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The twin cornerstones of psychoanalytic

motivation are
a. sex and security.
b. safety and security.
c. hunger and sex.
d. sex and aggression.
2. What analogy did Freud use to illustrate
the relationship between the ego and the id?
a. rider and horse
b. groom and bride
c. chicken and egg
d. hammer and anvil
3. Which of these is a manifestation of both
sex and aggression?
a. anxiety
b. narcissism
c. sadism
d. love
4. The guilt a person experiences after
violating personal standards of conduct is
called ________ anxiety.
a. realistic
b. neurotic
c. manifest
d. moral
5. Defense mechanisms protect the ego
a. feelings of shame.
b. guilt.
c. anxiety.
d. public disgrace.
6. To Freud, the most crucial stage of
development is
a. infancy.
b. latency.
c. genital.
d. maturity.
7. Individual Psychology can be considered to
a. deterministic.
b. optimistic
c. pessimistic.
d. neo-Freudian.
e. none of these.
8. To Adler, the one dynamic force behind a
person's activity is
a. the striving for success or superiority.
b. organ inferiorities.
c. organ dialect.
d. feelings of superiority.
9. According to Adler, a person's final goal is
a. set at about age 18.
b. a creation of the creative power.
c. death.
d. shaped by heredity and environment.
10. Adler insisted that personality is shaped
a. subjective perceptions.
b. birth-order.
c. early childhood experiences.
d. organ inferiorities.
11. Adler believed that organ inferiorities
a. cause superiority personalities.
b. cause inferiority personalities.
c. bestow meaning and purpose on all
d. stimulate feelings of inferiority.
12. According to Adler ______, the "sole
criterion of human values" would be
a. social interest.
b. productive work.
c. self-interest.
d. religion.
13. A person's final goal is ultimately shaped
a. heredity.
b. early childhood experiences.
c. the superego.
d. the creative power.
14. To Adler, the core of maladjustment is
a. innate physical deficiencies.
b. lack of social interest.
c. a pampered style of life.
d. a neglected style of life.
15. Adler believed that the goals of a
pathological person
a. are exaggerated and unrealistic.
b. are easily reached.
c. both of these.
d. neither of these.
16. Safeguarding tendencies protect
exaggerated feelings of superiority against
a. anxiety.
b. guilt.
c. public disgrace.
d. an uncontrollable id.
17. Style of life is most reliably revealed by
a. the word association test.
b. hypnosis.
c. dream interpretation.
d. early recollections.
18. Jung divided the unconscious psyche into
two parts—the personal and the
a. preconscious.
b. social.
c. collective.
d. universal.
19. In analytical psychology, the center of
consciousness is
a. the ego.
b. the self.
c. individuation.
d. the shadow.
e. the persona.
20. In analytical psychology, the center of
consciousness is
a. the ego.
b. the self.
c. individuation.
d. the shadow.
e. the persona.
21. According to Jung, a person's first test of
courage is to
a. realize her or his shadow.
b. actualize her animus.
c. recognize the hero.
d. acquire self-realization.
22. Irrational moods in men are represented
by the
a. animus.
b. anima.
c. mandala.
d. shadow.
23. The self is usually represented by this
a. the hero
b. the mandala
c. the north star
d. the ego
24. Introverted feeling types
a. rely on subjective evaluations rather than
the opinions of others.
b. frequently become accountants.
c. are strongly motivated by physiological
d. rely on intuition and sensation.
25. Jung believed that the most important
stage of life is middle life. At that time a
person should
a. move from an introverted attitude toward
an extraverted one.
b. move from an extraverted attitude
toward an introverted one.
c. actualize the rational functions.
d. actualize the irrational functions.
26. Which of these statements most
accurately reflects one of Horney's neurotic
a. "I need an emotionally strong person to
tell my troubles."
b. "it's okay with me if someone else is the
life of the party."
c. "I feel comfortable whenever I'm in an
emotionally close relationship."
d. "It's easy for me to accept my own
mistakes and personal flaws."
