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More and As Many Pairing- Centers (Day 5)

Date: December 3 Period/Time: 10:35-11:45

GLO: Develop Number sense

SLO: Compare sets containing up to 20 elements, using: • referents • one-to-one
correspondence to solve problems
Objective: I can understand the concept of more.

Calendar Routine with (See previous lesson plans for detailed calendar lesson)
Students 10:35-10:50 Calendar - 5 mins
Teacher lead.
1. Students read today’s date.
2. Students read today’s date off of the calendar.
3. Check in for “Lost Teeth” graph.
a. Write the name down if a student lost a tooth.
4. Check the weather and the season.

Whole group skip count - 5 mins

1. Pattern chain - add a link, follow the ABC pattern
a. Count by 2’s to 20, jumping jacks
2. Tally chart - add a tally
. Count by 5’s to the number on the chart, reach for the sky,
then touch your toes
3. Crazy crayons - add a crayon to the bucket
. Count by 10’s to the number of buckets filled, jump on one
4. Count by 1’s to 20,
. Stand tall, then crouch down slowly until you reach 20
5. Count by 1’s, backward from 20,
. Start crouched down and slowly go up to “blast off”.
More and As many 1) Teach numbers (I do)
Intro · Show a pile of 5 vs 15 blocks, which has more? More
10:50-11:00 means to compare how much or how many.
2) We do
· Lets see if there are more boys than girls in the class.
Instead of counting individually, lets pair up and we will
see if anyone is left without a partner. Are there more
boys or girls?
3) You do
· Lets try with 5 vs 6 year olds.
4) I do
· Draw a diagram of circles and triangles on board. Have
one of the shapes have 1 or 2 less. I will draw lines
between the ones that match, and it will tell me which
one has more.
5) We do
· Try this a couple of times with a student volunteer,
matching with a line to the opposite shape. Try this with
straight across lines at first, then try mixing them up to
increase difficulty.
6) You do
· Students will have an opportunity to try this on their own
in one of the centres.

Centers Description
11:00-11:45 (10-15 minutes/center, we rotate 1-3 times depending on time

Fluency Tall Blue Table

 Provide students with an assortment of shaped block
manipulatives, as well as colored block manipulatives. Have
them pair up opposite shapes if working with shapes, or
opposite colours to determine which has more.

Game Carpet Area

Tracing/Playdoh  I will provide 1-2 games pertaining specifically to
more/greater than for students to engage in.

Practice Blue Tables

Making numerals out  Begin the pairing worksheets, early finishers may continue
of objects working on the 1-10 booklet that has students cutting and
glueing the different ways we can show a number (dice, 10
frame, word, numeral)
Computer Yellow and Green Tables
 Students will log into ABCya, and pick different games which
work on a variety of math skills that are age and grade

Differentiation For students struggling with the concept of pairing up, I will create a
small pull-out group for further support and instruction.

Wrap up Meet back on carpet before lunch recess dismissal

Reflection What went well? What can be improved? Changed for next time?

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