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Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes


Annual Incidence of Adult and Pediatric

In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United

BACKGROUND: Previous incidence estimates may no longer reflect the Mathias J. Holmberg,
current public health burden of cardiac arrest in hospitalized adult and MD, MPH
pediatric patients across the United States. The aim of this study was to Catherine E. Ross, MD
estimate the contemporary annual incidence of in-hospital cardiac arrest Garrett M. Fitzmaurice, ScD
in adults and children across the United States and to describe trends in Paul S. Chan, MD, MSc
incidence between 2008 and 2017. Jordan Duval-Arnould,
METHODS AND RESULTS: Using the Get With The Guidelines– Anne V. Grossestreuer,
Resuscitation registry, we developed a negative binomial regression PhD
model to estimate the incidence of index pulseless in-hospital cardiac Tuyen Yankama, MPH
arrest based on hospital-level characteristics. The model was used to Michael W. Donnino, MD
predict the number of in-hospital cardiac arrests in all US hospitals, Lars W. Andersen, MD,
using data from the American Hospital Association Annual Survey. MPH, PhD, DMSc
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for the American Heart

We performed separate analyses for adult (≥18 years) and pediatric
Association’s Get With
(<18 years) cardiac arrests. Additional analyses were performed for
The Guidelines–Resusci-
recurrent cardiac arrests and pediatric patients requiring cardiopulmonary tation Investigators*
resuscitation for poor perfusion (nonpulseless events). The average
annual incidence of in-hospital cardiac arrest in the United States was
estimated at 292 000 (95% prediction interval, 217 600–503 500) adult
and 15 200 pediatric cases, of which 7100 (95% prediction interval,
4400–9900) cases were pulseless cardiac arrests and 8100 (95%
prediction interval, 4700–11 500) cases were nonpulseless events. The
rate of adult cardiac arrests increased over time, while pediatric events
remained more stable. When including both index and recurrent in-
hospital cardiac arrests, the average annual incidence was estimated at
357 900 (95% prediction interval, 247 100–598 400) adult and 19 900
pediatric cases, of which 8300 (95% prediction interval, 4900–11 200)
cases were pulseless cardiac arrests and 11 600 (95% prediction interval,
6400–16 700) cases were nonpulseless events.
CONCLUSIONS: There are ≈292 000 adult in-hospital cardiac arrests and
15 200 pediatric in-hospital events in the United States each year. This *A list of all American Heart Association’s
study provides contemporary estimates of the public health burden of Get With The Guidelines-Resuscitation In-
vestigators is given in the Appendix.
cardiac arrest among hospitalized patients.
Key Words: epidemiology ◼ heart
arrest ◼ hospitals ◼ incidence

© 2019 American Heart Association, Inc.

Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2019;12:e005580. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.119.005580 July 2019 1

Holmberg et al; Incidence of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United States

Study Design, Data Source, and Study
• Previous studies have reported a national inci- Population
dence of 211 000 adult and 6000 pediatric pulse-
We analyzed prospectively collected data from the Get With
less in-hospital cardiac arrests across the United
The Guidelines–Resuscitation (GWTG-R) registry. The GWTG-R
registry is a voluntary, prospective, quality-improvement regis-
• These previous incidence estimates may no longer
try of in-hospital cardiac arrest in the United States, sponsored
reflect the current public health burden of cardiac
by the American Heart Association. Certified personnel at each
arrest in the United States.
participating hospital collect data on all in-hospital cardiac arrest
patients without a do-not-resuscitate order. Cardiac arrest is
WHAT THE STUDY ADDS defined as the loss of a palpable central pulse or the presence
• We estimate that there are ≈292 000 adult in-hos- of a pulse with poor perfusion (pediatric patients only) requiring
pital cardiac arrests and 15 200 pediatric in-hospi- chest compressions, defibrillation or both, with a hospital-wide
tal events requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation or unit-based emergency response by acute care personnel.
in the United States each year. The design, data collection, and validity of the registry have
• Compared with previous reports, the public health been described in detail elsewhere.2,5,6 IQVIA is the data collec-
burden of adult and pediatric pulseless in-hospital tion coordination center for the American Heart Association/
cardiac arrest is ≈38% and 18% greater than pre- American Stroke Association Get With The Guidelines pro-
viously estimated. grams. All participating hospitals are required to comply with
• The incidence of adult in-hospital cardiac arrests local regulatory guidelines. The Institutional Review Board at
increased between 2008 and 2017, while pediat- Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Boston, MA) has deter-
ric events have remained more stable. mined that research involving the GWTG-R registry does not
meet the federal definition of human subject research.
Hospital-level data were obtained from the 2010 and
2013 American Hospital Association Annual Survey.7 Hospitals