27. Horney believed that most neuroses are
the result of
a. unhealthy interpersonal relations.
b. an unresolved Oedipus complex.
c. unwise parenting.
d. underdeveloped ego strength.
28. Horney believed that cultural conditions
are largely responsible for the development
a. basic trust.
b. basic mistrust.
c. basic anxiety.
d. basic psychoses.
29. Horney believed that a competitive and
hostile society encourages
a. hatred.
b. love.
c. isolation.
d. superiority and success.
30. Horney believed that people overvalue
love as a means of satisfying the need for
a. self-esteem
b. competence
c. superiority
d. affection
31. Which of these is NOT one of Horney's
three neurotic trends?
a. moving against people
b. moving away from people
c. moving with people
d. moving toward people
32. Children who feel isolated from others are
likely to develop the neurotic trend of moving
a. away from others.
b. with others.
c. against others.
d. toward others.
33. Each neurotic trend has a normal, healthy
analog. A friendly, loving person has
successfully solved the trend of moving
a. against others.
b. toward others.
c. with others.
d. away from others.
34. Cassie feels alienated from her femininity
and wishes that she were a man. Horney
would say that Cassie's desires originate from
a. her experiences with cultural privileges
for men.
b. penis envy.
c. oedipal strivings.
d. lack of a close relationship with her
35. Horney believed that modern
society is too
a. liberal.
b. conservative.
c. dangerous.
d. competitive.
36. According to Horney, people are
ruled by safety and
a. sex.
b. fear.
c. satisfaction.
d. anxiety.
37. Klein had a bitter rivalry with
a.Sigmund Freud.
b.Anna Freud.
c.her daughter Melitta.
d.all of these.
38. Compared with Freudian theory, object
relations theory
a. places more emphasis on sexual pleasure.
b. places more emphasis on interpersonal
c. stresses the importance of the father.
d. emphasizes the id.
39. Like Freud, Klein believed that people are
motivated by
a.the need for self-actualization.
b.the need for homeostasis.
c.the death instinct.
d.separation anxiety.
40.Klein's two basic psychological
positions are
a.the ideal and the real.
b.the mature and the immature.
c.the ego and the superego.
d.the paranoid-schizoid and the
41. In order to control the good breast and to
fight off its persecutors, infants use
a.their superego.
b.their id.
c.the paranoid-schizoid position.
d.the depressive position.
42. Klein believed that feelings of anxiety
about losing a loved object and a sense of
guilt for desiring to destroy that object were
part of
a.the paranoid-schizoid position.
b.the depressive position.
c.moralistic anxiety.
d.idealistic anxiety.
43. Klein's psychic defense mechanisms
a.protect the child against public disgrace.
b.defend the ego and superego against the id.
c.protect the ego against anxiety aroused by
destructive fantasies.
d.prevent unconscious fantasies from
reaching consciousness.
44. Infants use this means of controlling good
and bad aspects of themselves.
a.the paranoid-schizophrenic position
b.the depressive position
45. Kohut was most interested in the
a.physiological needs of infants.
b.effects of the Oedipus complex.
c.process by which the self evolves
d.acquisition of language and its role in higher
mental processes.
46. According to Kohut, the needs to exhibit
the grandiose self and the idealized parent
image are called
a.masochistic needs.
b.sadistic needs.
c.self-esteem needs.
d.narcissistic needs.
47. Fromm believed that the rise of capitalism
has contributed to
a.the growth of personal freedom.
b.a greater degree of happiness among
c.feelings of anxiety, isolation, and
d.higher levels of community cohesion.
48. One of Fromm's basic assumptions is that
people have been torn away from a union
with nature, and lacking adequate animal
instincts, they must rely on reason. This
condition is called
a.the rational imperative.
b.the human dilemma.
c.manifest destiny.
