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List of HAL Commands

Login commands (trainers only) Info

To login open a private chat to hal2000 ''.chat hal2000'' than login with your personal password given by hal
.chat hal2000 login ''password''
Create aircraft commands (trainers only) Info

DEP Create a aircraft short of the departure-runway.

FLY Create a flying aircraft.

create new aircraft commands (trainers only) Info

CREATEALT xxx / CREATEALT xxxx Create the aircraft on this flightlevel/altitude ''createalt 070 / createalt 3000''.

CREATE Create the aircraft at a fix ''fly from EBBR to EHAM create RIVER''.

CREATEHEADING xxx Create the aircraft with this heading. ''createheading 180''.

DIST Distends from Destination/to Departure field to create aircraft. '' fly to EHAM dist 50''.

Flightplan create aircraft commands (trainers only) Info

FROM xxxx Departure-field in flightplan ''fly from EHAM dist 150''.

TO xxxx Destination-field in flightplan ''fly from EHAM to EHGG''.

ROUTE xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx Route in flightplan '' fly from EHAM to EHGG route EEL-ARTIP-SPY-SPL''.

FPALT xxx Cruise-altitude in flightplan ''dep from EBBR to EDDS fpalt 170''.

TYPE xxxx Type of aircraft '' fly from KBOS to EGLL type B747''.

CALLSIGN Callsign for aircraft ''dep from EHAM to EDDS callsign KLM1054''.

COM2 Set the COM2 of aircraft ''dep from EHAM to EDDS callsign KLM1054 COM2 123.45''.

CATACORY Catogory of aircraft ''fly from EHAM to EHGG catagory light''

Extra create aircraft commands (trainers only) Info

NOUNICOM If present, aircraft will NOT die when being sent to unicom

MAXIDLE xxx Aircraft will survive xxx minutes of idle time

SEED xx Repeats create command xx times per hour '' seed 25 fly from EHAM to EHEH''

LOAD xx Loads scenario into hal(scenario has to be on hal server) ''load eham'' will load eham scenario.

TIMEOUT xx Seed wil timeout (end) after this time period in minutes.

LISTSEEDS This will show the seeds currently active, with this you also see the ID number of the seeds.

LISTSCENARIOS This will show the scenarios currently active, with this you also see the ID number of the scenarios.

REMOVESEED Type removeseed with the ID of the seed to stop the seed ''remove seed 1''.

REMOVESCENARIO Type removescenario with the ID of the scenario to stop the scenario ''remove scenario 1''.

REMOVESEED ALL Will remove all active seeds.

REMOVESCENARIOS ALL Will remove all active scenarios.

Aircraft commands departures Info

TAXI TO HP Taxi to runway xx and hold short.

LINEUP Line up runway xx and wait. (Taxi in to position and hold runway 27)

CTO Cleared for take-off runway xx

List of HAL Commands

Aircraft commands vectoring Info

FH xxx Fly heading xxx '' KLM1043 fh 180''

TL xxx Turn left heading xxx '' KLM1043 tl 140''

TR xxx Turn right heading xxx '' KLM1043 tr 140''

PD xxxxxx (Proceed) direct xxxxx(fix) '' KLM1043 pd EEL''

DCT xxxx Same command as pd '' KLM1043 dct SPL''

TL DCT xxxxx Turn left direct xxxxx(fix) '' KLM1043 tl dct SPL''

TR DCT xxxxx Turn right direct xxxxx(fix) '' KLM1043 tr dct SPL''

MH Maintain present heading '' KLM1043 mh''

EX T Expedite turn '' KLM1043 ex t''

SHORTCUT DCT Same as DCT only after passing fix, aircraft will proceed as filed or as cleared.

RO Resume own navigation. (Fly flightplan)

HOLD xxxxx yyy left/right HOLD over xxxxx inbound track yyy left/right turns '' KLM1043 gold over artip 140 left''

.... THEN ..... Delimiter between to commands. '' KLM1043 tr dct SPL then dct SPY''

Aircraft commands altitude Info

MA Maintain (present) altitude. '' KLM1043 ma''

CM xxx Climb to FLxxx (4 digits gives the altitude) '' KLM1043 cm 070''

DM xxx descend to FLxxx (4 digits gives the altitude) '' KLM1043 dm 3000''

EX C Expedite climb

EX D Expedite descend

Aircraft commands speed Info

SPEED xxx Speed xxx

RS xxx Reduce speed xxx

IS xxx Increase speed

NSR No speed restrictions

Aircraft commands extra Info

SQ xxxx / SQUAWK xxxx Squawk xxxx

IDENT Squawk ident

Aircraft commands approaches and landings Info

CI xx Cleared ILS approach runway xx

CV xx Cleared visual approach runway xx

CL xx Cleared to land runway xx

TF xxx turn final (and land on) rwy xxx

Aircraft commands reports Info

SS Say speed

SH Say Heading

SA Say Altitude

SVS Say vertical speed

List of HAL Commands

Extra (trainers only) Info

HISTORY List of command to this pilot.

COM2 xxx.xx COM 2 for secondary communication.

PAUSE ALL Pause all aircraft.

PAUSE Pause the aircraft.

CONTINUE Continue flying the aircraft.

DIE Delete a aircraft.

DIE ALL Delete all aircraft made by you.

DIEALL Delete all aircraft made by you and others!!! Please do not use this command.

HELP Small overview of general HAL2000 commands.

CREATEHELP Overview of Create commands.

COMMANDS Overview of aircraft commands

STATS See status of HAL2000

INFO Ask info of airport or fix '' Info EHAM'' or ''info SPL''.

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