urrent national incidence estimates of adult in- in the United States are registered by the American Hospital
hospital cardiac arrest in the United States are Association if the institution is listed as a hospital by the Joint
based on data from more than a decade ago.1 Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
The most recent study used data from a prospective or is certified as a provider of acute services under Title 18
of the Social Security Act. Hospitals not meeting these cri-
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cardiac arrest registry to extrapolate the incidence of

teria may be registered as a hospital by many alternative
in-hospital cardiac arrest to the total population of hos-
requirements.8 The response rate for the American Hospital
pitalized patients in the United States.2 The authors in- Association Annual Survey averages ≈75%. Incomplete data
cluded data from 2003 to 2007 and concluded that in- for selected characteristics of hospitals not responding or par-
hospital cardiac arrest occurs in ≈211 000 adult patients tially responding to the Annual Survey are imputed using pre-
in the United States each year. To our knowledge, there vious records.9
are no available contemporary incidence estimates, and Patients in the GWTG-R registry were linked to hospitals in
these findings may no longer reflect the current inci- the American Hospital Association data set by the American
dence of adult in-hospital cardiac arrest. Heart Association data management vendor. Because the
Incidence estimates of pediatric in-hospital cardiac GWTG-R registry extends to 2017 and the American Hospital
arrest in the United States are more obscure, as the Association data set was based on data from 2010 to 2013,
there is a small discrepancy in the number of patients and hos-
only nationwide estimate was calculated from several
pitals which can be matched (ie, some hospitals have merged,
separate data sources, all of which were single-center
closed, or incomplete data).
studies using data before 2008.3 The estimate was pub- For the primary analysis, we included adult (≥18 years of
lished in the 2013 American Heart Association consen- age) and pediatric (<18 years of age) patients with an initial
sus statement concluding that in-hospital cardiac arrest or subsequent pulseless index cardiac arrest from January 1,
occurs in ≈6000 hospitalized children each year.4 How- 2008, to December 31, 2017, within the GWTG-R registry.
ever, more rigorous methods using the most contempo- Patients at hospitals in the GWTG-R registry that could not
rary data are required to estimate the current incidence be linked to the American Hospital Association data set were
of pediatric in-hospital cardiac arrest. excluded.
Understanding the contemporary public health Hospitals only seeing adult patients (100% adult beds)
were excluded from the pediatric analysis, and hospitals only
burden of in-hospital cardiac arrest is important for
seeing pediatric patients (100% pediatric beds) were excluded
informing healthcare policies, research priorities, and
from the adult analysis, based on the variable fraction of adult
tracking efforts to reduce events. In this study, we beds per hospital. Missing values for the fraction of adult beds
aimed to estimate the annual incidence of in-hospital were imputed before exclusion of hospitals (see Statistical
cardiac arrest in adults and children across the United Analysis). Hospitals in the American Hospital Association data
States and to describe trends in incidence between set with missing data for total number of hospital beds were
2008 and 2017. also excluded.

Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2019;12:e005580. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.119.005580 July 2019 2

Holmberg et al; Incidence of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United States

The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies Table 1.  Characteristics of Hospitals Providing Care to Adult Patients
in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist is provided in the Data GWTG-R Non-GWTG-R
Supplement.10 Hospitals Hospitals
(n=398) (n=5887)

Statistical Analysis—Overview Adult hospital beds

For the primary analysis, we estimated the adult and pediat-  0–100 32 (8) 3387 (58)
ric incidence of pulseless in-hospital cardiac arrests separately.  100–199 80 (20) 1186 (20)
For each analysis, we developed regression models using data  200–249 32 (8) 345 (6)
from GWTG-R participating hospitals with the yearly hospital-
 250–299 41 (10) 264 (4)
level incidence as the dependent variable and hospital-level
characteristics as the independent variables. Coefficients from  300–349 40 (10) 166 (3)
the regression models were applied to the American Hospital  350–499 75 (19) 304 (5)
Association data set, which contains hospital-level data from  >499 98 (25) 235 (4)
the entire United States, to estimate annual national incidences.
Geographic region
Two additional preplanned analyses were performed. First,
we included both index and recurrent events to estimate the  North-East 73 (18) 743 (13)
overall burden of in-hospital cardiac arrest. Second, we cal-  South-East 104 (26) 908 (15)
culated estimates for pediatric patients requiring cardiopul-  North-Central 81 (20) 1629 (28)
monary resuscitation for poor perfusion (nonpulseless event),
 South-Central 63 (16) 1522 (26)
only including patients who maintained a pulse throughout
the entire sequence. As a post hoc analysis, we repeated the  West 77 (19) 1085 (18)
primary analysis to obtain adult incidence estimates after Geographic area
adding the number of hospital admissions to the regression  Urban 360 (90) 3652 (62)
model. This variable included both adult and pediatric admis-
 Rural 38 (10) 2235 (38)
sions and was, therefore, not used for the primary analysis.
SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) was used for all Ownership type
analyses.  Government/military 64 (16) 1432 (24)

Incidence in GWTG-R Hospitals  Nonprofit 275 (69) 2867 (49)

We calculated the incidence of index in-hospital cardiac arrest  Private 59 (15) 1588 (27)
in GWTG-R participating hospitals (ie, the number of in-hos-
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Teaching hospital
pital cardiac arrests per hospital) per year from 2008 to 2017
 Nonteaching 173 (43) 3615 (78)
yielding one estimate per hospital per year of GWTG-R par-
ticipation. To ensure that hospitals entered data throughout  Minor 121 (30) 996 (17)
the entire year, we only included hospital-level data for those  Major 104 (26) 276 (5)
years with ≥1 reported event per quarter for the adult analy- Emergency department visits
sis and ≥1 reported event per year for the pediatric analy-
 0–10  000 11 (3) 3011 (51)
sis, given the lower incidence of the latter. We assumed that
acute care hospitals were unlikely to encounter <1 cardiac  10  001–50  000 175 (44) 2174 (37)
arrest over these time-periods.  50  001–100  000 166 (42) 559 (10)
 >100  000 46 (12) 143 (2)
Prediction Model Development
We developed 2 separate prediction models (pediatric and GWTG-R indicates Get With The Guidelines–Resuscitation.
adult) using the annual number of in-hospital cardiac arrests
per hospital as the dependent variable (ie, outcome) and (linear trend). To account for multiple observations within the
hospital-level data from GWTG-R participating hospitals as same hospitals over time (one incidence per year), we fit the
the independent variables (ie, predictors). Variables used negative binomial regressions using generalized estimation
for the analyses are provided in Tables  1 and 2. Based on equations with robust standard errors to account for any mis-
the distribution of in-hospital cardiac arrest (Figures I and specification of the correlation among the repeated measures
II in the Data Supplement), we used a multivariable regres- over time.11 An autoregressive variance-covariance structure
sion model with a negative binomial distribution to assess was used for the adult analysis, and an independent variance-
whether hospital-level characteristics were associated with covariance structure was used for the pediatric analysis to
the number of in-hospital cardiac arrests per hospital per year ensure convergence.
within the GWTG-R data set. Variables associated with the
number of events at a P<0.20 in unadjusted analyses were Application to the American Hospital Association
subsequently included in a multivariable model. Backwards Data Set
selection was then performed by sequentially eliminating vari- The American Hospital Association data set had complete
ables until only those significant at a P<0.05 remained. Year data on hospital-level characteristics for 5999 (95%) hospi-
was included in the model as a categorical variable irrespec- tals before imputation in the adult analysis and 5213 (77%)
tive of statistical significance. Additional post hoc analyses hospitals in the pediatric analysis (Tables I and II in the Data
were also performed including year as a continuous variable Supplement). Missing data on hospital-level characteristics

Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2019;12:e005580. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.119.005580 July 2019 3

Holmberg et al; Incidence of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United States

The average incidence across all hospitals in the

United States between 2008 and 2017 was estimated
at 292 000 (95% prediction interval, 217 600–503 500)
cases per year (Figure  1; Table IV in the Data Supple-
ment). The results were similar when adding the num-
ber of admissions to the model in the post hoc analysis,
with an estimated average incidence of 309 000 (95%
prediction interval, 210 000–586 700) cases. There was
an increase in adult in-hospital cardiac arrests over time,
with an estimated incidence of 268 200 (95% predic-
tion interval, 193  700–440  300) cases in 2008 and
328 700 (95% prediction interval, 248 100–583 900)
Figure 1. Annual trends in the incidence of adult in-hospital cardiac cases in 2017 (P<0.001). There was also an increase
arrest in the United States. in cardiac arrests over time when considering year as
The average number of index cardiac arrests occurring in hospitalized adult
a continuous variable (incidence rate ratio, 1.03; 95%
patients between 2008 and 2017 was estimated at 292 000 (95% prediction
interval, 217 600–503 500) cases per year. There was an increase in cardiac CI, 1.02–1.04; P<0.001). When including both index
arrests over time (incidence rate ratio, 1.03; 95% CI, 1.02–1.03). Numerical and recurrent events, the average annual incidence
estimates are provided in Table IV in the Data Supplement.
between 2008 and 2017 was estimated at 357 900
(95% prediction interval, 247 100–598 400) cases (Fig-
were imputed under the assumption that data were miss-
ure V and Tables V and VI in the Data Supplement).
ing at random using the fully conditional specification
method.12 A single imputed data set was created (see the
Data Supplement). The developed negative binomial regres- Pediatric In-Hospital Event Incidence
sion models (see Prediction Model Development) were
applied to the imputed American Hospital Association data A total of 2255 pediatric hospitals were included from
set to estimate the annual national incidence of in-hospital the American Hospital Association database, of which
cardiac arrest in the United States. Predicted estimates were 212 hospitals with pulseless cardiac arrests and 158
obtained for all non-GWTG-R participating hospitals and hospitals with nonpulseless events were linked to the
combined with the observed estimates from GWTG-R par- GWTG-R registry (Table 2; Figure VI in the Data Supple-
ticipating hospitals. To obtain 95% prediction intervals,13 we ment). There were 6004 pulseless cardiac arrests and
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performed cluster bootstrapping, randomly sampling data on 5022 nonpulseless events registered in the GWTG reg-
hospitals with replacements (n=1000 bootstrap samples). The istry between 2008 and 2017 (Figure VII in the Data
predicted estimates from the bootstrapping of the number of
Supplement), with a median of 2 (quartiles: 1 and 8)
in-hospital cardiac arrests per hospital per year accounted for
sampling error from the prediction models (estimation uncer-
pulseless cardiac arrests and 4 (quartiles: 1 and 11) non-
tainty) and the fundamental variability of the cardiac arrest pulseless events per hospital per year. Out of the 7 hos-
counts (negative binomial dispersion). The 95% prediction pital characteristics available for the analyses, 2 (num-
intervals for the annual national incidence estimates were ber of hospital beds and teaching status) remained in
obtained using the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of the bootstrap the model on pulseless cardiac arrests and 4 (number
distribution of the estimates. of hospital beds, teaching status, emergency depart-
ment visits, and ownership type) remained in the model
on nonpulseless events (Tables VII and VIII in the Data
RESULTS Supplement).
The average national pulseless in-hospital cardiac
Adult In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Incidence arrest incidence was estimated at 7100 (95% predic-
A total of 6285 adult hospitals were included from tion interval, 4400–9900) cases per year (Figure 2; Table
the American Hospital Association database, of which IX in the Data Supplement). There was no clear change
398 hospitals were linked to the GWTG-R registry in incidence over time (incidence rate ratio, 0.97; 95%
(Table 1; Figure III in the Data Supplement). There were CI, 0.94–1.00; P=0.08), with an estimated incidence of
167 013 cardiac arrests registered in the GWTG-R reg- 7900 (95% prediction interval, 4800–11 000) cases in
istry between 2008 and 2017 (Figure IV in the Data 2008 and 6900 (95% prediction interval, 4300–9700)
Supplement), with a median of 76 (quartiles: 39 and cases in 2017. When including both index and recur-
124) cases per hospital per year. Out of the 6 hospital rent pulseless cardiac arrests, the average annual inci-
characteristics available for the analysis, 4 remained in dence was estimated at 8300 (95% prediction interval,
the final prediction model, including number of hos- 4900–11 200) cases (Figure VIII and Tables X and XI in
pital beds, emergency department visits, geographic the Data Supplement).
location, and geographic area (Table III in the Data The average national nonpulseless event incidence
Supplement). was estimated at 8100 (95% prediction interval, 4700–

Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2019;12:e005580. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.119.005580 July 2019 4

Holmberg et al; Incidence of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United States

Table 2.  Characteristics of Hospitals Providing Care to Pediatric


Pulseless Cardiac
Arrests Nonpulseless Events
Non- Non-
Hospitals Hospitals Hospitals Hospitals
(n=212) (n=2043) (n=158) (n=2097)
Pediatric hospital beds
 None* 32 (15) 357 (17) 23 (15) 366 (17)
 1–10 44 (21) 928 (45) 25 (16) 947 (45)
 2–25 65 (31) 498 (24) 46 (29) 517 (25)
Figure 2. Annual trends in the incidence of pediatric pulseless in-
 26–50 31 (15) 162 (8) 25 (16) 168 (8)
hospital cardiac arrest in the United States.
 >50 40 (19) 98 (5) 39 (25) 99 (5) The average number of index pulseless cardiac arrests occurring in hospital-
ized pediatric patients between 2008 and 2017 was estimated at 7100 (95%
Pediatric ICU beds
prediction interval, 4400–9900) cases per year. There was no clear change in
 None* 112 (53) 1717 (84) 71 (45) 1758 (84) incidences over time (incidence rate ratio, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.94–1.00), P=0.08).
Numerical estimates are provided in Table XI in the Data Supplement.
 1–10 40 (19) 184 (9) 30 (19) 194 (9)
 >10 60 (28) 142 (7) 57 (36) 145 (7) When including both index and recurrent nonpulseless
Geographic region events, the average annual incidence was estimated at
 North-East 32 (15) 376 (18) 24 (15) 384 (18) 11 600 (95% prediction interval, 6400–16 700) cases
 South-East 59 (28) 343 (17) 45 (28) 357 (17) (Figure IX and Tables XIII and XIV in the Data Supple-
 North-Central 49 (23) 517 (25) 40 (19) 536 (26)
In aggregate, the national pediatric in-hospital event
 South-Central 38 (18) 422 (21) 28 (18) 432 (21)
incidence was calculated at 15 200 cases per year.
 West 34 (16) 385 (19) 31 (20) 388 (19)
When considering both index and recurrent events, the
Geographic area aggregate annual incidence was calculated at 19 900
 Urban 196 (92) 1509 (74) 145 (92) 1560 (74) cases.
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 Rural 16 (8) 534 (26) 13 (8) 537 (26)