49. According to Fromm, the four basic
elements in the process of love are
knowledge, care, respect, and
50. Transcendence is the need for humans to self-realization in a basically sick
b.rise above their passive and accidental
c.move beyond their human nature and into
the realm of superhumans.
d.feel restless and anxious with the realization
that they are constantly geographically
51. Rootedness is the need for humans to
a.remain fixed in the relationship with
b.rise above their passive and accidental
c.feel at home again in the world.
d.return to their pre-human past.
e.feel restless and anxious with the realization
that they are forever geographically mobile.
52. Fromm believed that a frame of
orientation is necessary in order for people to
a.achieve personal identity.
b.achieve group cohesiveness.
c.make their way through the world.
d.rise above their animal nature.
53.According to Fromm, the freaks of the
universe are
54. In Fromm's view, people with basic
a.suffer from the burden of freedom. their anxiety by moving toward
c.eventually suffer a psychotic break.
d.represent a small minority of all people.
e.all of these.
55. Authoritarianism may take these two
a.power and destruction
b.sadism and masochism and hate
d.effective and ineffective
56. The spontaneous activity of a healthy
individual represents
a.positive freedom.
b.essential freedom.
c.existential chaos.
57. Freud's anal character is similar to
Fromm's ______ character.
58. Which nonproductive character is a
product of modern commerce?
59. Fromm believed that psychopathology
stems from
a.unconscious guilt.
b.modes of assimilation.
c.modes of socialization.
d.lack of rootedness.
60. In contrast to Freud, Erikson
a.placed more emphasis on unconscious
b.placed more emphasis on the ego. social and historical
influences on personality.
d.all of these.
61. Erikson built on Freud's theory by
a.elevating social factors over biological ones.
b.emphasizing the id as the key to personality
c.accepting Jung's idea of a collective
d.none of these.
62. According to Erikson, which of these is the
most important aspect of the ego?
a.self-conscious ego
b.perceived ego
c.ego identity
d.realistic ego
63. During childhood, Erikson said, the ego
a.develops from the superego. weak and flexible. dormant.
d.does not exist.
64. To Erikson, the ego develops
a.within a social structure.
b.independent of historical factors.
c.most rapidly during adulthood.
d.only after the id stops developing.
65. Some societies hold that they are special
and somehow more important than other
societies. Erikson referred to this belief as ethnocentric imperative.
b.a Napoleonic complex.
c.a narcissistic illusion.
66. Erikson believed that healthy
development rests on
a.a conflict between syntonic and dystonic
b.a conflict between masculine and feminine
elements. unresolved Oedipus complex.
d.a resolved Oedipus complex.
67. Erikson believed that ___ is the basic
strength of infancy
68. Cassie is beginning to make new friends of
her age. For the first time in her life, she has
developed a relationship with adults who are
not in her family. Heidi is in which of Erikson's
a.early childhood
d.iskul age
69. In his theory of motivation, Maslow
assumed that
a.people in different cultures have different
basic needs.
b.motivation is nearly always conscious.
c.people are motivated by one need at a
d.people are continually motivated by one
need or another.
70. Maslow's concept of a hierarchy of needs
assumes that
a. higher needs have prepotency over lower
b. lower needs have prepotency over higher
c. love needs are more basic than
physiological needs.
d. cognitive needs must be satisfied before
aesthetic needs become motivators.
71. May said that healthy people
a. retreat from their destiny.
b. deny their freedom.
c. challenge their destiny.
d. deny death.
72. May would accept the statement that
a. essence precedes existence.
b. subject and object operate as a single entity.
c. responsibility precedes freedom.
d. freedom takes precedence over responsibility.
73. The terms Umwelt, Mitwelt, and Eigenwelt
refer to
a. existential dread.
b. mechanisms of escaping from freedom.
c. mechanism of escaping from responsibility.
d. a person's being-in-the-world.
