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Given a road network, car drivers will normally
use the route or routes through which they will
reach their destination in the least time or
distance. The same assumption is used to
assign trips or vehicles in the four-step model.
The road network is usually drawn using nodes
and links as shown in figure 8.5. The zone
centroids are represented by nodes, and the
roads connecting the zones are presented by links.
8.7.1 The Shortest Path
A prerequisite to route assignment is the determination of the shortest path from one
node of the network to another. Given a road network with known characteristics such
as distance or travel time, the shortest path may be found using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
The algorithm or procedure follows these basic steps:
a. First, label the staring node with a value equal to 0. This label is permanent as this
will not be changed.
b. Consider each node adjacent to this node and give them temporary labels. (Only
those without permanent labels are considered.)
i. If a node is unlabeled , it is given a label equal to the weight of the link plus the value
of the previously labelled node.
ii. If a node is labelled, calculate the value of the label and, if this is less than the current
value, then exchange its value with the smaller one; otherwise, leave the label
c. Choose the node with the smallest temporary label and make the label permanent.
d. Repeat steps b and c until the final node has been given a permanent label. The
shortest path has a length given by its permanent value.
Dijkstra’s algorithm will be illustrated by an example.
Example 8.3
Consider the road network shown in figure 8.6(A). The nodes are labelled a to k. The
links have values in travel time in minutes. Determine the shortest path (least travel
time) from a to k using Dijsktra’s algoritm.
Node a is given a permanent label with value equal to 0. From a, adjacent nodes are
temporarily labelled as shown in (B). With 2 as the smallest, node b is permanently
labelled as shown in (C). From node b, adjacent nodes are temporarily labelled. Again
the node with the smallest value is chose. Note that either node c or e may be chosen
because they both have values equal to 3. Node c is chosen in this case, and unlabeled
nodes adjacent to it are labelled temporarily as shown in (D). The steps are repeated. It
will be noted in (E) that the value 13 is replaced by a smaller value, which is 11.
It takes steps (A) to (L) to label all the nodes completely. Finally node k is labelled
permanently. The shortest path from node a to k follows the route a-e-g-j-k with a total
travel time of 23 minutes.
8.7.2 Network Assignment
Given choices or routes, it is but natural to assume that the trip makers will consider the
route that would require the least time or least distance.
Based on this assumption, the methods used to assign the trips within the road network
are the following:
a. All-or-nothing assignment
b. Constant assignment ratio
c. Incremental assignment
All-or-nothing assignment
Considering one OD pair, all trips are assigned to the shortest path from point of origin
to point of destination. After these trips are loaded into the network, the level of service
of the roads in the network may change. The basic steps in conducting an all-or-nothing
assignment are as follows:
a. Find the minimum path between zones i and j.
b. Assign all trips Tiy the minimum path.
c. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all OD pairs.
Constant assignment ratio
In this method, it is assumed that the number of trips assigned to a route is inversely
proportional to the travel time or cost of that route, i.e., more trips will be assigned to a
route providing shorter travel time or lesser cost. The basic steps for the constant
assignment ratio method are as follows:
a. Find out several possible routes between zones i and j.
b. Calculate the level of service (time or cost) on each route.
c. Divide the distributed trip to each route inversely proportional to LOS.
d. Repeat for all OD pairs.
Example 8.4
Suppose that 100 trips are to be distributed among 4 routes with the following travel
times. Assign these trips using constant assignment ratio.
Route T, hrs
1 1.0
2 1.25
3 1.5
4 2.0
The inverse of time for each route is computed. This serves as the level of service of the
route. The assigned trips to each route are obtained in proportion to this LOS. Higher
values would have larger share of assigned trips. The result of assignment is shown in
the table below.
Route I/T Assigned trips
1 1.00 33.71
2 0.8 26.97
3 0.67 22.47
4 0.50 16.85
Total 2.97 100.00
Incremental assignment
This method considers the influence of previously assigned trips. It is based on the
Wardrop’s Princicple, which states that out of several routes available between zones i
and j, the routes that are used have equal level of service. The routes that are not used
have lower LOS.
Consider the trips originating from one zone to be assigned. The incremental
assignment method takes the following steps:
a. Assign 1/n of the trips to route (by using all-or-nothing assignment or constant
assignment ratio).
b. Calculate the new level of service for the state that 1/n trips are already assigned.
c. Assign next 1/n trips.
d. Repeat until all trips are assigned.
1. Use gravity model (Voohees type) to distribute the person trips given below.
Refine the method using Fratar iteration scheme. (Stop iteration when row and
column are 1 ±0.05.)

2. A multinomial logit mode choice model is

calibrated for 10,000 persons. The resulting
utility function is given below:

For a particular OD pair, three modes are available, with characteristics as

Determine the following:
a. Percentage share of each mode
b. No. of vehicle of each mode
Mode Out-of-pocket Travel time,min Ave. occupancy
cost, pesos persons/veh
Car 50 30 2
Aircon bus 10 45 40
Jeepney 5 50 14

3. Assign the vehicle trips in the given network below using all-or-nothing
assignment.Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find minimum paths.
4. Determine the shortest path from a to b using Dijkstra’s algorithm.

5. Assign the given vehicle trips ( using incremental method (n = 3).

Apply the capacity restraint relation shown below:

6. Assign the peak hour vehicular trips shown on the given road network. Use all-or-
nothing assignment for the first 1/n trips, then use incremental method with
capacity-restraint for the succeeding assignments (n = 2)
7. Given the following data:
a. Present person trip OD table

b. Growth Factors:
c. Calibrated utility function:

d. Cost of travel (pesos) and travel time in minutes. Use for modal choice only.
(Assume data for 1 to 2 are the same for 2 to 1, etc.)

e. Estimated travel time in each link:

i. trip distribution using Fratar method (make 1 iteration only, i.e., get one set of row and
column factors)
ii. modal split using logit model
iii. trip assignment of cars only using all-or-nothing assignment
(Average veh, occupancy: car – 1.5 persons; Jeepney = 14.0 persons)

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