Ownership type
 Government/ 30 (14) 352 (17) 23 (15) 359 (17)
military We used a large, multicenter, resuscitation registry to
 Nonprofit 158 (75) 1317 (64) 121 (77) 1354 (65) derive the contemporary incidence of in-hospital car-
diac arrest occurring annually in the United States. The
 Private 24 (11) 374 (18) 14 (9) 384 (18)
adult in-hospital cardiac arrest incidence was estimated
Teaching hospital
at 292 000 cases per year, whereas the incidence of
 Nonteaching 66 (31) 1263 (62) 37 (23) 1292 (62) pediatric in-hospital events was estimated at 15 200
 Minor 70 (33) 564 (28) 59 (37) 575 (27) cases per year, of which 7100 cases were pulseless car-
 Major 76 (36) 216 (11) 62 (39) 230 (11)
Emergency department visits
 0–10  000 4 (2) 278 (14) 2 (1) 280 (13)
 10  001–50  000 64 (30) 1089 (53) 38 (24) 1115 (53)
 50  001–100  000 105 (50) 531 (26) 87 (55) 549 (26)
 >100  000 39 (18) 145 (7) 31 (20) 153 (7)

GWTG-R indicates Get With The Guidelines–Resuscitation; and ICU,

intensive care unit.
*Including hospitals with pediatric events in the Emergency Department,
events where the patient was hospitalized in an adult bed, and hospitals with
designated neonatal beds.

11 500) cases per year (Figure 3; Table XII in the Data Figure 3. Annual trends in the incidence of pediatric nonpulseless
events in the United States.
Supplement). There was again no clear difference in The average number of index nonpulseless events requiring cardiopulmonary
incidence over time (incidence rate ratio, 1.00; 95% CI, resuscitation in hospitalized pediatric patients between 2008 and 2017 was
0.97–1.04; P=0.09), with an estimated 7400 (95% pre- estimated at 8100 (95% prediction interval, 4700–11 500) cases per year.
There was no clear difference in incidences over time (incidence rate ratio,
diction interval, 4100–10 900) cases in 2008 and 8400 1.00; 95% CI, 0.97–1.04); P=0.09). Numerical estimates are provided in Table
(95% prediction interval, 5000–11 700) cases in 2017. XII in the Data Supplement.

Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2019;12:e005580. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.119.005580 July 2019 5

Holmberg et al; Incidence of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United States

