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Kingdom Prokaryotae (Monera) Ch # 6
1. Epulopiscium fishelsoni grows as large as 600 m by ----- m
a. 80 b. 70 c. 90 d. 60
2. An average coccus is about ----- micrometer(m) in diameter
a. 0.1 - 0.5 b. 1.0 - 2.0 c. 0.5 - 1.0 d. 0.2 - 0.7
3. Example of rod shaped bacteria is
a. Spirocheta b. Diplococcus c. Rhizopus d. Escherichia coli
4. Flagellum is made up of protein
a. Flagellin b. Tubulin c. Insulin d. Globin
5. Bacteria produce capsule, which is made up of repeating ---- units, and of protein, or of both
a. Monosaccharide b. Polysaccharide c. Oligosaccharide d. Disaccharide
6. By Gram staining technique, gram positive bacteria are stained --- in colour
a. Yellow b. Pink c. Purple d. Blue
7. The plasma membrane and every thing present within is known as
a. Protoplas b. Chloroplast c. Plasmaplast d. Cytoplast
8. ------ is a micraerophilic bacterium
a. Nitrobacter b. Spirocheta c. Pseudomonas d. Campylobacter
9. Bacteria increase-in number by an asexual means of reproduction called
a. Binary fission b. Budding c. Regeneration d. Multiple fission
10. ----- are the procedures to eliminate or reduce the possibility of infection
a. Antiseptics b. Antisepsis c. Antibiotics d. Antidote
11. ----- can induce auditory nerve thus causing deafness
a. Tetracyclin b. Chloramphenicol c. Streptomycin d. Neomycin
12. Cyanobacteria range in diameter from about m
a. 1 – 5 b. 5 – 10 c. 0.1 – 1 d. 1 – 10
13. Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic partner in most ,of ---- association.
a. Lichen b. Fungal c. Algal d. Plant
14. Leeuwenhoek used a simple microscope to describe bacteria and protozoa and called these small creatures as
a. Mmicroanimals b. Animalcules c. Beastcules d. Micromonsters
15. hediameter of smallest bacteria is about 100 to
a. 200 m b. 200 dm c. 200 nm d. 200 cm
16. The smallest bacteria are some members of the genus
a. Microcystis b. Mycoplasma c. Closteridium d. Pseudomonas
17. The smallest bacteria' are approximatelythe size of the largest viruses i. e.
a. Paramyxoviruses b. Adenoviruses c. Parvoviruses d. Poxviruses
18. Some spirochetes occasionally reach in length
a. 200 m b. 300 m c. 400 m d. 500 m
19. On the basis of gef1eralshape, bacteria are classified into
a. Two categories b. Three categories c. Four categories d. Five categories
20. The general shapes of bacteria are known as
a. Cocci, bacilli and spiral b. Cocci, bacilli and vibrio
c. Cocci, comma and piral d. Cubical, bacilli and spiral
21. When cocci occur in pairs then arrangement is
a. Tetrad b. Diplococcus c. Sarcina d. Streptococci
22. When cocci form long chain of cells then arrangement is called as
a. Tetrad b. Diplococcus c. Sarcina d. Streptococci
23. When the division of cell is in two planes it will produce a
a. Sarcina arrangement b. Bivalent arrangement
c. Tetrad arrangement d. Helical arrangement
24. A tetrad i3.a square of
a. 2 Cocci b. 4 cocci c. 6 cocci d. 8 cocci
25. When the division is in three planes it will produce a
a. Sarcina arrangement b. Bivalent arrangement c. Tetrad arrangement d. Helical arrangement
26. When division occurred in random planes it will produce a
a. Staphylococcus arrangement b. Diplococcus arrangement
c. Streptococcus arrangement d. Bacillococcus arrangement
27. In staphylococus arrangement cocci are arranged in irregular, often
a. Banana like clusters b. Grape like clusters c. Berry-like clusters d. Cherry like clusters

