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Ashebir Ayenew……………………….………………………………………1326/07

Adanech Demisse……………………………………….……………………..1291/07

Brhane Tesfamichael……………………….…………………………….……1364/07

Submitted To Bereket A.
We would like to thanks and praise the almighty GOD for his love and for helping to
complete for helping us through all our steps start and finish of our project.The second
gratitude goes to our teacher Bereket A for his valuable contribution by giving the project
guidelines and the project initialization advise.

List of Abbreviation
Acronyms/Abbreviations Definition
ICT Information and Communication Technology

HU Haramaya University
CCI Collage of Computing and Informatics
SW Software
UML Unified Modeling Language

Table 0 List of Abbreviation

Table of contents

Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................................I
List of Abbreviation ............................................................................................................................... II
Table of contents ................................................................................................................................... III
Chapter one
1.Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1. Background ............................................................................................................................. 7
1.2. Statement of the problem ........................................................................................................ 7
1.3. Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 8
1.3.1. General Objective ........................................................................................................... 8
1.3.2. Specific Objective ........................................................................................................... 8
1.4. Methodology ................................................................................................................................ 8
1.4.1. Data Collection Methodology ............................................................................................... 8
1.4.2. System Development Methodology ...................................................................................... 8
1.4.3. System Development Tool .................................................................................................... 9
1.5. Scope and Limitation ................................................................................................................... 9
1.5.1. Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 9
1.5.2. Limitation .............................................................................................................................. 9
1.6. Significance of the project ........................................................................................................... 9
Chapter Two.......................................................................................................................................... 10
2. System Requirement and Specification ............................................................................................ 10
2.1. Existing System ......................................................................................................................... 10
2.2. Proposed System ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.2.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.2. Functional Requirement ...................................................................................................... 10
2.2.3. Nonfunctional requirement ................................................................................................. 11
Chapter Three........................................................................................................................................ 12
3. System Design .................................................................................................................................. 12
3.1. System Model ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.1.1 Use Case Model ................................................................................................................... 12
3.1.2 Object and class diagram ..................................................................................................... 20
3.1.3 Dynamic Model (Sequence, Activity) ................................................................................. 23
3.3 User interface: navigational paths and screen mock-ups ............................................................ 33

Chapter Four ......................................................................................................................................... 40
4. System Design .................................................................................................................................. 40
4.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 40
4.1.1. Overview of System Design ............................................................................................... 40
4.1.2. Design Goal ........................................................................................................................ 40
4.2. System Decomposition with Services (Deployment Diagram) ................................................. 40
4.3. Current Software architecture .................................................................................................... 41
4.4. Proposed Software Architecture ................................................................................................ 41
4.5. Hardware / Software mapping ................................................................................................... 42
4.6. Persistent Data management ...................................................................................................... 42
4.7. Access control and Security ....................................................................................................... 42
4.8. Global control flow .................................................................................................................... 43
4.9. Boundary Condition ................................................................................................................... 43
Reference .............................................................................................................................................. 43

List of Tables
Table 0 List of Abbreviation .................................................................................................................. II
Table 1 for Register .............................................................................................................................. 13
Table 2 Login ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Table 3 edit profile ................................................................................................................................ 15
Table 4 Post Information ...................................................................................................................... 16
Table 5 View Information ..................................................................................................................... 17
Table 6 manage account........................................................................................................................ 18
Table 7 delete information .................................................................................................................... 19
Table 8 Logout ...................................................................................................................................... 19

List of Figures
Figure 1 Use Case Model ...................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2 Object and class diagram ........................................................................................................ 20
Figure 3 Class diagram for manage information component ................................................................ 21
Figure 4 Class diagram for manage account component ...................................................................... 22
Figure 5 For registration sequence diagram .......................................................................................... 23
Figure 6 For login sequence diagram.................................................................................................... 24
Figure 7 For reset password sequence diagram .................................................................................... 25
Figure 8 Update account sequence diagram ......................................................................................... 27
Figure 9 Update profile ......................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 10 Delete account ...................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 11 View information.................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 13 Delete information ................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 14 Customer Registration form page ......................................................................................... 34
Figure 15 Customer notification as registered successfully .................................................................. 35
Figure 16 Customer log in page for viewing posts ............................................................................... 36
Figure 17 Home page of the system to view a post .............................................................................. 37
Figure 18 Sub home page that is selected the college and will display the departments. ..................... 38
Figure 19 Sub (sub home page) department lists .................................................................................. 38
Figure 20 Post view information ........................................................................................................... 40

Chapter one
Now days, in many part of the world Mobile devices are dominant and, beyond the future it is
anticipated that mobile internet utilization will exceed desktop utilization worldwide. In this
project, we need to develop an integrated system on UHU LEMNE.