diac arrests and 8100 cases were nonpulseless events, atric, or all beds. Second, we and others2 have found
respectively. When predicting the number of index and an increase in the number of cardiac arrests over
recurrent events, we estimated an incidence of 357 900 time, with an estimated increase of 23% from 2008
adult in-hospital cardiac arrests and 19 900 pediatric in- to 2017 in our study. Third, the number of hospitals
hospital events requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the United States and hospital-level characteristics
annually, of which 8300 cases were pulseless cardiac may have changed since the publication of the previous
arrests, and 11 600 cases were nonpulseless events. incidence estimates. Merchant et al2 calculated the inci-
Our findings indicate that the public health bur- dence based on 433 GWTG-R and 5445 non-GWTG-R
den of adult and pediatric in-hospital cardiac arrest hospitals, compared with 398 GWTG-R and 5887 non-
is ≈38% and 18% greater than previously reported, GWTG-R hospitals in our data set. These differences are
respectively.2,4 Moreover, the results suggest that in- partly because of different exclusion criteria, and the
hospital cardiac arrest occurs with nearly the same former study may have included hospitals not report-
frequency as out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. When com- ing cardiac arrest cases to the GWTG registry. Last, the
bining these findings with the previously reported out- availability of some covariates used for the prediction
of-hospital cardiac arrest incidence of 347 300 adult model differed from the previous study, although most
and 7000 pediatric cases,1 the total burden of cardiac variables were overlapping.
arrest reaches ≈640 000 adult and 22 000 pediatric Incidence estimates of pediatric pulseless in-hospital
index cases annually in the United States. The current cardiac arrest are more scarce, and the current national
data further demonstrate that the annual incidence of estimate is based on data from smaller observational
professionally treated adult in-hospital cardiac arrests studies.4 In a systematic review and meta-analysis
is substantially higher compared with professionally from 2010, the number of rapid-response team acti-
treated out-of-hospital cardiac arrests, with a reported vations for in-hospital cardiac arrest was calculated
180 200 adult EMS-treated cardiac arrests in the out- from 5 single-center studies (3.26 activations per 1000
of-hospital setting.1 This information may have impor- admissions),3 which after extrapolation by the nation-
tant implications for hospital-based Basic Life Support al number of pediatric hospital admissions yielded
and Advanced Cardiac Life Support training programs, ≈6000 pediatric pulseless cardiac arrests per year.4 In
which have traditionally focused on out-of-hospital car- comparison, our estimated average incidence of 7100
diac arrests. cases suggests that the burden of pediatric pulseless
With a reported survival rate of 25.8% and 37.9% in-hospital cardiac arrest is 18% greater than that previ-
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for adult and pediatric in-hospital cardiac arrests in ously estimated. While we found no indication that the
20161 and 53.0% for pediatric nonpulseless events number of pediatric events has increased over time, our
between 2000 and 2008,14 our estimates can be trans- estimates are based on a larger database and provide
lated to ≈216 700 adult deaths from in-hospital car- the most robust estimate of pediatric in-hospital car-
diac arrest and 8200 pediatric deaths from in-hospital diac arrest cases in the United States to date. Addition-
events in the United States each year, corresponding ally, a study from 2012 used the Healthcare Cost and
to 4400 pediatric deaths from in-hospital cardiac arrest Utilization Project Kids Inpatient Database to estimate
and 3800 pediatric deaths from nonpulseless events. the total (pulseless and nonpulseless) incidence of pedi-
Additionally, based on the reported 30.2 million adults atric events requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation in
and 5.6 million pediatric hospital stays in the United the United States, including both index and recurrent
States during 2015,15 the estimated in-hospital event events.16 The authors reported an annual incidence of
incidence can be extrapolated to 9.7 adult cardiac 5800 (95% CI, 5259–6355) cases which is considerably
arrests and 2.7 pediatric events per 1000 hospitaliza- lower compared with the reported 19 900 cases in our
tions. study, although administrative data are inherently lim-
Few previous studies have estimated the national ited by the current coding system and the absence of
incidence of adult in-hospital cardiac arrest in the Unit- detailed clinical information.17
ed States. The most recent estimate was published by No previous study has specifically estimated the
Merchant et al2 in 2011 who leveraged the GWTG-R national incidence of pediatric nonpulseless events,
registry and the American Hospital Association data- although an earlier report from the GWTG-R registry
base using a similar approach as the current study.2 The suggests that about 35% of all children requiring car-
authors estimated an average incidence between 2003 diopulmonary resuscitation never become pulseless.14
and 2007 of ≈211 000 adult cases per year, compared Since children may present with bradycardia and poor
with 292 000 cases in our study. There may be multiple perfusion before deteriorating into pulseless cardiac
explanations for the discrepant findings. First, while arrest, the Pediatric Advanced Life Support guidelines
Merchant et al2 included the volume of beds and inten- recommend the provision of chest compressions and
sive care unit beds as model predictors, it is unclear ventilation to these patients.18 In comparison to the
whether these variables were restricted to adult, pedi- previous report, we estimated an average incidence

Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2019;12:e005580. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.119.005580 July 2019 6

Holmberg et al; Incidence of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in the United States