Bio, Unit # 11, Kingdom Prokaryotae, F. Sc Part-1

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28. Staphylococci aureus, Diplococci pneumoniae etc., are examples of
a. Bacilli b. Spiral c. Cocci d. None
29. The spiral shaped bacteria are
a. Helically coiled b. Curly coiled c. Cochlearly coiled d. Spirally coiled
30. Spirals come in the form
a. Vibrio b. Spirillum c. Spirochete d. All a, b, c
31. A chain of bacilli is called
a. Streptpbacillus b. Diplobacillus c. Staphylobacillus d. Tetrad
32. The condition in which Bacteria are without any flagella is called
a. monotrichous b. Atrichous c. Lophotrichous d. Amphtrichous
33. The condition in which bacteria have a single polar flagellum is called
a. Monotrichous b. Atrichous c. Lophotrichous d. Amphtrichous
34. When tuft of flagella is present only at one pole of bacteria the condition is called
a. Monotrichous b. Atrichous c. Lophotrichous d. Amphtrichous
35. When tuft of flagella at each of two poles is present in bacteria, the condition is called
a. Peritrichous b. Atrichous c. Lophotrichous d. Amphtrichous
36. When flagella surround the whole' bacteria cell, the condition is called
a. Peritrichous b. c. Lophotrichous
37. Primary function of flagella is to help in
a. Walking b. Motility c. Running d. Rest
38. With the help of flagella; flagellate bacteria can detect and move in response to chemical signals which is a
type of behavior called
a. Chemotherapeutic b. Chemosynthetic c. Chemotaxis d. Both a & b
39. Hollow, nonhelical, filamentous appendages present in bacteria are
a. Cilia b. Legs c. Flagella d. Pili
40. True pili are present on
a. Gram negative bacteria b. Gram positive bacteria c. Both a & b d. None
41. Pili are made up of special protein called
a. Cilin b. Pilin c. Flagellin d. Tubulin
42. Pili are primarily involved in a mating process between cells called
a. Plasmogamy b. Budding c. Akinetes d. Conjugation
43. In bacteria, some pili function as a mean of
a. Organization b. Accessory c. Addition d. Attachment
44. Some bacteria are covered with looser' soluble shield of macromolecules which is called as
a. Slime capsule b. Pellicle c. Sheath d. None
45. Slime provides greater pathogenicity to bacteria and protects them against
a. Pinocytosis b. Phagocytosis c. Invasion d. Both a & b
46. The cell walls of most bacteria have a unique macromolecule called
a. teichoic acid b. Lipoprotein c. Peptidoglycan d. Polysaccharide
47. The intact cell wall also contains chemical constituents such as sugar molecules, teichoic acid, lipoproteins
and lipopolysaccharide, Which are linked to
a. Glycoprotein b. Glycolipid c. Nucleoprotein d. Peptidoglycan
48. The cytoplasm of prokaryotic cell lacks membrane bound organelles and
a. Cytoskeleton b. Ribosomes c. Lipid granules d. Enzymes
49. The nuclear material or DNA in bacterial cells is a single, circular and
a. Single stranded b. Double stranded c. Tertiary d. Quaternary
50. DNA aggregates as an irregular shaped dense area caned
a. Nucleoid b. Chromatin body c. Chromatid d. Both a & b
51. In addition to chromosomes, many bacteria contain
a. Mitochondria b. Chloroplasts c. Plasmids d. Glyoxisomes
52. Spores are resistant to adverse physical environment condition such as
a. High temperature b. Desiccation c. Chemical agents d. All of these
53. Dormant, thick-walled, desiccation resistant forms present in bacteria are
a. Cysts b. Exospores c. Endospores d. Both a & b
54. Bacteria that cannot synthesize their organic compounds from simple inorganic substances are
a. Autotrophs b. Heterotrophs c. Symbionts d. Lichen
55. A material obtained by the partial decay of plants and animals is
a. Hunch b. Humus c. Sterols d. Murein

