We'd love to have you!
and gratitude, not necessarily in that order,
and strengthens us year around so that we Deborah Fisher
can be of service to others. Director of Music Ministries

I will be once again writing out the words of With all my heart I will
the anthems to be in the bulletin for those of thank the Lord in the as-
you who may enjoy reading along. I find it sembly of His people.
beneficial for me, as well, typing the text How wonderful are the
and getting another run through of the idea, things God does! All
the thought, the compatibility with the lyric, who are delighted with
the style and proper inflections focusing at them want to under-
just the right time as we simply sing in praise stand them.
to God. Then, I start typing the text for the - Psalms 111: 1-2
next weeks anthem and start the process all
over again. Text is that additional ele-
ment choral groups have which must be
interpreted. I enjoy the challenge of finding
text suitable when possible to enhance the
sermon content, occasion of worship or ser-
vice. There are many arrangements of an-
thems utilizing the richness of traditional text Wanted
with the nuance of contemporary harmo- WANTED: Choir members – whereabouts unknown
nies. I've also found arrangements that are
just right for the size of our LAST SEEN: Hiding out in the congregation
choir that use a more contem-
porary text set to a traditional DESCRIPTION: Male and female, young and old, musical
melody that touches all our and cheerful
hearts. The constant in all
our music will always be to REWARD: “Give and you shall receive.”
express our love and thankful
praise to God. SURRENDER TO: Your friendly choir director.
We will have a music ministry workshop to
continue along the lines of the last few work-
shops. They are such a wonderful time to
get together without a set rehearsal deadline
In Touch page 10

Christian Education
With summer coming to an end our fall
schedule is getting ready to start up. Our
Wednesday evening youth programming
will be starting up on October 6th. We
are also working on some Sunday Morn-
ing Topic programs. We have such a
fountain of inspiration and knowledge in
our congregation, if there is anyone who
Terri Schmidt, Elder
would like to share their knowledge with
the congregation and teach a topics class on Sunday morn-
ings, please call Terri Schmidt at 837-7083.

Wednesday Youth Connection Kickoff

We will have our Youth Connec-
tion Kickoff in conjunction with
our “Fav Five” on September 29th.
This will be a fun evening welcom-
ing Sandie Guiney back working
with our youth. This year we are
trying something different. Three Wednesdays of the month
will be our regular youth programming with Sandie Guiney
leading the evening programming. On the fourth Wednesday
we will continue our “Fav Five” welcoming all family and

Fav Five
Our “Fav Five” has been some
what of a success this summer and
we hope to continue it through the
fall, we will then re-evaluate the
success to see if we will continue.
If you have not been to see what it
is all about, please stop by and
check out our “Fav Five” nights.
This event was to bring our five favorite things together for
an evening. Our “Fav Five” stands for Friends, Family,
Food, Fellowship, and Fun.
We hope to have a Rocking October on our “Fav
Five” night with our new Rocktober”. We are planning on
having an evening of music by some of the local Youth

Continued on page 11...

page 11 October 2010

Groups from local Churches, and of course our very own

“Committed” youth band will be hosting. We will have a Halloween
theme for this night, so show up in costume and the best costume will Pillars of the
win a prize. This should really scare up some fun for the evening. faith
We have more fun scheduled for the November and Decem-
ber “Fav Five” nights. But you’ll have to wait to find out that excit-
ing news as we get closer. Isn’t the suspense exciting!

Teachers are needed:

We are still looking for anyone who would like to help Anna Because Martin Luther nailed his
Hill with the Nursery and Godly Play. If anyone would like to help 95 theses, or thoughts, to a church
door in Wittenberg, Germany, on
or has some ideas of someone who would,
October 31, 1517, many Christians
please call Terri Schmidt at 837-7083 remember that day and the major
We are still looking for new Topics classes. If changes, or Reformation, that re-
you have any ideas or know of someone who sulted.
would volunteer some time to teach a Sunday Luther’s theses contained three
main pillars, which have stood for
morning 10:30 class, please let us know.
almost 500 years:

Volunteers Needed Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone)