The UHU LEMNE will provide an interface on the university official Integrated system
in which customer can access information and interact with other members of their
respective class. It was implemented with the collaboration of Information and
Communication Technology directorate office (ICT) and Collage of Computing and
Informatics (CCI).

1.1. Background
Haramaya University is situated in Oromia Regional State which is around 525 km far from
Addis Ababa. It was established by Emperor Haile Silasie, and has begun to give services for
the students in 1947 E.C. and regarding to this the University graduate in many department,
and also the university allow students to participate in different student unions, clubs, and
also forums. Even the university is started giving an education for more than 60 years but still
the university advertising system was manually.

1.2. Statement of the problem

Currently HU advertising system is using manual approach. This manual approach has many
problems among the problems some of them are listed below:-

 Problem in time management because you have to go somewhere that you can get
 The workers release more power going somewhere to somewhere for posting the
information and it is hard for workers.
 The manual system consumes many materials such as paper, uhu and glue.
 The environment is dirty because of the papers that are out date.
 At this time the world is becoming computerized, but our country and university is
So for the above problem we start to develop this application.

1.3. Objectives

1.3.1. General Objective

The general objective of this project is to develop Advertisement system for Haramaya

1.3.2. Specific Objective

In order to achieve the above general objective we:

 To develop a computerized system in Haramaya University

 Develop user friendly and interactive system

 To provide easy information sharing system

 To provide better controlling system

 To minimize time and resources for information processing

 To solve problems of disable user

 To increase transparency of information

 To easy data storage and management

1.4. Methodology

1.4.1. Data Collection Methodology

 By observation

 By Interview

1.4.2. System Development Methodology

Here for the analysis of our project we have selected object oriented system analysis and
design method specifically UML model. We have selected this because of the following
 To simplify the design and implementation of complex program.
 To make it easier for teams of designers and programmers to work in a single software
 To enable a high degree of reusability of designs and of software codes.
 To decrease the cost of software maintenance.
 Increase reusability.
 Reduce maintenance burden.
 Increased consistency among analysis, design and programming activities.

 Improved communication among users, analysis, design and programming.

1.4.3. System Development Tool

While developing this project documentation and design we use the following tools:-

 For writing the documentation we use MS office 2010.

 For designing the interface we use pencil project software application.
 For designing the diagram we use Enterprise Architect software application
 For Editing we use paint.

1.5. Scope and Limitation

1.5.1. Scope
The software to be produced is an Integrated System known as UHU Lemne which will help
the customers of all Haramaya university communities such as clubs, unions, forums, student,
teacher, the Haramaya University Security and administrator. The core part of the project is
to give information online. There are three types of the users for this system the first one is
the customer who uses the system to see news. The other user is the manager to address news
and the admin who are given separate authentication to users of the system.

The system is used to give new information. The user can give and receive news or
information through online, through phone or in web. The customer needs to enter their
personal details. An email containing the confirmation details will be sent to the customer’s
email address or message to mobile. The staff members of the Haramaya University like,
clubs, unions, forum, students, teacher and administrator need to enter the customer details by

1.5.2. Limitation
Since the system is used to give new information. The user can give and receive news or
information through online, through phone or in web. But this system has limitation on
messaging one user in other user because this is only for news and notice use, and
additionally the system has a limitation showing a grade report in securable way in this
system a teacher can post students grade report in to the users, but this not secure anyone who
can access the system will show the grade so this kind of posts must be secure but in our
system we did not include this grade report showing mechanism because the system is only
limited in showing the public post or new news.