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Parasitic bacteria are fully dependent on their hQ~tfor their:
a) , respiration b) excretion
c) nutrition d) growth
Bacteria that can synthesize organic compounds from simple
inorganic substances ar'eknown as:
a) autotrophs " b)
b) desiccation
, d) alia,' 0, c
desiccation resistant 'forms present in
. 53.
, 5.7~
67. .
c) symbionts d) lichen
On the basis of energy source, autotrophic bacteria can be divided
a) Photosynthetic b) Chemosynthetic
c) Saprophytit', d). botha &b
Photosynthetic bacteria possess chlorophyll which differ from the
chlorophyllof: . . \ .
. a) yellow plants b) , green plants
c) . blue green plants , d) purple plants'
Chemosynthetic bacteria oxidize inorganic compounds like:
a). ammonia b) nitrate,
c) sulphur d). alta, b,c
Bacteria which can grow in the absence of oxygen are known as:
a) anaerobic b) aerobic
,c) obligate- . . d) . facultative
Somebacteriaare neitheraerobicnoranaerobicbut: .
a) .obligate b) facultative
c) symbiont . d) commensal
Facultative bacteria grow either in the presence or absence of:
'a) carbon. b) nitrogen. .
c) hydrogen d) oxygen
The interval of time until the completion. of next divisiqn is known
a) growth time - b) birth time
c) ,generation time d) resttime
Some.conjugating bacterta use specialized sex pili to transfer:

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a) genetic material b). information
c) food. d) water
Bacteria decompose: .
a) organic matter b) inorganic matter
c) both a & b d) none'
Bacteria playa significant role the .completibn of cycle of:
a) . nitrogen' b) phosphorus
b) sulphur and carbon. d) all a, b, c .
Bacteria are used in number of industries, including:
a) food. . b)' . drugs
c) biotechnology d) all a, b, c
.Bacteria are also responsible for spoilage of:,
a) food. b) ve.getables
c) both a &b d) none
! .'
Bacterial species known "to cause disease in. humans are
approximately: .
a) 5Q b) 100
c) 200 d) 300
The heat that causes coagulation of proteins and kills the microbes:
a) moist heat b) dry heat .
c) intense heat d) mild heat
The heat. that causes oxidation of chemical constituents of
. microbesand kills them:
a) .-moist heat b) dry heat.
c). intense heat d) mild heat
Certain elec~romagnf3ticradiations below 300 nm are effective in
killing,of: .
a) plants b) mammals'
c) birds d) microorganisms.
Membrane filters are used .to sterilize hea~ sensitive compo.unds .
like: . .
a) antibiotics b) serums
.c) hormones . d) all a, b, cc
Chemical substances used on Hvingtissues that inhibit the. growth
of microorganisms are called as:
. a) disinfectants b) antiseptics
. c) sterilizers . d) coul1teractingsepsis
Haloge!1s and phenols, hydrogen peroxide, potassium per
magnate, alcohQIand formaldehyde are:. .
a) disinfectants . b) antibiotics
c) antisep..tics d) antigens
Disinfectants inhibit the growth of vegetative cell and are used on:
a) living materials .. b). nonlivingmaterials
c). both a & b d) none
Methods of prevention and treatment that have been introduced to
controlmicrobialdiseasesinclude: .