74. The personality theories of Sullivan, Maslow,
Rogers, and others that emphasize interpersonal
relations deal mostly with ______.
a. Umwelt
b. Mitwelt
c. Eigenwelt
d. Dasein
75. Various compulsive behaviors and addictions
can be seen as manifestations of
a. Mitwelt.
b. nonbeing.
c. normal anxiety.
d. neurotic anxiety.
76. According to May, a denial of destiny leads to
a. nonbeing.
b. psychopathology.
c. freedom.
d. freedom and responsibility.
77. People use myths to
a. transcend the immediate situation.
b. expand self-awareness.
c. search for identity.
d. all of these.
78. Rogers believed that all behavior relates to
a. enhancement needs.
b. ideal self.
c. safety needs.
d. actualizing tendency.
79. Healthy people evaluate their experiences as
good or bad according to this criterion.
a. the self-concept
b. perceived self
c. reflected appraisal of others
d. the actualizing tendency
80. Inner tension arises, Rogers said, when a conflict
exists between the
a. self-actualization tendency and the organismic self.
b. emotion and cognition.
c. the values of others and one's own values.
d. the formative tendency and the actualization
81. A discrepancy between the self-concept and
the ideal self results in
a. ego defense mechanisms.
b. safe-guarding tendencies.
c. the person of tomorrow.
d. incongruence.
82. Taylor's parents praise her whenever her
behavior meets with their standards. However,
they punish Taylor when her behavior fails to
meet with their approval. From this information
it appears that Taylor is experiencing
a. low self-esteem.
b. conditions of worth.
c. disorganization.
d. high self-esteem.
83. Tyler has a negative view of himself. To
increase his self-concept, his parents and teachers
continually praise and compliment him. Rogers
believed that such praise and compliments are
most likely to
a. enhance Tyler's self-esteem.
b. reinforce Tyler's negative behavior.
c. be easily accepted into Tyler's self-concept.
d. be distorted by Tyler.
84. Rogers believed that, for psychologically
healthy individuals,
a. the self and experience are congruent.
b. denial of organismic functioning is essential.
c. the ideal self replaces the real self.
d. an incongruence exists between their
organismic self and their ideal self.
85. Which statement is consistent with Rogers'
a. Self-regard is originally dependent on self-
b. Once achieved, self-regard can exist
independently of others' opinions and attitudes.
c. Self-regard is symptomatic of malignant egoism.
d. Self-regard stems from the negative appraisals
received from others.
86. Clients are better able to listen to themselves
when the therapist possesses
a. sympathy for them.
b. empathy for them.
c. conditions of worth toward them.
d. a professional attitude toward them.
87. Rogers hypothesized that persons of
tomorrow would
a. mistrust others.
b. be free of psychological conflict.
c. be open to their experience.
d. reach a high-level stage where continued
change was unnecessary.
88. Which of the following aren’t part of self-
a. Mirroring
b. Idealizing
c. Displacement
d. Narcissism
89. It pertains to the evolving strategies which
help solve survival problems
a. Surgency
b. Adaptations
c. Noise
d. By-products
90. Receiving your monthly salary is a perfect
example of which type of intermittent schedule?
a. Fixed interval
b. Fixed ratio
c. Variable interval
d. Variable ratio
91. Which of these is NOT one of Rotter's four
variables of prediction?
a. expectancy
b. locus of control
c. the psychological situation
d. reinforcement value
92. The extent to which a person prefers one set of
reinforcements to another is called ______.
a. need potential
b. the law of effect
c. need value
d. interpersonal trust
93. Low freedom of movement and high need value are
most likely to produce
a. a favorable outcome.
b. guilt.
c. conflict.
d. performance accomplishments.
94. Permeable constructs
a. hold no information.
b. permit change.
c. restrict adaptation.
d. cannot be anticipated.
95. Which of Kelly's corollaries explicitly assumes
an ordinal relationship among constructs?
a. organization
b. dichotomy
c. fragmentation
d. construction
e. individuality

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