1.6. Significance of the project

 Avoiding wastage of student’s time as well as management time.
 The new system reduces the load of the worker.
 To reduce wastage of materials such as paper, uhu and glue.
 To protect environment from waste materials.
 To make the university computerized system.

Chapter Two

2. System Requirement and Specification

2.1. Existing System
Nowadays the existing system is manual. Post or news are posts to the students by posting a
papers in the wall or somewhere by using UHU or glues.

2.2. Proposed System

2.2.1. Overview
This system explained in this document is the first version. This system will replace the
existing manual system to digital system. All the activity is done from scratch: no prier
version of the system is used for getting either functionality being performed or specification
defined. The systems are interacting with customers, managers and administrators. Mostly
Uhu lemne are used for view online information and post advertisement.

2.2.2. Functional Requirement

Functional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality of the system, i.e. what
services it will provide to the user. Statements of services the system should provide how the
system should react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particular

F1: Enable customer to register.

F2: Enable the customer, manager, administrator to login and logout.
F3: Enable the customer and manager to view and update his/her profile.
F4: Enable the customer to view information.
F5: Enable the manager to post, edit and delete advertisement.

F6: Enable the administrator to manage the account.

2.2.3. Nonfunctional requirement

Non-functional requirement mean necessities of the new system that not directly related
to the functionality of the new

 The system must keep copy of every day work as back up. This should be done
every day and kept in DVD disks.
 The database server should be updated for latest update of anti-virus every
morning. The system must also employ user authentication features of the system
by setting user name and password.
 Security becomes crucial issue in the proposed system. A user must login to the
system with user name and password. The system should allow login to only
authorized users. Users that have previously created account through user name
(E-Mail) and password.
 The system should give information about services that users have been used
every month, So users can use system.
 Performance also is the core non-functional requirements
 In case of time and
 In case of capacity.

Chapter Three

3. System Design
3.1. System Model

3.1.1 Use Case Model

Figure 1 Use Case Model

Use Case 1: Register
Author Birhane tesfamicael
Purpose To add customers in the system in order to enable the customer
use this system
Requirement Traceability Information about the customer
Priority High
Pre-condition Open application
The system displays Home page
Post condition The customer who is registered to the system must be included to
the customer list and when the web admin wants to check
customer detail the detail which is inserted by the admin must be
The system completes its tasks successfully.
Actors Customer
Flow of Event Basic flow
1. The system displays the home page.
2. Click Register Button
3. Enters personal information
4. Click Sign up Button
5. Use Case Ends

Exception:- the user may insert wrong data format in the field
Include -
Note/Issues The system will notify the user while the user commits error.

Table 1 for Register

Use case 2: Login

Author Ashebir Ayenew

Purpose To permit the use to access the system
Requirement Traceability -If the actor is a student, he/she must have a student id and be a
student in one of the departments and club.
-If the actor is manager, he/she must have manager,’ id.
-If the actor is administrator, he/she must have administrator,’ id.
Priority High, because the Customer can’t get services his/her system
Pre-condition The system must be loaded successfully
The customer must be register
Post condition The user must be permitted to access the account
Actors Admin, Manager, Customer
Extends -
Basic Flow of Event Basic flow
1. The system displays the home page.
2. Click Login button
3. Insert required information (like: username, password)
4. Click login button
5. Use Case Ends

Exception: - If the user insert invalid username and password the

system must display error message and ask the user to re-enter
the fields again
Note/Issues The system must display appropriate error and warning message
for the user.

Table 2 Login

Use case 3: edit profile

Author Adanech Demise

Purpose Updating the customer accounts if there is user to edit profile.
Requirement Traceability edit profile
Priority High
Pre-condition The Customer, Manager and Admin must be successfully logged
in to the system
Post condition The user edit profile must be updated.
Actors Admin, Customer ,Manager
Extends -
Flow of Event Basic flow
1. The system displays the home page.
2. login to the system
3. click update profile button
4. change the previous profile with the current profile
5. click save button
6. Use Case Ends

Exception:- the user may insert wrong data format in the field
Include Login
Note/Issues The system will notify the user while the user commits error.