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a) immunization b) antisepsis.,
c) chemotherapy d) all a, b, c,
Tetracyc.liheand penicil1inare: .
a) . disinfectants" b) antiseptics
c) antibiotics d) antigens
Pasteur called the attenuated cultures of bacteria, vaccine and
immunization with attenuated cultures of bacteria:
. a) vaccination b) inoculation
, 88.
c) 'injection d)
Pasteur glso made a vaccine for:
a) hydrophobia b) rabies
c) both a & b d) myopia
A disease transmitted tq people by bites from rabid dogs, cats, and
otheranimalsis: '
a) hydrophobia b) rabies
c) both a & b d) myopia
Antibiotics are synthesized and secreted by certain bacteria,
actihomycetesand: .
a) algae b) , fungi
. c) lichen, d) 'Virus. , /
Misuseof antibioticsuchas penicillincancause: '
'. a) allergicreactions b)' headache
c) deafness." d) me,ntalretardness .
The cyanobacteria are the:largest and most diverse group of
photosynthetic bacteria-which is' previously known ~s:
a) red algae - ' b) greenalgae
c) blue greenalgae ' d) brownalgae
In cyanobacteria, filaments consisting of trichomes are surrounded
by: " . a) mucilaginous covering b) mucilaginous wall
c) mucilaginous envelope d) mucilaginous sheath
The photosynthetic system of cyanobacteria closely resembles that
of eukaryotes because they have: '.
a) chlorophyll a ' b) photosystemll
c) . xanthophylls d). botha & b
In cyanobacteria, photosyntlJetic pigments and electron transport
chain components are located in thylakoid membranes linked with
particlescalled: '
a) phycobilisomes, b) centrosomes
c) phycobilin . 'd) erythrosomes
Phycocyanin pigment is predominant phycobilin of:
a) bacteria' , b), cyanobaCte~ia,
c) di~toms d)" 'goldenbrc;>wnalgae
,In cyanoba.cteriareproductionoccursby: .
. a) hormogonia b) ,akinetes
c) heterQcysts - d) all a, b, C
Oscillatoria and few other cyanobacteria can be used fbr:
a) bioremediation: b) genetic experiments

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c) pollution indication d)
93. Many species of cyanobacteria form:
a) water blooms ' b) water blossoms
c) . waterflowers d) watercrust .
94. TriGhom~s have at inte'rval slightly large, round, light yellowish thick.
walled cells called: . .
a) akinetes, b) heterocysts
c) .hormogonia d) spores .
95. In Greek the word Pro means "before" and caryon means:
a) cell. b) cytoplasm
c) .nucleu~ . . ,d) after
96. Pasteur's main achievements are the development of vaccines for
disease: '. . . .
a) anthrax b) fowl cholera
c) rabies d) all a, b, c
97.. .The diameter ranging 0:75 to 1.25 J..hl as been observed in: .
a) . Staphylococci b) Streptococci
c) Diplococci d) both a & b
98. When cocci forrnlong chain of cells then arrangement is called as:
a) Staphylococci b) StrfJptococci
c) . Diplococci d) both a & b
99. Diplobacilli occur in:
a) pairs b)
c) sarcina d)
100. Vibrio is curved or commashaped:
a) coccus b) rod
c) bacillus ", .' d) spiral
. 101. Examples of spiral shaped bacteria are:
a) Vibrio b)
c) both a & b d)
102. Cocci bacteria very rarely have:': .
a) cilia . b) , cirri
c) flagella d) mitochondria
103. Christain Gram developed the technique of: . .
. a) DNA stafning . b) Feulgen reaction
c) gramstaining . d) RNAstaining
104. By Gram staining technique, gram positive bacteria are stained:
a) pink ..b) purple
c) orange, d) yellow
nitrogen fixatio~ .
Campylobacter .
105. The cell walls of archaeobacteria are composed gf:
a) . proteins . b) glycoprotein,S
c) polysaccharides . d) all a, b,c . . .
106. The plasma membrane and every tl;)ingpresent within is known as:
a) protoplas1 b) cytoplasm
c), protoplasm d) nucleoplasm
107. The cell membrane invaginates into the, cytoplasm forming a
structurecalled: .
a). microsome b) mesosome
c) centrosome. d) ,metasome
108. Photosynthetic autotrophs utilize sunlight as a source of:
a) heat b) food -
c) energy, . d) carbon