of 8100 nonpulseless events, corresponding to about ARTICLE INFORMATION

53% of all pediatric events. The higher ratio of non- Received February 6, 2019; accepted May 13, 2019.
pulseless events may be explained by the weighting of Guest Editor for this article was Karin H. Humphries, DSc.
The Data Supplement is available at
our estimates to all US hospitals. Furthermore, hospitals suppl/10.1161/CIRCOUTCOMES.119.005580.
reporting nonpulseless events were fewer and reported
a greater number of cases per hospital per year, com- Correspondence
pared with hospitals reporting pediatric pulseless car- Lars W. Andersen, MD, MPH, PhD, DMSc, Research Center for Emergency
diac arrests (Figure II in the Data Supplement). Medicine, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Email
Our study should be interpreted in the context of
some limitations. First, we excluded hospitals which
could not be linked to the GWTG-R data set, and the Affiliations
overall number of GWTG-R hospitals providing data Research Center for Emergency Medicine, Department of Clinical Medicine,
Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark (M.J.H., L.W.A.). Center for Resuscitation
for the prediction model was relatively small (Figures III Science, Department of Emergency Medicine (M.J.H., A.V.G., T.Y., M.W.D.,
and VI in the Data Supplement). Mandatory reporting L.W.A.) and Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, Depart-
requirements for in-hospital cardiac arrest and higher ment of Internal Medicine (M.W.D.), Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,
Boston, MA. Division of Medicine Critical Care, Department of Medicine, Bos-
hospital participation in the GWTG-R registry may allow ton Children’s Hospital (C.E.R.) and Department of Psychiatry (G.F.), Harvard
for more precise incidence estimates. Second, we were Medical School, MA. Department of Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of
limited by the time of matching between the GWTG- Public Health, Boston, MA (G.F.). Laboratory for Psychiatric Biostatistics, McLean
Hospital, Belmont, MA (G.F.). St Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute, the Univer-
R registry and the 2010 and 2013 American Hospital sity of Missouri, Kansas City (P.S.C.). Division of Health Sciences Informatics,
Association database. Hospital-level characteristics Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, School of Medicine,
were, therefore, assumed to be static over time. Third, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (J.D.-A.).
the prediction model was dependent on the number of
cardiac arrest cases registered in the GWTG-R registry. It Acknowledgments
is possible that hospitals could have underreported the Drs Holmberg and Andersen were responsible for data acquisition, performed
the statistical analyses, and drafted the article. All authors contributed to the de-
number of cardiac arrests and not entered consecutive sign of the study, interpreted the results, critically revised the article, approved the
cases into the registry, which could lead to an underes- final article as submitted, and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
timation of the true incidence when the GWTG-R data
were extrapolated to all US hospitals. In addition, cases Sources of Funding
not receiving a hospital-wide or unit-based emergency
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There was no specific funding for this study. Dr Andersen serves as a com-
response (eg, cardiac arrests in the catheterization labo- pensated statistical reviewer for JAMA. Dr Donnino is supported by grant
1K24HL127101-01, and Dr Chan is supported by grant 1R01HL123980 from
ratory and operating room) and patients declared dead
the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
without provision of cardiopulmonary resuscitation are
not included in the registry. The estimated incidences Disclosures
in this study should, therefore, be considered conserva-
tive. Fourth, the prediction model was limited by the
variables available in the American Hospital Association
data set, and there is a possibility that more granular APPENDIX
hospital-level characteristics (including patient case- Get With The Guidelines-Resuscitation Investigators: Besides the authors Paul
mix) could have improved the validity and precision of Chan, MD, MSc and Anne V. Grossestreuer, PhD, members of the Get With
The Guidelines-Resuscitation Adult Research Task Force include: Ari Moskowitz,
our estimates. Last, we assumed that the relationship
MD; Dana Edelson, MD, MS; Joseph Ornato, MD; Katherine Berg, MD; Mary
between the incidence in GWTG-R participating hospi- Ann Peberdy, MD; Matthew Churpek, MD, MPH, PhD; Michael Kurz, MD, MS-
tals was transferable to non-GWTG-R participating hos- HES; Monique Anderson Starks, MD, MHS; Saket Girotra, MBBS, SM; Sarah
Perman, MD, MSCE; Zachary Goldberger, MD, MS. Besides the author Jordan
pitals, although we were not able to assess the validity
Duval-Arnould, MPH, DrPH, members of the Get With The Guidelines-Resus-
of this assumption. citation Pediatric Research Task Force include: Anne-Marie Guerguerian, MD,
PhD, FRCPC; Dianne Atkins, MD; Elizabeth Foglia, MD, MSCE; Ericka Fink,
MD; Javier J. Lasa, MD, FAAP; Joan Roberts, MD; Melanie Bembea, MD, MPH;

CONCLUSIONS Michael Gaies, MD, MPH, MSc; Monica Kleinman, MD; Punkaj Gupta, MBBS;
Robert Sutton, MD, MSCE; Taylor Sawyer, DOMed.
Our analyses indicate that there are ≈292 000 adult in-
hospital cardiac arrests and 15 200 pediatric in-hospital
events requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the REFERENCES
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