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Neeraj Singh

Mood-Boosting Snacks to Make Your Day


Hi, my name is Neeraj Singh, I have seen a lot of people who are very stressed in the modern and
extremely challenging world. They are mostly trying to reduce their stress by taking either
antidepressant or other alcoholic beverages but may be they know or don’t know but these medicines
have other side effects too. These side effects are continuously harming them but some of them even
don’t know that the problems from which they suffering are the side effects of those beverages and
medicines and other drugs which they were talking to feel happy. There are some natural food sources
which can help you to fight with stress try to eat these foods not those alcoholic beverages and drugs.
Read and follow this to reduce your stress levels and tell their relatives too.

Dark Chocolate “High-quality dark chocolate

can give your mood a boost, according to a study
published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology,"
says Brooke Alpert, RD and founder of B
Nutritious. Dark chocolate stimulates the
production of endorphins, which are mood-
enhancing chemicals in the brain. It also contains
the chemical serotonin, which acts as an
antidepressant. Before you go ham on the sweet
stuff, however, the recommended amount is one
ounce per day. You also want to remember to
always choose at least 70 percent cocoa and to
pick up the options with the fewest ingredients
(the less processed the cocoa beans are, the less nutrition is lost).

Popcorn Popcorn is rich in the amino acid tryptophan

which, according to Alpert, helps your body to produce
serotonin, aka a neurotransmitter that increases your
mood. "Quinn popcorn is an option I recommend for my
clients," she says. SkinnyPop Popcorn is another popular
choice recommended by wellness experts like celebrity
trainer Kira Stokes.
Neeraj Singh

Banana Bananas are great; sliced bananas

with cottage cheese are even better. (This
combo gets brownie points for also being an
inexpensive and very filling snack!) "I love this
combination because it will work to boost your
mood with its combination of vitamins B6, A
and C, fiber, tryptophan, potassium,
phosphorous, iron, protein and healthy
carbohydrates," explains Lisa De Fazio, MS, RD
and author of Big Book of Smoothies & Soups.
"When you eat a sliced banana with cottage
cheese, you get a boost from the fructose as
well as long lasting energy from the fiber, which
helps prevent a blood sugar spike and drop in mood. Carbohydrates help absorb tryptophan in
the brain, and vitamin B6 helps convert the tryptophan into mood-boosting serotonin.
Nuts Nuts—particularly almonds, cashews, and walnuts—are
fantastic. Make sure, however, to opt for raw unsalted ones
for optimal nutrition. Also, make note of the fact that nuts are
high in calories; so you'll need to watch portion sizes. "Like
popcorn, cashews and almonds boost serotonin levels that
directly influence your mood," explains Alpert. Walnuts, for
their part, contain good mood nutrients including omega-3s,
vitamin B6, tryptophan, protein, and folate. "Higher blood
levels of omega-3s have been linked with better mood and
lower rates of depression," says De Fazio. If you find that
controlling your portions of nuts is challenging, opt for a piece
of whole grain bread with a nut spread from a brand like NuttZo. Organic and non-GMO, their
spreads are made with seven nutrient-rich nuts and seeds.
Chickpeas Chickpeas are rich in vitamin B6,
protein, and magnesium. According to De Fazio
vitamin B6 prevents low energy and anxiety,
and protein supports neurotransmitter function
in the brain which helps produce serotonin and
dopamine. This is fab news since serotonin and
dopamine are two natural hormones your body
needs to feel happy! De Fazio recommends
hummus and raw veggies, but chickpeas can be
enjoyed in a myriad of ways
Neeraj Singh

High Fiber Cereal with Vitamin D Fortified Milk

"A deficiency of vitamin D in your diet can lead to
depression," says De Fazio. She goes on to explain that
this nutrient is key in helping produce the "feel-good
hormone" serotonin. She says you are affecting the
body's ability to stabilize your mood and probably
increasing your feelings of depression when you let
yourself get too low in vitamin D. Since cereals can be
loaded with empty calories and sugar—even granolas
and oatmeal—you'll want to get your vitamin D as
naturally as possible. Check out Barbara's; they make a
number of cereals using simple, wholesome ingredients. As for the fortified milk, if you're
looking for a non-dairy option, many almond milks are fortified with vitamin D.
Coconut "Fresh coconut or coconut chips are
a great source of medium-chain triglycerides,
which are used by your brain instantly," says
Alpert. "This healthy fuel for your brain
prevents any sugar drops and therefore any
mood drops." She recommends Dang's chips,
which are filler-free and portable

Berries Loaded with antioxidants for brain health, berries

are particularly fantastic because they'll assuage sweet
craving without spiking your blood sugar. "Berries are high in
water and fiber to keep your digestive system regular, which
will also improve your mood and sense of well-being,"
explains De Fazio. Eat them on their own or mix them into
some unsweetened Greek yogurt. Blending frozen berries
with water or unsweetened almond milk is another great
option, particularly in the warmer weather months.
Neeraj Singh

Oranges Not only do they smell refreshing but the high

levels of vitamin C help regulate stress hormones and
lower blood pressure. "Oranges are a great snack to
bring to work when you know it's going to be a stressful
day," says Alpert.

Tea “Afternoon tea is a thing for a good reason. In green,

black, or even oolong tea, there is an amino acid called
theanine that, when combined with caffeine, can help with
attention levels," says Alpert. De Fazio adds that theanine
works wonders in terms of calming the mind and making
you more alert. We adore tea here at Eat This, Not That!
because of its waist-whittling properties. Better mood and
better body? Sounds good to us!

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