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109. Heterotrophic bacteria are divided into:
a) saprophytes b) parasites"
c) . photQtrophs d) both a & b
110. Bacteria which are able to grow in the presence 'of oxyg~n', are
'a) aerobic bacteria . b) anaerobic bacteria
6) obligate bacteria d) fQcultative bacteria
111. Campy/obaeter is a: , .
a} micraerophilic bacterium b) aerobic bacterium'
c) anaerobic bacterium' d) . facultative bacterium
~,12. Bacteria Jncrease in 'number by an a,sexual means of reproduction
called:' . ' , . .
a) bUdding . b) . binary fission
c) transverse fission ,d) nuclear fission
113. The rays generally used for sterilization process are:
a)' alpha b) beta
c) gamma d) all a, b, c .
114. The procedures to eliminate or reduce the possibility of infection
are:' . ..
a) , antibodies b) antigens
c) antibiotics. d) antisepsis
115. Streptomycin.can induce auditory nerve thuEicausing:
a) 'deafness" b) blindness
c) dumbness . d) dulln~ss.. .
116. Cyanobacteria range in di9meter from about: . .
. a)0.5-1Ilm ' .b) 1-10 Ilm
.c) 5-151lm' d) 10-1001lm
117. .Reserve food material in cyanobacteria is: .
a) .starch. b) cellulose
c) glycogen d) all a, b, c .
118. Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic partner in most of:
a) myccorhiza association b) 'commensalassociation
c) symbiotic association d) lichen associatidn. ,
119.. Trichome~mostly breaks near heterocyst and forms hormogonia
and thus help in: '
a), fragmentation b) budding
c) binary fission d) cOr:1jugation.
120. A Dutch Scientist "Antone Van Leeuwenhoek" was the first to report
the microbes.sucha$: '
'a) bacteria - b) protozoa.
c) .both a & b .- d) none
121. Ihe bacterium which is 1~1to 1.5 Jlmwide by 2.Qto 6.0 Jlm-Iong,is:
a)' Sa/monel/atyphi b) Escheriohia coli -
c) C/osteridium botulinum d) Campy/oba'cter
122. The spherical or oval bacteria are:, ~
, a) bacilli' b)
c) vibrios d)
123.' The rod-shaped bacteria are:
a) bacilli .
c) vibrios
124. Spirochete is a thin, flexible:
. a) baqilli'" b) . spiral
c) vibrios" . d) cocci
125., Most of bacilli and spiral shaped bacteria have:
a). cilia b) pseudopodia
. c) flagella. d) . cirri .
126. Cell walt is only absent in bacteria:
a) Micrococci b) Clostridium

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c) Pseudomonas, d) mycoplasmas .
127. .By Gram staining technique, gram negative bacteria are stained: .
a) pink' b) purple . c) . yellow d) orange .
128. The cell membrane or cytoplasm membrane is 5-10nm in:
a) thicknt=;ss ';b) length
c) width d) diameter
129. Nucleoid isyisible in the light microscope after staining with:
a) Gram stain b) Feulgen stain
" d)
~.~ -~~. ~. . ,,-~_.. . - -.----.
c) Eosin stain
130. Mesosomes are involved in:
a) DNA replication b) cell division
c) RNA replica~ion, d) both a & b
131. During, photosynthesis photosynthetic bacteria use hydrogen
sulphideinsteadof wateras: '
a) carbon source b) nitfOgen sourge
c) I hydrogensource d) sulphursource'
132. During photosynthesis' photosynthetic bacteria liberate sulphur'-
, instead of: .
a), oxygen b) carbon dioxide
c) nitrogen 9) chlorine. .
133. Bacteria which get their fobd from dead organic matter are:
. a) parasitic b) ,saprophytic
c) symbiotic d) 'chemosynthetic.
.134. Spirochete is: .
. a) , aerobic bacteriu'm . b) anaerobic bacterium
c) ot)ligate bacterium d) facultative bacterium
135. Some bacteria require' a low concentration of oxygen for growth
and are known as: (MB-2008) ". '
a) aerobic b) anaerobic.
c) ,microaerophilic d) facultative"
136. Some b~cteria transfer genetic material from a donor bacterium to
a recipient during a process'called: (MB-2007) .
a) binary fission b) budding '.
c) regeneration d) conjugation
137. Chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics work with natural defence
and stop the growth of bacteria and other:. .
.a) . microbes . b) birds
c) . arthropods d) algae
138. About 1880 Pasteur isolated the bacterium, respOnsiblefor:
a)' rabies' b) ~hicken ch'olera .'
c) anthrax d) small pox
139: Chemotherapeutic chemical substances which are used in
treatment of infectious dtsease are: '
a) 'antibodies' b) antigens
c) antibiotics. d) disinfectants'
140. .Tetracycline and its related compounds cause perm~nent
olsc'uiuration of: .
a.) skin . b) hair \