Table 3 edit profile

Use case 4: Post Information

Author Adanech Demise
Purpose To enable manager to post information
Requirement Traceability Information that able to post
Priority High
Pre-condition The manager must be successfully logged in to the system
Post condition Information successfully posted
The system completes its tasks successfully.
Actors Manager
Include Login
Flow of Event Basic flow
1. The system displays the home page.
2. manger login to the system
3. click post button to insert the detail information
4. fill all information regarding the notice to be posted
5. click post button

Exception:- if all information are not filled notify the manger to

completely fill all the information required
Extends -
Note/Issues The system will notify the user while the user commits error.

Table 4 Post Information

Use case 5: View Information

Author Birhane T.
Purpose To enable customer to view information
Requirement Traceability Select which type of information customer wants
Priority High
Pre-condition The customer must be successfully logged in to the system and
information must be in the system
Post condition Customer can view information successfully
The system completes its tasks successfully.
Actors Customer
Include Login
Flow of Event Basic flow
1. The system displays the home page.
2. Register to the system
3. login to the system
4. click view button to insert the detail information
5. select from Department, club, forum and association
6. click save button

Exception:- the user may insert wrong data format in the field
Extends Post Information
Note/Issues The system will notify the user while the user commits error.

Table 5 View Information

Use case 6: manage account

Author Ashebir Ayenew

Purpose To enable admin to manage the account
Requirement Traceability To enable admin how to manage the account.
Priority High
Pre-condition First customer and manager have an account
Post condition admin can manage the account successfully
The system completes its tasks successfully.
Actors Admin

Include Login
Flow of Event Basic flow
1. The system displays the home page.
2. Register to the system
3. login to the system
4. click manage account button to manage all account select
from manager and customer.
5. click save button

Exception:- the user may insert wrong data format in the field
Note/Issues The system will notify the user while the user commits error.

Table 6 manage account

Use case 7: delete information

Author Birhane T.
Purpose To enable manager to delete information
Requirement Traceability High
Priority The manager must successfully logged in to the system
Pre-condition The customer must be successfully logged in to the system and
information must be in the system
Post condition Manager can delete information successfully.
Actors Manager
Include Login
Flow of Event Basic flow

1. Go to the interface which is provided for manager only

2. Click on “information” menu
3. Click on “Delete” link which is intended to the
information to be deleted
4. Confirm the confirmation dialog by clicking ‘yes’ button

Extends post Information
Note/Issues The system must give understandable message to the manager
that he is going to delete the information from the system.

Table 7 delete information

Use case 8: Logout

Author Ashebir Ayenew

Purpose To disable the permission of accessing the account or the system
Requirement Traceability Logged in user
Priority High
Pre-condition The user must be successfully logged in to the system
Post condition The permission of accessing that account must be blocked until
he/she logged in back again
Actors Admin, manager, Customer
Include Login
Flow of Event Basic flow
1. Click on logout button
Extends Login
Note/Issues -

Table 8 Logout

3.1.2 Object and class diagram
class Data Model

customer Admin Manager

«column» «column»
* User Id
*PK User_id *PK User_id
*PK Sid
First_name First_name
First_name Last_name 1-many
many-1 Last_name
Last_Name Email password
Password Manager_Type
«PK» «PK»
+ PK_Admin() + PK_Manager()
+ PK_customer() 1-many

1-many 1-many
+ UQ_customer_User Id() 1-many

1-many 1-many


Academi_info «column»
*PK Aid
«column» sid
*PK Aid club_name
sid union_name
Department_name Recycle forum_name
College_name Assosication_name
* Info_title «column» * Info_title
Info_id *PK Rid * posted_date
* posted_date many-1 Information Title * Deadline
* Deadline Information id Info_id
Info_desc Info_desc
«PK» + PK_Recycle() «PK»
+ PK_Academi_info() «unique» + PK_Non-Academic-info()
«unique» + UQ_Recycle_Information id() «unique»
+ UQ_Academi_info_Info_id() + UQ_Non-Academic-info_Info_id()
+ UQ_Academi_info_sid() + UQ_Non-Academic-info_sid()

Figure 2 Object and class diagram

Manage Information component

It has sub component view, post and delete information. This component accessed by user.