We need volunteers that would be willing to feed our Youth – The Bible is the sole authority in
matters of faith, life and conduct.
on Wednesday evening this school year. That would be 3 Wednes-
“All scripture is inspired by God
days, October through May. We will have a table set up in the Nar- and is useful for reaching, for re-
thex for you to sign up or you can contact Terri Schmidt at 837-7083. proof, for correction, and for train-
You can also leave a message for Terri and a phone number in the ing in righteousness” (2 Timothy
Church Office and she will return your call. If you can bring the 3:16, NRSV).
food for one Wednesday evening we would appreciate it.
Sola Fide (Faith Alone) – Faith
alone has the power to save even
TOPICS before we can lift a single finger in
Our first Topic Class of the year will be on Sunday October good works. Romans 1.17 “For in
it (The gospel) the righteousness
24th at 10:30am in the Adult Education Center. This will be given by
of God is revealed through faith
Ernie Bobel, Jr. LTCP, MSAA Principal for faith; as it is written, ‘the one
Advisor and Educator for the EHB Insur- who is righteous will live by
ance Group. He will speak for 1 hour on the faith’.”
ABC’s of Medicare. Help decide what plan
Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) –
is best for you and help you better under-
Grace is God’s unmerited, or un-
stand the right prescription plan. This should deserved, favor. Salvation is a free
be very informative for those thinking of getting Medicare and help gift from our gracious God. “For
those who already have it to select which plan is best suited for by grace you have been saved
them.. through faith, and this is not your
own doing; it is the gift of God –
E-Scrip not the result of works, so that no
Please help Christian Education by signing your grocery one may boast” (Ephesians 2:89,
cards. Safeway gives money back to the church for every dollar you NRSV).
spend at the stores, provided you have signed your card up with us.
This has to be done every year, so if you have done this in the past, -The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc.
please sign up again.

May God Bless our church while we try to grow.

Terri Schmidt
In Touch page 12

Did You Know?

page 13 October 2010

Library Footnotes
Listed here are five of the many re-
cent additions to our church library. Remnants by Kiki Swanson, a local author—Fiction
We are fortunate to have a great vari- A story of five women who reunite after many years
ety of books for your enjoyment and of separation to live in a new retirement center in Scotts-
enrichment. dale, AZ

Still Alice by Lisa Genova—Fiction Stones Into Schools: Promoting Peace with Schools,
A psychology professor at Har- Not Bombs,
vard knows she needs help when she in Afghanistan and Pakistan by Greg Mortenson
becomes disoriented while jogging her usual route. Not Beginning where Three Cups of Tea left off, Morten-
yet fifty, she was unprepared for the diagnosis of early son tells of his ongoing efforts to establish schools for
onset Alzheimer’s. girls in remote areas of Afghanistan and how he built
relationships with Islamic clerics, militia commanders
The Rapture Exposed: the Message of Hope in the and tribal leaders.
Book of Revelation
By Barbara Rossing—Theology Our committee is usually working in
The author argues her case for Revelation being more the library on Monday mornings and
about a vision of peace and justice than about violence we would love to have you stop in
and prediction. then. The library is open on Sunday
mornings, and you can get a key from
Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy—a spiritual biography Marta at the church office at any
An African American football coach, who in the face time.
of much adversity, rose to the top of his profession and — Vivian Virden
won the respect of his fans, his players and his competi-

Be a good steward
Various committees are writing the church budget for the coming year. They’re placing their trust in God and
believing our members and friends to support the church’s ministry. Let us all show our faithfulness with good
stewardship through our time, talents and treasures.
-The Newsletter Newsletter
by Communication Resources, Inc.

Important information about addresses!