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d) Haematoxyl~n .
c) nose and ear d) teeth
141. Phycobilins is Lisedas accessory pigments by:
a) Cyanobacteria- b) bacteria, "
c) . algae' d) fungi' .
142. Cyal"1obacteriahave heterocysts, which are helpful in the fixation of
atmospheric: ' ,
a) carbon',j b) nitrogen
c) . hydrogen d) oxygen
143. Nostoc is common terrestrial and subaerial:
a) 'bacteria' 'b), plant
c) cyanobacteria d) algae
144. Thick walled. enlarge vegetative cells which accumulate food and
become restiRg ce.lls in Nostoc are: '
a) heterocysts .' b) akinetes
c) cysts.. d) spor~s; ,
145. Microbiologists place' bacteria in two major categorles: Eubacteria
a) probacteria b) cyanpbacteria'.
c) actinobactp.ria d). archaeol;>acteria
,'146; Cell walls of archaeobacteriaare differenttrom:.
a) probacteria . b)/ .cyano. bacte.ria
c). actinobacteria d) eubacter'ia
147. Whiqh of the followi'ng is anaerobic bacteri~: (GS';'2005)'
I a) Pseudqmonas b), Escherichiacoli.
j c). $pirocheta d) Campylobacter
148. Which one of fQllowingis not found in all bacteria: (GB-2006),
. a) Cell membrane' b) Ribosomes
c) Nucleoid d) Capsule'
.149. Mesosomesare internalextensionsof the: (LB-2006,GB-07)
. a) . Cell wall' b) Cell membrane, ,
c) Goigi apparatus d) Endoplasmic reticulum
150. Rapid phase of growth of bacteria is: (LB-2007) -
~) Lag' . b) Log
c) Stationary d). Decline/Death
1. b 2. . ,a 3. c 4. d 5. a
6. ,b. 7. c 8. a 9. d 10. a
11. b. ' 12. c 13. d 14. a 15. b
16. c 17. b 18. d 19. d . 20. b
8 22. b 23. d 24. c' 25. b
26. a 27. 8 28'. b. 29. c 30. d
"31. d 32. 8 33. b 34. 8 35. c
36. d 37. 8 38. b '. 39. c 40. d
41. a. 42. b 43. c 44. d .45. a
46. b, 47 c 48. d' 49. 8 50. 'b
51. d 52. c 53. d' 54. 8 55. b
56. b 57. c 58. 8 59. d 60. b
61. d 62. 8 ,63. b 64. d 65. c
66. 8 67. 8 ,68. d 69. d 70. c
71 c 72. '8 73. b 74. d 75. d
'76. b 77. 8 78. b 79. " , d, 80. c
,81. a 82. c 83. c 84. b 85. a
86. c 87. ,,' d 88. d 89. 8 '90. b
91. d 92. c 93. 8 94. b 95. c
96. d 97. d 98. b 99. a 100. d

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101. c 102. c 103. c 104. b 105. d
106. a 107. b 108. c 109. d' 1" 10: a
111. 8 1f2. b n3. c 114. d 115. a
116. b 117. c '118. d 119. a 120. c
121. b 122. ,d 123. a 14.' b 15. P
126. d' 127. 8 128. 8' 129. b 130. d
131. c 132. a 133. b 134. 'b 135. c
136. d 137. 8 138..b 139. c 140. d
"141. 8' 142. b 143. c 144. b . 145. d
146. d 147. c 148." d 149. b 150. b

Bio, Unit # 11, Kingdom Prokaryotae, F. Sc Part-1

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