Class diagram for manage information component

Figure 3 Class diagram for manage information component

Manage Account component

It has sub component update account and delete account. This component only accessed by

Class diagram for manage account component

Figure 4 Class diagram for manage account component

3.1.3 Dynamic Model (Sequence, Activity)

For registration sequence diagram

Figure 5 For registration sequence diagram

For login sequence diagram

Figure 6 For login sequence diagram

For reset password sequence diagram

Figure 7 For reset password sequence diagram

Update account sequence diagram

Figure 8 Update account sequence diagram

Activity diagram for manage profile

Update profile

act update profile


Insert new profile information

NO display error message



display success message


Figure 9 Update profile

Delete account

act delete account


Go to delete account

No display error message

display are you sure to delete account


display success message


Figure 10 Delete account

View information

act v iew info


select information title

display the information

v iew informaton


Figure 11 View information

Post information

act post info


Post info page

Post info

Validate info display error message


Click post info

Check display success message


display success message


Figure 12 Post information

Delete information

act delete info


Insert information title

Search information

Validate display error message


Delete information

display success message


Figure 13 Delete information

3.3 User interface: navigational paths and screen mock-ups
Customer Registration form page:

Figure 14 Customer Registration form page

Customer notification as registered successfully

Figure 15 Customer notification as registered successfully

Customer log in page for viewing posts

Figure 16 Customer log in page for viewing posts

Home page of the system to view a post

Figure 17 Home page of the system to view a post

Sub home page that is selected the college and will display the departments.

Figure 18 Sub home page that is selected the college and will display the departments.

Sub (sub home page) department lists

Figure 19 Sub (sub home page) department lists

Post view information

Figure 20 Post view information

Chapter Four

4. System Design
4.1. Introduction
System design is the transformation of the analysis model into a system design model.
System design is the first part to get into the solution domain in a software development. This
chapter focuses on transforming the analysis model into the design model that takes into
account the non-functional requirements and constraints described in the problem statement
and requirement analysis sections discussed earlier.

4.1.1. Overview of System Design

This system explained in this document is the first version. This system will replace the
existing manual system to digital system. All the activity is done from scratch: no prier
version of the system is used for getting either functionality being performed or specification
defined. The systems are interacting with customers, managers and administrators. Mostly
Uhu lemne are used for view online information and post advertisement.

4.1.2. Design Goal

The objectives of design are to model the system with high quality. The design goals are
derived from non-functional requirements that means non-functional requirement is the
description of the feature characteristics and attribute of the system as well as any constraints
that may limit the boundary of the proposed solution.

4.2. System Decomposition with Services (Deployment Diagram)

Decomposition is the process of decomposing the system into subsystems to easily
understand the design, implement and maintain the system.

4.3. Current Software architecture
The current system is manually implementing so that it has not a software architecture.

4.4. Proposed Software Architecture

Web based systems software architecture

Mobile based systems software architecture

4.5. Hardware / Software mapping

In this project the hardware or software is mapped by internet, the hardware such as computer
the mobile and the servers interact with software such as the data base web applications are
interconnected each other by the internet.

4.6. Persistent Data management

The data will be update and reviewed by the manager and administrator in order to be secure
and since the data that was posted are use full for document in each office the posted
information will be stored permanently in a database, the system will save the data in the
database even the data is deleted from the information post page.

4.7. Access control and Security

The Access control is in three ways the administrator can access both the customer account
and the manager account and it has its own log in page that cannot be accessed by both
customer and the manager and it is secure because the log in page is only assessable by the
administrator. In the second there is a manager that has an access for the customer account
but not for the administrator account and this actor (manager) will post information and can
delete the information, finally the customer has an access on viewing information customer
cannot access both the manager and the administrator.

4.8. Global control flow
Control flow is from the administrator to the manager from manager to the customer the
administrator may be one person and controls all the system and secondly there is manager
that can control the system in this way managers are more than one because for example in
college of computing and informatics there are 6 departments each department has its own
one manager and control the flow of information. So the system will perform its work by this

4.9. Boundary Condition

The boundary condition only advertising system for Haramaya University communities.

 Software Architectural and Design Document Template given by the teacher.


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