We are now mailing out the monthly newsletter to all members, affiliate members, friends and prospective
members. It is very important that we have a correct address for you. It is especially important for those of us
who have two addresses. Our computer program can maintain two addresses and if we know your months of
residency here, the program knows which address to use for mail-
ings. We mail out the newsletter in bulk mail. But if we have the
wrong address, it gets returned to us and we are responsible for full
postage for it and you miss out on the newsletter. Can you please
help us and insure that we have the correct dates for your alternate
address? Please call or email the church office with your informa-
tion. 480-837-1763 or Thank
you for your time and caring.
In Touch page 14

"Walking the Mourner’s Path”
Transforming Grief into Joyful Living
”Walking the Mourner's Path” ministry is a Christ-centered bereavement grief support program,
with the purpose of transforming one's grief, into joyful living, by offering the outstretched hand
of Christ. We have been blessed with the opportunity to serve our Church membership and
Community with a safe and convenient gathering place for this non-denominational ministry,
that is Christ-centered, Scripturally sound and Church based, enabling all to come into our
Lord's loving presence and experience the abundance of His tender healing love.

“Walking the Mourner's Path” is Spiritually directed and led by trained facilitators, who believe "grieving is not a
lack of faith, but a natural part of living". Through-out this eight week program, complete with workbook, Mourners
will be given the opportunity to learn new ways in which they may honor their loved ones, seek spiritual direction
and discover Jesus' promise of comfort and healing.

Preparation is beginning for another eight week session this fall. For those that are interested in attending this
wonderful Grief Ministry, have a loved one they would like to encourage in this process, or would like additional
information, please contact Michele Hasley at (480) 816-8917, or the Church Office (480) 837-1763, since the
number of participants is limited.

Three Memorial Benches have been

installed along the path in the Biblical

A dedication of these garden benches is

planned for October 17 at 10:00 AM in
the Biblical Garden. Please make plans
to attend.

-Columbarium Committee

page 15 October 2010

Hospitalized? Call the church!

If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from ill-
ness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a con-
gregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended
summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to
With deepest sympathy we list assume, when we don’t see someone, that they are simply
“vacationing away”. The truth is that some of you are sick and
those members who have we are not aware of it.
passed away in 2010 You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of
your situation. We have an excellent support system in place
Gil Rapp due to the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you
Carolyn Westphal by communicating your situation.
Hazel Hoover
Nancy Graybiel
Judy Mortimer
Millie Devlin Pass It On
Nancy Jann Pass on the word of encouragement in an honest compliment. . .
Shirley Johnston Pass on the look of encouragement in a generous smile. . .
Pass on the touch of encouragement in a hearty handshake. . .
Doris Owen Pass on the kindness of encouragement in a thoughtful deed. . .
Joan Owens And let the encouragement of Christ flow through you.
Jytte Essenburg
-The Newsletter Newsletter
Kenneth Nelson by Communication Resources, Inc.

“Well done, Thou good and faithful servant….

Enter thou into the joy Of thy Lord.”
Matthew 25:21


10/01 Mary Wernecke 10/13 Victoria Caltabiano 10/23 Joan Larson
10/01 Martha Carillo 10/14 Dean Versaw 10/26 Doug Katonak
10/02 Ray Schmidt 10/15 Madeline Lucas 10/28 Ryan Vawter
10/02 Jacob Eberspacher 10/16 Charlie Eberspacher 10/29 Joanne Larson
10/04 Bill Virden 10/16 Donna Sims 10/29 Bill Myhr
10/06 Orene Hinkley 10/17 Sarah Hill 10/29 Jeanene Schopback
10/08 Andrey Lull 10/20 Cody Nickerson 10/30 Patricia Culley
10/10 Mary Martinson 10/21 Kelly Pyritz 10/30 John Kurkjian
10/10 Lynda Root
Non Profit Organ.
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church
13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard
Permit NO. 299
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Scottsdale, AZ


If anyone is not getting our newsletter or Presb-E-News and

would like to, please let the church office know at 837-1763.

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication.
News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to fhpresbyte- Editor, Marta Ludwig; Assistant Editor, Carol Hencz; Proof Reader, Helen
Roesch, Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie Dangremond, Ruby Pearson, Arlene Ol-
sen, Marilyn Humes, and Joyce Stott. Travel to Bulk Mail Post Office: Mary Martinson.

“...and we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encour-
age the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.”
1 Thessalonians 5:14

Artwork by
Anna Hill

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 E-Mail Address:
Office Hours: Monday – Friday : 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Interim Pastor Dr. Paul Soderquist email: home phone: 480-785-9508

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